Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba since more than 30 years or so. I live in Bangalore. Thank you for having started this blog. This has strengthened my faith in Baba manifold times.
“There is light at the end of every tunnel”. I read this in one of the posts – God always has something for you; a key to every problem, a light for every shadow, a relief for every sorrow, and a plan for tomorrow. Sai Baba has it all figured out in our best interest. All we have to do is trust in Him; so aptly said by all His devotees and I learnt this the hard way! There is light at the end of every tunnel – Sai Baba Himself shows us the way through the darkness in the tunnel (while we may not know this).
The experience that I am going to narrate exemplifies this. Last year in June 2017, I lost my job due to downsizing. I was in a senior position drawing a good salary. This came as a shock to me and I was extremely depressed. I prayed to Baba to help me get a job quickly. I was so desperate that additionally, I went to an astrologer – not 1 but 2 of them! One of them told me that I would get a job after 7 – 8 months and the other one told that she did not foresee any change in job and that there would be no problem with finances!
Miraculously, only through Baba’s intervention, I got a job within the next 1 month (in July 2017) that too close to my house. Please note here: both the astrologers were proven wrong showing that only faith in Baba works. All the rest can be thrown aside. The downside to this job was that I joined at a pay that was 25% lesser than what I was drawing in my previous company. I accepted the job leaving everything to Baba.
A month down the line, I realized that I was not happy with the job. The reasons for this were varied. I wanted to change my job. I started to look out for jobs. There were no jobs in the market. Meanwhile, the company was not doing well. Salaries started coming in late and then the low point was when in Jan 2018, we had to go in for a deferred pay cut of 40%. That was when my stress levels went through the roof. I was desperate to change my job. There were no jobs that came my way. I didn’t know what to do. Why was I in that situation? What was my way out? Meanwhile, I did the Sai Divya Vrat Pooja and read Sai Satcharitra in seven days. I kept checking in the question answer book as to whether and when I would get a new job. The answer was always positive.
End of January/beginning of Feb 2018, I thought I almost landed a good job. But that was not to be. Nothing was working out. I was terribly depressed and at my wit’s end. At that point, I realized that I needed to let go and above all needed to have unwavering faith and trust in Baba (not that I didn’t believe in that before). That’s when I just surrendered to Baba. I read the Sai Satcharitra again. I went to Shirdi. The company’s fortunes didn’t look up. The company owed me more than four lakhs of my salary (accumulated from my deferred pay cut). No job came by. I was getting more and more anxious and depressed. I was stuck in a job that I was unhappy about. I couldn’t leave because my money was stuck.
Anyway, as expected, I was asked to leave in Nov 2018 because they couldn’t afford to pay me. All through this Baba kept giving me signs that He would help me out. One hand I knew Baba would help me but on the other hand, I kept wondering when that day would come. I went through emotional upheavals. It was an excruciatingly painful wait. In the meanwhile, a couple of months ago, I was accepted into a new Mahaparayan group. I was thrilled. And finally, on Dec 24, Baba showed me the way. I got a job – it was an unfathomable miracle. Out of nowhere, I got a lead for my job. A connection had posted a job requirement on LinkedIn. It was 3 weeks old and it was for a job role not related to my skills. I applied. I was called. After an interview and presentation, I was selected. And the best part was, the moment I entered the interviewer’s room, I saw a photo of Sai Baba. Wow! What more did I need? Baba took me through the interview and got me this job, that too before my last working day. Thank You, Baba, for Your infinite grace and kindness! I feel I no longer need to worry. My life is at Baba’s feet. Baba will take care of me and my family. Bow To Sai Baba. Peace Be To All.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I am a Sai Daughter from India. Om Sairam to all Sai Devotees.
Hi All, I am a small Sai Devotee since 2009. I am nothing without Sai. Sai is everything for me. I am a dust particle at Baba’s Lotus Feet. Thanks, Hetalji and her team for providing us such a divine platform cum Modern Sai Satcharithra where we can read and experience the Sai’s Leela and see the love and support of Baba towards His devotees. I have posted many experiences and many of them have been published. Today I am going to share the recent one for which I prayed to Baba and promised to post.
Exp 1: My Mom was not keeping well from so many days. She was not able to get proper sleep due to severe waist pain, knee pain, and head itching (In spite of applying shampoo continuously). Because of all that she was not able to have a proper meal. She was not feeling well to have her meals properly because of one teeth sensitivity. I couldn’t see her in pain. I asked her to apply Udi all over. She is used to apply Udi every morning after having a bath and in the night before going to bed. I prayed Baba to help her to get rid of all of this pain and help her to come in her normal routine. I don’t like the bargain to post the experience if the issue gets resolved. But I prayed and promised to share with others to show Baba’s love, affection and timely help of Baba towards His devotees.
After one week my mom’s health was improving. Her Waist and knees pain went off. She got relief from sensitivity also. There is some improvement in Head itching also. From last two days, her knees pain started again. I am sure Baba will cure her very soon. Baba You know all happened with her last week. She becomes so helpless and feels lonely. I know You are testing us in this time. Please be with us always in every situation. Thanks a lot, Deva for helping her to get rid of her from pain. Please bless her with beautiful life with good health and happiness.
Exp 2. My Second Trimester Scan and Report- Thanks a lot Baba for making everything fine. Last week I went to the hospital for the anomaly scan. I kept Baba’s small idol in my fist and kept chanting Sairam and praying for well-being of my baby. Baby was doing good. Everything was fine but the doctor told us that there was a small Cyst on the baby’s brain. But nothing to worry as it was because of water bubbles at the starting time. In some babies, it disappears in the first 3 months and sometimes it takes time to 27 to 35 weeks. They were to check it again in the third-trimester scan. I then left everything at Baba’s holy feet;. I knew He would take care of my baby. That cyst would disappear soon by Baba’s grace. I was and still applying Udi on my stomach and also having Udi with water for my baby’s well-being. Why should I fear when Baba is there?
After the scan, the doctor asked me to perform the Torch test to check if there was any infection. I gave the blood sample. I was praying Baba as well. Today we visited the doctor and she told me everything was fine. Oh Baba how can I say You thanks for everything? Thank You is a small word. I have completely surrendered myself at Your holy feet. Do whatever is good for me. Please be always with me like this. I am sure my pregnancy will be smooth by Your grace. Dear All Sai Devotees, Sai Divya Pooja is very powerful. I did it and got pregnant. I am continuing it. Do Sai Divya Pooja with devotion and keep faith in Baba’s holy feet and keep patience. You will get everything. Thanks for reading my long post. Please forgive me for any grammatical errors and sentence order. Om Sai Namoh Namah Shri Sai Namo Namah Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah Sad Guru Sai Namoh Namah. Jai Jai Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Shree Sainathay Namah. Hi everyone, I am from India. I wasn’t a devotee of Sai Baba earlier but this one experience in my life made me strongly believe His existence.
Few months back I got a marriage proposal from our relative. Though everything was good, I didn’t like the boy. Being raised in a strict environment, I wasn’t allowed to speak about my opinion. So the marriage was about to get fixed against my wish and this made my mind very much unstable. Like everyone, I also had many dreams about marriage and I felt that they were shattering.
One day a friend of mine told me about You Baba. Then I started searching about You on internet and it was when I got encountered to this blog. Reading miracles here, I started gaining faith in You. I decided to read Sai Satcharitra, praying to show me a way out of my situation and that I I would post my experience here. Days kept passing on and the book was about to complete when my parents cancelled this marriage due to some reasons. I felt so relieved and learnt that how much one needs to have faith and patience. Baba fulfils your wish, if you pray with a clean heart. Thank You so much Baba. Sorry for posting my experience so late because I didn’t know how to describe this. I wish You always stay by my side and give me courage and strength to face everything in my life and hope to keep on experiencing many more of Your miracles in my life.
Thank You so much for this blog Hetal Ma’am and thank you to all those people who shared their experiences here. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Sai since my school days. Sai is my Guru and every moment He is with me.
Coming to my experience, my dad got severe neck pain at midnight due to which he was unable to sleep or sit. He used the ointment and tablet but it did not decrease. So in the night we took him to the hospital and the doctor gave him an injection and we came home. The severity of pain decreased but he was unable to move his head. I prayed to Sai Baba to solve my dad’s problem. Next day morning we did few blood tests and took him to the specialist. He advised neck collar and to take rest for 10 days. Sai please be with us and cure my dad’s health problem. Sai my mom is also suffering from knee pain. Please cure her pain also. I am also suffering from small ulcer in the mouth. Sai please cure it Sai. You are our hope. Bless everyone Sai. Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Poornima from India says: I was in a family trip along with my family in Norway. Baba helped us to catch the ship just in time.
I am so happy and thankful that I and my family are always blessed with the blessings of Sai Baba. This is not my first experience. I started praying Baba after my marriage; 8 years ago as I was married to a very strong devotee of Baba. We had a lot of marital issues during the first year of my marriage. But my Sai Baba solved all the issues and helped me to create love and trust between me and my husband. This was my first experience with Sai Baba. I see my father in Him. In Norway we went for vacation and we were about to miss our ship. But my Baba helped us to get the ship just in time. I feel so blessed and lucky that whenever I think of Baba, Baba will be there to help me. Baba please be with me always, I am nothing without YOUR blessings. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all brothers and sisters. I am also a Sai child from India. Thank You so much for this wonderful devotional work to Hetalji and team.
This is my first post about my experience. Last month I was affected by late coming of my periods. It was a very stressful problem and that time I would pray to my Sai paa and take Uḍi with water. I prayed Him to cure my period’s problem and vowed that surely ii would share my experience on this blog. Finally my Sai Paa cured my period’s problem and they came normally. It was only possible because of my Sai Paa’s grace. Our Sai paa is always with us to safeguard us, thank You so much and love You so much Sai Paa.
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Om sai ram
Baba please bless help and save my parents said ma,please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba., please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes ,saipa cure my mother.take care of my grandparents make me the study and concentrate make us visit sure dwaraka Balaji swami soon ayyappa sairakshak,saisaranam,we are at the verge please help us baba .
Thank You Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam..bless my father with good health
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
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Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.