Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Dear All my Sai Devotees, Sai Ram everyone. I am a staunch devotee of my Sai from so many years. My life is nothing without my Deva, my Sai. Thanks Hetal ji and team for doing such noble and wonderful work, may Baba bless you with lots and lots of happiness.
I have experienced hundreds and thousands of miracles in my daily life, I can’t list them all here, it’s like I see my Deva everywhere whereever I go. I know very well that my Sai is always with me. I have already posted so many of my experiences here, recently I had posted how I got a job in a highly reputed company, how we bought a new house with only and only His blessings and how He helped us sail through the buying processes and how He helped in the betterment of my father-in-law’s health. All these could not happen without My Sai’s blessings. Today I am writing few of other miracles which I experienced recently.
My Father-in-law was supposed to undergo a surgery and this surgery was a little complicated one and by my Sai’s grace the surgery went very well and today he got discharged and he is going home. I was totally worried the whole day thinking how the surgery would go through, but I had complete faith on my Sai, I knew very well that He will take off everything and by His grace my Father-in-law is absolutely fine now. Deva, You know very well in what situation we are in right now, it’s very important for us to sell our old house, so please help us sell the old house. Sai we are not those kind of people who want two house, we are happy with one house Sai, please help us sell our old house so that we can solve our problems and live with peace.
Sai I know I am asking for too much, this job itself is your Biksha for me and I have no right to ask You or say anything, but You know my problem Sai, it is so difficult for me to concentrate on kids with this job due to its timings, so please Baba help me get the job in my husband’s company so that I can work from home and concentrate on kids also and I will get a decent salary too. I know Sai I am asking for too much but Sai please don’t feel bad or get angry on me, whether You give me or not I will never forget what You have done to me and my family and I will be ever grateful to You throughout my life. Sai never leave us even for a second Baba, please be with us each and every second of our life and help us to be good people and do good things for everyone around us. I want to bea good girl and follow all Your instructions and be like how You want us to be but Baba sometime I tend to do mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. I am so sorry Sai, after all we are human beings. I am Your kid Sai, please forgive me and hold my hand and help me walk through because without Your blessings and help we can’t keep a single step; please Sai never leave me and my family and everyone in this world. This whole world is nothing without You my Sai. I love You so much Baba, I love You more than anything in this world. Thank You my Deva, thank You for everything You have done for me and my family, thank You so much Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi all I write this to show how Baba hears everyone’s prayer and blesses them. I am not that good in writing. I thank Hetal for creating such a good platform for us to see and hear the miracles of Baba and thereby bringing a positive thought and strong belief within us. Whenever I am down or depressed I start reading the miracles which makes me strong. I know about Baba from my childhood days, but I became an ardent devotee of Baba through my fiancée. Baba as promised I am posting this miracle.
My husband was having a swollen gland near the neck which was noticed by us around Aug 2017. First we thought it was due to cold and the doctors gave some antibiotics but the swollen gland did not reduce even after a month, this made me more tensed. We consulted another doctor and he also gave some medications but the gland did not reduce. Doctor doubted it could be tuberculosis which made me worry but the test taken showed a negative result. I was happy but the doctor made us more worry telling we have to do an excision biopsy to know what it was exactly and they asked to do certain test doubting it could be a type of Cancer also.
Me and my Husband both are a strong believer of Baba our Sai Maa. I started praying to Sai Maa to kindly show some clarity on my Husband’s health issue, it were almost 2 months then and on 27th of August the doctor asked us to come to a hospital to do excision biopsy and we went there. He sent us to ENT department for their check up and all reports were normal and then they sent us to another doctor a Pulmonologist, who came as a saviour. He confirmed us 90% it could be tuberculosis only and said you need not worry about it as we can cure it by tablets itself and don’t need any excision biopsy. I was so happy and relieved from the tension about it being cancer and I was thanking Baba and immediately my eyes fell on a Baba’s statue which I did not notice till that time. All this happened only because of Sai. Now I feel positive my Husband will be completely be cured with Sai Baba’s blessing. I am giving Udi water to my Husband daily above all medicines this is the best medicine.
Request All Your Blessings And Prayers for my Husband to get cured completely with the blessings of Sai. Now he is suffering with ear pain for nearly one week. I am little worried about it as it is not getting cured even after taking antibiotics. I am praying to Baba to relieve my husband from this pain. We both got married on Feb 19th, 2016 only because of the blessings of Sai as we had lots of against for our love but our strong belief on Baba helped us to get married with our parents’ blessings and now we are praying for a child. Believe in Baba, wait with some patience and surely Baba will hear our prayers and fulfil our needs. Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA Says: Om Sai Shree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Om Sai Ram. Baba is my Father. Sai Paa thanks for everything that You are giving. Koti Koti Pranam to Your Lotus Feet. Keep blessing us Baba and stay with us forever. Show us good path. Sorry for my mistakes Baba. Forgive me if I did any mistakes or sins. Sorry to everyone, please bless me, my family, my mother and my sister’s family with good health and peaceful life. Give food to hungry Baba. Bless who needs Your help Baba. Thanks to Hetal ji and team for your service. I posted so many experiences by Baba’s grace on this blog. Thanks for Your blessings Baba. I told Baba last week that I will post my experience if my son do not get any pain and I do not want to see him suffer again Baba.
My son suffered from urinary tract infections very badly and so many tests we did for that. By Baba’s grace every report came normal. Many thanks Baba. Last week suddenly I observed some redness in that area. I got so worried, cried and was tensed a lot and prayed to my Lord and requested my Baba like please Baba my son should never get any pain and not to get urinary tract infection again Baba. By my daddy Baba’s grace everything is normal but still seeing little red. I don’t know it is like that only always I mean that redness whatever it would be my son should never get UTI again my Lord. Hopefully by Baba’s grace my son will be fine. Please Baba I know You understand my worry. Please promise me Baba that You will take care of my son. He loves You so much Baba. I did so many mistakes in my life really sorry for everything Baba. Forgive me if I any mistakes in this experience. Devotees keep faith and patience and Baba will definitely be with us. Om Sai Ram Shree Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Brother Hairsh from US says: I am simple of devotee of Baba. Om Sai Ram, Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Thanks to this beautiful team that is publishing the experiences of millions of Sai devotees worldwide. May Sai bless you all today and forever. Coming to my experience, last week I was feeling some pain and irritation on the lower ride sight of my stomach/back. I was praying Baba to please cure it as I didn’t want to resort to a doctor or hospital for this. I know that my Sai is truly the doctor of doctors and when He is there nothing to worry. I prayed Him wholeheartedly and promised to Him that I will publish my experience here if I got relieved of this pain. The kind mother that He cured me within a day and I have no uneasiness or trace of pain. I am ever thankful to Sai and pray to Him to give peace to the entire world, health and most importantly faith and patience to His devotees and may they ever hold His holy feet and may Sai’s form be ever in His devotees minds. Oh Deva, please bless and be with everyone and help them when they are in need and hence keep up Your words. Om Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Hi Hetal ji, I have two daughters and I was diagnosed with breast cancer. All of you might know how difficult the treatment would be but because of Baba’s grace I completed the treatment. After that we have to follow up with doctors every 3 months. I was praying when I go to the doctor I should see yellow car so that everything would go well. After that I forgot about it but I did see a yellow car; such is Baba’s miracle. By Baba’s grace everything went well. After that doctor ordered some scan and it was after 10 days but this time I didn’t want to trouble Baba. I was quiet and when I was sitting for my turn for the scan, I saw a vehicle passed outside. It was written BONSAI devotees can you note the Sai word such is our Baba, He will be always with us and by His grace everything was normal. Devotees Lord hanuman and Baba will always be by our side. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Sai Baba has always been the saviour of my life. We are no where without Baba’s blessing. I have done my masters in USA and have been trying for IT job. After a long wait I got a very short term project and later waited almost 9-10 months for my next project. Though it was late, with Baba’s grace I got the job in a right time where most of my financial problems were cleared. My project is done and waiting for my next opportunity now. I am trying from almost 5 months. Hope Sai Baba’s blessings are with me and I will find a job soon.
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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram. Baba I have faith in you only. My problems are in your feet now.. I know we should keep patience but at times I run out of that because of the current situation. Baba please fulfill my wish, I don't want to cry for the same things again n again. Please make it soon. And give me strength to face it and make me always pray you no matter what coz you are everything to me. Please make everything alright at his home and bless his sister. I am waiting for your miracle to happen. Bless me with his love. Bless my family with happiness n good health and heal those who are in misery and bless them with their wishes too. Please forgive me for all my misdeeds knowingly or unknowingly.Om sai ram
Baba, please improve my relation with my Mother. You know everything from the beginning. Please help. Om Sai ram 🙏
Omsairam..bless each and every soul in this world..thankyou so much for curing my mouth ulcers and burns..bless me with patience …bless my father and brother forgive their sins…i feel iam a big burden in 33 years of age …divorce is a very bad thing which can happen to a lady …yet i believe you have saved me and you will save me and my family and all your devotees who pray and trust you….love you baba.
Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Baba keep us under your shelter and bless us with your presence and grace.
Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram,
Baba you know my worries. Please let us get rid of these worries and tensions given to us by third person's and the bad minded people. Bless us and be with us always, please baba. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai ram
Baba please forgive my mistakes please help me baba.u have saved me in every situation. i have done a mistake please please forgive my mistakes now i am at ur feet . protect me with ur arms.
Om Sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba as i dont have any one other then you to look after, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help get a full time job baba, please give good health to my parents and kids baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.