Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am working as software professional and staying with family in Bangalore. Om Sai Ram to all Sai Maa’s devotees. First of all, I would like to thank Hetalji and team for this wonderful platform to share Sai leelas (new version of Sai Satcharitra). Please don’t reveal my details.
This is my first post on this blog and Baba only making me to write this experience as I am very poor in narrating. Sorry to devotees for making this long and Hetalji, please feel free to edit if required. I am really happy as today I am going to share one of my experiences with the other Sai Maa’s devotees. Without Baba I am not there. He is there in my life as a mother, father, Guru and God. He is everything to me. My life is meaningless without Him and His grace. I came to Sai Maa’s lotus feet during my schooling when Baba’s temple was newly built in our village(in 2001). Since then I have lots of experiences with our Sadguru Sai Maa in my life.
Coming to my recent experience about Shirdi trip. I had been to Shirdi in 2012 for the first time and didn’t get call from Sai Maa till 2017. In Jan 2017, I had decided to go to Shirdi(by His grace) and checked for train tickets for several dates as tickets were not available. Finally booked tickets on 11th Jan 2017 for the month of February. I had booked for Shirdi express(weekly express – Wednesday) for 8th Feb(to-go) from Bangalore -> Shirdi and booked status is RLWL50/51/52/53 and for 11th Feb(to-return) from Ahmednagar-> Bangalore and booked status is RLWL14/15/16/17 for 4 members(My parents, Myself and My Husband). And the RLWL status was 27 on the day before departure (i.e, on 07th Feb). But still I had a feeling that tickets would be confirmed before train starts. We checked on next day (8th) morning also around 10:30 but tickets were not confirmed so I was bit disappointed and came to office. We reached office at around 11:30 and to my surprise my husband called me to inform that tickets got confirmed. I was very, very happy to hear that news as Baba had shown another miracle in my life. Just 4 hours before train departure, tickets got confirmed. And 2nd miracle here is that our 4 tickets got upgraded from SL -> 3A.
We had to rush home, pack everything and boarded train and we thought that we need to pay balance amount for 3A class but to our surprise TC didn’t ask for anything. My mom was hesitating to come as she had knee pains badly so I prayed to Baba to make this trip comfortable for her. And the 3rd miracle was that we got 2 Side lower/2 side middle seats which are generally comfortable than normal berths and my parents enjoyed the journey. We had reached Shirdi on Thursday (9th) and had good darshan but problem here was that our return tickets were not yet confirmed and moved from RLWL 14-> 9. Me and My husband wanted to visit some other places nearby(1-day program) but my parents could not roam due to leg pain, so my father was enquiring about sleeper buses which starts late at night on the same day but I was not happy with that and scolded them. I am very sorry Sai Maa for hurting my parents. The same train in which we went to Shirdi would be returning from Shirdi->Bangalore on Friday at 8:25 a.m. Thursday night around 9 p.m I had searched to just check once if any tickets were available for my parents and to our great surprise only two tickets were available and got side berth. They had Sai Maa’s darshan again on Friday early morning and enjoyed the return journey. But still I was angry on my parents for leaving soon as I was sure that return tickets would be confirmed but Baba had different plan for us. I and my husband went for Aurangabad’s visit and night it was late to go for darshan again.
Next day our return train was booked and we had darshan during morning time. Now in Shirdi they made a process that we should collect biometrics based visiting pass and should go for darshan based on the time slot and gate number given, so that we can have a darshan only once in a day. I wanted to go for darshan 3 times during this trip but we ought to leave on that day evening with 2 darshans. But our return tickets didn’t get confirmed so we booked bus tickets for next day afternoon and had 3rd time darshan during morning. He fulfilled my wish and had great joy during trip and I feel His presence always with me like all other Sai Maa’s devotees. I love You so much my Baba. I am praying Him for a healthy baby within a year and I am sure that He will fulfil this wish also very, very soon. Thank You for everything Baba. Please bless all Your devotees with good health. Om Sai Namo Namah Sri Sai Namo Namah Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah Sadguru Sai Namo Namah. Jai Sai Ram!

Sai Devotee Manisha from Switzerland says: My name is Sai ki beti and I live in Switzerland. I have one son and only Sai Baba and Sai Maa are my true relatives. During the last 12 years since marriage I have survived and been saved by Sai Baba and Sai Maa. I promised that I would submit my experience here but due to a lot of stress and other disturbances I have not been able to do so. But now I have finally kept my promise to Sai Baba and Sai Maa. Although I have plenty of miracles which I can share but I am only writing the 9 main ones. I have been a staunch believer from a very young age.
So as not to make this long story I am sharing the overviews of my experiences. 1. Thanks to Sai Baba and Sai Maa my son survived two brain operations. My son’s brain was damaged at 7 months by the mistake of a doctor. I was warned that he should not move within 8 hours, I would have to be hospitalized as an emergency. So when I watched Sai Baba serials He moved and this continued till he was two years old and he knows everything about Shirdi Sai Baba till today. Only last year at 10 years, he got the all clearance with the grace of Shri Lord Sai Baba and thanks to Sai Maa. 2. Thanks to Sai Baba and Sai Maa my husband survived cancer within 1 year of my son being born. 3. During this period of suffering all my immediate family abandoned me, my husband and child. Most painful period of my life has passed now, thanks to Sai Baba and Sai Maa. I survived a lot of turmoil from family abandonment and learnt to live in total isolation. Till date in the 11 years period of my son’s life my mum, brothers and sister have only seen my son 3 times. I must not grumble because Sai Baba and Sai Maa is his guardian and Guru, everything which my son needs Sai will take care. 4. Sai Baba and Sai Maa saved me and I survived the worst accident of anyone’s life which happened last year. I have lost hearing in one ear and eye is damaged but I am alive in the belief that whatever happens is for my good. I learnt that I have many underlying health issues thanks to this accident.
5. Thanks to Sai Baba and Sai Maa I changed countries and survived alone in a new language speaking place. 6. Due to my bad karma I lost 3 jobs consecutively and now I got a new job after 3 years, thanks to Sai Baba and Sai Maa. 7. Sai Baba and Sai Maa saved me from financial ruin during the last 12 years. A lot of cheats came and went from my life. My karma and dharma has helped me survive and recognize the saviour of all Sai Baba and Sai Maa. I won’t elaborate as Baba says why add karma ties just let it be and let it go. 8. Sai Baba and Sai Maa is helping me with survival and acceptance of their presence in my life. Each day I read this blog and learn how faith and patience can help you overcome the worst challenges in life. 9. Shraddha and Saburi are my best friends and Sai Baba and Sai Maa knows every wish of mine. Whether it is fulfilled or not is their wish as they are the decision makers. I trust that they will only grant you something that which you deserve so I am okay with their gift, even a pinch of dust from them is like diamonds for us mortals.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Udi Miracle-My wish for my friend fulfilled, I Love You So Much Baba! Hi Hetalji and everyone, Om Sai Ram. With Immense happiness I am writing this experience. Thank you so much Hetalji for the wonderful work you are doing. You are imbibing and increasing faith for all the devotees through this website.
I always thought and said it to Baba, when my turn will come to post the experience and finally Baba has given me chance to post experience for the wish that I had wished for my friend. I am a working woman and one day I heard from my friend that one of my friends whom I know had been diagnosed with dermoid cyst and along with some other cyst in one of her ovaries. It was a cancerous cyst and due to which the ovary had to be removed. It was difficult for girl that to single (unmarried) to have ovary removed as you all know that without ovaries, it is no way of getting pregnancy. After hearing that I was totally disturbed. I was told this news by my friend on Wednesday and the surgery was scheduled on Friday first. I was disturbed and did not know what to do? After I reached work station I saw Baba’s idol on my desk and prayed Baba saying Baba it is really tough for a girl to have removed her ovary. And my friend has dreams of getting married. Please help. Soon it struck in mind that Baba’s Udi does miracles. So I pinged my friend and asked her to give Udi to the one (my friend) who was getting surgery done. So with lots of faith and confidence, I put Udi packet at Baba’s idol and gave it my friend. I asked my friend to insist the other one to have this Udi in water. I was a bit worried whether the other friend (who is getting surgery) would accept and drink it or not. But by Baba’s grace she drank it. And I prayed Baba saying that my other friend (who is getting surgery) should not get her ovary removed and if so I will post the experience. I prayed Baba to help her and save her from the surgery. Fortunately my friend’s surgery got postponed from Friday to Sunday. We visited today (27 Feb 2017) and prior to this did not know any news or updates from her as she was still under observation.
After visiting today, I heard from herself that the doctor said the ovary is fine and it will not be removed as the cyst has layered the ovary and they just removed that. After listening to that my happiness knew no boundaries. I just loudly said Thank God (Baba). After coming out of the ward, I hugged my friend saying I am happy, I am happy. Yes, I am happy, its Baba Who made me happy. Although it was not wish of my own, but yes it was my wish for my friend and it got fulfilled. I am sure, Baba will make me post my own experience for which I am awaiting His blessing since 4 years. Baba You are awesome. I just love You so much. You have not only fulfilled my wish but boosted, increased my faith, love and patience. Baba I just need Your love. I do not need anything other than it because if I have Your love then I will get everything in this world. Please be with all devotees and please shower Your love. Thank You so much Baba.

Sai Devotee Shivani from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am a housewife. I used to go Sai Baba temple in childhood but was not aware of His powers. Baba took me to His lotus feet in 2010. This year I first visited to Shirdi. I have experienced so many miracles of Sai Baba but here I am going to narrate 3 of them. Thank you Hetalji and team for this blog. I am not very good at English. May Baba bless me in penning down these experiences.
1st experience- In 2010 March/April (navratri time) my doorbell rang, I went out to see who was there. I opened the door and it was Sai Baba! He was asking for roti (bread) I got goose bumps. I went inside and took 5 rupees (as there was no roti at that time) for Him but no one was there. I started my Scooty and roamed here and there but all in vain. He was not a saint in similar dress like Baba because I and my 11 year old cousin (who also saw Baba) are witness of this scene. A light was coming out of His clothes. He was sparkling unlike a normal man. After two months of this incidence I visited Shirdi. That time did not know about Baba except His name. My maternal uncle booked mine and my brother’s ticket to Shirdi without even asking my parents. True are the words of Baba “I drag devotees to me just like a sparrow whose feet are tied with thread”. I can say Babaji came Himself just to take me in His shelter.
Experience 2- My pet dog was in his last days. He used to cry day and night. On that day I came back home after my tuition and my dog was screaming. It killed me from inside. My mom said have breakfast but I denied because I wanted to perform prayer for my dog’s mukti (freedom from this painful life). I asked Baba please give his rest of sufferings to me and Babaji listened to my prayers. I gave a piece of roti to my dog and he bit me. He became quite after an hour he bit me. Next day morning when we woke he was dead. One thing which I forgot to describe is there was a piece of roti in roti box but no one placed it there. There used to be full roti always not a piece. I am damn sure Babaji placed that piece of roti there. Babaji fulfilled my wish. He gave me my dog’s sufferings and gave him mukti.
Experience 3- Last year my dad had severe pain in left side of chest. My brother and my husband took him to doctor. They said it could be a symptom of heart attack. My brother told me this, as I was at home. I was depressed and I don’t know why I opened my Facebook in this hard time and lo! I saw Babaji’s wallpaper “I myself guarding you and your family”. We took my father to another doctor for second opinion and he confirmed that there was nothing to worry and it was not a heart problem but it was just due to acidity. My heartfelt thanks to Sai Babaji for His every blessing on me and my family. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Devotee Sruthi. B from UAE says: First of all, thank you to dear Hetalji for maintaining this blog which helps me keep faith in Baba everyday. I am a class 12 student residing in UAE. Baba has come into my life in 5th grade and I really became a devotee in 8th class.
Being a student in class 12, it was a very busy time for me during December, January months as I was applying to Universities and studying for my pre-boards which were in January. In the mean time my SAT physics test was required to apply to NIT colleges under NRI quota. I wanted to apply to NIT for engineering, if I do not get into American college which I had applied. Because I was very busy, I could not study, for the test at all which was on January 22nd. I got very scared before the exam thinking I can’t even get 600/800 in the exam. I did not prepare at all and before writing the exam I just prayed to Baba in my mind thinking that only You can guide me in the test. I was very scared about the results as my first parents would shout at me saying I wasted money without giving my full efforts. I was very scared and before checking the results I again prayed Baba. When I checked I had got 750/800 without studying for the test at all! Oh! I was very surprised and instantly knew that this was not possible without the help of Baba and His blessings. I am very grateful and thankful to Baba. He saved me.
Now my American University results will be released in March. I hope with the blessings of Baba I will get seat in good University and the visa processing will go smoothly without any problems. I also pray that Baba take care of me and everyone who is writing their board exam in 10 days. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: My Satakoti Pranam to my Sai Baba. Thank you Hetalji for giving us some wonderful platform to share our experience of Baba’s grace, I just promised Baba today afternoon that if I get cured of my headache by using Your Udi then evening definitely I will post my experience to this blog and Baba with Your grace I am doing so. Last two days I got headache specially when I lay down on bed, I took medicine but it did not get cured. Today also it was same and I cried for heavy pain, at last I said Baba please help me with this, with belief and faith I took some Udi with water and miracle happened after few minutes, my pain had gone and I felt relaxed. Thank You Baba for helping me. I always need Your blessings in my life and after life. You know what I am waiting for and strongly believe You will fulfil my wish. Baba aap mere sabkuch ho. (Baba You are my everything) main zindagi main humesha aap ke dikhaye huye raste pe chal saku.( May I always walk on the path shown by You). Om Sai Nathaya Namah.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Some very beautiful experiences published in this post. To the 2nd devotee, may He shower you and your family with His Grace.
O Deva, Thank You for Your beautiful miracles.
Jai Sairam
It's my sincere request to all girls, please wake up and be clever. Doing marriage in Temple, giving Sindur in Temple, getting married in front of few people is not marriage. Don't let boys cheat you. Register your marriage legally. Y r u girls establishing physical relationship before marriage and crying afterwards???!! Don't you know before that you will get pregnant because of this?Why are you crying Later? If ur bf truly loves u and wants to marry you then ask him to wait till marriage. If his love is true then he will definitely wait. This is the LITMUS TEST for his love towards you. Do it today and see if he waits or not.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo, Kripa Karo
Sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father forgive me Babaji for my foolishness mistakes that i have committed knowingly or unknowingly and help me to become a better person Babaji ThankYOU Babaji for everything
Thank you very much Sainath deva
Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm sri satchidanand sathguru sainath maharaj ki jai
Om sai ram baba
I am putting it all out here, As you know baba i want a job with high package and good money but wasnt getting any fruitful result. It is because of you I have started reading sai satcharitra everyday. But for now really important thing for me is to meet y family in india. I am very emotional whatever not practical I have quit my job and will be travelling soon to spend awesome time and then decide what type of role I want. Baba i havent thought at all or made practical decision I just did it followed my heart. All I wana do is meet my family and come and visit Shirdi. Please call me soon and make me have a good career and family baba.
Om sai ram
Dear Deva. We are leaving for Sabarimala tomorrow. Please be with us throughout and with your grace and blessing everything should go well without any problems and we need to have an excellent darshan. Thank you Deva.
Baba, thank you to you for helping me make awesome Biryani and make my parents happy! Love you, Deva!
He deva love u n plz always be with my all near n dear ones, help my brothers n sister plz be their guide help me to live a good happy life with kids n good family love u deva thanku, u r everything to me
SAI RAM. I have been experiencing terrible headaches for past so many days & last night too I was suffering with same, i prayed to BABA & requested him to take my headache if he cures me shall write in this miracle blog, before retiring to bed I drank holy water mixed with BABA'S UDI & applied udi on my affected area. This morning when I woke up miraculously the headache had disappeared. Thanks so much BABA, BABA please bless my son with the issue I have been praying for. Please bless them both, We do not have anyone else to go to or help them You are our only god to help & bless them both, SAI RAM. They are running out of time.
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU babaji YOU are our Father forgive me Babaji for my foolishness and help me to become a better person Babaji ThankYOU for everything Babaji
Apni Kripa thodi aur barsao Baba, please make my husband humble and he should come and get me with all the respect and stay with me with all his loyalty and respectfully 🙏🏻
Om Sai Ram _/_
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Baba please take care of my trip. I dont want anyone to ruin my trip and no one should say mean things to me or even if they do make me strong enough to enjoy my trip. Om sai ram i want to have good darshan in Shirdi. Om sai Ram
Om sai ram to all the devotees here…. I got to know about sugar candy puja through this blog..I performed it,but din feel that sai came in any form to take it..I dunno if I made any mistake..kindly advise me,what should I do now?should I donate it to the poor these candies??please reply
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Helo devotees, i m going to shirdi on 23rd. If any one wants to send prayers can send me at
How do we do that??
jai sai ram.jai sai ram,God you know everything about..plz forgive me if i have committed any you sai…so, me the right path & plz increase my salary……..
Om Sairam ..Please help us to get a job in other company with good package..and also take care of my family and children to get rid of all problems. I am believing and faith you very much you baba..
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father forgive me Babaji for my foolishness mistakes and help me to become a better person Babaji ThankYOU Babaji for everything
sai ram baba thank you for everything please take care of each and every thing it is in your hands don't want any skin or relationship issues everything should go smoothly.
Om sai ram
Hi, SAI NATH…love you baba.
Baba i need one help. My mom is not well she is suffering from some kind of pain near her heart. I really wish that her reports come normal and that pain should be just because of acidity not related to heart pain. Sai baba I need your help, Mom ko koi heart problem na ho. om sai ram . I know you are with her.
Baba please help me. OM Sai Nath.
Baba his father is not well. He is suffering from one new problem, please help his father to recover fast. He is on bed from last 6 months. Kab tak chalega ye sath nath. Please forgive his sins and bless him with good health. Please sai nath help him to recover please sai please. Please suggest us what should we do so that he recovers fast sai nath. Guru show us righr path and I belive only in you and your direction. Please forgive him that he didn't listen to your words. I believe in those words and I know agar wo delhi mein hote aaj to theek ho jate bikul. Please sai suggest us please sai I will try that we will follow that. Kab tak baba kab tak he will be on bed and his family will suffer. Please sai i request you from bottom of my heart. Please help us please bless him with fit and fine health. Please I can see him and his father in pain. Give him peace of mind please sai nath. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP SAI PLEASE .
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless everyone with good health and be with us deva and give success to my children thandri and show us right path deva
Om Sai Ram, bless my family and be with them baba, Love you baba.
Om shree ram, om namaha shivaya, jai ganesh, jai hanuman, jai durga, jai murugan, dattatreya, akkalkote maharaj ki. Jai, baba ki palkhi aayi re,
Tirupati balaji ki jai