Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam. I am Baba’s daughter. Thank you Hetalji for your wonderful seva to Baba and His children and providing this online Sai Satcharitra. Sairam all.
Today being Makar Sankranti we had been to a Gaushala where nearly 3000 plus cows were there. Here the cows are barren and cannot give milk and have been adopted from the slaughter house. So when we went there with green vegetables and other eatables for cows, while my mother-in-law and sister-in-law were feeding the cows I went to the donation office. I gave the donation and was very happy to see Baba’s photo in the office small mandir. I mentally bowed down to Him.
Then I went where our kids and other family members were feeding the cows. As I mentioned there are so many cows, all were rushing at the boundary which was between us and the cows. The one in front get maximum of the food that we take, so we were throwing with our hands the spinach leaves to the cows who were trying to rush forward. During that time while I was throwing one of my mom’s gold rings that I was wearing and was big enough weight wise too and little loose for me in my ring finger also flew with the spinach leaves while being thrown to reach the far off cows. I was shocked and felt very, very sad.
Immediately I told the people working there and my mother-in-law. They asked me if it was of gold and I replied yes. Then they immediately went in with lathis (big sticks) and moved all the cows and started searching and searching but all in vain. They even offered us to come in and have a look. But we were scared to go in. Then they said that if the ring enters the cow’s feet from below (as they said that there is some groove or space in their feet from below) then it was almost impossible to find it. I feared if cow had swallowed it with spinach and then also no hopes. I was extremely sad as it was a big ring, then due to my foolishness to wear it in that finger where it was slightly loose and on top of it as it was not mine but my mom’s.
Then after losing all hopes and seeing so many cows and the vast area I called out our only Saviour Baba and prayed Him to find it and promised Him that same day I would share the experience on this blog. They searched but no result. Then again I said, “Baba definitely today itself I will write and post” and then out of no where the poor lady came there with a happy face and a ring in her hand. It was slightly bend but thank God it did not enter cow’s feet or they did not swallow it. I thanked Baba and was very happy. The poor lady who was working there knew that the ring was of gold and she could have kept herself as we did not even notice that she had found it. Then happily I gave her some money as a reward but she was not ready to take it. Then when I forced her very much and said that I was giving out of happiness and if she would take it then I would be really happy. Then she accepted it.
Thank You Baba. I still feel how the ring was found immediately when I made the promise to submit the experience without fail, while so many cows, vast area and so many people working there and when we don’t know the possibility of all being honest in this kaliyug. Baba thank You and may He bless that poor and honest lady too. Really Baba You and Your leelas are unfathomable and great.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Reshmi Nand from Fiji says: For my daughter’s first college day with Baba’s blessing, Om Sai Ram. I am Reshmi Nand Shirdi Sai Devotee from Fiji Islands in the Pacific. My sincere and heartfelt thanks to Hetalji and team for this great platform to share our experiences about our protector Guru and Deva Sai Baba.
My experience is about my daughter’s first day college year 2020 and that was on Monday 13/01. Early in the morning we went to Sai Temple which is about a mile away from her college. I took coconut and 9 coins to offer my Sai Appa for His blessing and guidance for my daughter to perform well in the college. We offered our prayer and made five rounds of Sai Baba. My daughter offered the coconut on my Sai Baba’s lotus feet and took the blessing and I offered 9 coins on the lotus feet of my Sai Baba as number 9 in my Sai Appa’s number. Then Suddenly I heard that someone dropped one coin in the tray that was placed in front of Baba just beside the lotus feet of Baba. I looked at it and I saw one dollar coin in the tray and was thinking that how that dollar coin was in the tray when I couldn’t see anyone around us. Only I, my daughter and my husband were standing near Baba. I was on could 9 and all the time only thinking how that coin came in the tray. I took that coin with me and all this time I asked Baba to tell me that coin was from Him as blessings.
Yesterday Wednesday 15/1, I was watching the TV series Mere Sai Episode 598 which I missed last week where Sai Baba is giving three (3) coins to Dev son of Mr. Harish Chand and Saku Bai and then I remembered that Baba also gave me the coin for my protection. On the same day at night before sleeping I thanked my Sai Appa and asked Baba to clear my mind about the coin by wearing green colour dress on Thursday Guru Day as green is the lucky colour. When I visited the temple early Thursday (16/1) morning; guess what, I saw my Sai Appa in gold background with green and pink flowers on His dress and I was very happy. Baba answered my prayer and gave me relief. This is my second experience and awaiting first one to be published.
Two Years back I was searching about Sai Baba online then I came to know this site and from then I am one of the follower, daily reader and also a member in the Mahaparayan group. Baba, please keep Your blessings on every individual in this creation. Please take care of all. Baba I am so grateful for Your blessings. Anantkoti Bramhand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Shri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: I am Baba’s daughter and I love Him very much. Thank You for this worldwide Sai family.
I’ve read so many experiences to do with lost things being found with Baba’s blessings. At the start of the winter, my son’s coat got lost at school. It was quite expensive and would have cost a lot to replace. We started using an old coat that was a size too small, hoping it would turn up. We looked everywhere but there was no luck and it was getting colder. I remember thinking, how come Baba returns other people’s things and not ours? Then, school broke for the Christmas holidays. On the first day back, my daughter found it in the lost and found box! When school coats go missing, they rarely turn up and this was weeks later so I immediately thanked Baba for returning it and promised that I would write to SaiYug.
While I’m here, I want to mention a story from ‘Life of Sai Baba’ Vol 2 about Mhasalpathy accompanied with some notes that I made whilst I was reading it. I hope the readers will find it as interesting as I did. Mhasalpathy was a devotee of the God Khandoba and looked after a mud temple to this deity in Shirdi. When Sai Baba arrived with the marriage party, He gravitated towards the temple. Mhasalpathy was praying at that time and noticed a person of Muslim appearance approaching. He came out, courteously welcomed him and asked him to sit. (Just imagine friends that you are doing your daily worship of your Ishta Devta and unknown to you, He Himself appears!)
Baba sat there for a while and then remarked that such a secluded, peaceful place was an ideal dwelling place for a fakir. He therefore showed that whether He was Muslim or not, He acknowledged the holiness of that temple and that it was the resting place for a holy person, whatever the religious background. When Mhasalpathy refused to allow Him in as He looked like a Muslim, He did not get angry. He simply said that the same God was Lord to Muslims and Hindus but if it upsets him then He would not stay. This shows tolerance for others’ views and incredible humility. Last but not the least, He went on to stay at an old masjid but in that place, all sects gathered, many Hindu did worship, others read the Koran and it went on to get the very Hindu sounding name of Dwarkamayee! How skilfully Baba achieved this, casually and gradually, without making any grand announcements. Is this not wonderful and is He not the best Guru ever to grace this earth? We are so, so blessed to have Him. Thank You Baba for coming in our lives. Always be with us, never leave us. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all the devotees. This is my second experience that I’m sharing with you all. I decided to visit Shirdi yearly once. We had last visited in May, 2018. I wanted to visit in 2019 before December. I asked my father in November that shall we go then as my exams were completed and I was free. My father said that he couldn’t travel in that winter. I got really upset that I couldn’t go this year, but all of a sudden I had to go to Hyderabad for an interview. I thought of going to Shirdi from there, if we got tickets in tatkal. I asked my father again and he said OK we could go if we got the tickets. With Baba’s grace we got the tickets in tatkal and went to Shirdi on 25th November, 2019 and it was my birthday too.
We had a beautiful darshan of Baba on my 25th birthday, I felt very blessed and special to be in Shirdi and have His darshan on that day. We stayed two days and had Baba’s darshan thrice. Baba made us to touch His Samadhi and padhuka’s for which I was waiting from almost four years. Also we were able to visit Mahalsapathiji’s, Lakshmibai Shindeji’s and Shyamaji’s houses this time.
One more thing we didn’t have return tickets and thought of booking in tatkal. My father asked me to do it in AC. But I said it was winter and I didn’t want to travel in AC. We booked our tickets and got confirmed. When we sat in our seats two persons got same seat numbers as of ours. I was worried how it could be possible. My sister called me and said that they might have got upgraded to AC as once my brother-in-law got like that only. Just within five minutes TC came and said to us to go to AC as it was upgraded and we were shocked and remembered my father’s wish to travel in AC. It was all Baba’s leela.
Dear devotees have faith and patience. Sai knows what to give and when to give. He needs only our love and devotion. Its only Him Who is moulding our lives. We shouldn’t worry about anything when we place our life in Guru’s hands. Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Baba’s son from India.
Om Sai Ram to all devotees. Many, many thanks to the admins of this site for providing all the devotees this wonderful platform. Please keep all my details anonymous. I want to share a leela of Baba which happened with me today. It may be small for others but really a big one for me. Please forgive me Baba if I make any mistake.
I always try that I listen all the Aartis of Baba every day. However I skip Dhoop Aarti as I am in office in evening. When I work during the weekends or holidays when the office is empty, I usually go to a corner and hear the Dhoop Aarti. Today due to Makar Sankranti there was no one except our team. But as I am doing one saptah, so I couldn’t hear the Aarti. Then I had my dinner. I was feeling guilty as I thought that I should have listened to it. I prayed to Baba and asked if He wanted that I should listen to Dhoop Arti along with Shej Arti while going back home sitting in my cab then He must kindly show me His photo or name or give me direction. As soon as I was talking to Baba I went downstairs in my office campus and out of nowhere I saw an auto with the name of Sai written. I understood Baba’s indication and listened to both the Aartis while coming back home.
Baba please forgive all my mistakes and I promise You it won’t ever happen again. Please Baba forgive me. Please don’t be angry with me anymore Baba. I am nothing without You.
Anantkoti Brahmandnayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sacchidanand Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi all Sai devotees. This is my recent experience that I am sharing. In my previous company when I was serving notice period there was an issue that occurred due to previous testing. I was so scared and thought that it should not be because of me since I had resigned and I wanted to leave the company with good name. I prayed Baba if everything swent well then I will submit my experience on this blog and the issue resolved without affecting anyone. Please now help me Baba to get a good project in my new company. As everyone who joined with me got project and I am the only one who is left out. I am little scared because of this. Please help me Baba. Jai Shreeramanjaneya Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.
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Omsairam..i love you…
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba i don't want to get married. Please help me. You know what i am going through….please help me. I am 27 but still not setlled in my career. I am depressed and nothing is working out. Please help me Baba
Please call me to Shirdi Baba. Please Baba please..
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Baba ki palkhi ki jai