Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. I am a Sai daughter from India. This is second time I am sharing my experience on this site. I wish to thank Hetalji and Team for giving us this wonderful platform, wherein children of our beloved Sai like Myself and others, can express their heart felt Gratitude towards Him and at the same time can serve as a source of motivation for His devotees. Really appreciate your efforts in maintaining this blog. My Lord Sai it’s You, who is making me to share this experience. With full faith in You, I wish to share three recent experiences of mine, wherein You have showed me that You are always there with us and protect Your children in all phases of life.
1st Experience: I am working as a HR professional in a manufacturing organization. Last year in July 2016, I had resigned being fed up of my boss who had mentally tortured me for more than 5 years. I didn’t have any other job offer in my hand at that time. I had left everything to my Sai and had taken that decision of quitting. I had full faith that my Sai would definitely help me in getting a new job in few months’ time. My boss tried to jack me up by escalating my resignation matter to our ED and tried to put me under mental stress. For few hours I was tensed, but then I decided to leave everything to Sai Pa and requested Him to do what was right for me. I was in a mind frame that whatever would happen, it would be by my Sai’s Grace and I would accept that as His Blessings. I went to office that morning, and again went up to meet ED to seek his approval for getting relieved on 13th Aug 2016. But my Sai had some different plan for me. ED inquired with me the reasons for resigning. I had decided to leave the organisation on good terms; hence didn’t mention him about politics played by my boss but just gave him few reasons related to salary and role change that I expected as other employees generally give. He said he will take care of all my demands and wanted me stay back. Inspite of this, I refused to go and work back in that department. From that statement of mine ED understood and promised that he will ensure that no one will ever harass/torture me. He got me transferred to his department with a new role and changed my reporting directly to him in a single day. By the end of the day, I had my transfer letter in my hand. My seating arrangement was also changed immediately. Everything got changed in a spur of a moment and I was free from all the mental stress, which I was undergoing for last 5 years. All thanks to my Sai Pa, Who came in the form of our ED and got me out of the problem bringing in peace in my life. Om Sai Ram!
2nd Experience : On 23rd Jan 2017, I was supposed to attend a group meditation session immediately after office. As I was in hurry, had kept my mobile in my sweatshirt pocket while driving back home on my two wheeler. After completion of meditation session, I came home and searched for my mobile. Then I realised that I had misplaced it somewhere. I called on my cell from my Mom’s no. and the person who had found my mobile told me that my mobile had fallen down on the road, on my way back from office. In today’s world, it is difficult to get back lost things especially mobiles. But when Sai Pa is here why should we fear. Everything was taken care of by Him. The person who had found my mobile not only protected my mobile from coming under vehicle wheel but also was generous enough to return my mobile to me. He happened to work in our sister concern organisation in same premises. Hence, I got my cell back without any damage and efforts. All thanks to my Lord Sai for His Blessings and unconditional love. Om Sai Ram!
3rd Experience: My matrimonial search was on for last one and half year. During this process, I was interacting with a guy whose profile was liked by me and my parents. I had actually started liking him and we used to keep exchanging messages everyday on what’s app. One weekend when we were chatting in casual way, I said something in an immature way, which I shouldn’t have said to him. Afterwards thinking about it, got me very tensed. I prayed to Lord Sai to forgive me for my mistake and promised to be careful in my conversation in future. Sai Pa being merciful took care of the situation and that guy didn’t mind my words and our friendship got saved. Next weekend, this guy started behaving in weird fashion. He was not replying to my messages that often. He said he would be busy with his friends on Sunday evening and would message once he was back home. I was eagerly waiting for his message but again no message from his side. I got very tensed and prayed to Lord Sai, if You feel he is good guy for me then let this relationship continue else close it. Then on Monday morning I received messages from him. But afterwards when I messaged him, again there was no reply. I was feeling very tensed and low. In that I lost my cell as I had mentioned in my 2nd experience. I had full faith in my Sai Pa and felt that this situation Sai Pa has brought into my life to show me real picture about that guy. Two days I was unable to contact him, as I didn’t have my cell with me. Wednesday morning I got my cell back and when I checked, to my surprise I had got calls and messages from that guy inquiring as where I had disappeared suddenly. Then when I messaged him, he got mad at me for not being in touch. When I called him, I got to know from his talks that he was actually worried for me and was about to call my mom to inquire about me. This is what I wanted to know and by my Sai’s Grace I got to know this caring aspect of his nature. I had prayed to Lord Sai that if that guy calls my mom to inquire about me, I will share this experience on this site. I am really, really thankful to my Sai from bottom of my heart in full faith for all His Love, Blessings, guidance, help and protection. Om Sai Ram! Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Par Brahm Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am a software engineer. I have been in US since 6 years. I am a Sai devotee since many years. I moved from India to US in 2011. Sai Baba gave me a life by giving me the Job back.
I have been a Sai Baba’s devotee since many years. He has resolved many problems in my life. Whenever I feel low, I approach Sai. In my childhood, my friends and I use to go to Shirdi Sai temple in my town every Thursday. After my prayers, I used to come and sit in the temple veranda and read the Sai Kashta Nivarana Stotram. Days were gone by and I moved out of the town, I forgot that. I finished my studies, started job and many years have passed.
One day in 2016, suddenly Sai Kashta Nivarana Stotram flashed my mind. Somehow I was recollecting in my mind for 2 days and got the complete stothram, how I read some 22 years before. I never came across that stotram any of these 22 years. All these years, I was praying Sai Baba and He has showered many blessings to my family. I remember when I was in my twelfth grade, I read Sai Chalisa when I felt afraid of some situation which I didn’t remember. But one thing I remember is after reading Sai Chalisa, my mind was calmed down and felt Sai was with me.
I am in US now and on H1B. I lost my job in March. On my last day, before going home from office, I went to Sai temple and prayed to give me a job soon as I am the only earning person in the family. While I was in the temple, I saw Nava Guruvar Vrath book. I understood by looking at it if Sai Baba was telling me to read that, I told Sai, I don’t have that much time to do that vrat and I will read it once I get the job. I was always having a feeling that if I don’t have any job for a month, I can’t survive because of my finances. So, when I lost my job, I started applying for the interviews. But none of the interviews clicked for me. Since it was a new technology for me, my wife and my friends suggested me to get a proxy and attend the interview which I don’t like at all. I always wanted to get job on my own and I had a gut feeling that Sai Baba would help me. I also didn’t want to be a bad example for anyone. I used to go to Sai temple and pray, almost like 3 to 4 days in a week whenever I found time. I was giving interviews and failing to succeed. March and April, none of the interviews clicked. May also was passing. Now I was in the last 10 days of May. If I didn’t get job by the end of May, I would be in complete trouble as I would be out of finances. I didn’t want to ask anyone to help me on finances. I literally don’t like asking anyone for money even my brother though my brother and friends were offering money all these days, I hadn’t took and somehow was managing with my credit card and rent with the balance left in my bank account. Running a family on h1B without a job in US is really difficult.
So, in the month of May one day, an interview was scheduled on Wednesday. I finished the interview. The interviewer also was satisfied. I was also satisfied that finally of all the interviews, I felt that I did well. Of course the interview was also easy. Then I went to Sai Baba’s temple and prayed that I should get this job, otherwise I would be in deep trouble in finances and I didn’t want to ask anyone for money and said don’t push me into a situation where I would cheat any interviewer by doing a proxy interview if I didn’t get any job. This was the interview that I felt I did well, only You can save me by selecting me for this job. Then after that I called the vendor on Friday who arranged for the interview as I hadn’t heard from them. I dialled many times and they didn’t pickup my call. I thought the interview was gone and they hadn’t selected me. I felt bad about that. Monday the vendor called me and said they will do the second round of interview on Wednesday again. They did the interview on Wednesday. Out of all the questions, I felt I had answered for one question wrongly. The interview was finished and again on Thursday, I went to Sai Baba’s temple and prayed at His feet that I was tired of all these interviews, I can’t give any interview better than this one. It was an easy interview for me, if You don’t select me, I don’t know how to study for any interview in this new technology. You decide whatever is good for me. If I don’t get this, I will be done with my finances soon and I will lose my confidence. And again on Friday, I called the vendor many times, they didn’t pickup my call. I called them again on Monday, no answer from my vendor. Then I concluded that I had lost this interview and was disappointed.
What to do? Start again from the square one. I was now afraid of my situation and didn’t know how to proceed. After 2 weeks, the vendor called me and said the interviewer wants me to come on board if I was still available. I said I was available. Seriously my joy knew no bounds. I thanked Sai for many times that day. After so many days, I was relaxed. Sai has taken me out of very bad situation. And I felt Baba was very close to me and heard all my prayers because He can only know my situation. My credit card bills were piling up. After this, I felt Baba can turn any of my bad situations into good. Because of my job, now I have a feeling that Sai always hears my prayers. He gave me such confidence, though I was praying Baba since my childhood and brought me out of many difficult situations, this time Baba gave me a real feel that He is with me and can take me out of any difficult situation. Prayer is Power, Believe in Sai and be honest, He will do miracles for us. He always removes bad karma from us and gives a boundless happiness later. Koti Koti Pranam Sai Baba. Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba since 2009. I am from India. Om Sai Ram to all lovely devotees of Sai Baba. First of all thanks for Hetalji and team to manage this great platform where all Sai devotees can share their experiences and get enough strength to overcome their sufferings. I am not so good in English writing. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes. My day starts with the name of Baba and ends with the same. In short Sai Baba is my breath as we can’t live without taking breathing so I can’t live without chanting His name. Sometimes I think what would happen to me if Sai Baba is not with me. My day to day life is full of experiences of Sai Baba. Every incident happens with the grace of my Lord Baba. I have earlier shared so many miracles on this wonderful blog.
Experience 1- I was suffering from Hair fall since 1 year. I applied so many things to prevent them But all in vain. One fine day I prayed to my Lord Baba to please help me to stop hair fall and applied Udi mixed with olive oil. From that day my hair fall is reducing. It is less than year and I know by Babaji’s grace it would stop completely.
Experience 2- I was having severe back pain from last four months. I prayed to Baba to please cure me from that and applied Udi on my back (It is my daily routine to apply Udi on my forehead after having bath in the morning and drink with water. Same I do at night before going to bed. Now I am relieved from back pain.
Experience 3 – My parents were coming to my place to attend a wedding. They were coming by bus that time. That was very miserable journey for them. First of all the bus got punctured, they changed another. The new bus driver was very careless person, he drove it so fast. Somehow they reached the bus stand safely by Baba’s grace. I went to bus stand to receive them. I was searching them inside the bus stand but they were standing outside. I called them but voice was not audible. I was tensed and searching them here and there. Then I prayed to Baba please help me to find them and as I prayed, I saw them. They were standing at the same place where I had searched 2 times. Thanks a ton Sai Baba to help me that day.
Experience 4- I went to attend marriage reception along with my parents. That day was a Wednesday and next day was a Thursday. I was doing Sai Divya Pooja. I didn’t want to miss it. I prayed to Sai Baba to please make me able to do that pooja. There was no possibility to come back the same night as it was so far from my home and it was necessary to stay there as it was from my husband’s family relatives. My husband suggested me to hire Ola cab and advised me to come on the same day. There was no need to stay the whole night unnecessary. This miracle was done by Baba only. I was able to come back the same day and we reached home safely. I was able to do Sai Divya Pooja.
Experience 5 – One day I was searching one of my favourite winter jacket. I didn’t find it. I searched the whole cupboard. Then I prayed to Baba and I found it on the same place where I searched so many times.
Experience 6- I hadto courier some important documents to my hubby. I had to go court to buy stamp paper for the same papers. I was new to that place. I went to photostat shop first to get duplicate copy. From there I asked the route for the court. He guided me so nicely. Another customer was also standing there. Somehow I reached the court by auto. I asked one man the way to the court. He guided me and said be careful as first time they will tell you large amount of fees for the small work. Baba was in his form to help me there. I went to first chamber they told me that they would charge Rs.400. I came from there and rushed to another. I heard some words from my back ” Ho gaya kaam”? ( Is The work Done?) I turned around and saw the same person was there. Who was in the same photostat shop. What a co-incidence? Baba came there to help me in his form as I was very tensed. I said no sir, Please advise me some best person. He said come with me and he introduced me to her knowing person and said to him to please take care of my work and charge me applicable amount only as I belong to his family. That person said no problem. By this Baba helped me. I was able to courier it on the same day by Baba’s grace only. I had to send another courier of a remote along with revenue stamps. The courier person asked me to open it as they wanted to check if it contains battery. I opened it and they saw stamps inside it. They said sorry we can’t send govt. official things by courier. It was very necessary to send them to my hubby. I requested them. But they didn’t agree. I prayed to Sai Baba to please help me. They said Ok. I came home. They called me and said sorry we can’t send. Please come tomorrow morning and take it back. I prayed to Baba to please help me. Next day I went to the courier office and asked for the envelope. They said we already couriered it. I thanked a ton to Sai Baba. Thanks for reading such a big post. Sorry if there were any mistakes. Baba be always with us. Help us to become a good human being. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from UK says: Om Sai Ram. May Sainath shower His blessings on all His devotees. This is my 3rd experience post on this website. Admin team you are all really blessed by our beloved Sainath for doing this service as Baba selected you. Thank you for this platform as it really means lot to many devotees.
Coming to my experience I was married to a person whom Baba selected for me and came to UK after getting married. I started searching for job but did not get any for 6 months. Finally after 6 months struggle, Baba blessed me with a wonderful job. The company which I got selected with our Baba’s blessings also promised me that they would sponsor me visa as I had my dependent visa only for 1 year. I badly needed sponsorship visa during that period to extend my visa so that my husband would be dependent on me. As my husband is on business visa we didn’t want to apply for the same visa type. Because this will need lot of money and also there was no guarantee that our visa would get approved. After joining the company I was told that they would start the visa process once prohibition was completed.
Once my prohibition was completed I approached HR about the visa process but she told me it was too early to start as I had dependent visa for 7 months (until January 1st week 2017). I enquired again in September they told HR was on leave for few weeks and they will start once she was back. Sponsorship visa process needs minimum 2 months to complete the process. It needs advertisement market test where my job role needs to be advertised for 28 days. After she came they started the process in October and done the advertisement test for 28 days. After completion of test period I enquired them about the update they told that they had done few mistakes in advertising role on internet and this test has to be carried for another 28 days in November. I was worried much as I was running out of time and had only 1 month 15 days for my visa to expire. During this period it was only Baba Who gave me patience to wait during this tough phase. I was literally crying daily and praying Baba as I didn’t have much time and this visa was really very important for me and my husband. Finally they completed market test in November and submitted certificate of sponsorship application to home office. With Baba’s grace I got my certificate of sponsorship on December 2nd week.
I had to travel India for my visa application. I immediately booked an appointment in Chennai on Dec 19th and booked my flight to Chennai on Dec 17th evening at 5pm. On the day of my travelling my flight got delayed for 6 hours and due to this I missed my connecting flights. I had to stay in Munich for 12 hours to catch the next available flight to Chennai as there were no flights available and busy as it was Christmas holidays time. I was really tired waiting for hours at airport and worried about next flight as it was not booked yet. But why fear when Baba was traveling with you throughout your life. Airlines which were responsible for missing my connecting flights rebooked my flight and I was able to reach Chennai before few hours of my appointment. I went to visa office and submitted my application form and from the visa office I went directly to Mylapore’s Baba temple and had very good darshan of our Sai Maa. I went to collect my passport in evening as it was a super priority service. After going there they submitted me my passport and all other documents which I had given them in morning. My hands were shivering to open the passport and check about my visa status. I opened my Sai Satcharitra book, read Aditya Hrudyam praying Baba I opened the passport. I was in tears with joy as my visa was granted for 5 years.
Deva it is only You Who was responsible for all my success. I am really blessed to be at Your feet and please make my mind and heart always think about You Deva. Please make me always hold Your lotus feet. You give us everything at right time. But we human beings will get fed up when things will take long time. Sorry Baba Please give us patience to wait. Bless everyone Baba. We are Your daughters and sons, please help us to walk on the right path. I request all devotees, please don’t lose faith when things are taking long time, it is our testing time. Baba will definitely give you everything in right time. Bless everyone Baba and make our minds not to do anything which you don’t like. Keep us under Your shelter. I am very happy that my brother is also a devotee of Baba now. Thank You very much Baba for blessing him and make him always devoted to Your lotus feet. Thank you for reading my post. Sorry Baba if I have done anything wrong while writing this post. May Sai bless every creature. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

Sai Devotee Jaya Krishna Priya from India says: First of all Thanks to Hetalji for creating this blog. We have been experiencing Sai from experiences of devotees and also our faith is increasing on Him more. I got to know about Baba around 2006-2007. I have a happy family. Every girl is a princess in every home, even I am. My dad made me study upto PG with all his efforts upto his extent. He didn’t want to make me study more. I fought with him for doing PG.
Here starts my problems. He didn’t have hope that I would get PG government seat. I used to pray to Baba every day that I should get a PG seat. By Baba’s blessings I got a seat and I passed with good percentage. I requested Baba that I should get job on my own without any recommendations. To believe Baba I struggled for job 2 1/2 years. No recommendations worked for me. One grandma helped me a lot for Baba’s Grace. My dad used to say to go for lecture job. I am not happy with lecture job. Baba knows me a lot. I don’t like that job. I got another job in Hyderabad with night shifts in a good company. I was afraid of night shifts and thought of a change in job. Baba helped me and I got job in 2 companies at a time. Human nature I opted for the one with good salary in Bangalore. My dad and one of his friends opposed me to go to Bangalore. But I didn’t hear them. I went to new place and started working.
One thing I forgot to mention that I hate people. Everyone is fake acting and no one person is pure except my parents. I strongly believe in that. I see people in that view. I used to scream upon people who behave like that and believe in people easily. After they would ditch me, I would cry and hate them. I would scold Baba at that time why You are giving me such friends who are not to true and are just using me. Baba gave me a person who loves me a lot like my parents. Even in office people talk to me very sweet and make rumours on my back. From few days I am feeling too bad I am not talking to any one because of odd behaviour. My one friend is also avoiding me. I have been crying a lot. Why this is happening to me? My father met with an accident. He is my inspiration. Office problems are irritating me. My efforts in work are failing. I have been talking to Baba every day and night. I hug Baba Satcharitra and sleep.
My phone got switched off which is my only time pass. I then requested Baba to on it. He heard and answered. Baba is testing and giving me but He is giving me everything after I understand its value. Baba please be in my life and bless me. Bless my parents with good health also my brother. I pray for all the people, be good, do good, definitely Baba will be with you. Ananthakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Sachidananda Saduguru Sai Nath Maharaja Ki Jai…!
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba. I have already posted my experiences twice. I sincerely thank the admin team for their service. Last week I suddenly felt pain in my chest. It started increasing and became unbearable. I prayed Baba to relieve me from this at once and in few minutes I was fully recovered. It was all because of Baba’s grace. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Baba, please please please save my marriage, I made a big mistake last night by getting rude with my husband and said mean things to him. Please mujhe maaf kardo, please save my marriage Baba, please show some miracle please Baba!
Nannu kshaminchu, ne charitra chaduvuta ani chepi madyalo ne apesa please na meda Kopam techukoku na manasu sareeram deniki sahakarinchatledu, Nenu chadavalekapotuna baba am sorry please dont get angry on me baba please understand my pain please show some mercy on me i beg you baba, from years am asking you for one and only wish to get me married to my siva by making my parents and siva's parents accept our love and please bless us to stay together forever please i beg you baba please fullfil my wish i will never ask anything for myself i will try to follow ur path and i will help as many ppl as i can i promise please please help me baba i cant bare this pain anymore i beg you baba i want my parents i want my siva i want siva's parents i want you i want swamiji i want everyone but i dont know what to do i just know praying to you and begging you i dont know if it will reach you or not but am praying you with my full heart please dont neglect my tears baba i dont know Anyone else except you to go and seek help i trusted you iam living with a little hope that u r there for me u r looking after me and u will help me u will fulfil my wish and Thank you so much baba for helping me out in impossible situations thankyou so much actually i cant thank enough for how much u helped no one can do anything at yhe situations am but u helped me alot thank you for that baba please show some mercy on me i beg you please
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Forgive me O Deva for my mistakes and help me control my emotions please.
Jai Sairam
Om sri sairam
Sainath deva please bless us
Thank you so much deva
Sri satchidanand samarth sathguru Sainath maharaj ki jai
Sai Ram to dear Sai Devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
I have performed ''DIVYA SAI POOJA'' … one has to do this pooja for five days .. procedure is as below ..
1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience. But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
3. Light 5 lamps (diyas )in front of SAI BABA
4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of SAI BABA
5. Offer fruit to BABA and distribute it among family members as prasad after pooja
6. You can read 108 names of SAI BABA or any other mantra that you like
7. Then in the end.sing SAI BABA AARTI and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of BABA for his blessings
8. On completion of puja after 5th day, tell people about this pooja and spread the LOVE with blessings of SAI BABA
may BABA bless all his devotees
Om Sai Ram _/_
Nannu kshaminchu, ne charitra chaduvuta ani chepi madyalo ne apesa please na meda Kopam techukoku na manasu sareeram deniki sahakarinchatledu, Nenu chadavalekapotuna baba am sorry please dont get angry on me baba please understand my pain please show some mercy on me i beg you baba, from years am asking you for one and only wish to get me married to my siva by making my parents and siva's parents accept our love and please bless us to stay together forever please i beg you baba please fullfil my wish i will never ask anything for myself i will try to follow ur path and i will help as many ppl as i can i promise please please help me baba i cant bare this pain anymore i beg you baba i want my parents i want my siva i want siva's parents i want you i want swamiji i want everyone but i dont know what to do i just know praying to you and begging you i dont know if it will reach you or not but am praying you with my full heart please dont neglect my tears baba i dont know Anyone else except you to go and seek help i trusted you iam living with a little hope that u r there for me u r looking after me and u will help me u will fulfil my wish and Thank you so much baba for helping me out in impossible situations thankyou so much actually i cant thank enough for how much u helped no one can do anything at yhe situations am but u helped me alot thank you for that baba please show some mercy on me i beg you please
Dont worry sister. He will definitely help you. He is testing you. Teachers will only teach the lessons during class time but at the time of exam the teacher who teached us will be quit while we write the eaxm. So now its the time of exam for you so keep quit and just pray him, talk with him day and night but dont hate and hurt him then immediatedly surrender his holy feet. He is there behind you. He will help you. Om sai ram…
Om Sai ram to all!
To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
Thank you!
Om Jai Sai ram blessings!
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Devotee #1 I've gone through the same…I was working in US and when I had conceived after 7 yrs with lot of difficulties my manager who is an Indian back stabbed me…he just took away my job when I was on maternity off and placed his nephew in my position…so currently I'm jobless and left everything on sai and frustrated with this life and people…baba knows I cannot move anywhere with my little baby now…
Thank u saimaa for giving presentation yesterday let me speak there also only u will do because i can sing ur bhajan only deva hehe…love u saimaaa
Baba please please please control my son mind. Whatever feeling he has about that girl please remove immediately and remove feeling from that girl mind also. Because this is mot right age swami. You promised me you will take out us safely on this issue. Please Baba help my son make him realize this is not correct age for this things and positively turn his mind towards study. Please Baba your daughter begging for her son. Please save him. Please remove all this bad thouhts from his mind. Please Baba Please. I am feeling very scared Baba because he is very angry on me. Please Baba come in our life and save us.
Dear Sai Devotee Jaya Krishna Priya thanx for being agood human being and encouraging others. You are right we allshould takecare of one another and never hurt anyone, be a good persona nd soon your bad karma will be vanished and you'll get happiness, Jays Krishna Priiya Hi please always stay on the good side and help others you'll surely find true friends and don't forget we always have our Sai with us, Blessing us.
Dear Sai Devotee Jaya Krishna Priya thanx for being agood human being and encouraging others. You are right we allshould takecare of one another and never hurt anyone, be a good persona nd soon your bad karma will be vanished and you'll get happiness, Jays Krishna Priiya Hi please always stay on the good side and help others you'll surely find true friends and don't forget we always have our Sai with us, Blessing us.
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba !