Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I want to share my very first and beautiful experience with god Sai Baba and how He transformed me from an atheist to a devotee. It is an incident of year 2012, I was to write my 12th board exams in a month and I was very tensed for it. At the same time I underwent a breakup and I wasn’t able to take it. I was shattered. I was an atheist till then, I never believed in God neither I ever bowed to any God, I hated going to temples, this was always a topic for argument with my parents. But this experience changed me totally.
I was going through hard time; I wasn’t able to sleep for 5-6 days even if I tried I could hardly take a nap of 15-30 minutes. Due to this my body felt so restless and my health started deteriorating. Also I wasn’t able to concentrate on my studies which made me tensed as well as frustrated. I used to cry so much because I couldn’t sleep and my body was always feeling restless. I wasn’t able to do anything. My parents were too quite sad seeing me in such situation. One day I went to my mother, I kept my head in her lap and started crying badly, I asked her to get me sleeping pills otherwise I would go mad. My mother started crying and asked my father if he can get some sleeping pills by consulting doctor but he was refused and he tried to convince me to stop crying and everything would be fine. After sometime guests came to my home and my parents asked me to take rest till the guest went. I went to take rest and again I couldn’t and started crying again. After sometime I went to my parents and told them that I was going on terrace to feel fresh and I went to the terrace. I cleaned a little portion of the area to sit and then sat there. But that too didn’t work out. I started crying badly again and said “I never believed You God but if You really exist help me out or I’ll kill myself I can’t live like this anymore” and I kept my head over my knees and started crying and praying to help me. When I took my head off my knees I found a pendant near me it had a photo of Sai Baba. I was very surprised because I had cleaned the area and there was nothing before. My mother called me from downstairs so I went back to home with that pendant but since I was an atheist I thought may be I must have not seen but pendant must be there before too.
When I went home my mother asked me to find an aunt’s number from a list which was kept in cupboard and tell her so I opened the cupboard to takeout the list and to my surprise I found a Sai vrat katha book in it on very top. My family members didn’t knew Sai Baba much neither we had any of His picture in our home. I asked Mummy about it and she told me the book was given by our neighbour aunt who had completed her vrat last Thursday. I read few pages of it and I felt like God was showing me that path. I too wanted to do that fast it was Tuesday that day and we didn’t had any picture of Sai Baba for pooja and we lived in a colony where there was just a single general store. So I asked my father to take printout of the picture from internet from his office. He brought it and I started my fast from Thursday. When I completed my first Thursday fast I prayed to Him to recover my health as well as my relationship. That day I tried to take afternoon nap and I slept for 5 hours. My parents were very happy to see my sleeping for so long after so much time. My health started recovering and not only this, after my 3rd Thursday my relationship too got blessed and we were together again. Also I passed my 12th with 80% and took admission in the engineering college which I wanted. And that was a life changing experience for me; I became a true devotee from an atheist. People who knew me before were shocked to see me telling Sai Baba’s stories. Thereafter I went to Shirdi with my parents and bought Sai Satcharitra book and read it. I just can’t explain what Baba means to me now. I still feel His presence and guidance in everything I do. I love Him very much. I pray to Baba that He always hold my hand in every situation of life and give me strength to get out of it. I request everyone to keep faith in Baba and have patience and then see what miracles He performs!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: I am an ardent Sai devotee and have been living in the US for the last many years. I have experienced so many wonderful miracles of our Guru, father Sai Natha. I truly feel that I am always at His lotus feet, receiving all His grace. Thank You so much my dear Sai for constantly guiding me in every aspect of my life. This is my fourth experience in this blog and waiting on my previous one to get posted. Hi Hetalji, You are such a blessed soul to do this kind of Seva. I am sure Baba is behind you in your hard work and may He shower you with all His grace and blessings. Thank you so much for all your work and this blog is my favourite to read and I truly cherish reading all the experiences and sometimes, I am spellbound with the way my Sai showers His love on His devotees. I depend on Sai for everything pretty much. I also recently moved to a newer home which is also Sai’s blessings, very close to His abode which I mentioned in my previous post which is yet to be posted.
I left from a full time job in 2014 from a big organization due to some favouritism issues and I was very sad to leave that place after working in that company for several years. After that, I tried few smaller companies but couldn’t adjust in that culture and cheap politics and conflicts with people and extremely difficult people. Exactly in the end of 2015, quite unexpectedly, just a day before my India’s trip visit, out of no where recruiter called me with a contract to hire opportunity from another organization asking for interview. I had told him that it was of such a short notice, but I didn’t want to leave that chance. So I interviewed and was given a contract opportunity in that organization. It was a perfect fit for the time being for me with all the flexibility and the kind of work and the nice group of people to work with after all the negative experiences. I was able to accomplish my personal goals as well, like going back to school and finishing up whatever I started and continuing my educational goals. This day the miracle is that after a smooth transition as a contractor, Baba truly blessed me again with a nice full time opportunity in the same company. All along, I was dreading about the title because In a full time position, I didn’t want to work in a lesser title compared to my past. Baba blessed me and showed His presence again by offering the right position and right band in the same organization. I was working all along with a good pay. Needless to say, this work is close to my home and this gives me lot of peace, with having two small kids. Baba made everything possible. I just accepted the full time offer and updated the submitted application and I am so ready to get the ball rolling.
Surely, I will post my experience again once I become the employee in my company. The whole process would take at least a month and I can’t wait for that to happen. Sai, please never ever leave my hand and please bless me so that I will be very, very successful in this position. I truly need Your help in making my job offer very fruitful. Believe it or not, this is truly and amazingly Baba’s miracle and His blessings. He is been always there for me and shows His unconditional love and grace. Never ever lose hope on Sai. He is the miraculous God Father and always listens to His devotees’ concerns and worries and addresses them. Dear devotees please hold on to His feet tightly and think of Him all the time and chant His namam and see the miracle. He is my life and Saviour, Father, Guru, my Guide and my Friend. I pretty much share everything with Him. Another point to add is I am doing Sai Divya Pooja and I just completed two weeks. Jaya Jaya Sai, Jaya Jaya Sai. SaiPlease bless all Your devotees and relieve them from their past Karmas. Jai Sai Ram!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Namaskar to all Sai devotees. This is my second posting of my experience. I thought I may post my second experience after my first experience has been posted. But my second experience is really a miraculous one that made me to share without a wait. Daily I am under Sai’s blessings either it is happy or difficult situations. Today I will tell you about how I started Sai Nav Guruvar vrat. If God wish the things happen.
Actually I wanted to start Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat to fulfil my wish. So I asked my dad to get the book. He got it, and I read the procedure. I thought I may start the pooja but I was in my mother’s house, had come for delivery and it was time to go to my in-law’s house so I didn’t start. After getting the book in five days I was back to my in-law’s house. On Tuesday why I don’t know my inner voice was telling to start pooja. But I was thinking about fasting and how can I get all pooja samagri [things]. So I didn’t think much about it. On next day [Wednesday] same feeling in me was going on. I thought it was Sai’s wish to start the pooja. Then I told myself Sai if You wish me to do so then please arrange all the ingredients for pooja then surely I will start on next day i.e Thursday. Really readers you won’t believe on Wednesday my husband had arranged marriage proposal for his friend’s niece in our house and they got palkova and motichoor laddu for serving bridegroom and bridegroom’s mother, got banana flowers and kept in our pooja room. First when they got I didn’t notice. When they went I saw those in pooja room. That night I asked my husband to get honey, he got it without asking any reason [generally my husband doesn’t care for my words much. So why I am telling all this because all these were ingredients which I wanted for pooja. And rest all ingredients were present in house. Next day with all wonders in my mind I started pooja though I have 5 month’s baby I completed pooja without any interference. Sai devotees have faith in Sai and see what miracles happens.

Sai Devotee Arti Singh from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am Arti from Bangalore. Thank you Hetalji and your team members who provide us with such a pain healing platform where we can share our experiences. Thank You Sai Baba for doing such miracles in Your all devotees’ life. Chanting Your name every time in my heart gives me immense pleasure and shows Your presence with me all the time. Be with me and my family, always take care of Your child.
About my experience: My day starts with Baba’s name only. I don’t know when Sai Ram came in my life but now I am an ardent devotee. Whenever I recall Baba while travelling He always gives me darshan in any form. Few days back when I had lost my engagement ring that time I had told Baba to help me in finding my ring. I was scared when I lost it because it was my engagement ring which my husband gave to me.
In January I went to Chennai for some function, there I wanted to wear ring but I couldn’t find so from that moment I was little scared where I had kept. I came back to my home but I didn’t find in my home. I even didn’t inform my husband about this incident. Every moment I was praying Baba to please help me. Next day morning my maid came and I asked her to clean house properly and requested her to search my ring. I was praying Baba and all of sudden I got my ring outside my home. I can’t explain my happiness it was beyond my imagination and due to only Baba’s grace I got. I know Sai Paa is always with me in every field. Please forgive my mistakes Babaji and I will not do again any mistake, please forgive me One more wish I have that Sairam knows, please fulfil it Babaji so that I will update my experience again. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

Sai Devotee Ragini from India says: Hi, I am a devotee of Sadguru Sai Raj Maharaj. I am a Resident and currently studying Post graduate in Medicine in Mumbai.
While working in the Organization as a Doctor, I had decided to leave it for better future prospects. During the period I had seriously started studying. Whenever I was depressed, Sai Baba was there for me. Even I had some relationship problems due to which I was depressed during the peak of my exams. But due to constant blessings of Sai Baba, I pulled through and study harder. He was there to support me and help me. I left my job in Dec and the results were announced in January. The day before the declaration of the results, Sai Baba appeared in my dreams and told me I am getting 77% and my college was near beach. I hail from Jharkhand. I had once been to the beach, so I was very excited. The next day AIPGMEE was announced and I had got exact 77% and after counselling I got Mumbai College by the sea side. It’s a total miracle. I had prayed for Delhi but it was Baba’s wish to stay away from my boyfriend and stay closer to Him. I broke up with my boyfriend and came to Mumbai. I had realised His miracle and sorry for sending it late for publishing. But I got to know about this blog recently and thought to share my experience. I am so thankful to Him. Sabka Malik Ek Hai… Jai Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki…!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Experience post related to some family matter. Om Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram! Sorry for late post Sai Pa. Sai Pa is with me from many years and at every tensed situation He helps me, no matter what it is. He helped me and my family a lot for last few days in some matter and for that I am very thankful to Him. All I know is that we should keep faith and patience in Him, He will help us in every point of time. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram!

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram to all my brothers and sisters here.I need your advice,please…I am going through a rough phase I am unable to decide what to do..I want sai devotees to give advice to me,i'll take it as baba telling me what to do..its a relationship issue…I am a person who has not gone out with any guy,even for coffee,I was always with my studies and family. Whenever anybody proposed me,within a minute I would say no,I never thought if the guy is good or bad,my answer was a no.In 2013 I got seat in government college to do my post graduation,as I was 25 yrs old then,my male colleagues started showing interest in me in the college,I told them,if ur interested please ask my father not me,n I would go away,but one guy was really good friend of mine,he lost his father when he was 6yrs old,with great difficulty his mother bought him and his two elder brothers,I always told him,your mom has bought you people so well,I want to meet her and congratulate her…days passed,he started showing interest in me,all other people started teasing me and him, I felt very angry and scolded him,please I am a girl of marriageable age,please tel your friends not to spread false rumours bout us.he told me when you, me and god knows the truth,why worry??I too ignored…. He started telling me,he s actually started to like me,etc…I told him look I am from a low caste,and your from high caste,first ask your family members and then my father…I don want to complicate things….he was behind me for 2years….he replied,my family wil ask me,is the girl ready???then I started giving it a thought, this guy is good person,respects women,dont smoke or drink,I dunno when I fell for him…it took me two and half years to realise to say yes to him..we both were left with another six months to finish our studies…we both decided,we wil study write exams and then tell our parents, because we came here to study…we both passed last year July 2016 with good percentage….we both started working in different places….in December 2016,we both had silly misunderstanding, and stopped talking or texting for 15 days..during this period I went to shirdi for the first time in my life,I prayed baba to get him back,I never knew honestly bout baba before nor his miracles….after 15 days I called him,he spke to me very rudely that relationship is over,u please move on etc,I cried,I begged him not to do so….one of my fren told me bout sai nav guruvar vrat I started it immediately,by five weeks I got him back,and it was his brothers wedding, I attended it,met him mom and other family members, he introduced me as just a friend…after the wedding his mom asked,who is tat gal,she is good person,which caste?he replied he doesnt know caste… After two months,he wrote a letter to his elder brother about us..his brother din reply
(contd..)his brother din reply..he went home and spoke bout us,his mom and brother are against us…this was happening in April I am 28 yrs old….his brother told him,we wil never approve a lower caste girl….his mom,told,if you want you marry her,but leave us…he was upset,he called me and told this…I said no problem, we wil give them time alright? Again we had a silly misunderstanding in April,we dint contact for one week,he called up and apologised,saying I cant live without you,please understand, its four years we love each other,but we get back to each other after every fight,tats wat relationship is bout…in may 2017 he started telling me it wil take sometime to convince both sides,but ill marry you only….I felt happy,I have that commitment, I started rejecting all proposals my parents are lookin for…on 7 July 2017,his brother asked him,what have u decided??he said I want to marry her…his mom n brother begged him fought with him cried and emotionally blackmailed him, I tried calling him on 7,8th July he cut my calls n told ill call..I was very restless thinking whats happening,on 9th night he called me and said my mom stopped eating she fainted in front of me,we took her to hospital etc,and he broke down in front of me while talking on phone…I consoled him not to cry, we wil talk on it later,as your travelling please don weep in bus…next three four days h kept weeping…I din ask him anything….from 19 th july onwards he stopped texting me or calling me,purposely he is ignoring me…he talks to me very professional… Devotees let me tell you all,I have never fasted in my life because I have health 2015 I did sola somvar for I did 16 Fridays fast….and from December 2016 I have done twice nav guruvar vrath..this is my third vrath…I hav done sugar candy puja…I read sai satcharitra from December… I finished many many rounds…baba always gave me positive indications about him… I am tired of weeping each day…I dunno why caste plays such an important role….its not my fault to be born in lower caste.. But its in my hands what kind of person I want to be!! I am 28 yrs old…my parents are aged,they are worrying for my wedding.. I feel guilty,ashamed of myself…he is not even telling me clearly, indirectly he is telling to move on..I am not understandin what to do..please please help me out my brothers and sisters..thank you
Dear sister, Consider me as your wellwisher. First of all remember that if a boy has once left you because of his family's disapproval before marriage where is the guarantee that he won't leave u again for his family after marriage? YOU might be thinking that how can he leave me after marriage, it is not possible. I am a regular reader of this blog. I have read each and every experience on this blog. If you read the experience of other female devotees they clearly wrote how they did love marriage and how their husbands are ill –
treating them after marriage by joining hands with in-laws. There are you can say around 25-30 such experiences in this blog. I noticed that almost every girl who had love marriage suffered this kind of treatment from her in-laws. This is because you are not "their" choice but your "husband's " choice. So they will always, I repeat always try to find fault with you in every single thing you do. There is no doubt in it. Also you told that u belong to a lower caste. Don't get me wrong but your in-laws might not accept you wholeheartedly forever because of this. Also a person who can't stand up for you before marriage will not definitely stand up for you after marriage. He is telling that his mom fainted etc, so he loves his mom and he is a mummy's boy. Such a coward will not protect you from his family after marriage. Remember my words. If he loves his mom then don't you love your parents who did so much for you. You are what you are today only and only because of them. If you get married to him and if something goes wrong like harassment by in-laws etc then you won't have your parents support because he is "your" choice. You said you are 28 now. So please please please listen to your parents words and get married to a boy of their choice. I am not saying that there is 100% guarantee that boy of your parents choice will be good. But at least you will have your parents support if anything doesn't work. Also 99% love marriages are failures. Read experiences on this blog. You will know yourself. I know that it may be difficult for you to forget this boy and move on. But if he is such a coward now itself imagine your situation after marriage. It will be pitiful. Plz don't do things like eloping, register marriage etc. U will be the ultimate sufferer. If you go down you will find a scroll bar showing three words : popular, categories and archives. Click on archives and read the experiences I mention now
1. 31Aug 2014 – See she married against her parents and in-laws wishes and see at last what her husband did.
2)15 Oct 2012-This is the best experience to show what will happen if your in-laws are against marriage right from the beginning. So, yes, a person can leave you even after marriage for his parents. Remember that.
There are many such experiences. So please sister listen to your parents and marry a boy of their choice. You have written that ur bf is indirectly asking you to move on. But let me tell you he is telling you to move on very very directly. Because he told you his mother fainted. So from this it is very clear that his mother won't accept your relation at any cost. So please why are you giving pain to your parents? 28 is a big age. Once in comments a devotee has wrote that she is 33 and has waited for her bf. She even aborted his child. But now he is getting married to a girl of his parents choice. She even rejected many marriage proposals for him. Plz don't waste your life for such idiots. We should learn from other's life. Think that Baba is talking through me and please listen to your parents.My cousin brother did love marriage. We are Brahmins and my sister in law is Reddy. She was always taunted by her MIL saying you don't know how to perform puja etc. Actually my SIL is a scientist and got best scientist award from Abdul Kalam. But she I guarantee you she was never totally happy in our family. So please listen to your parents nd pray Baba to give you a very good life partner.
Dear sister, if he is saying NO indirectly then y r u running behind him? If he respects his family don't you respect your family. Just move on
Om sai ram …dear sister you are very pure person you thoughts your way of living life is very much similer to me please always be such a nice beautiful pure person through out your Life beacuse your type of people really existing is god blessing because now days people fall in relationship then left him or her in bad phase and start new relationship like cloth changing without thinking realizing about another persons heart life are real devotee of baba .may my baba bless you guid you fullfill all your wishes and remove all your confusion soon sai ram
Dear sai devotee..thank you very much…yes definitely ill not elope nor register marriage.. And ,28 is high time…I thank you very much again,most of the things are getting clear in my mind,after going through your msg…may sai bless you and your family too….
No need of any thanks sister. We all belong to Sai family. May Baba bless you with a nice life partner
Dear sai devotees…I thank you all for taking out time and helping me…I went through the experiences u asked me to read,I am speechless,of how women are ill treated..after reading your suggestions, I am not praying sai to give him back..I am praying to sai to give me what is good for me,as he knows better,hope god gives me the courage to move on….I really really thank you all very much…may sai bless you and your families sai ram…
May Baba bless you with a very happy married life
Thank you very much!! om sai ram
Baba Please help to face the technical disucssion and need to select in the project Please save me Baba
To all the unmarried girls, please don't come into the lives of married men. Once think about their wife's life. Don't break a family. Being Baba's daughter if you do such a thing He will never ever forgive you. Also the same thing will happen to you in your next birth. This is the law of Karma. Breaking someone's house in the name of love is the most horrible mistake. Plz don't commit it.
Wonderful experiences.
O Deva, be with us wherever we go and fill our lives with love and happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
Keep yourself in his wife's place and think how you would feel if someone does the same thing to you. A wife leaves her home, parents and everyone behind and comes to husband's house with thousands of hopes. Baba will never ever forgive those who play with innocent people's lives. Love is all about sacrifice and responsibilities. Chatting, going to movies, holding each other's hands is not love. Come out of this wrong perception. If u r Baba's daughter remember that she is also Baba's daughter. How can He ever forgive you for such a wrong doing? He will not spare you. If you do such a thing in this birth then your marriage will be broken in the next birth by another girl. This is the rule of Law of Karma. This is sure to happen. Take my words as Baba's words.
Dear sai devotee..u have mistaken me..v both are unmarried, I attended his brothers wedding….his family is not approving me because of caste factor
Oh no!! This is not for you sister. I have written it for all unmarried girls in general. U got me wrong
Om sai ram…ok ok I got it now..I actually was shocked seeing your comment…and yes you are right, about law of karma, I too totally support this…it is better to be single than marry a married person and breaking their life,dreams…god bless sai ram.
Omsairam.i acknowledge my faults kindly forgive me…i am paying very badly for my sins since 3-4 years ..baba kindly help me to come out of it….people have fooled me…its ok baba from now on i will be careful….
Hello devotees, i m going to shirdi on 23rd. If any one wants to send prayers to baba can send me at
Om Sai
Om Sai Ram. I have sent you an email. Please check. Thank you very much for your service. Komal
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father forgive me Babaji for foolishness mistakes that i have committed knowingly or unknowingly and help me to become a better person Babaji ThankYOU for everything Babaji
Baba please show a big miracle pls Baba🙏🏻, make my husband humble towards me please make him loyal towards me please Baba 🙏🏻 I really really need your blessing now
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram _/_
Thank you very much Sainath deva
Sainath please show us the right path Make us to follow the right path please protect us deva
Sainath maharaj ki Jai
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Thank you so much Sai Baba.
Baba ji pls help me and my family..i am totally fedup from all circumstances in my life..pls save us….do whatever u want because i know you never leave me and my family alone..keep ur hand anf blessings on us..pls devotees pray for me and my sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Can someone say how to write and submit the experience? Any link or something? Plz
Thanks in advance.
Om sai ram
Here is the link:
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless everyone with good health and be with us deva and give success to my children in their exams and show us right path thandri.