Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Lakshmi from USA says: I am Lakshmi basically from India.
Shri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Om Sai Ram. Anantha Roopa Om Sai. We are blessed to be under Your feet and having Your infinite love towards us. You are the creator and pathfinder of our lives. Without Your consent not even a leaf can move. Thanks Hetalji for creating such a wonderful and blissful website. May Baba bless you with all the future endeavours that you are going upon. Baba’s leelas are innumerable. We cannot share all of them but trying to share whichever is possible by Baba’s Grace.
Coming to my experiences I have been facing difficulty at work now a days. Every time I used to get some or the other problem. By Baba’s grace I am able to get out of difficult situations. I used to pray Baba whenever I was not able to get the solution, immediately somehow I would get the solution for those problems.
One more experience we started our new life in US. With the help of Baba, we took a house for rent and moved to that house on Thursday only. Prayed Baba to help me in doing Varalakshmi pooja and Satyanarayana pooja in US for the first time along with my husband. We successfully completed all our poojas by His grace and had a small party also at home on account of Satynarayana pooja. Whenever I wanted to visit temples of other Gods or do poojas at home, I used to pray Baba to make it happen successfully. Baba made it successful and showed that He is there for us in every situation.
One more important experience in my life is that I got my visa approved after I started 9 weeks Baba Vratham. You are the savior of our lives. Without You we cannot do anything. Thank You Sai Nana for Visa approval for my dependents and also making their journey safe to USA. We are starting our lives in new country. Please bless us and be with us in all situations. I know You will take care of it. I have left everything on You. Please don’t leave us Sai Nana. Without You our lives will be in dark. Please make us learn Shraddha and Saburi that helps to move closer to You. We are blessed to be under Your feet. Sarvejana Sukhinobavanthu.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee says: Hi devotees. Here is my journey to get visa with Baba’s help.
Hi devotees, we had planned to go to India with my husband and daughter. As usual I thought of asking an electronic visa as it was cheap than an ordinary visa and we get the visa in 3 days. 10 days before our departure I submitted our visa form online. When my daughter’s turn came it was refused because her passport validity was less than 6 months of validity. We planned to go on 16th November and return on 7th December. We got scared as we didn’t know what to do. We were November 8th( Wednesday). The next day 9th (Thursday)my husband said let’s try an ordinary visa which was expensive and take more delay. So we filled the form and submitted to the office. They said it would take minimum 4 working days from the next day.
We insisted on saying that our flight was on 16th November. Wednesday I called the office and they said our documents had been submitted to the embassy and we would have to wait because it could also take 1 week. I started crying and asked help from Baba. I was praying and telling Baba’s name all day and night. Thursday 15th I again called in the office and they gave me the same reply. My husband also tried from his office to get some help but nobody could help us. I talk to Baba and said, “Baba You know that I only believe in You and You only. I don’t know what You will do but we have to take our flight on this Friday. Thursday afternoon my husband went back to the office to enquire about the passport and the miracle was that they gave him the passport with visa. I had tears of joy as I was very happy. My daughter also asked Baba Please Baba Give Me my passport as I need to go to India. During the process time I used to imagine Baba accompanying and being with my husband in the visa office. Baba I love You and You know it. I live because of You. I have no words to describe Your greatness and compassion that You Have for us. Om Sai Ram Baba.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee from India and is doing well in life except for some man made sorrows that no God is responsible for.
Dear Readers, Jai Sai Ram. Thanks to all those who shared their experiences and blogging site for publishing them with due diligence. While reading couple of stories I read one thing that was very common which I also normally do is to pray Sai Baba with a purpose like job, like family, like getting marriage alliance or worldly matter. But no one has asked Sai Baba the strength to fight with odds, no one asked Baba for the courage to fight with situations and do better with their lives.
One thing I learned today is to pray God not for getting something but for spiritual gain. Baba will give you material gain but that will always be temporary and would not last long. Instead with an example of what worst I saw today, I decided to pray Baba for Shraddha and Saburi that is for giving me patience and perseverance. If we pray for something that is not our destiny and is causing us to lose faith and ask, “Baba that if I am doing so much why You are still giving me pain?” This will continue till material desire is completed and thus we will forget Baba by thanking Him and continuing our regular activities which will again begin harming us. Today was first sat fasting, and my vrat of reading holy charitra. But I lost the holy book of my life and got bad experience about my son. This has made me believe that I will do the vrat not for the purpose I started it, that is job change but I will devote it for all the followers of Sai, all the sufferers who are suffering and all the needy people who need help and would pray Baba to utilise the energy created from this for well-being of all the people who need His help. Please forgive if I have hurt anyone’s feelings. Jai Sai Baba. Aum Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi to Sai family. I am from Tamil Nadu studying medicine. I wish to share my Sai experience with our family. It is about the experience I had on my result day.
I had completed my first year exams with the blessings of Sai and I was waiting for the results to be published. The date was not announced and it made more pressure but the hope on Sai made me to cross it easily. Suddenly one day I was at my home when my friend came and called me to Sai temple. I was not able to understand Sai’s miracle at that time and went with him to the Sai temple. There I had a blissful Sai’s experience. I and my friend worshipped and were sitting on a chair before Sai in the temple. Suddenly a call came to my friend informing him that the results were announced. We with huge hope in Sai visited the website. Undoubtedly Sai made us pass with good marks. We were in tears seeing the Sai before us. An unknown lady who visited came near us and gave a sweet. It was like Sai gave us sweet and made us float in the ocean of happiness. That day was unforgettable as it made my belief in Sai stronger.
I had another experience which was also on the result day of my NEET UG exam. I was waiting for the results. I was doing Sai Vrat and I usually do Pooja on the next day also after he completion of Vratham (fasting). It was the last week that I was doing Pooja on the next day in my home. Suddenly a call came and it was my relative who informed me that the results were published and I was nervously searching the site. When I saw the result as pass I was full in tears with Sai in front of me like insisting me that He never forgets me. Thank You Sai. Sai’s blessings are always with us! Sai Sai.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Sreelekha from India says: I am Sreelekha from India.
Experence 1: I am doing my M. tech final year in correspondence course. So, I had to give my exams in Chennai. I was not feeling well at that time so, I prayed Baba to make everything smooth my travel, my exam and everything. Yes He did it. Thank You Baba.
Experience 2: My cousin brother was struck with dengue. He was down with fever in the hostel with 104 temperature. So, I asked Baba to help him and cure him. If so I told Him that I would post the experience. Sorry Baba for posting this experience late.
Experience 3: After completion of my exam I was really scared for my return travel for my place because I had many issues revolving around my mind. I prayed Baba to make my journey smooth. Thanks for helping me every time Baba.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai Ram to everyone. I want to share an experience that happened recently in my friend’s life. One of my friends was woried about her job. I prayed to Sai Baba if she got a job then I would share that experience on the blog. Thanks Hetalji for providing this blog to share our experiences.
One of friend was looking for job from past 6 months. I suggested her to be part of Mahaparayanam which involves reading 2 chapters in a group every Thursday as per allocation. She was worried about her visa in USA. I prayed to Baba if she gets job then I will share that experience on the blog. Thanks everyone for reading this.
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Be with us and bless us with Your Grace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba take care of my grandparents baba. Please help me to concentrate and study well baba. Make us visit shree dwaraka balaji swami soon ayyappa sairakshak saisaranam.. Baba we are at the verge baba .Please help us baba.
Baba even by doing a miracles show my father some path. Truly we are the ending baba. Please show your presence baba. He started believing again deeply because as i told him that you have ordered make to make him believe you in my dream really it is a test.. All our years work our lives please help baba. Please remove my bad thoughts. Jelous. Pride. Ego and all and make us love you unconditionally sai pa. Love you. Love you till my last breath saipa
Om sai ram
Omsairam….bless my father with good health forgive our sins….love you Baba..
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Looks like these experiences were published few days back and looks like a repetition today.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.