Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Humble prostrations to our Lord Sai who is God incarnate and everything (Father, Mother, Relatives, Well-Wisher, Guru, Children, Friends etc.) for His devotees. Thank You Saipa for choosing me to be near You in this life. You are our soul and body. I’m from Chennai, India. Please don’t give out any of my details.
Thank You Sai for showing me this site. Thanks to the creator/admin of this site/blog for rendering such service. You are truly blessed. All blessings to You. One humble request to the admin please with Sai’s blessings compile all the experiences into book version (hard copy) and sell them on your website and Amazon from any religious books publishers at a reasonable price. It’s not about the price but while reading all the experiences it always feels like Sai is just in front of us. That’s how I feel when Sai makes me read His stories here.
Experience 1: We know that whatever happens is according to His will and only for the best. This part is hard for me to bring up but I wanted to. So a few weeks back I don’t know why I did that but scrolling Instagram I came across an ad link saying HP mobile printer at $0.01 give away. I never buy anything without checking reviews and genuineness. I always do some research, get my mom’s permission as it’s her money and if she says ok fine. But that moment I was just trying to see. When I entered payment details and then around $370 (Rs. 26000) had gone away in a moment. The bank called and said it was an international suspicious transaction so they had blocked and helped us. Then they took the complaint which is still in process (prayers for it to be resolved please. Om Sai). The worst part is that it was my mother’s money and this hurts me the most.
I started crying to Sai and asked why this did happen, was it to show I need to change my behaviour in some way? Even so why my mother’s money was involved? I was born to hurt her and so on. When we came to know from the bank, seeing me cry my mom said, ‘Don’t cry its ok. Leave’ and a few other things to console me. I cried for a day I couldn’t talk to her and face her at all. I didn’t talk to her for few days and even now while I write it hurts and feel like I want to cry out. She asked me not be upset and leave the matter to Sai. Then Sai made me read His miracles here which really made me face things (believe it or not) it was such a feel that I felt He was there with me and I cried for most of the stories I read as I felt His presence in the stories and Lord Balaji (Govinda/Venkateshwara). He made me spent some time with my grandma watching a religious Tamil movie called ‘Thirumalai Deivam.’ It was amazing magic and it warmed my heart while watching the movie with my grandma. Then the Lord made me smile and helped from then on.
I have watched the film few times before but that time it was a magical healer. He is always there watching and hoping to keep our faith, patience, stability and true soulful love/devotion (surrender) that’s all. So then Sai made me took a vow until there is some kind of resolve for the issue from bank that I won’t partake processed sugar (any chocolates, snack, any drinks, etc.). 19/6/19 mom got a bread halwa for her company’s anniversary. She shouldn’t take sweets so brought it home and kept in the fridge. I didn’t know it till next day 20th night when I opened the fridge I saw and asked her that what was it. She said that it was so and so and asked me to eat it as I love bread halwa where I never tasted it before and was waiting for an opportunity to taste it if I visit restaurant with the item on menu for some time. I told my mom that no I couldn’t as I had taken a resolve. She said, “Ok fine. Next time you can and Sai maybe testing you.” Then I went to Sai and said, “Baba, please don’t give me temptations. There is time and chance but this resolve is something You have blessed me with so it’s Yours and I forgot. Next morning (today 21st June) we (me and my mom) needed to go out. So I was doing something and she fed me with Idli. The only way I eat Idli is either by mixing it with Ghee-Sugar or Podi fried. She fed me the former. I finished eating it (happened in front of Sai’s pic) and didn’t strike till I finished and then I remembered and told my mom. She said, “Oh I forgot.” I asked sorry to Saipa and was thinking of what to do. Immediately the story of coconut (Ch 50) from “Shri Sai Satcharitra” came to my mind; the story where Shri Tembe Swami will give coconut to Pundalikro to give it to Saipa on account of him but on the way to Shirdi Pundalikro forgets and breaks it to eat only after reaching Sai and the latter enquiries. He then remembers about it and apologizes sincerely. Then Lord Sai says, “It was on account of my wish that, the coconut was entrusted to you, and ultimately broke on the way’. This suddenly struck in my mind and I believed it as a message to be truly devotional and surrendering than starving our soul’s/body’s desire. He tested me to see whether I remember Him and made me come to Him. Sai You are my everything. This soul and body is Yours. How will You make me forget You? Om Sairam.
Experience 2: On 19th June we made vegetables order on Big Basket for Rs. 135. Mom gave me Rs.500 and asked me to get the change. The delivery man didn’t have any change and so got the amount from my grandpa and paid. After the delivery of the products I kept the money in the box safely with thought of returning it to mom but forgot. After reaching home mom saw and took it. I didn’t know. I suddenly remembered before going to bed and searched in the box and couldn’t find it and couldn’t ask her as she slept. Also had a second thought whether I gave it to grandpa or not? Suddenly the thought of losing the money occurred and I prayed to Sai saying, “If You are considering me then please show a sign on this by finding the money by next morning.”
Morning mom was in the room and suddenly waking from my sleep asked her to confirm with grandpa about the money. She then said that she had taken it. Then I felt relieved and thanked Sai so much. He is there watching and listening to us. He knows when and what is best for all. Yes keeping patience in this society is not an easy thing with human mind but He’ll make us do when we have complete faith in Him. Om Sairam.
Experience 3: Few years back maybe 5 not sure, when we went Mylapore Saipa temple an amazing beautiful heart-warming miracle happened. Those times I was a very picky eater even though God made me know it was bad it was there so white/venpongal. I used to say it has milagu, so no even when its a prasad. It used to hurt me especially when its God given and when I said that and I wanted to change. Even mom would feel bad for letting me have such a bad habit. She was advising me that its very bad to say that and all. My mind and heart felt heavy as the guilt and hurt was strong. I felt like crying not because of mom said it so but because I rejected God’s grace. A little bit hurts even now. Then wonders of everything, a devotee’s prayers got fulfilled so was distributing Rs. 5 Dairy milk. That moment it felt like He came to cheer me up. Mom said, ‘He is spoiling you by compromising the chocolate’. Literally, tears formed in my eyes and I was thanking Him so much. Om Sairam. Thank You Sai and please be a guide to us, protect us and make us serve You always. Om Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: Shraddha and Saburi are the two keys to have Sai shower His enormous blessings on us.
I’m a Sai devotee since 2017 and everything changed in my life since then. Today I am fully assured that Sai is always there with me and my family and listening to my prayers. He has been sheltering me from all the obstacles that are coming in my life. I might not be praying Him that much and I haven’t seen Him in my dream, but I have felt His omnipresence. Sai has given me what is right, and I am immensely thankful to Sai for all His grace. He is omnipresent and omniscient.
February 2017 my life went totally downhill. Before all this I was living a normal life and prayed routinely to all our Hindu Gods like Shiv bhagwan, Ganesha, Krishnaji, Lakshmi mata, and Durga Mata except Sai. And all the sudden that year I got sick and had undergone a major surgery. Then my husband got into an accident and he lost his two fingers of his left hand. My son had a small accident around the same time. It was like one after the another one or the other bad incidences were happening in my life. I was very stressed and praying every day. I was seeking help, looking for peace in my life. I met someone in March and he told me to start praying Sai. He referred me to Saidham prayer group and Shirdi Sai group where I would leave my prayers and ask for His blessings. And I joined Sai jaap group and read Sai satcharitra every day. From there my journey to Sai dwaar (door) started and now have experienced lots of miracles in my life. It was like my life started changing.
Where I couldn’t find any light at the end on a long dark tunnel, there now I started seeing the bright light. My husband started feeling better and he went back to his work and his hand functions normally. My health was getting better. Whenever I get a headache or dizziness I use Sai Udi and I feel better. In 2018, I went to Shirdi and said, ‘Thank You’ to Sai. He showed me miracles at Sai temple as well. I know He is always looking out for me. My life was back on track, and then I start asking Sai to help me fulfil my dreams like, promotions, dream house and successful business. And believe me He never disappointed me. I have promised Sai that I will write my experience if I can buy a house that I always wanted to buy. I started doing Sai vrat for 7 Thursdays. And Sai has never disappointed me and always shown His miracles. It happened so quickly and it’s like I just woke from a dream. I sold my current house within a week and bought my dream house within two months. I don’t think it was possible without His kripa. I have a full faith on Sai and I don’t need to worry anymore. Only one wish I have now that if I can meet Sai, or at least see Him in my dream. When that will happen, I will certainly come back and write my experience. Even the impossible becomes possible by His will.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Suraj Rao from India says: Om Sairam to all the Sai devotees present in this universe. I offer my humble pranams at the lotus feet of Shirdi Sai Baba and Lord Krishna. Thank you Hetalji for spreading the message of Shirdi Sai Baba through this online site which is called as “The Modern Satcharitra” by all the Sai devotees. I am from Bangalore. My previous experiences which I submitted in the month of Feb 2019 are yet to be published. I have few experiences that I will share below in which Baba played multiple roles.
The Best Doctor: My mom on 15th June 2019 (Saturday) suddenly got up in the night shivering unexpectedly. I was afraid when she disclosed me the news. After that, my mom got a high fever and could not get up at all. She could neither eat properly nor concentrate on anything. I told her to take medicine and apply Udi on her forehead. The temperature did come down and the weakness was there too. My mom is a teacher and so she took leave on 17th June 2019 (Monday) to recover fast. Meanwhile I started praying to Baba by reading the experiences of various devotees, seeing live darshan of Baba on the Sai Sansthan App, Sai Naam Jaap and Hare Krishna Jaap. On Monday night, Baba showed heard my prayer. The next day Tuesday, my mom was fully okay and could go to school fresh as before. Thank You, Baba for your compassion and kindness.
The Teacher: I was a smartphone addict and was reading after putting off the light at night. My mom was always cautioning me about the side effects while reading at night after darkness but I never took seriously. A few days later, I heard my inner voice warning me about night blindness that can occur due to this bad habit. I guess it was Baba Himself cautioning me. Then the next day, I vowed Baba that I would not read at night after darkness before turning the lights off. Even though my addiction towards smartphone has reduced, I feel great not to read at night, especially after the light is turned off. Now through His grace, I get good sleep for about 7 to 8 hours after I pray to Him. Thank You Baba for Your timely intervention.
Baba, I’m going through a rough patch professionally and personally as I am not able to stabilize my career in one company atleast for 2-5 years. Also, I am not able to able to find a girl who will love me as I am alone but nothing to worry as Baba is there. I am confident that Baba will take care of everything. Jai Sairam…!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: First of all I would like to thank Hetalji and team for this wonderful platform for us devotees of Baba to share His leelas. I live in the US and Baba has been with me and guiding me from almost 30+ years. Sorry Baba for posting these miracles so late. Please forgive me Father.
Coming to my first experience: Lately I have been stressed out due to many reasons. This was a couple of months ago when I finished the house work and was about to go to sleep when I noticed that I was feeling uneasy. My neck was hurting. It started all of a sudden and behind my left ear I felt swelling. It looked like a gland was swollen. I got scared and did not know what to do? I had almost got ready to go to the ER. But I decided to go to my Puja room and prayed to Baba and applied Udi and went to sleep. Next morning no swelling or pain was there. Thank You Baba for Your countless blessings and the Udi miracle.
My second experience just happened last week. My husband lost his wallet on Friday and did not realize it till Tuesday morning. We looked everywhere and called all the places he visited with no luck. Wednesday I cancelled all his credit cards and wanted to go apply for a driver’s license. I was tired of all the mess and was talking to Baba to intervene to find his wallet and promised that I will write this in my experience. Thursday morning I finished Puja and my husband screamed that he found the wallet. It was in the same drawer where he looked twice before and where I also had searched. It is nothing but Baba’s grace. Thank You Baba for always being there. Sathchidananda Sadguru Sainath Mahraj ki Jai. Pranams.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Jai Sairam. I am Madhu from USA. I got two jobs on the same day and got my lost finger ring too the same day.
Jai Sairam. I prayed Baba if I get my lost finger ring then I will post my experience here. After 3 months I got my ring. I prayed Baba that I will do 7 weeks of Shri Sai Divya Pooja (Vrat and before I finish pooja I should get job. I am in my fifth week and I got two job offers. Thank You Baba and You be with me all the time. I do not have any one in this world. I believe in You only. You know all my problems and please help me in choosing the right job and success in my career. Baba help me in getting my love too. I love holiness so much and I want him to me with me and do anything for me Baba. Jai Sairam jai Sairam jai Sairam. I love You Baba.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a Sai devotee for 11 years. I stay in the USA with my husband and baby. My baby is 17 months old.
My husband’s job involves lots of travel and I am stuck at home without any help. I can’t drive a car and was all the more nervous. My baby recently had a couple of infections and we were very disheartened. My husband left for travel and this time I requested Baba to save us and be with us till my husband returns. Things went well and we were safe. We have no real atoms here except Baba. Om Sairam.
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Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father finanacially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa.cure my mothers pain and grandmas diabetes us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam..bless everyone in this world with peace and good you Baba…thanks for whatever you have blessed me with…love youBaba.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om namaha shivaya, jai hanuman, jai ganesh, jai shree ram, dattatreya namaha, baba ki palkhi aayi re, durgaya
Tirupati balaji ki jai
Jai murugan