Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Have Faith And Patience

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Danish from India says: I’m Danish from India. I’m a student and I’ve been a Sai Baba’s devotee since 2009, but since December 2016 I started reading experiences on this site and my faith increased so much and now I know my life would be smooth and beautiful so thanks to Hetalji a lot. You are doing a wonderful job. You are actually helping us all. So thanks a lot and thank You Sai Ram for coming in my life. I have so many problems in my life from very young age from year 2000 and since then my life was just getting worse. As I told you I’ve been a devotee of Shri Sai since 2009 and did Nav Guruwar Vrat but to be honest I didn’t have much faith in Baba and I’m sorry for that so my life was just getting worse till then. A month ago when I got in touch of this site and this increased my faith in Baba and now my Baba is showing His miracles. Life just started getting a little better still a lot to go, I pray Baba to never let me doubt and go away. I’m sorry for my mistakes. I’m posting this on my birthday (3 Jan). I pray Sai Ram to bless us all.

So I have so many small experiences but I’m going through a lot and lot of physical and mental problems too. So it’s kind of impossible for me to remember every single of them. I’m sorry for that. So this miracle happened a couple of days ago, I think last day of 2016 I.e. 31st Dec, I lost my 500 Rs. I know it was not a big amount but for me it was really big as I need my medicine and I can’t ask from my parents because they don’t trust me enough. My father always feel I’m wrong and I know Sai Ram would change that too, so I have to manage my medicine expenses from my pocket money and actually my pocket money is less than the amount I need for my medicines. So now may be you can see how much 500 Rs matters for me, so I was careless and left this note on table and my nephew picked it up and I didn’t know about this. Then I was searching this here and there but wasn’t that worried because I had faith on my Sai Ram, then I prayed to Sai Baba to help and within a minute I found it.

As I told you that I came in to touch with Sai Ram because of my sister. So this one is actually her miracle that I’m going to share. When she was young, one doctor told her that she can’t give birth to a children and after marriage even after 2 years she was praying for a child. Then someone told her about Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat and someone gave her one chapati and told her to keep it in a case with water while doing Nav Guruwar Vrat and it would turn into two chapatis when she would finish her Nav Guruwar Vrat. Sorry, I actually can’t remember lot of details but this is all I can remember. After completing The Nav Guruwar Vrat she opened the case and found there were two chapatis instead of one and yeah now I have a very naughty and sweet nephew. Now he is 8 and he is really very special thanks Sai Ram. So please have faith and patience. Sai Ram will definitely help you and your life will get beautiful.

I’m still suffering from a lot of ailments but at last I can see hope, I was very suicidal for years but there was something stopping me. I always had thoughts of giving up like every time of a day till a month ago. But now Sai Ram is changing everything slowly, but surely have faith friends you’ll get through. Sai Ram is with you all, just don’t hurt anyone and have faith and patience. I’ll share rest of my experience later and honestly as I told you I’m suffering with a lot of mental and physical ailments. It’s so hard for me to express myself but I think I did well just because Sai Ram is with me. I’m sorry Sai Ram for my stupid mistakes, please forgive us all and help every innocent and good soul and change bad ones too. Please Sai Ram forgive us and stay with us all. Love You Sai Ram Love you all. Om Sai Ram.

Miracles In My Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: I am born and brought up in a lower middle class family in Hyderabad and I have completed my MBA and have around 8 years of experience in a MNC company, married and joined my husband in USA.

I am a devotee of Baba since my childhood. He showed many miracles in my life till now. I was introduced to Him by one of my relatives, she gave Udi. One day I was suffering with severe fever and headache so my mom applied it on my forehead and after an hour I woke up normally. That day we had decided to worship Him.

Till my graduation my days were going good but in final year of I failed in 2 subjects and I was very depressed and started praying Baba and preparing for supplementary. On the day of the exam I was rushing to college and before entering class I saw Baba’s picture and just prayed Him in my heart and went inside. After coming back from my exam to home I have seen Udi applied on my forehead. I was so surprised and finally results came and I had passed in my exams. But as I had wasted one year I was working in a training institution.

After that due to poor financial condition I couldn’t apply for MBA which was my dream and applied for M.Com but was not convinced. I started praying Baba. Suddenly one of my friends called me and said it was easy to apply and explained the procedure and the money whatever I had saved I kept aside. At that point of time I prayed to Baba that I am keeping everything in Your hands. You should do it. Then I met a girl at bus stop, she was carrying MBA books. I spoke to her she took me to her college and the management agreed to give me seat in the college. One day she took me to her house, a big Baba’s photo was there and she said even she was a strong believer of Baba. I believe Baba only came through her and I got admission and after joining the college daily I prayed to Baba that I should pass in first division and get a job before completing my MBA and it was a big miracle. After completing last exam exactly after one week on the same day I had an offer letter from a very big MNC Company. I came home very happily and to my surprise there was Shirdi prasadam on the table in my home. I thought I should visit Shirdi with my first salary and I alone with my parents was travelling. Our journey started, we crossed 3 stops in the bus and I received a call from my college that results were out and I was the college topper. I couldn’t control my happiness at that point. I have many miracles hopefully I will start posting regularly. Today for the first time I am sharing as such I have shared only few.

Sai – The Mind Reader

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Urvashi from India says: Sai time and again proves that He is seated within us all and everywhere outside us. He proves again and again that He is not different from the Almighty. He reads our minds every time and unexpectedly fulfils our wishes. He always gives us good and happy surprises. You only have to have an open hearted talk with Him either silent or verbal. On the first day of 2017 when I was in Baba’s temple with my friend, I was looking around the decoration with flowers. I saw roses and thought if I could get a rose from Baba like many devotees got, who wrote ‘ rose experiences on your site. Also, my friend had tears during the aarti and was fully connected to Babaji like I used to be earlier. I was wondering why I could not feel the connection with Baba that I always felt.

Like a thirsty person in a desert, I desperately wanted that connection and emotions back. I prayed to Him again and again that please, please; please make my Shraddha on You strong and never ending. After that I forgot that thought completely. While I was moving out of the temple, I went to one of the caretakers there as I wanted to ask something related to the temple, as I reached to her and had not even started talking properly, she (caretaker) suddenly said “Wait! Let me give you a rose”. I was overwhelmed and again surprised by My Hero Sai Krishna. She went to the pujariji (priest) and asked him to give roses to me and my friend. This moment again a thought came that whether Baba would give me the rose first or not? Though I was not standing right in front of pujariji (priest), he gave the rose first to me! Again Baba proved His love for me and that I’m special for Him. While getting the rose in my hands I started crying and jumping with happiness, as again Sai proved His love to me like always and strengthened my Faith in Him. I again and again bowed before Him. He is a Superhero for all of us. I want to say more in appreciation of Sainath’s love but I don’t want the post to be so much lengthy. Thanks a ton if you post this. Sai Bless you all. Aum Sai Krishna.

Baba To Our Rescue

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from UAE says: Jai Sai Ram. Kindly keep my email and name anonymous. I am Baba’s devotee from UAE. I am a follower of Baba from my childhood, but came in the fold truly only in the year 2000. Koti pranams to Hetalji and her team who are doing a wonderful job. Reading the experiences gives me courage and hope for solving my problems, and a confidence that ‘This too will pass’ with Baba’s blessings.

We had moved to another job cum partnership of 10% in 2012, but came to know the true colours of the main partner later on. We weren’t paid on time and he pilfered money from the company. Baba knows what this man has done to us and to others, let Baba deal with him. Coming back to our issue, our resident visa expired in September 2016, as a sponsor it was expected that the company would take care of it, but it was not to be. That man had moved back to India, with a promise to come back to UAE soon and renew our visa. But it didn’t happen and finally we had to tackle things on our own. With no income from this company since a year, we were finding living here extremely difficult, on top of this, all the expenses of the renewal fell on us. It has been a very trying period for us, as the whole exercise of renewal was taking its own sweet time. We had left the whole burden on Baba; we knew He would do it. There were lots of complications and people took us for a ride. Finally in December Baba removed the person, who was playing with us and our case was taken up by another person, who completed the formalities in just one day. I had begun reading Sai Satcharitra and given up tea. All the miracles took place in those seven days of reading the Pothi. We have been told by an astrologer that, we shall never receive back the money invested in that company, but I know Baba is the Greatest; impossible becomes possible with His blessings and grace. The story of Goa gentleman in Satcharitra is an example and hope that justice would prevail. And our hard earned money would be returned to us sooner than later. Jai Sai Ram.

Baba Manages Everything

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the lovely children of Baba. I am a small Sai devotee and wish to share an unfathomable experience of Baba. I am a CA final student and had to complete one of the trainings within 1year of joining the internship but as I am too lazy I kept on procrastinating the training thing and was busy with my own stuff. I could not complete the training in the 1st year and not even in the 2nd year. Now I was just so tensed that due to my carelessness I had created a hell like situation. I kept on praying to Baba and suddenly one day a notification was issued that the last date of completion of the training had been extended to 31st December 2016. I got half relieved as I was too late for the training.

The next problem was that there were no batches of that training in my hometown. I kept on waiting and with that November started. At the same time my Post graduation exam’s time table was out. I just could not figure it out that how will I be able to manage all this. Then I left everything at Baba’s holy feet. In the November end there was a batch of training in a nearby city (6 hours route from my hometown by train). I asked Baba and got registered in that. The PG exam dates were clashing but I knew I had Baba by my side. There were so many problems that I have never stayed alone, where would I live, how would I manage but due to Baba’s grace I got a girl’s hostel which was very comfortable. I was fearing too much but at the entrance itself there was a big bronze idol of our beautiful Saima. I was feeling so blessed. He got my application for exam leave approved, helped me in travelling alone giving the exam and returning back again and continuing with the training. He handled all my pressure and made me perform really well in that training. At every point of time when I was tired, giving up, stressed He was there to carry my burden. And finally as Saima promised me I got a mail on 31st December the last date of getting the training done. In that mail was the Certificate Of Completion of training. I really feel so blessed Baba.

Thank You Saima. Please forgive me and keep showing me the right path. Please devotees have faith in Baba as He is the best planner and manager in the world. He will never leave His children alone. Love You Maa. Om Sai Ram.

Thanks And Waiting For You Sai Ma

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Manasa Ram from India says: I love You Sai Ma. Here I want to tell everyone how my Baba saved me from a calamity. Recently I and my brother went to out and I gave my wallet to my brother which he left somewhere. After some time he came to know that he left it somewhere and searched everywhere. I prayed Baba and we got our wallet nearby my brother’s bike. Thanks a lot Baba.

You had told me that it would be better if I changed my location from Chennai to Bangalore but after coming here I am facing many difficulties especially in my relationships which I don’t like. Any way I am still waiting for the good to happen which You assured me before. Baba, please help me. I am becoming mad because of continuous worries. Please Baba now stop all these dramas, please be with me. Please let my wish come true. Please everyone pray for me.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Om Sai ram to all!
    To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
    1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
    2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
    3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
    4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
    5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
    6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
    7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
    8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
    Thank you!
    Om Jai Sai ram blessings!

  2. JAI SAI RAM…love u baba sooo much…I really feel very much happy and relaxed after reading these experiences of SAI BABA DEVOTEES…i m a daily reader of this blog…thank you hetal ji and urteam.

  3. Dear God, pls forgive me of my mistakes and sins, whatever punishments i have undergone is enough, more than enough, pls forgive me, if not u who else will care for me, who else will love me?…pls sai sai

  4. Om Sai ram to all!
    To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
    1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
    2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
    3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
    4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
    5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
    6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
    7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
    8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
    Thank you!
    Om Jai Sai ram blessings!

  5. Om sai rakshak sharnam
    Sathguru Sainath protect us deva bless us sainath
    Sainath maharaj ki jai

  6. Dear Devotees, I need your suggestions. I am going to keep Nav Guruwar Vrat 2nd time for a wish. So please let me know should I keep the coin in yellow cloth again in Baba's lotus feet or should I continue with the previous one.
    Need your advise urgently as tomorrow is Thursday.
    Om Sai Ram

  7. jai sai ram..babaji you have given me whatever i wanted in my life.plz always protect us from evils..meri and samida ki jori hamesha banayi rakhna..aama baba ko ayu baros suswatha rahos..muma appa aseng angi ani sabi relativesa ani sathi harulai hasi khusi rakhna…..manokamna pura kar dena jiwan safal banana………meri hra ani da bara dijiye plz subudhi dena karya kshetra me akar bas kar lena……….plz do miracle in my life

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