Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Devotee from India, Mumbai. Thank You Hetal ji for starting this wonderful Blog. In my family I was the one who started praying Sai first. I was introduced to Sai Baba by one of my friends in college. In college I have completed a Saptah Parayan with one of my friend and my wish was immediately fulfilled. I am really grateful to Sai Baba for fulfilling my wishes. Sai Baba please forgive me for posting this experience late.
Few months back my Father had been wrongly named for termination. He is an engineer and was working for construction of a dam. On final day of inauguration of Dam, the part of it got broken but not the one which my father was involved. It was that part which was constructed by another engineer. However, an order had been initiated to terminate both the engineers though there was no fault of my father. Also my father had a retirement date in next 3 months – our family were really tensed since after retirement the pension and retirement amount was going to be half and they may have to fight in court to prove that the termination was wrong. We also had a plan to marry my sister after we get retirement amount. All this impacted my mother’s health too. My father was already tensed and my mom was under doctor consultation. However, I was unaware of all these situations (All these happened within 2-3 days).
It was Thursday and I was at my home (in-laws place) thinking it’s been long when last time I prayed Sai with flowers and full devotion. I went to a nearby shop and took flowers, completed my Pooja . After I was done with Pooja, I prayed to Sai that I won’t ask You anything today. You have already done many things to me. Thanks for everything and be always with me. When I opened my eyes,I saw a smile on my Sai’s face with which I thought He was giving me a positive sign. Around 9:30 pm I got a call from my mom wherein she explained the situation and said an order had already been passed against my father for his termination. However, the final letter was yet to be issued. I knew what I needed to do next; on the same day which was a Thursday. I started Saptah Parayan around 10 pm. I had a confidence that my Sai will fix things in His own ways and yes by the end of 4th day I received call from my Dad. My dad explained that the situation was under control. He came up with few papers to prove that the part broken was not under his area and he had been wrongly targeted.
Thank You Sai .You have always helped me overcome my many problems. Truly saying I used to read devotees’ experience and think they are so lucky to see Sai’s miracle. But this time I experienced His Miracle in my life and yes I had a thought if the problem is fixed I will post my experience here so that others can also benefit. Sai Baba please always be with me and my family.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee says: I am a homemaker with one kid. Om Sai Ram to all the devotees of our beloved Sai Baba. I am really grateful to Sai Baba for His help during the tough times of my life. Coming to my experience, I live in a different country and my parents live in India. One day all of a sudden, my father had severe pain in his leg. In a span of 24 hours the pain became unbearable and he went to the doctor. It was due to arthritis and old age. The doctor suggested to go for surgery. But in such matters surgery is not a permanent solution. With Sai Baba’s grace my father went to another ortho specialist who said surgery wasn’t needed. He made my father better with medicines and physiotherapy itself. The recovery took time but Sai Baba was there at each and every step.
After this incident, in July I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a polyp in my uterus. The doctor told me to undergo a minor procedure to remove it. But she told me it would be done under general anaesthesia. I was apprehensive but I took Sai Baba’s name and underwent the procedure. By His grace the minor surgery was smooth without any side effects. Thank You so much Sai Baba. Sai Baba You know what’s happening in our lives. I have lost confidence in my abilities. Sai Baba. I feel worthless at times and like a shadow of my former self. The last 8 years of my life have been a roller coaster with highs and lows. I do not have the capability to handle people with different nature. Please bless me with enough intelligence and courage to safeguard myself and my family’s best interests. I get depressed sometimes thinking about our future but we have surrendered our lives to Your holy feet. Reading Sai Satcharitra gives me peace of mind and it is like holding Your hand. Please take me out of depression and guide us. Please always bless us with happy present and bright future and always be with my husband, my son, me, my parents and all the people in the world. Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sister Aarti from India says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees Thank you Hetal ji and your team for such a wonderful live Sai Satcharitra which gives immense pleasure to all of us to build our faith. I am from Bangalore and this is my third experience. First experience is already published but second is yet to be published. Be with us always Sai Ram as a teacher, as a Sadguru, Papa, Maa, Brother, You are everything for us. About my experience, I wished for a baby from last two years but due to my past karmas I was not able to conceive but miracles happen in Dwarkamai only and Baba fulfilled my wish. I always prayed to Sai Ram that once it was confirmed that I am pregnant, I will definitely post. To all the devotees keep faith who are going through tough phase, Baba ji is testing only our patience, just keep Shraddha and Saburi and everything will come to you at the right time when He will plan.
My another experience is about my learning license which I cleared just because of Him. I prayed once it would be clear I would post. During online test, I prayed Him all time and He only rescued me and marked my questions. Thank You Sai Ram, Please take care of my kid to whom You are supposed to bring in this world, everything is at Your lotus feet. One more wish please Sai Ram take care of my mother, she is suffering a lot from last two months. I will again post here once my mom will get some relief from pain. Thank You Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sister Padma from USA says: Thank you Hetal Ji and team for such a wonderful site. The service you are doing to all of the devotees is incredible. My morning begins with reading these experiences. Thank you once again. Yesterday I had posted that I was waiting for a letter for my child for last 20 days. The person who was supposed to write the letter was procrastinating and the last date was today. We were in a lot of stress as even after many attempts to contact the person, she was not responding to emails, whatsapp, text messages, phone calls. We were desperate and I prayed to Baba that he should write the letter for us. I posted this request on this website in the prayers section. Finally of course a miracle happened, the lady’s husband responded and said they will write the letter and they wrote the letter last night. Baba I know You wrote the letter for my child. Thank You so much. We are now worried that she may not write a good letter as she did it in a hurry, but Baba since You got the letter written I know it will be good. Baba please let the letter be good and work in my child’s favour. Please Baba and thank You so much.
Baba, one other request, You know I have been out of a job for so many months. I even attended an interview at the company I worked before and I was rejected. I was saying Your name all through the interview. Baba, how could that have happened. I have another interview this Friday, please help me Baba, I am very nervous, please help. If I get the job, I will definitely post here. Om Sai Ram, thank You for the letter and please help me with my job.

Shirdi Sai Sister Pavani from India says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba and I believe in Him so much. Here is my experience with Baba. He blessed me with a baby girl after I lost all hope. I got married in 2011, after 3 years I got pregnant and it was miscarriage. After 4 months again I got pregnant and it was also a miscarriage. I was in full tears and left all hope and decided to end my life. One day one of my friend told me to do Divya Pooja. I decided to do but I didn’t know from where I could get the book. I searched everywhere and on net also but I could not find one. On Wednesday on my mail I got the scan copy of the book from one of the devotees. I was very happy and by seeing all that I thought that my wish would be definitely fulfilled. I started the Pooja for 5 weeks and all the days I can see Baba was with me. Only after completing the 4th week, doctor confirmed my pregnancy and everything was fine. I was very happy at the time of my delivery, Baba’s Photo came to my home when I was going to hospital. I thought that it was the sign of Baba’s blessing and operation was done and I am blessed with a baby girl. See how Baba blessed me and showed His love. Baba, You are always present in devotees’ heart, please save everyone Baba. Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai Ram to my Sai family. I am a small daughter of Baba staying in Bangalore. Sai Ram Hetal ji and I am grateful to you for your noble work of spreading Baba’s love everywhere with the help of this blog. Coming to my experience, I am a singer who use a particular singing app. Recently most of my songs were not up to the mark. But every time with Baba’s grace I got lot of appreciation. There are numerous experiences of this kind. Another time Because of Baba’s grace the guests who were staying since four days and expected to be staying for more days left early. It was all because of His compassion as He knows how difficult it is to manage with my small kids. Baba, I am busy in my singing but never away from You my father. Always be with me. I have left all my problems at Your feet. You have shown me the way to come out from my stress. You know everything Baba. Never ignore us Baba. Baba we depend fully on You for everything You know at what condition my parents are living. Take care of them Baba. Pranam at Your Lotus Feet Baba. Always be Yours. Sai Ram.
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Om sai ram.
Dear devotees I just wanted to share a dream which I had today. Can anyone tell me what that means though I think it's a good sign. I jus recall some of the scenes in peices..Here it goes.. we were some people sitting in a class room type of place and everyone was making drawing on their benches. I too was drawing I exactly I don't remember what but I think I was drawing lord ganesha face. And in between I threw a replica of snake of plastic jus for fun and I say to people it's not real but then suddenly to my surprise it then becomes a real snake yellow golden in color then it opens his mouth and a very shubh bright light was coming from its mouth.. that's all I can remember.
Hetal ji and anyone, I wud be glad if someone can share it's meaning. Sai ram bless everyone
Thank You for Your kind blessings and mercies O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Koti koti pRanams to your lotus feet..sai please forgive my misdeeds..sai give a good news from that waiting..sai rakshak sai ram
Aum Sri Sai Ram
Sai ram, baba. Please shower your grace and protect us with your blessings and presence always,sai 🙏🙏🙏
Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam…nothing to say…except i love you…tc of my father and brother baba..everysoul in this world. .reduce everybody's pain and miseries
Aum Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha.🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba as i dont have any one other then you to look after, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help get a full time job baba, please give good health to my parents and kids baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.
namaha shivaya, om shree ram, jai Ganesh, jai hanuman, dattatreya namaha, baba ki palkhi ki jai, tirupati balaji ki jai, jai muruga, jai durga