Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello everyone, I am from Karnataka. Today I am going share my experience. I have 3 elder brothers and one elder sister. I am doing job in a private company.
Actually I am 28 years old. One year back I had fallen in love with one guy. Actually he was my best friend and he had proposed me for the marriage. Even in our both families had agreed for our marriage but he cheated me by having an affair with his old girlfriend and that time I was broken. Later one more guy (Praveen) came into my life. He proposed me. Actually that time I was sad but his care and love made me to agree his proposal. He is 4 years younger than me. He is from other caste also. After accepting his proposal I was in worry that if our family opposes the relationship? That time I didn’t want to hurt my parent’s feelings and also I didn’t want to hurt my guy also. My parents were forcing me for the marriage but that guy was not ready for marriage. He told me to wait for 2 years. But parents were very old age so I didn’t want to hurt them and so I decided to get married. I asked him to talk with my parents but he didn’t care about me at all. So I was worried about it. My parents had searched one guy. They forced me for that and I fought with my parents.
Daily at home I was hurting my parents for that but in spite of knowing this all my guy, he was not bothered for anything. My parents were so worried about my marriage. Finally I said yes to my parents. I left everything on Sai Baba. My parents did my engagement function and they were so happy about it. I told Praveen to break up. That time he was angry on me. He was not ready to drop our relationship. He was shouting at me like anything but I was helpless. That time I stopped texting, calling, meeting him and I changed my number and had decided to do Sai vrata. Day by day Praveen was disturbing me a lot. He started roaming near my house and started disturbing my friends and all. That time by Baba’s grace we shifted our house. I had requested Baba to do something. I promised Baba too that I will share my experience if everything ends well. On 7th week Thursday morning I started reading Satcharitra. Also on that Praveen came to our new shifted house and tried to talk with my parents but luckily that day only my brother was there in house. Me and all my family had gone to purchase gold for my marriage. So he talked with my brother and my brother told that it was then too late. He showed him my marriage card and in front of my brother he was silent but after that he sent mail in that he said me not to marry that guy. If I marry also then asked me to give him divorce or otherwise he would contact him and he would stop my marriage. After reading that mail I was so tensed. I prayed Baba a lot. If my marriage stopped then my parents would not be able to bear this shock. Praveen knew about my marriage date and place but because of Sai Baba’s blessing he couldn’t stop my marriage. Now I got married one month back. My husband and my in-laws are very nice people. Sorry my English communication is not so good and so please forgive me for the grammatical mistakes. Thank you all. Thank You Sai Baba. I love You so much Baba. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Namaste Hetalji, Team members and Dear Devotees. I am a regular reader of this blog and have submitted few experiences before also. I am not a perfect devotee of Baba, I am yet to learn a lot of Shraddha and Saburi. This blog gives me a lot of positivity to carry my day; hence I am grateful to everyone associated with this platform. Please keep me anonymous.
This experience is all about how Baba’s Udi cured me. Few days back while bathing I happened to see two bluish black coloured spot on my left leg. I didn’t pay much attention to it, thinking that I might have accidentally hit against the table corners. But when I pressed it, it wasn’t paining. I searched about it and upon reading so many conditions; I lost my peace of mind. Then I remembered why fear when Baba is there. So I prayed Babaji to cure it and that I will share my experience here and started applying Udi paste regularly every morning and evening. During this time I had very little amount of Udi left with me and Baba’s Mandir is far from my home; hence I couldn’t collect the Udi immediately. So I used to pray and mix the agarbatti’s(joss stick) ash from my worship place with little amount of Udi and used to apply it. Within two weeks the spots started to fade away and now only a little trace is left. Baba’s Udi also cured my negative thoughts and anxiety. I also started Sai Satcharitra Parayan not for any particular wish, but just for devotion. Baba’s Udi is a miracle, a perfect doctor and a wish fulfiller. Thank You is really a small word to express my happiness to Baba. Baba, please bless and protect everyone. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Shree Sainathay Namah. Thank you Hetalji and team for maintaining this blog and devotees too for sharing there amazing experiences. Here comes my experience.
Few days back, I was riding my cousin’s scooty back to my home and I reached home safely without any problem. Then, after few hours my cousin came to me and asked what happened to the stand of the scooty? I was confused as what he was saying. Then he told me while he was trying to start it, he noticed that the stand was totally loosened and no spring on it. My brother thought I did something and didn’t tell him. But I was in shock as I literally didn’t know anything about it as I hadn’t felt anything like what my brother was talking about. Then I realized that it was my Sainath Who saved me, what if that stand had loosened up in the middle of my ride, I could have had an accident but He saved me from it. Thank You Sainath for everything. Devotees who are going through a really tough time just be patient, He’ll surely listen. I myself is going through a real hard time, but I trust Him and have hope that He’ll not leave in the middle of this journey. Hopefully, He’ll listen to my prayers and fulfil them soon until this experience gets published. Sainath help other devotees too who are facing hard times. Om Shree Sainathay Namah.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a resident of India and working in IT for last 20 years and devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. He has been always supported me throughout my life. My today’s post is about how Sai Baba heard my sincere prayers and offered me a job.
Om Sairam pranam. Thank you Hetalji for this wonderful site for the experiences. As I said I have been working in IT sector from last 20 years and from last two years I was depressed and under tremendous pressure. I was identified for non-performer and could be fired anytime. I have family of four and prayed day and night to Sai Baba to listen to my prayers but nothing was happening. So I resigned from the company without offer with 3 months’ notice period. In the last 15 days I sincerely requested Baba to look at me and give me another job. It was difficult to get a job after 20 years in IT. But my prayers were accepted by Sri Baba and with a friend’s help and Baba’s blessings I could easily get through with the interview. Today on 8th August I got the offer letter from the company. I bow 1000 times to Sri Sai Baba to support me in difficult times. Continue to protect me from troubles. He saved me and my family from pain and agony. Om Shri Sai Ram. Bless everybody, who is sad or in pain and grief.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from New Zealand says: I am a small devotee of Baba. I was at Uni on the first day of the new semester. I went to rest room before the class, and accidentally left my phone there. Later on I came to attend the class which was 2 hours long. Suddenly in the middle of the class I realised that I had left my phone in the restroom. I was sitting at the last row in the class and no way could I go out in the middle of the lecture, but I was so worried that someone might take my phone away. I just prayed to Sai Baba that please keep my phone safe. After the class, I rushed to the rest room to find that my phone wasn’t there anymore. I felt so stupid and helpless. I didn’t lose faith and asked Baba again to help me find my phone. I went to the security office to check if they knew about my phone. They asked me for the phone number and told me that someone had deposited this phone under “lost and found items” an hour ago. I felt so happy and thanked Baba from the core of my heart. It’s a small experience but shows the presence of Baba in our daily lives. I love You Baba, Please be with me always.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My granddaughter is 14 years old and lives in USA since her birth. She is a great devotee since childhood. Often visits local Baba temple and also the temple in Chennai at Mylapore whenever she visits India.
She had to undergo colonoscopy for a suspected health issue on 1st August. We were all praying that Baba should be with her during the procedure. He was and the tests went on well. She recovered fast from the effects of anaesthesia and was back home in an hour’s time. The results came after 5 days and all, including biopsy, reports were normal due to Baba’s grace and blessings. We all thank Him profusely for being with her all the time and pray for continued blessings to her for a healthy and happy life. She is entering High School this year in US and pray that with His grace she continues to do well in the academics. Om Sai Ram.
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O Deva, be with us and help us become better human beings.
Jai Sairam
Omsairam…cure my dad or else take my life….show mercy Baba…raham nazar karo.
Please help and save my parents my father financially and make him happy and healthy.please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes baba ,cure him physically and mentally baba.take care of my grandparents,make us visit shree balaji soon,ayyappa.make us to study hard baba.everything is because of my you baba..I really wish sairakshak.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
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Om Sai Ram
Please bless all, turn evil into angles Sai