Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Bahrain says: I am a home maker, presently living in Bahrain with my husband and son. This is my third experience on this site but first two experiences has to be published yet and I am sure very soon it will get published to lovely devotees, by my Father Saviour’s grace.
Baba first I want to say sorry and apologize for delaying to write this experience. This is regarding my husband. One day after coming from office my husband told me He was feeling very tired and low. I know currently my husband was going through a lot of job pressure and searching for new one. And Baba assured me that He would be helping him and asked to work hard to get a better place. I got scared and prayed Baba please if my husband was going through any pressure or if he was having any other problem we are surrendering You and keeping all our worry to Your lotus feet but please make him comfortable and ok till morning. In the morning my husband told he was feeling better. Baba, please be always with my husband. Only You and only You and Aai (My Kuldevi, Bhairibhavani and Jakhmata and Aai Kalkai) can save us and come out from current situation.
Second experience 17th of March suddenly my son woke up and told he was having severe headache and was not able to open his eyes. Initially I applied ointment but was of no use. Then I gave him Udi mixed water and applied on his entire head and prayed Baba if my son would get relief within half an hour I would post here. After drinking Udi water immediately my son puked up and slept nicely within 10 minutes for 4 to 5 hours. After getting up we asked him how was his headache? He told it had gone immediately after drinking Udi water. Baba please be with us always.
Third experience is again regarding my son. This time final exam time, my son had lot of problem while studying. Whenever he used to sit for studies always he would be complaining for headache and water used to come from his eyes, after studying hard also he used to feel nervous in exams and feel blank. He always used to feel sleepy and lethargic. He is also a Baba’s devotee. We prayed Baba, I know this time his studies are not up to the mark. But if You are thinking he should get good marks. Please make him happy on result day. Yesterday my son 8th Std result came. Wow he got really good marks. We had not thought these ranks. During English paper his stomach was aching badly while writing exam. But that paper also he got A+. This happened only, only and only because of Baba. Thank You very much Baba. Thanks a lot.
Baba, please help my husband to get a good job in Dubai and please save his current job till he gets new one. You know Baba what is the situation in his office. Without mistake he has to listen and face humiliation. Baba, please give him strength and please take care of his health. Your daughter is always worried about both of their health. Please Baba, You know I don’t have any one to share my feelings without You. I know You are around me, please if we are facing this issue because of our past karma then we have to face it only. But Baba don’t leave out hand. Please hold our hand tightly and help us to come out from present situation. Baba last two months he didn’t get salary. So please some miracle and at least they should get February salary as soon as possible Baba. Please, please help us. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram Om Sairam!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am small devotee of my lord Sai Baba from Hyderabad, I would be very glad to this site maintenance team if my experience is posted, I am not good at my English, if any changes please do it.
This experience regarding my mother, when I was 17 years old I used to go Baba temple and I didn’t have that much of attachment with Baba that time. I always wanted to help my mother because she raised me with her hard work, my father is also a good person but he never cared about family, we faced so many financial crisis in my childhood, so I started my career in 17 years of age. With Baba’s blessings I got a job in 2006 with intermediate qualification, after that some years I totally forgot about Baba (sorry for this Baba). For this job I left my hometown and lived some other place. I came back to my hometown in 2012, those days what happened to my mom I don’t know, she changed totally and was behaving like depression person. We tried hard to explain her for treatment which she needed very urgently but we failed every time. She never agreed to go to the hospital. With her this behaviour we faced so many issues (Baba knows everything). I forced her to go to the hospital. That time I had small fight with my mom and that evening (year 2015) she tried for suicide and we rushed to admit her in hospital. After 6 days spent in ICU she survived, I don’t have any words to explain you my pain. I love my mom and die for her. After that we stop asking her for treatment. Again faced same problem. I did so many pujas to Hanuman, Shani Bhagwan and Eswarjj but nothing changed her main. (I forgot about Baba that time how stupid I was?) I was in dilemma every day and night crying. I couldn’t take anybody’s help because she refused to tell anybody. That time I shared my pain with my colleague. She told about Baba leelamurutham 7 days parayanam. At that moment I remembered my Baba(maybe He wanted to help me) and started parayanam. While reading parayanam I was havingtears in my eyes and every Thursday mostly I go to the temple near my home and also booked tickets to go Shirdi with my parents. Baba listened my prayers she agreed to go to the hospital. I was so happy and went for Baba’s darshan at Samadhi mandir. I cried like child. After that she took her medicine for 3 months and got cured very well. I think Baba helped me but after 3months she stopped her medicine and the same problem was again raised. I don’t know what to do and where to go. I will start Udi mixed with water to my mom. I always read Udi miracles on this site. I need Your help Baba. I can face any problems but not related to my mom. Take me away. I can’t see her in this situation. You are only my hope. I have already so many problems. One side job and other side marriage and another mom’s health problem. I can’t take it any more please help me. Om Sairam Om Sairam.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to Hetalji and team for this wonderful platform. Am a humble devotee of our Guru Sai. I was pulled to His lotus feet 9 years ago. From then He is the only person Who knows everything about me and guide me for the good. He is always been so kind to His devotees. Satcharitra is a book made me who I am today. It teaches humanity, faith, love, and don’t give up if anything happens bad to you that is only because of your karma. We can overcome this worldly problem by chanting Sai’s name. My Dear Guru Deva Thank You for guiding me and being with me please don’t leave my hands ever. Forgive me for my sins I am your little girl.
I have experienced our Sai’s Leelas many times thank You Sai Paa. I was suffering from some health issue so continuously prayed Baba please heal my pain and told Him that I will post the experience once I get cured. Without any medication Baba cured it. Sorry Baba for posting it late. Baba made impossible things possible for me. Thank You Sai Paa. Please guide Your devotees. Thank You for everything You have given to me. Bless everyone Sai Paa. I am leaving everything at Your lotus feet Sai Paa. Love You. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Hi Sai devotees, I am Baba decided from 2000. Lot of miracles happens in my life. I am from Australia working as a software engineer. How here I want to share my experience.
When I was in Australia, the tax returns form came via email. The ITR V form we must post to It department then only they consider we have done the proper dad returns, else they will consider we have not done tax returns. When I had been in Australia I had the ITR V form to one of my colleague and he thought he did speed post, later 2 months I got a mail from Income tax department that you have not send your ITR V, so we will consider you didn’t show your returns. Then it might impact me to pay more amount to the income tax. Then I asked my colleague did he post my ITR V form or not, and he said yes. Then the question was why I had not received my acknowledgement from IT department. Then I prayed Baba please help me in this as I was in Australia and I didn’t have copy of ITR V in my hand then. To my surprise I got a mail from IT department that they received my ITR V form on March 9th.Thanks Baba to help me in this. I always read Your experiences. Please don’t forget me and to shower Your blessings on me.

Sai Devotee Harish from US says: I am a simple devotee of Sai currently living in the US originally from India. Om Sairam May our beloved Sai bless all of Hetalji and her entire team for such a noble work that they are doing selflessly and may this continue until the end of time with the blessings of Sai. Today, I am going to share another experience.
Last night around 6 p.m or so my wife noticed some rashes on her right hand and little bit on her chest also. I prayed to Sai and my lord Shiva and Who are one and the same to me. I applied Vibuthi on that and also applied Baba’s sacred Udi on her forehead and gave her a little bit to eat as well. She was constantly scrapping because she complained it was itching. I told her to stop doing that and simply leave it to Sai. I was confident and trusted Sai fully to cure the disease by next morning. Yes, my Sai cured the disease and the rashes were no where to be seen in the morning. She was also free from itching sensation. Oh Deva! Protect all beings with Your kind grace and please be with us in every endeavour. Om Sairam!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: I am anonymous from USA who has been having fever for last 3-4 weeks. My life has been always complicated. Sai Baba came to my life in 2002 when my husband had ill health. Sai Baba saved him and cured him. Then I had bad disease myself in 2013, completed chemotherapy and once again Sai Baba came to my rescue. Now I have fever for last 3-4 weeks and I am scared and want Sai Baba to help me. If you are reading this, please pray to Sai Baba for me for a miracle. I really need a Miracle this time. Please somebody out there go to Shirdi and pray for me. I live far away. Om Sai Baba Namah!
Prayers for Today: Waiting For Your Blessings – Sai Devotee Raghu Babu Ambati
Pay Tribute To Lord Sai On 100th Anniversary Of MAHASAMADHI By Joining MAHAPARAYAN the Historical Monumental Event On Global Level

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om Sairam. Baba please save her from health issues and give them peace of mind. Anantha koti Brahmanda nayaka rajadi raja yogiraja parabrahma Sri satchidananda samardha sadguru sainath Maharaj ki jaiii
Thank You O Deva for blessing us with an abundance of Your Grace 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram _/_
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om Sai ram to all!
To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
Thank you!
Om Jai Sai ram blessings!
Om sai samarth
Thanks a lot Sainath deva
Sainath maharaj ki jai
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om sai ram.. i watch shirdi sai baba live darshan daily but from last few days there has been some issues and i am not able to see him live from any of the internet sites. Does anyone know any link where i can see baba live darshan? Thank you…
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
The devotee who said his mother has some health issues and she does not want to go to hospital and will not take medicines.All these is because of black magic.Even I am facing same issue and even I have consulted many people everybody are telling me it is because of black magic.please find remedy for black magic for your mother.No God even Sai cannot help unless you remove black don't waste your time in praying. Because even I am not able to come out of this problem inspire of praying to all gods specially to Sai.
All the best
dear second devotee,it was very emotional to read your experience.i really am wonderstruck to see such love from children in today's world.your mother is indeed very lucky.plz convince her to follow a strict yoga regime which will do wonders to her overall heath.plz follow some yoga instructor or can search on net for some yoga aasan.if her health is critical try medicine and yoga both,after that tapering of med can be done.dont worry dear,your mother will be perfectly ok by the grace of SAI….OM SAI RAM
DEAR last devotee,have faith in BABA …u will be perfectly alright.just feel HIS presence…OM SAI RAM
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Dear devotee with last experience/story
I pray that Baba shower his blessings on you and you recover from your disease. Amen! – Allah Malik 🙂