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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Sai Baba’s Udi Miracles In My Life

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Sona from Singapore says: Om Sai Ram. This is about Sai Baba’s Udi miracle in my life.

Om Sairam. Sai Baba gave us an opportunity to live in Singapore. My husband got a good job there and we moved there. I had a three year old daughter. I got conceived for my second child and moved to India since no one was there to take care of us after delivery. In May 2019, I was blessed with a boy baby by Sai’s grace. I was very happy that Sai has given me a beautiful life with a good husband and two sweet little children.

After one week from my C-section, I started getting fever daily and a sudden sharp pain above the stitch. We went to the doctor and she told us that it was UTI and the stitch was not having any issues. I took antibiotics but again the fever continued. I was asked to take IV injections for seven days continuously. I was not able to go to that same doctor since it was far, so I went to the doctor opposite to my house for the injection. She pricked me 7-8 times daily to get a vein. It was very painful.

After that fever had gone but the pain near the stitch was still there. I was worried if the inner stitch would have opened. We took all the scan, blood test, X-ray everything to check if there was any problem after surgery. But the doctor said that everything was fine.

Pain continued and for me periods lasted for more than 70 days. We once again checked with my aunt who is a gynecologist. She took an ultrasound scan and found a mass near the stitch. She told post surgery something has happened and that was the reason for the mass present and the pain. She asked me to take an MRI.

The MRI was taken and the results were like I have the inner stitch opened and arteriovenous malformation (AVM). They asked me to take a CT angiogram. I took that and they confirmed the mass scar dehiscence and AVM.

AVM is something which has abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins. I was informed that first we need to treat AVM and then only that stitch would get closed. Then I read about the treatment radio surgery which was a very rare and complex procedure. If the good blood vessel was disturbed it will cause another problem or can become life threatening also. I was very confused and was in so much stress.

My aunt told me this procedure had to be done in a multi specialty hospital and we went to a big hospital and again took all the scans. They said they needed to discuss with their radiologist and gynecologist in the meeting since it was a rare case. One week passed with a lot of fear. They confirmed the mass and said that there was no AVM and their radiologist confirmed.

They said that a new issue was that the mass was a leftover placenta. But they were not 100% sure as I didn’t have bleeding or any other symptoms. They asked me to take blood tests and one month moved on to check if the size was growing or not. After a month they asked to have an MRI.

Then they told me it was not placenta and that it looked like a tumor formed after surgery. The treatment was to remove my uterus. I got shattered into pieces. I am 32 year old; my husband also became very upset as uterus removal has a lot of side effects. They were not sure if it was a tumor so they asked me to take a biopsy to confirm if it was cancer.

In two months I had gone through all the medical treatments. There happened Sai Baba’s Udi miracles. On the day of my biopsy, I had Udi mixed with water. I prayed to Baba that I have two small children and they need me and I had 100% faith in Baba whatever problem might be there in my body but after having His Udi everything would get washed off.

Biopsy results took two weeks. I was like life or death daily. Not able to enjoy my motherhood also. Daily I washed Baba’s path with my tears. On the day of the doctor’s appointment, I wished Sai Appa was going to be the doctor and he would tell good results. You all won’t believe what happened. Doctor said that there was nothing and I was perfectly normal. It was not tumour, it was just a healing tissue and it would go on its own. I had a lot of tears in my eyes in happiness. Sai Baba’s miracles are countless and I am feeling very blessed when thinking I am one of His miracles. Thank You Sai Appa.

Sai Appa bless everyone and take care of everyone in this world. Have Faith and Patience in your life and Sai will take care of you and your family. Om Sairam.

My Amazing Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am the smallest particle of Deva’s world. Thanks Hetalji and the entire team for this divine blog.

Om Sai Sarva Samarth Sadguru. Deva thanks for everything, for holding our hand in every situation. You are our only support system. Baba, help me in writing a few of Your blessings out of infinite as many a times we are unaware of Your efforts for our betterment.

Being an ignorant soul, I forgot that when our Europe trip was planned by You then You would take care of everything. I was very much worried about the luggage size restriction in domestic flights booked. There was a frame at every airport luggage check-in point but every time it was solved smoothly by Deva. Deva took care of smallest to biggest things during our Europe trip.

Deva thanks for Your support every time in my official job. I made many mistakes in one document but no one told me or embarrassed me for my negligence. Once a big issue occurred and many people were involved but with Baba’s grace everything was okay from my side. Deva helps me in coping with mental stress.

Deva, I am really sorry for troubling You for silly problems. But again You are my lovely Baba, so You never ignore my request. I washed my costly woollen clothes in the washing machine and forgot them overnight. When I woke up in morning, I prayed to Deva for saving my clothes from colour overlapping. Love You Deva for saving me.

We purchased one jacket for my father on sale but after a week when he tried that, it was slightly tight. We went for an exchange but a large size was not available for the same jacket. We selected another jacket but it was costlier and the offer was over. The counter person told us to pay the difference but I told them that we purchased this in last week’s offer, so to check again for the extra amount to be paid. He went inside to check with support staff and took a lot of time. In the meantime, I asked Deva to intervene in this matter and reduce the difference. Deva thanks for helping and the small increase in the price.

One very important blessing of Deva on 6.1.2020 – We were very much worried about the job of my niece. She is very nice, hardworking and also a devotee of Deva. She also did Mahaparayan for two years. She started Mahaparayan when she was last year of Engineering college on my advice and as per Deva’s wish she continued it for 2 years. She got a government seat in engineering college also because of Deva. As many astrologers told us that she has some hard luck, I always tell her to pray Deva as He is our only star and lines in our hands. Deva guided us in selecting one software course in an institute, where she became aware of the job scenario. She came to my place for the course.

Deva controlled every negative situation. She attended 4-5 interviews and was very depressed. One early morning I had one dream that she got the job on Monday. So every Monday was giving me hope. She attended one interview in a very good MNC before Christmas and then holidays started. In the meantime, Deva guided us to doing some Puja. I read in one of the devotee’s experiences on this blog that he/ she vowed to offer one coconut and Rs 500 for her job and she got the job soon. On 4.1.2020, we went to Baba temple and I bought a coconut for her and told her to offer it to Deva with full faith. After that on 1st Monday of New Year she attended one more exam but before the result of that company, she got the confirmation from the previous MNC. Thanks a ton Deva for giving her a job. Please Deva help her in the joining process on a fast track basis. We are surviving only because of Your mercy.

Deva please take care of my family and every family.
Om Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Baba’s Blessings In Our Lives

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Rohit Setia from USA says: I am Sai Baba’s devotee living and working in the United States. Om Sai Ram to all devotees. First I pay my respect to my Sadguru Shri Sai Baba Who is full of mercy and love for all creatures. I would like to convey my thanks and respect to Hetalji, Poojaji and the SaiYugNetwork team for maintaining this blog and starting many initiatives for our spiritual upliftment. I am a regular reader of devotee experiences blog and with Baba’s blessing also got the opportunity to be part of Mahaparayan and Vishnu Sahasranama group.

I live in the USA with my wife and 2 kids. We all are devotees of Sai Baba and every moment of our lives are blessings of our Sai. We are fortunate to have Sai Baba as our Guru, our Mother, our Father, our Friend and everything. Sai Baba has shown great miracles in our lives. With Baba’s blessings I have shared one experience earlier regarding my wife’s dentistry exam which was published on Oct 5th 2017. Now Baba is making me an instrument to share more leelas of our Deva.

Baba saved us from serious car accidents. There were multiple occasions where Baba showed mercy and saved us from big trouble during February 2018, an incident happened. After dropping our kids to school, my wife and I were driving back. There was a lot of traffic and it was raining. Traffic in front was stopped and despite us applying brake, we hit the rear of the car in front. It was Baba’s grace that despite our mistake only minor damage happened to another car and nobody was injured. Similarly in December 2019, when my wife was driving with my kids after their school, another car hit the driver side rear part of the car. Our car got some damages but my family was saved in the accident. No one got injured and our car was still in good drivable condition. Thanks to Sai Baba for saving us and protecting everyone.

Baba’s Udi is keeping us healthy. In the USA, flu season is very common and often people fall sick in winters. We have full faith in Sai Baba’s Udi. All of us take Udi daily. We all are healthy because of Baba’s Udi. As said in “Sai Baba is still Alive” Sai Baba’ Udi is Baba Himself. Such is the power of Udi.

Baba helped me recover from financial loss. Before I got to know our Deva, I invested in some stocks in 2014. Over a period of 1 year, all of the stocks crashed and reduced to half the price. I felt bad and was thinking about how I could overcome this loss. At the end of 2015, Sai Baba pulled me towards Himself and in 2016 made my faith more strong in Him. When I asked Baba once a question on Sai Baba Question and Answer website, I got an answer that all financial loss will be recovered soon. Baba’s words are always true. Over the next 1 year, suddenly one of stocks started showing good growth and became more than double the price I bought the stock for. This stock covered all my loss and actually even resulted in net profit. To great surprise the stock which got doubled, it’s symbol is “Baba!” This was the leela of our Baba. I sold all my stocks and thanked Baba for saving me. Now I want to be just content in my life with whatever I get from my Sadguru’s grace. My Sadguru helped me learn an important lesson.

As clear from all of the above experiences that we need to trust our Guru, leave all worries on the feet of Baba and surrender completely. Sai Baba knows what is best for His children. He is our loving father and mother.

Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Sai Helps

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am just a stupid devotee of Sai. This is my most recent experience. Today is Thursday and it took place on Tuesday. My parents along with my sister and my nephew were coming home from Hanuman temple. Few minutes away from home, on a turn someone on a bike hit the passenger side front door of our car. The impact was hard; the door was really badly damaged. Out of fear my parents didn’t stop (even though it wasn’t their fault at all and there would be no legal action against them, that person on bike was responsible for this). My sister and I were angry with this attitude of my parents, and we all were worried for the safety of the guy.

I prayed Sai and promised to post my experience here. Just after a few minutes of praying I started thinking logically and after paying attention to the damaged door I could recreate the scene in my mind and realise that even though the impact was so hard still with the angle of bike and car, the guy is safe with only a few bruises. I was nearly sure about it, even though I have no experience with such kind of impact study etc. Still the way I realised I was sure of it. Now I believe that it was Sai Who made me think so to make me worry free. Later me and my sister went to the spot and found that there were no signs of any mishappening. Next day in the newspaper we read and became sure that nothing bad happened and they (there were actually two guys) got just light injuries. And they didn’t report it as they knew that they would have to pay for the loss, if they do.
So I thank Sai for saving them and us.

I pray you all to be a kind person. We all think that we are good and kind but the truth in most cases is too different. I have seen so many people who think they are not doing anything wrong but we’re actually screwing others’ life, so pay attention to it, maybe you are one of them too and adding bad karma in your life. Just stay with what’s right and not with the one who’s close to you. Help others even if you’re sure that the one won’t be able to pay back or be able to help in future.
Om Sai Ram.

Baba’s Leela

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thank you Hetalji and team for maintaining this blog and helping us to know about the various leelas of Baba. I’m a small devotee who runs to Baba for all my problems and Baba ensures that like a true father, He resolves them as and when the time is right.

My personal life was in a huge turmoil since I got separated from my husband and I was unable to concentrate on my job as well. I completed a new course and was desperately looking for a job in the new field. I kept praying to Baba fervently and made all efforts to ensure that I learn well to crack the interviews. With Baba’s grace, I got through my dream company, which I never imagined. Although it is a contractual opportunity, I still trust that Baba will ensure that I become a permanent employee in this company and do well in my career.

My second experience is that I had a major fight with my husband and he had blocked me completely. I never thought that I would be able to contact him ever again. I prayed to our dear Baba and He worked His leela. My husband unblocked my number and also was normal with me. This could not happen unless Baba helped us. Baba, You know very well what is happening in my personal life. Please help me to settle down and be happy. Please take care of all Your devotees and help us to stay on the right path. Anantakoti Brahmandanayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sacchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaja Ki Kai.

Baba Our Saviour

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a Sai devotee for more than 15 years. I would like to thank the entire team for maintaining a beautiful site which enables worldwide devotees to read and experience unison with Baba.

My daughter was suffering from an allergy and had a lot of itching and irritation on both her legs. She was very tense about it and we panicked too. I prayed to Baba to help us as it was painful for both of us seeing her condition. I don’t know but it occurred somewhere I have read here that some devotee had mentioned a mantra that if one chants the disease gets cured. I just remembered Sai Arogyadaya Namah and chanted till I reached the doctor. She felt better and by the time I reached; the doctor said that there was nothing to worry as the weather in Bangalore is bad and causing allergies. I took medicine and came home with the belief that Baba has taken care of her. Along with medicine I am giving Udi water and praying every day morning and evening 108 times “Om Sai Arogya Kshemdaay Namah” as I know my Baba will cure her completely.

Bow to Sri Sai peace be to all.

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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.. Baba you kow how our financial condition is please bkess na sai

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