Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: I am from the UK and I am lucky enough to have many experiences published. Baba bless the Sai Yug team. Congratulations for the new network.
Often I read experiences where devotees says that they saw pictures of Baba in cars or shops when they were out and about how it boosted their faith or reassured them. In the UK, it’s almost impossible for this to happen, especially in areas where there are not many Indians. Many years ago, when we had fixed a date for my marriage, I went to a supermarket (Sainsbury’s incidentally, which I also equate with ‘Sai’) and when I turned into a parking space, I got darshan right in front of me! I was so shocked; I sat with my mouth open for quite a while. It was a most unusual number plate on the car in front, a painted one with two pictures of Baba, one with abhastya and the other with His begging bowl; painted in beautiful pastel colours having the registration in the middle. It was a work of art on a number plate but more importantly, my Baba had appeared as if to say, my blessings are with you for your marriage!
A couple of days ago, a similar experience again. We visited a Southall restaurant and I thought, well there is more chance of seeing Baba here than where we live, wouldn’t it be nice to see Him? I looked around at the shops as we were driving but as it was mainly Sikh, I didn’t see anything(Wembley has many Sai pictures due to the Hindu community there). Now, parking in Southall is horrendous and we were already frazzled due to bad traffic. My husband was saying, we should turn back and go home when we got a spot right next to the restaurant. The delay in traffic had meant that we got there at exactly the right time to get that spot. To top it all off, I casually looked over to the opposite side of the road and guess what I saw? A picture of our Baba dangling from the rear view mirror of another car parked there! I was so happy that I took a picture and told my kids. We were saying, look Baba is already here, waiting for us.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam everyone. I am 29 years female. Around mid-March I started having problem with passing painful motions.
I used to have lot of pain. I never had problems of constipation. I started fearing passing motions due to severe pain. By April I noticed I was also passing blood along with motions. I cried a lot. I was scared of piles, I dint want to go to the doctor. I started praying Baba to help me. I knew that I needed to visit a doctor at the earliest but I dint want to. Every day I struggled to pass motions, I used to cry in bathroom.
One day I was lying on my bed and reading Mahaparayan experience of one devotee posted on 14/4/2018. It said that she had a sleeping problem and Baba’s message for her as you will be better tomorrow. In eight days you will be fine. And yes, she was cured of her sleeping problems by eighth day. I felt it was Baba telling me the same. I wished and prayed these words should be true for me. Next day I felt bearable pain while passing motions. I thanked Baba. By eighth day the pain came down and I was bit relaxed. I got a chance to visit Shirdi in May 2018. I got evening Arti, I was asking Baba to heal me of this pain. I randomly opened a page of Satcharitra and I got the remedy for piles. I had tears. I was telling Baba where to get these Sena pods. I went to Dwarkamayi. I prayed whole heartedly to relieve me of this pain as Masijdmayi cures of all diseases. I had wonderful darshan in Shirdi. I returned back home, started having Udi with water. Slowly the pain and blood started reducing, and I was fine like before. I thank You Baba for this help. You have saved me so much from surgery, recurrence and complications. Yes Baba Your words are never untrue, always pregnant with meaning. Thank You Baba. Sorry for posting it a bit late. Apologies Baba. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi. Om Sairam, I am a small devotee of Sai Baba from Ajmer Rajasthan. First of all I want to thank Hetalji for giving us a beautiful platform through which we can share our experiences and it also helps us to boost our strength.
This is a wonderful experience that I am going to share with all of you which happened yesterday only. My day starts with Sai Baba’s pooja. I am used to offer two raisins daily to Sai and after completion of my pooja I take those raisins as prasadam. Yesterday when I completed pooja I found only one raisin at the lotus feet of Baba as I had offered two. I prayed daily to accept my navidhyam and yesterday Baba listened my prayer and I was very happy. This was really a great miracle for me. I was very happy.
Then on the same day when I was working on my computer, suddenly it stopped working. I was very worried that what I would do? I was about to cry. Instantly, I prayed Baba to please make my computer start and to please do a miracle. I also put some Sai Baba Udi by taking His name and applied It on the computer. It was unbelievable that my computer started working. I was spell bound as I had tried many times but it had not started but after applying Udi and by taking Baba’s name it started instantly. I was very happy. It was truly a miracle. Thank You so much Baba. Always be with us. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam Hetalji and all devotees. Thanks for this blog which has become part of millions of devotees’ lives.
I am from India. I wanted to go to Ghattargi Devi place for puja on 9th June and Ghangapur Dattatreya on 10th June 2018. I was due for my periods. I was thinking shall I take tablets to postpone it. Again I thought next week there was one more puja due to my cousin brother’s wedding. On 7th June I had read similar experience like mine on this blog. One person had puja in his native and his wife was due for periods. He prayed to God that he will donate food and money, if she doesn’t get periods. I felt Baba was telling me the same. I told Devi and Dattatreya if I will not get periods and complete puja, I will donate rice there. I didn’t get periods and I went to Ghattargi Devi temple and next to Ghangapur Dattatreya temple. I was overwhelmed with joy as it was Adik maas going and extremely auspicious. Thank You Baba for Your timely guidance. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi team, this is Saranya from India. Firstly I would like to congratulate Hetalji for successfully maintaining this site which is very useful for the Baba devotees. This is my fourth post on this blog. My 3 experiences are already published. By Baba’s grace I got a good husband as well as a good job. I prayed for my sister’s wedding and He fulfilled even that wish. Now I am planning to change the company, the company now I am working is too far from my house. I need to travel around 100 km per day. Baba, please bless me with a good job near our area. I will post my experience after my wish is fulfilled. I request all the devotees to please be patient. Baba fulfils all our dreams but we need to wait for the day and He knows what is good for us. He always gives His best. Baba, please bless all of us with good lives.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai Baba devotee for past 12 years. By Baba’s grace I have a 5 month old daughter. We started solid food for her due to some health issues. She was reacting well but suddenly she got constipation. I was worried and I told Deva that I would post my experience if she pooped and passed it in few minutes. This happened the next day also and I prayed to Deva that I will recite Om Sri Sai Arogyashemadyaya Namah 108 times and she should poop within that time limit. She pooped. I had promised Deva that I will post the experience and here it goes. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam.
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Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ramm.
Om sairam….sai as i promised day before yesterday..sai thanks for curing heaviness,breathing problem within 15-20 minutes..sai please bless everyone in this world…Sai of I did any mistakes or sins please forgive me…🕉 sai🕉💙
Baba please help and save my parents..hold my father.bless them happy and healthy…help my father financially.dont let him affect from bp saipa…look after my grandparents…please make us visit shree balaji sooo soon saipa…help us to study saipa.sairakshak.saisaranam.
Omsairam…bless my father and brother with good health and forgive our you baba..
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Sai, my parents should never bring up the marriage topic. Om Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram 🙏