Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From UK Says: A huge thank you to Hetalji and her team for this site. I became a Sai Baba devotee in 2014 after a friend told me about Him.
The first experience relates to my car. I asked Baba a question on the Question and Answer site and the reply I got was “A lot of money will be spent, Honour and fame with be gained. You will be exhausted due to responsibility. Have faith in Sri Sai Baba” I did not understand the answer at that time as it did not relate to what I had asked about but after a couple of weeks my car wasn’t working properly. A light did appear on the car dashboard but as I was planning to sell the car because I was told that I should sell it as it would cost me a lot of money to keep, I kept ignoring the light until my car stopped. That evening I called AA out (breakdown recovery) for my car. I was told to take the car for a long drive as a filter was blocked or to take the car to a garage and it would cost me about £70 to get fixed. I took the car to the garage and left it there for them to fix. It took about 3 weeks to get back because the correct part could not be found second hand and then the wrong part got delivered and it cost me £1100 because a brand new filter was really expensive.
During this period of not having my car, I was so desperate that I was looking to find a cheap car somewhere but I didn’t have any luck and as now my parents have both passed away, I don’t have anyone who knows about cars to help me find one. So I had to get a new filter for my car. Baba came to the rescue because I used all the money I had saved, towards getting my car fixed. Baba had warned me in advance through His message. Thank You Baba from the bottom of my heart.
My second experience relates to my younger brother who is a teenager. I had paid £500 for a school trip to Barcelona as he had never gone on holiday and I was not financially in a position to take him anywhere. So this opportunity came along and he begged me to go. After all, the trip was all paid for (non refundable), my brother changed his mind and said that he didn’t want to go because his friends weren’t going. They were all taking part in different activities at school that week. Baba knows how much I struggled to convince my brother to go as I would end up losing all the money I had put towards this trip. So I prayed to Baba and asked him to make sure my brother goes on this trip and has a good time. Long story short, my brother went on the trip and had a great time.
I cannot express in words how grateful I am to Baba. He knows that without Him, I have nothing. He is there to see my struggles and I can see His helping hand in all that I am able to do. These are just 2 examples of numerous miracles of Sai Baba He has performed in my life. Sometimes when we go through struggles our faith wavers but He never leaves us. I cannot thank You enough Baba. Love You Baba from the bottom of my heart.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: I am simple homemaker depend upon my Sai for each and everything. He is guiding me from my 20th year. So I had and is still having so many experiences with Sai Baba which I may not able to count. I think I am reading this blog from day one. I wanted to write about my experiences too but because of poor English I didn’t have the courage. Now got little confidence and thus writing down.
It was long back and that time mobile phone wasn’t there. Not that every middle class house could afford even landline phones. We were staying at bank quarters and one common phone was in community hall. Only in any emergency they allowed us to use it. Therefore we residents did not even know the phone number. We never felt to know also.
I have two boys. That time elder one was studying in a very good school. He was able to get his admission with his merit. My second son also wanted to go to the same school with his brother. He sincerely studied and gave merit test but was not selected in the first list. His number was at the top in next list but the condition was that if anyone would not take the seat then only it would come to my son. Meaning one seat remains vacant which was almost impossible.
Hearing this, my son started crying nonstop. I was also feeling so bad but was still trying to give him hope to make him feel better. But he was not at all listening. At that point my only saviour was My Sai my Deva. I continuously was chanting His name and begging for His help. Full day ended yet I had unshakable faith in my Sai that He will shower His Grace and do justice to my son for his sincere efforts.
Yes, my Sai made this happen. You know how? By 8 pm our watchman came running to our house saying that some urgent call was there for us. I was shocked to hear that and asked him from whom? Because I had never given that phone number to anybody since I never knew it myself. How could anyone call me? Anyway I ran to know who it could be. With all anxiety hoping for good to listen, praying my Sai reached there, picked up the receiver and said, “Hello”. Then what I heard was unbelievable and totally surprising. Respected Father of that reputed school said, “Tomorrow morning by 10 am be present in school with your son to get his admission.” My Sai family members now you only decide isn’t that a miracle! I am 100% sure. This happened only because of my Sai and His love for His devotees. Or else how the principal of school searched for phone and wait to convey the message? For me He is my Sai – my kindest, my most loving Deva.
Sai only has that power to make impossible to possible. Thank You Deva. Be with all Your devotees and make their devotion more firm. Koti Koti Pranams my Sai. Love You Deva.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From US Says: Om Sairam. I would like the whole team behind this blog for posting devotees’ experiences. These experiences help us keep Shraddha and Saburi alive. Thank You and may Baba bless you.
My experience is regarding my work related issue. I visited India in May for some time and brought my office laptop with me. I was not expecting to stay for so long but I ended up staying for more than a month in India. After a month, I started working from home.
One day my office laptop stopped charging. The charging indicator was turned on even though my charger was not plugged in. The indicator on screen was showing that the charger is plugged and the battery is discharging. I tried everything but I couldn’t get my laptop to charge. I got really worried because it was my office laptop and it doesn’t leave a good impression if you break your office laptop. Moreover, if it broke, I wouldn’t be able to work from home. My colleagues would not like it and I could get in trouble.
After trying everything that I could, I decided to take help from my Dayamayi Sai Daadu. I usually don’t bother Sai Baba for small things but for me it was a big trouble. I prayed to Baba and applied Udi on the laptop. Meanwhile, the battery completely died and I tried to turn it back on but no luck. I contacted IT support at my work and told them about the laptop not charging. They told me that it could be bad battery or may be the charger broke. They took it lightly and told me that they would make arrangements so that I could remote in using my personal laptop. I thanked Baba that they didn’t make a big deal out of it. I closed my eyes and meditated on Baba for some time. After some time, I don’t know why but I plugged in my charger again and lo! Behold! To my surprise, it started charging again! It was a complete miracle because I am an IT guy and I had tried everything before contacting the Support but it wasn’t charging. It’s been 12 hours and my laptop is still working fine. Thank You very much Sai Baba for taking care of Your devotees. We are nothing without You.
Baba! You know what I am going through. Please help me Baba. Please help my parents. I am tired. Om! Anandkoti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj YogiRaj Parabhram Shri Satchidanand SatGuru SaiNath Maharaj ki Jay!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says: I chanced upon this blog very recently and thank all the people who started this blog and are maintaining it. I read it regularly and had promised myself that I would write on this blog if something spectacular happens. Once again thanks to Hetalji for this blog.
I have been living in the US and have been struggling from a very long time. I was introduced to Baba by my aunt. She is an ardent follower of Baba. From the past nine years I have been a devotee of Baba. I am still going through a very tough time in my life. It has been more than years that I have been struggling and my struggle still continues. But I have faith that Baba will help me though this struggle and bless me with happiness.
I have been reading Sai Satcharitra and have even done the reading of the book in one week but never saw any of wish fulfilled or any miracle. But I never gave up. I continue to read the book and I am sure I will be blessed by Baba as it is Shraddha and Saburi.
My sister has been also struggling and going through some tough times. I have been after her to follow Baba. One day I decided to keep the Nav Gurvar Vrat for my sister though I did not see her problems being diminished but still did not lose hope. On the 9th Thursday, my sister got an idol and a book of Baba and that was a real miracle for me. When she told me that I was so happy and I was in tears of joy and thanked Baba for blessing her. I told her that this was the beginning of Baba’s blessing and that He would surely fulfil all her wishes. I am sure that Baba will remove all hers and my problems and will fulfil all our wishes. I once again thank Baba from the bottom of my heart for blessing my sister. It was the best news that I had received in years. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From Indonesia Says: Dear Hetalji and team my sincere thanks to you all for maintaining this site. It is our strength and source of happiness for us devotees. Today I am here to thank my Baba for four reasons.
First Baba helped with the major electricity problem in our house in India. The light had gone but by Baba’s miracle it came back on its own. Also there was some serious problem internally but for all these years nothing happened. Baba You are really our saviour and our hope. Faith in You can move mountains.
Secondly I was also having some electricity problem here in my house in Indonesia. Baba took care of that also and by Baba’s grace my induction machine is working properly and there is no problem with the electricity matter if I use it in an appropriate way.
Thirdly the light had gone in my kitchen and Baba helped it to come back on its own within a minute.
Fourth reason to thank Baba is that He gave me my certificates that I had to submit at my work place. I was very scared as to how to acquire it. But Baba made it a very smooth process and nothing went wrong. I got it the very next day after submitting my letter to get my certificates at my work place. It was another miracle as I was not expecting it to be such a smooth process.
Thank You dear Baba for always being there and for always guiding me. I am nothing without You. please be with me always. Om Shirdhi Vasaya Vidhamahi, Sachidabanda Dhimahi, Tano Sai Prachodayat.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From US Says: Om Sairam. I am a Sai Devotee. I had lost one important thing and I could not find it anywhere. I had promised Baba to post the experience here and took His name and we found it. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam.
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om sai ram every miracle is good.sai is with us he gives sao ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Be with us O Deva and help us accomplish what we set out to do 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sri sai ram
saima, im 24 week pregnant. please bless us with hale healthy beautiful and intelligent baby girl.
please maa make sure i dont get any complications during and post pregnancy. please make sure baby is born on due date.
please ma help me to enjoy the pregnancy.
please bless all
om sri sai ram
allah malik
om sri sai ram
saima i have applied for 1140 , please approve it baba. they should not ask for any additional docs. as u know im going on maternity break.
please appa please approve. i will post my experience here
om sri sai ram
allah malik you Baba
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma Please held my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam help us to study well saipa.ayyappa
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram 🙏