Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I am a very minor devotee from India. I would like to keep my identity details private for now. I will surely share my experience here again with more details.
My mother has been a staunch devotee of Baba for decades now. I have prayed to Him many times but have never felt the pull of the Divine. I took my mother to Shirdi a few years ago to make her happy. I never expected to have any major spiritual epiphany just by setting foot there. But like Baba says, He pulls us toward Him like a sparrow with string tied to its feet. It happens when He wills it to do so.
The minute I saw the mass feeding that was happening in Shirdi, something clicked inside me. I was moved beyond words as to how so much love can be given without any racial or religious discrimination in this day and age where there is so much hatred going around. Needless to say I became a true devotee. It is said that we never show full devotion unless we are tested in life. My mother fell terribly ill (brain TB) sometime ago and is still undergoing treatment. She is not of clear mind most of the time but I still have Saburi and Shraddha that Baba will swoop in to save us. This hope keeps me going no matter what.
Meanwhile, last month I had to visit my mother in the hospital one day and was not getting good news from the doctors. I drove recklessly. I had to take a right turn at one place but the signal was red. In my confused state I tried to jump the signal. I got caught by the cop who yelled at me and made me go on a different route. So I took another detour to join the road I was intending to. In my rash driving I was about to get badly hit by an Innova which was racing to hit the side of my car. In a fraction of a second I realised I couldn’t brake immediately. Suddenly a woman on a scooty came between me and that Innova. I had to stop. I was about to curse her for blocking me when I realised what could have happened. She had a huge sticker of Baba stuck on her scooty. I realised I was saved by a whisker. His kindness is infinite and we don’t have the capacity to fully grasp it yet. Sai Deva of Your infinite kindness I beg for a morsel to save my precious mother and restore her back to health. I know I am supposed to keep Saburi but I am a mere mortal who gets swayed by negative emotions. I consider You my Thatha( grandpa). Save Your daughter and give her back to me Thatha. Awaiting Your grace which I am sure that I will get and will share it again over here. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Namaskar to my Sai family. I am a devotee of Baba from past 20-22 years. Thanks Hetalji and the entire team for providing this platform. I want to be anonymous. None of my family members were Sai devotees when Sai came into my life. I don’t know how I got Sai’s picture in to my bag when I was in my 12th grade. The moment Sai came in to my life I became His devotee and started loving Him.
I have so many experiences with Baba. My first experience with Him is as follows. I wanted to join a computer course when I was in college and my parents had financial problems at that time. They were thinking what to do. I asked Baba what to do in Q & A book and I got an answer to donate 10 rupees. I donated that amount to a person outside Baba’s temple. That person was so happy seeing the 10 rupee note which made me happy in return. Within a day or two a miracle happened. All of the sudden one of my relative came to my house and gave money to my father which he took many years ago. My father had asked him once or twice about the money but my relative couldn’t give it back. We had lost hopes on that amount. He himself came and returned our money which my parents paid for my course.
One more experience which recently happened. I wanted money for something and I didn’t have money with me. For that I wanted to sell something and asked Baba’s permission but He told me not to sell it on the day I asked but on the next day. I was wondering why He told me to sell it next day. But only He knows what is best for us. As per Baba’s order I sold it the next day only. I got a good profit and was able to do what I wished for. Thank You Sai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from New Zealand says: Hello all I am a female from New Zealand. I came to know of Shirdi Sai Baba almost 10 years ago through my aunty. Although my family always had a picture of Baba in our pooja place I never really worshipped or knew much about Him. I have had many experiences and miracles by His grace, including when He saved my life when I was at my lowest point in my life and attempted to kill myself.
Coming to my experience, I had decided to take a course this year in business administration. All throughout this course I had faith in Baba and had passed every assessment successfully but I was having a lot of trouble not being able to focus or make much progress in my last assessment. I failed it the first two times, as we are given two attempts and are given a final chance but we are required to pay for this. After failing the second time I felt very low and thought I have come so far and I wasn’t going to give up. That’s when I promised Baba that if I pass this final assessment I would post my experience here. I found out yesterday that I had successfully passed and now qualified. I owe all of this to Baba, there were many mornings where I woke up wanting to give up, but He kept me going.
I do have one miracle that I have been waiting for; for more than a year and I have faith that Baba will fulfil it. I believe that good things take time. Shraddha and Saburi is everything. I pray that Baba continues to send me on the right path and fulfils all the devotees’ wishes. Simply saying ‘Sai Sai Sai Sai’ makes a lot of difference. A great big thanks to everyone who is involved in keeping this forum going. May Baba bless you all.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I would like to thank Hetalji and her team for this wonderful site for sharing experiences. Reading each of the experiences makes our faith in Sai stronger and stronger.
Today I want to share some of the experiences that I have experienced. First one is in my daily life only. I consulted doctor due to some skin problems. From there I came to know that it was a type of severe skin disease called psoriasis. I became shocked and prayed to Sai sincerely. After one month Sai did the miracle and doctor said it was just a skin disease and that it would be cured. Really I am not getting words to explain my gratitude.
Next experience is about my sister. She had one interview last day. But she couldn’t go for that since she was admitted in the hospital. We prayed to Sai about this and Sai did the miracle in form of a strike. Due to the strike they postponed the interview and she could attend it. Today she got a call from the interview board saying some hope for that position. We don’t know how to thank Sai Baba for all these miracles.
One more miracle I want to share. It is about my grandmother. One day she suddenly had severe leg pain. She was about to cry. I prayed for her and at night she saw some dreams saying someone came and touched her leg. We are sure that it’s Sai’s miracle only. He only came to cure my grandmother. I don’t know how to thank Sai for all these miracles. He is always there for us. Please be with us always and shower Your blessings upon us. Thank You so much Sai. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam, we are devotees of Baba for past 10 years, and we have lot of experiences with Baba. He always saved us from all prices. Thanks to admin of this blog for providing platform to record our experiences with Baba.
Coming to my recent experience, I was suffering from urine infection for the last 2 months and visited all the doctors from local doctors to the specialist. They had done all the tests and they did not found any thing abnormal. But urine infection was not reduced and getting red clots in urine again and again. We were tensed like anything. One day we gave sample for one critical test and were waiting for the result. All my mind was filled with negative thoughts and was not able to concentrate on anything that night. I started reading Baba’s parayan and continued for the whole night. In between, I was taking Udi with water. I found that, by morning onwards, infection getting reduced, and in the morning, found a particle in my urine. After that onwards infection got reduced. I am getting recovered now. By Baba’s grace, the test also resulted negative. Thank You Baba, You saved my family and my life. On Sri Sachhidanda Samatdha Saduru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! Hello everyone. I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba from Rajasthan. I would like to thank Hetalji for this act of kindness by giving us here the beautiful platform on which we can share our experiences.
I want to share my experience which was not only the experience but truly a blessing of Sai Baba which can’t be describe in words itself. Yesterday my father as a routine work went to school to pick up my baby nephew from school. After picking him he went to buy some fruits from the market. While buying from the fruit stall my nephew started the activa accidentally and gave the accelerator which gave the speed to the scooter and it held to the accident. Just because of Sai Baba only my father and my nephew were saved from a big calamity. Little one got minute wound and my father got minute fracture in leg. Please Sai Baba make him healthy as soon as possible and thank You so much for blessing my family. I luv You Baba, my Nanu please always with me and my family and shower Your blessings to everyone. Om Sairam.
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Hi team,
Recently I have enrolled for mahaparayan, and I have not received any call yet.plz let me know how long it would take to become a member of mahaparayan.thankyou for such a wonderful gift.
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba take care of my grandparents baba and make us visit shree dwaraka balaji swami soon ayyappa sairakshak saisaranam .i wrote and others is your will. Sairakshak saisaranam
Saima please help me to conceive this month. please baba
please bless us with hale, healthy and beautiful baby again
om sri sai ram
allah malik
Omsairam…..bless my father with good health..
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om sairam…namaste saiMa…please heal my body and health ma…💙 om sai🕉
Sai please bless all