Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I was not a follower of Sai till this and many more miracles happened in my life. I was upset with a problem in my life when my husband suddenly asked me if I would want to visit Shirdi (My husband believes in God but is not very religious or into going to temples). I was surprised to hear this offer from him.
So we decided to visit Shirdi Sai Baba in August 2018 ( we booked the tickets in June 2018). Since I was very worried and upset due to some problem in my life my husband invited my parents, who live in Delhi to come to our house in Mumbai for few days.
Before their visit to us on 9th August 18, we were to go to Shirdi on 4th August 2018. While we were travelling to Shirdi suddenly a thought came to me that the airplane by which my mom dad will come will crash and I will lose both of them. I got very scared with this feeling and was cursing myself for such a stupid thought. However this feeling was constant in my heart. When I went for Sai darshan I prayed to Him with eyes full of tears to help me and my parents and asked Him to not to let any wrong happen to my parents. Next day when we were checking out from the hotel strange thing happened, the hotel manager handed over a bag to my husband saying that it was a small token from their side. In the car when I opened the bag, I was stunned to see Sai murti in it. He came with me to Mumbai to save me and help me.
On 9th August when my parents were to come I was very scared and was in constant touch with them. While they were travelling by cab to airport their car broke. Generally by my experience I have hardly seen cabs breaking. My dad called me and told me about the inconvenience of booking another cab, waiting for it and reloading luggage in the new cab. In my heart I started praying Sai and somehow I had a feeling that Sai was showing His miracle. He wanted the bad time to pass and hence He was giving this small inconvenience to my mom dad in order to save them from any big calamity. By Sai’s grace my parents reached Mumbai safely. When I hugged my mom I started crying and told her about my feeling of the mishap. To my surprise my mother to said that since last night even she had a feeling that their plane will crash and they both will die. Same feelings as mine too crossed her but none of us shared with anyone. Many, many thanks to Sai for saving us. The incident doesn’t ends here. After 10 beautiful days with them, it was time for them to go back to Delhi. I was not scared this time as I knew Sai was there with me but was little anxious. I was praying to Sai for His blessings. My mom before leaving the house gave my dad hers and his photo identity proof in front of me and after thorough check in front of my eyes he kept both the identity proofs in his wallet. While we were leaving for the airport my dad near the lift of my house decided to keep both identity proofs in his shirt pocket so that it was easy and quick at the airport. To the surprise he only found his Id in his pocket and my mom’s Id card wasn’t there. I unlocked the house and we carefully started checking his wallet for my mom’s Id card. I then suggested my mom to check her suitcase. I went to parking; got her suitcase and when she opened her suitcase the Id was there. Nobody knows from where it came in the suitcase as mom and I saw papa keeping it in his wallet. Also I have cameras installed in my house, later when I tried checking the footage, 2 video recordings were not there i.e one when my mom was giving IDs to dad and other when she found it in her suitcase. Other than these 2 recordings everything was there, every movement of ours was there. This was again Baba’s miracle. He made us pass the bad time. He gave us small stress in order to save from the bigger one. Same day after getting the Ids on our way to airport I saw Baba (same statue which I have in my house) sitting on a house wall, smiling at me. First thought when I saw Him there was why someone has kept Baba in open like this. He will get wet if it rains. But later realized He was there for me, telling me that He is with me and I don’t have to worry. Love you Sai, please keep Your hands on my head always. Sairam.
If You Believe In Sai Then He Is There With you to save from any problem.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I have no words to express my gratitude to our dear Sai. How on innumerable occasions He has been by my side and showered us with love and care. This is my 4th or 5th experience submitted on this blog and there are many more. Again, thanks to Hetalji and her team for their wonderful effort which helps us to share our experiences and thereby increases our faith in our beloved Sai.
I had to fulfill a promise to Lord Krishna (Guruvayurappan in Kerala) for my daughter. My daughter is already 8 and this was getting postponed time and again. This year, we decided to finish this vow and planned a visit to Guruvayur and other temples in Kerala. We had an amazing trip by the grace of Baba. On the last day of trip, at the Trivandrum railway station, we had to climb up an escalator. My mother is quite used to escalator so I did not hold her hand, but was holding on to my daughter. A few seconds later, we heard a scream and a fall only to see my mother was falling down. With all the baggage in our hands, we couldn’t lift her up. Two helpful gentlemen in front of us, helped to pick her up. Luckily there were police folks at the foot of the escalator who had the presence of mind to stop it. I cringe to think what could have happened if they had not stopped it. My mother had no major injuries and just slight swelling on her head which got healed with time. Baba, I cannot thank You enough for helping my mother escape unhurt. Continue to shower Your blessings on us.
Few years ago, I was on a visit to Hyderabad with my parents and my daughter. It is a place of my childhood and I wanted to share a slice of my childhood with my daughter. We visited the Birla Mandir. There was a shamiana tied on the marble pillars which mounted some lights along the staircase on the temple. There was a heavy wind blowing. My daughter was running up the stairs and my dad was following behind her, while I walked holding my mother’s hand and helping her to climb the steps. There was sudden gush of wind and the shamiana was shaking vigorously, and one of the marble pillars was also shaking. My daughter was up the stairs by now, but my father was just below that pillar and lamp. I still vividly remember him looking up and that small pillar was just falling down and missed him by a scratch. Nothing happened to him and we continued to climb up the stairs and whose idol do I see there in front. Our dear Sai Baba! I was just so overwhelmed by His presence there. Even a few millimetre, and that pillar could have fallen on my father’s head. How do I thank You Baba! My parents are not great devotees, but still He took care of them. Please continue to be with us in this journey of life and give us the strength and courage to face all difficulties with You by our side.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says:
Dear Hetalji, I am a regular reader of this wonderful site. It gives immense faith in Baba if by chance if there is any waive in Him. Sai Nana You are the Creator of our lives. Without You we are nothing nana. We daily experience Your leelas one or the other. I have shared some of them. Now I am going to share some more experiences here.
I have been facing issues at work regularly one day or the other. One day I was in a serious situation that I was not able to finish the work. I prayed Baba to help me to get rid of this situation. Baba helped me to face the situation and solve it. Baba please bless me to completely finish this project without any issues and this is the most important phase in my life. If I do any mistakes it affects both my career and personal life badly. Please help me Nana.
Coming to another experience Baba helped me to take rented house in US and move there without much issues. I have planned Varalakshmi Vratham and Sathyanarayana Swamy Vratham on consecutive days immediately after moving to the new house and planned for dinner party to friends. I prayed Baba to help me in all things and bless us. Baba helped me completing both vrathams successfully and had Baba darshan in temple also. Thank You so much Nana.
On the day of Varalakshmi Vratham I had put saree and some gold things in the plate and offered to Lakshmi Amma. On next day I tried to search for the earrings that I put in that plate, but could not find them. I prayed our Sai Baba to help me and within a second Baba gave me an idea to search thoroughly at the end of the plate and I found my ear rings. On the same day I have put my black beads chain somewhere in the house. I had searched in the bags but I could not find it. So again I prayed to please help me Baba and within a second gave me an idea to search a bag. Immediately I found the chain in that bag. Even a small leaf cannot move without His permission. He is there with us from all the difficult situations. We may face the complex situations sometimes but Baba will help us to solve all the issues. Without You we are nothing Nana. Please be with us and make us to be under Your feet Nana. Please help me to overcome all the hurdles that I am facing now. Thank You so much Nana. Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Kudos to the blog team for maintaining this site beautifully. I read from this site daily, this gives me lots of positive energy and I feel more closer to Baba. You are definitely blessed souls; that Baba has chosen you to do this work.
I would like to share an experience here, my day starts and ends with Shirdi Sai Baba’s live darshan. He is my Father, Mother, Guru and everything in my life. Without Baba’s blessings we wouldn’t have been here. This is a very small experience: We had been to our friend’s place for vacation and we all decided to go to restaurant and have dinner. After dinner, we paid bill through credit card. Usually my husband is very careful with cards and immediately keeps it in purse. On that day, not sure how he missed that. When we were returning home from dinner, he just like that asked me to check if the card was in the purse. I thoroughly checked the whole purse and it was not there. We decided to go back to restaurant and check. It was really a busy restaurant and I prayed to Baba if we get the card back I would share the experience here. Miracle, the card was safe and returned back to my husband. Thanks a lot Baba. Keep showering Your blessings on all of us. You are the sole protector and You know what is right for us. Please guide us and be with us Ananthkoti Bhramand Nayaka Sachidanand Sathguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi to all Sai devotees. Following is my recent experience
In my office work I missed to perform a task and told my TL that task is completed. But when checked it back task was still pending. If I tried to complete the task and if I got any issue then also I could not report it as I had already told that the task was completed. So, I prayed Baba to help me in this task. Main issue with that task was the first time I was doing that scenario and it was little complicated. By that time one of my senior was also working on similar scenario and I asked him to teach me how to perform it. Even he wasn’t knowing how to do it. Then he contacted other team person and got clarification regarding task. After that he taught me the flow and I completed the task without any issues. Thank You Baba. Jai Shree Ramanjaneya. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sethuraman from India says: I am a devotee of Baba for the past 20 years
Myself Sethuraman from Chennai. Working as Asst. Manager in a private organisation.
First of all I thank Babaji for giving me such a wonderful family and job. Dear Sainath mine is a joint family. My wife supports me in running our family. I am looking for a job change wherein my financial needs would be taken care and I can save some money. With Baba’s blessings I have purchased a house in my name. Baba, please shower Your blessings on us. All Baba’s grace and further also needed.
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Bless us O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
baba please help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba. Take care of my grandparents baba and make us study hard baba .make us visit shree dwaraka balaji soon. Ayyappa. Sairakshak. Saisaranam
Baba please shiw my father a way before everything ends..(about school) baba please. Dont even know what happens next.. Help me with my projects baba… Everything is ruining baba. I dont want to get seperated from you. Baba
Om Sai Ram 🙏 my father….take my life
..please show some mercy
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam:)
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om sai ram
Sai help now please it's too… Sai please so many years till my suffering didn't end , Sai please Bless us all with Sadbudhi
Om Sai Ram