Baba has always unique ways of teaching and guiding His devotees. As noted in Sri Sai Satcharitra, those who belong to Him, He pulls them towards Him through different experiences. Much more than when He was in physical body, His presence felt now and every devotee’s experience is unique, personal and intimate. His subtle presence is felt by millions and millions of people every single moment. Each devotee’s experience not only gives solace or bliss either spiritually materially but provides an answer or guidance to others in its own way as suitable for other devotee’s spiritual or material needs at that moment. That’s why Baba advised Hemadpant to gather His leelas or devotees’ experiences that would redeem the lives of His children. Every second scores of His devotees, spreading across 7 continents of the world, hear Him solving their issues or uplifting them in various ways. Some asks for job, some asks for cure from diseases, some ask for children, some ask for money and some ask for spiritual benefits but all have one unique quality in their prayers”faith and devotion” which makes Baba to run for their rescue. The Lamp of His Divine Light is glowing nook and corners of this world. He is eternal in this universe as His leelas are anant and that mere thought put me on a quest to gather experiences of contemporary devotees. I was thinking it is an impossible task to undertake as at the most I can reach to handful of devotees I know and where is wherewithal to reach millions of devotees.
Baba has answer for all our issues, like the way He answerd Das Ganu’s doubts on Isha Upanishad. While skimming with several thoughts on how to proceed with His divine command, He prompted me to a website “”, a blog dedicated to Shirdi Sai devotees’ experiences initiated and maintained by Baba’s loving child Hetal Patil. When I first visited the blog, it was startling to see the mammoth effort went in compiling thousands of Baba devotees experiences. There is no doubt to collect, edit and publish so many devotees experiences on daily basis, requires complete dedication and enormous amount of love for Baba. It was a fascinating experience of talking to Hetal ji for the first time when she explained how and why she started the blog. When she started the blog, she might not be aware that in future she is shaping herself as a “torchbearer” in Sai’s world of bliss and she might not be aware that this her effort would become a “Hall of Faith” for many. As expressed by many, this blog became a modern Sai Satcharitra and reading the blog became is a daily dose of Baba’s ambrosia for His children.
Baba lives in the hearts of His devotees and helping His devotees is akin to worshiping Him. Baba in many occasions proved that whoever feeds or helps any one selflessly they are very dear to Him. True to His teachings, Hetal ji not only accommodates sharing the experiences but also she goes extra mile in arranging to take prayers from parched souls posted on the blog to Shirdi selflessly praying for their relief. I salute from bottom of my heart to Hetal ji and her team in helping Sai World . Now I know the spirit and energy behind this was none other than “Himself” and I can imagine how lovingly and softly held Hetal Ji’s hand to navigate her for the past 10 years. That shows Baba chose Hetal ji as His divine instrument in spreading His message and His presence everywhere. Is it not amazing to be part of His life story?
To me, looks like there is His divine will behind this blog celebrating 10 years in the 100th year of His Mahasamadhi. If we look beyond the physical aspects of this fact, we can decipher inner meaning of why this blog was started exactly 10 years ago i.e. 90 years after His Mahasamadhi. In spiritual world, “0” means infinite protection of our divine creator and represents connection with God. 9 signifies “nava vidha bhakthi” and has very high significance as we read in Sai Satcharitra. Practicing Nava Vidha Bhakthi makes us to be eligible to receive His divine grace and merge in One (1) ness of Supreme Power. Hetal ji might have completed her perfection in the “bhakthi” principal over many of her past births and finally Baba gave His blessings and provided divine energy to start spreading His leelas in entire world exactly 90 years after He took the subtle form.
As He is eternal, this blog will be eternal with many more decades in future. Hetal ji., you are His blessed child and we are blessed for being in your association.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai SaiSai Sai
Thank You to all the team members who make this happen.
Jai Sairam.