Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: My koti koti pranam to my saviour Baba.
‘Sai Baba’s Blessing On Me’ This is another post of mine on this blog.
Reading this blog about devotees’ miraculous experiences with Sai Baba, is my daily routine. It enhances my positive energy. I am very much fond of this website. Thank you Hetalji and admin of this blog for this noble work. As promised today I am going to share my very recent experience to post it the same day that how Baba answered my prayers.
In the middle of last month my mom suddenly felt very sick. She had severe pain in her chest. I was very much scared as my mom is in India where I am in USA. As per doctor’s recommendation she had to undergo numerous test like sonography, endoscopy, intensive blood test and finally colonoscopy. Before every test I wholeheartedly prayed to my saviour Baba that her test report should come out normal.
Actually my mom is a Rheumatoid Arthritis patient and she is taking some strong medicine since last couple of years. So I had so much fear that these medicines should not have any adverse effect in her body. I surrendered myself to Baba’s feet. I prayed to Baba that any cancerous trace should not be detected in her body. Today she had gone through Colonoscopy. I had prayed to Baba that if report comes normal then I would post my experience the same day. I know my Baba is very kind, He listened my prayer and my mom’s all reports came out normal.
Baba You know how tensed I was last two months. Please don’t put me in this kind of test again. I mentally become very weak and stressed out in the matter about my mom’s health. Baba one more prayer to You, please be always with my mom, You take care of her. My mom has some mental trauma and she is very much nervous. Please cure her mentally and physically and give her strength so that she can lead a normal and a happy life. Also, keep my both sons healthy. Please give Your blessing to them. One more thing, I tried to not to take one of my favourite food Egg until I hear that my mom’s all reports are normal. Someway I tried to not to take that food but some way I failed to keep my promise. Please forgive me. As so far my mom’s reports are Ok I am going to start eating egg from next morning. I truly thankful to you. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Rishikesh from Vietnam says: This is about an important document that was sent by Shri Sai Baba to me as I had begged for it to be sent to my address directly.
I have been living abroad for a very, very long time, and sometimes, it becomes extremely difficult to coordinate things back home. For example, if you are a student enrolled in India but staying abroad, then it becomes a headache to deal with the paperwork by email or phone.
Recently, I sent some documents to my university which was rejected as it was deemed to be incomplete and I lost Rs.1600 in sending the package. For an unemployed student, it’s a big amount. I became very sad and mentally depressed and so I started chanting Baba’s name and resent the documents in the correct format. This time they got it and informed me that they would send it to me after stamping it.
After a few days I again became very tensed and almost wept in front of Baba asking Him to bring that document to me. The institution was 40 kms away from my home and I could not understand how it took more than 2 weeks for a speed post to reach its designated destination. One day on the question answer site, Baba asked me to donate 25 rupees to somebody to get my work done. While going somewhere, I saw a poor lady sitting on a foot overbridge but I had bills in 100 denominations, so I could not donate. In my mind I prayed to Shri Sai that if You want to accept Rs. 25 then by the time I come back, this lady should be around. When I returned the lady was still there which was slightly unusual. I donated Rs. 25 as per Baba’s instruction and lo! today I got my important document from my school. Baba’s words came true. I want to thank Him via this blog as I had promised Him silently. For us, this is like online Shirdi. May Baba help and bless all. Thank You Hetalji and team. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai Baba has said in His book – Satcharitra that my ways of getting things done is unique which are slow but sure. I have experienced His impeccable and unfaltering planning which gave me everything.
I was trying for a job abroad and had tried all the means and ways of getting there, however all in vain. This dream had become so dominant in my life that everything else took a back seat, and then due to some coincidence I came this close to realize the dream but again no results. I was distressed and even cried out my heart to my wife and she consoled me by giving Satcharitra and asking me to read with full faith. It is not that I had disbelief in Sai before this but now when I started reading; it was a different experience and tears would roll down my cheeks. He was watching over me.
Then started the string of miracles: first was our trip to Shirdi wherein I did not have return tickets confirmed still I went with my family and while coming back the tickets were arranged on its own by His grace. I just stood at the gate of the train thinking the lines from book “I will arrange for everything” I was into tears.
After a month of my visit I got a contact to visit the agent however Sai had some other plans. One of my friend turned up and while just talking he mentioned that the agent I was going to was known to one of his friend (no coincidence as we are friends for long but never spoke about it). Sai controls every mind and can do anything. Miracles did not stop there. After this coming in to the job and getting 6 promotions within 2 years. Unbelievable! Right but boss that is my Sai. He can do anything. Love You Sai and please help everybody. Thanks for everything Baba.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am Sai devotee from USA
I am a small devotee of Baba from NJ. I have been doing Baba’s Bhakti since 2009. Baba is taking care of everything that is happening in my life. He gave me everything in life but sometimes I feel so stressed because of my past karma.
One day we went to the doctor for my husband’s check-up and the doctor found that his BP was too high. I was so scared because I live here alone in USA with two teenager kids. I don’t have any support over here. So I prayed Baba that everything should come normal. Doctor checked his heart and told us that there was no blockage but heart takes too much pressure because of high BP. The doctor gave him three months BP tablets and told him to do exercise every day. After three months he has to go for a check-up. Baba, please take care of his health. After 3 months please see that he doesn’t need to take medicine and everything becomes normal. Baba, keep everyone happy and healthy.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello Sai devotees, Baba is increasing faith on Him day-to-day multifolds. It is only due to His grace that I am able to sustain in this world.
Coming to my experience, I am in urgent need of money and Baba well took care of it. None other than Baba could have solved this so graciously.
Once I happened to keep my sarees in my bag which my husband shouldn’t see. Thank God Baba saved me from this. I happen to do a mistake which only my dear Baba knows. I was hell scared that my husband would find it. Thank God he didn’t notice it. I happened to buy a saree which my husband usually don’t like. I am very much scared for that. Please Baba reduce his temper in this situation. I am begging You. He shouldn’t doubt me. Please Baba I am very terrified. Please save me from this situation. I will post once Baba helping me in this scenario happens.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Andhra Pradesh. Om Sairam thank you Hetalji for this wonderful site. I have so many experiences with Sai. This is my latest experience. I got job because of being a part in Mahaparayan. Then I searched for the hostel. But no hostels were good. Then I prayed to Baba to please help me. Later I saw one hostel that was nice. Really thank You Baba. You are with all devotees. Please show me a way for my career. Thank You so much Baba. Baba, please increase my Shraddha and Saburi.
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Om sai ram
Babaji please bless help and save my parents. Please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him know from bp and diabetes saipa. Please take care of my grandparents baba. Make me to study well and concentrate baba. Make us visit shree dwaraka balaji swamy soon ayyappa sairakshak saisaranam.
Forgive us our faults and bless us to be kind and nice to everyone O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram🙏
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.