Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to Sai family. Thank you Hetalji for providing us with this platform where we can know and share all the leelas of our dear Baba.
Experience 1: Suddenly from 3-4 days I was feeling so thirsty that even if I would drink water the next second my throat would dry up and I felt thirsty. I saw symptoms of it on google and found out to be as sugar. I was scared and while sleeping I thought Baba I can’t get it at this young age of 22 years, please reduce this thirsty feeling and within few seconds that feeling stopped and never came back. It’s more than a week now. Thank You Baba.
Experience 2: It was a Saturday and we did Ganesh pooja in our apartment. My mom wore gold jewellery and while sleeping she didn’t take off her earrings. Sunday morning she woke up at 5 am as the servant came. She suddenly came to the bed and started searching her 1 earring which was missing. I was like Baba please return the earring and I will post the experience on this blog because it was a gold item. Within few seconds she found them luckily at the main door. It was Baba Who helped her find it so early. Because even if a servant could have seen it then it could have been a problem. Thank You Baba for each and every leela of Yours in my life.
Please bless my parents with a happy and healthy life and bless my brother to concentrate on his studies and to score well in his exams. Please cure all my health problems. Always be with us and all the people who have placed their lives at Your holy feet. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to everyone. I am a Baba’s devotee for 4 years. I came under His feet while facing lot of difficulties in life. My cordial thanks to Hetalji and her team for providing this wonderful platform to share and read devotee’s experiences and prayers. I have already shared many experiences and prayers on this site.
My previous posts were regarding my love issue and job. I was in a bad state but suddenly everything changed drastically. My stubborn mother accepted my love without any hassle. I got married to my love with Baba’s blessings on July 5th. My long time wish came true. Next I got job immediately after my marriage. Thank You so much Baba. Because of my busy schedule I couldn’t worship my Baba like before. I am feeling very bad for that. I want to worship like before and I want to visit Shirdi with my husband. Please Baba make my wish come true. I forgot to share some experiences due to busy schedule. Please forgive me for that.
Even after marrying my love I couldn’t be happy because he was not spending time with me and I don’t like the way my in-law’s house is running. I am surrounded with many people but feeling empty without my husband. Please make him understand me. We are fighting a lot and I don’t want to be like this. I am not feeling good now a days. Please. Make me and my husband professionally strong. We are facing lot of difficulties in managing household and financial aspects. Please don’t make us to stand helpless before anybody. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai Ram everyone. I am a small devotee of Baba. Thanks to Hetalji and team for this wonderful work.
Coming to my experience, recently I have joined in a new company. Here the work is really hectic, but with Baba’s grace I am able to manage home and office. In this new company how much I am working still they are expecting more but with Baba’s blessings I am trying to complete the work. As I am still in learning stage it is taking time for me to complete the work in given time. Really daily on the way to office I am praying Baba to help me to finish my work. Our Baba always listens to His children and He helped me to do my work. He is coming in one or the other form as my senior colleagues and helping me. Thank You is a small word to express my gratitude to You Baba. Always bless everyone Baba. Thank You Baba for Your help. Thank you Hetalji for giving us this opportunity.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Jai Sairam, I am a small devotee of Baba. I read this blog everyday before sleep.
Coming to my experience, I am 22 weeks pregnant and I started bleeding heavily in hospital. Doctor put me on bedrest and I was still bleeding clots. I was very worried as I had lost my previous pregnancy at 17 weeks. I prayed to Baba to please stop bleeding. Scan showed there was a blood clot near placenta which was causing this issue. From last couple of days my bleeding stopped and turned to spotting. I pray to Baba to please stop this spotting as well and give me peace for the rest of my pregnancy. Thank You Sairam. Devotees please pray for me. Thank You. Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: We are married for four years and after years we are now blessed with a baby. Our sincere thanks to Sai Baba.
Myself and my husband are blessed with a baby. It is definitely a Sai Baba’s blessings. I have an anterior placenta and I couldn’t feel the baby kicks at all. I was very worried about the baby’s health and how the baby was doing inside the womb. I prayed to Sai Baba and immediately I felt my baby’s kick. I cannot express my happiness in words. He will definitely bless all of us who believes in Him.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Manoj from Seychelles says: I am a poor soul looking for Baba’s blessing every moment.
Dear Baba You always blessed me and I have felt that several times. Baba forgive me for my past sins I don’t deserve enough to stand in front of You. Baba because of Your blessings my girl spoke to me. Baba every time when she shares her affection and care to me I feel it was You there with me through her love. Beg You Baba to be with me always.
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Baba please help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba please help us to study hard baba and take care of my grandparents baba and make us visit shree dwaraka balaji soon ayyappa sairakshak saisaranam .
sai please kill me.i am not worth to negtive feelings are killing me.please change negtive to postive feelings.i am feeling very bad.i am feeling depressed.please help baba. be with me and bless me.i am waiting to change me.i can't bear this sai ram
Baba, please take care of the devotee who is 22 weeks pregnant Please bless her with a healthy baby.OmSaiRam
Om sri sai ram
please bless with a baby again. I am having difficulty to conceive . Please baba
help me to become mom again.
Please bless us with a hale, healty and beautiful baby.
anything can happen with ur grace. please baba.
I am really sorry. I will not stack others and feel jealous.
please baba
I want to write my experience here in blog. Please baba. please bless us with a baby again
om sri sai ram
allah malik
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
please bless us with a baby again
om sri sai ram
saipa… the lights should be fixed with out any hassle.
please appa, please make our selection look good appa.
om sri sai ram
allah malik
Look at us kindly O Deva. Let us feel Your presence with us at all times O Sadguru. Allow us to be at Your Lotus Feet always O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sri sai ram
saibaba please bless us
baba my visa should get approved. I don't want to be dependent and lose my job.
please baba, I need to provide good education for my son.
please baba
please bless us
om sri sai ram
allah malik
I am sorry saibaba
I will not do it me baba
give me last chance please appa.
I am sorry
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam..bless my father and brothervwith good health..
om sri sai ram
please bless all…pls take away my negative thoughts
thanks baba. daddy should be hale and healthy. his cancer should not spread anywhere.
he should live long. please sai baba I beg you.
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo, Kripa Karo
om sri sai ram
please bless everyone
please take my negative thoughts from my mind
om sri sai ram
allah malik
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Please Om Sai Ram bless us all with Sadbudhi