Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Asha Raval from Canada says: Hi I am Asha Raval from Canada. I am a small devotee of Baba. Thanks Hetalji and team members to make this blog as we can share our experiences with each other and be assured that Baba is there for each and every devotee.
First of all Jai Sairam to everyone. Now coming to my experience, my husband and my six years old son came to Canada in 2013. After the initial struggle I got a job in my field. I must say here it is all Baba’s krupa. I will share that experience next time that Baba helped me to find a job in my field. But my husband was struggling for a good job. I always prayed to Baba that it had been five years that we were in Canada, but my husband could not get a good job and because of that we had to live in a rental basement. It was so depressing to live in a dark basement especially in winters. But Baba was there to help me.
One day my husband came to me and told me that he and his friend were going to give an interview in Fedex company (Well-known logistic company). I thought about how he could get a job there because my husband did not have any Canadian experience in this field (He was working in DHL in India). I thought let him try.
My husband and his friend went for the interview and I was surprised that my husband got a job in Fedex. Within one year after he got a job, he got the promotion too.
After that one day in August-2018 I asked Baba through Q & A site that when we would be able to buy a house as it was then very expensive to buy it. Baba’s answer was very surprising for me. It said “You will get success before Christmas.” At that time I thought how it could be possible as we had not planned anything yet. But Baba has magical powers and His plans are better than us.
One day my friend called me that there was one open house in their building. They already visited the apartment and they liked it very much. So I and my husband went there to just check how it was because we did not have any idea about how our loan could be done as we did not have enough down payment. We liked that apartment very much. After that one by one all the problems got solved and we got financial help and everything went through smoothly. We moved in our house on December 24th, 2018. At that time I realized that Baba gave me answer that I would get success before Christmas and He was right. Sorry Baba to doubt on Your answer. Baba already gave me much more than I expected. I am thankful to everyone in my journey and specially my Baba. He held my hand in dark days and never let me down. Om Sairam! Thank You.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the UK says: Hello there. I live in the UK along with my wife and daughter. Sairam friends! Thank you very much Hetalji for doing this amazing work. May Baba bless the whole team immensely and all of you make great progress both in the physical and spiritual life.
Today I’d like to narrate to you about how Baba anticipated a tough situation for me and protected me as well, just as it happened in the Sai Satcharitra.
A few days back I just went to the question and answer site and typed Om Sairam. This is a common practice that I do once in a while to connect with Baba. I don’t remember the exact reply but it was something like a difficult situation will arise but remember Sai Baba and all will be well. Since at that time I was not working on anything important and was on a holiday so I was wondering what this difficult situation would be. I then carried on with my life and forgot about this message.
Actually I had submitted my tax return a few months earlier and did not notice that I had made a big mistake which led to a big tax bill. I didn’t realise this at the time of submitting but in February I was shocked to get messages regarding a huge tax bill and how if it was not paid collectors would be sent to recover the amount.
At first I was taken aback but then I realised that this was the situation Baba had so kindly warned me about and said that He would take care of it. I then went through my returns and realised the error but I wasn’t sure if I could correct it as the deadline had passed and what proof I would need to provide.
But I stopped worrying about it and left it at Baba’s feet as He had already promised to take care of it. Whatever He decides will be for the best and that He will have a plan for me. When I called the tax office, the person advised me that changing the return was fairly straightforward and I could do it online itself. I was quite relieved and went home that day and amended my return.
I mentally thanked Baba for yet another help. Even though I have been a Baba devotee for so many years I continue to be surprised by His leelas. I don’t think there is anyone kinder than our dear Baba Who takes such good care of us and even warns us of impending troubles. Words can’t describe His greatness.
Jai Sairam…!
Shirdi Sai Devotee Ravi from India says: Om Sairam I am one more dust under Sai’s feet. Thanks to the entire team for the noble work.
My wife had some health issues, for which she had to undergo surgery. As I have insurance I took it lightly. Insurance people kept on asking for one or the other documents which I didn’t have. This kept me worried. Then I prayed to Sai Thandri and told them that I didn’t have those documents and requested Sai Thandri for His intervention and get it approved. I prayed to Him that if it was approved then I would share the experience on the holy blog. Although it took some time but finally it got approved by Baba’s blessings. Thanks a ton Sai for the approval.
Sai please show Your mercy on my wife and make surgery a success and please provide Your support in the entire surgery process.
For my entire life I am going through a very rough phase and not sure when I will come out from that. Sai Thandri sometimes I am unable to bear this pain and going in depression and I doubt my efficiency. Sai Devotees please take some time and pray for my career growth. Baba please shower Your blessings on me, my entire family and the entire universe.
Ananthakoti Brahmananda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been an ardent devotee of Baba for more than 15 years. Let me thank the team managing the site and keeping all their readers happy. Really it’s like reading experiences of Sai devotees and experiencing Baba in every line.
I would like to narrate my experience wherein my daughter always has the bad experience of skin allergy. She gets redness on her two legs and she complains of irritation and itching. The irritation sometimes becomes really painful. In Bangalore a lot of children face these kinds of infections. I asked the doctor and she advised me to use aloe vera gel and said that in case the itching continued then to use neem oil. But letting all readers know that seeing my child in pain I sometimes cry in front of Baba asking why He is not protecting her from getting these infections? Don’t know Baba is taking care of curing her. I chant regularly Om Sri Sai Aarogya Kshemadaya Namah. I pray wholeheartedly to cure her. Baba has been taking care but still I am in pain that the child is suffering.
Oh Baba my whole hearted prayer to You to completely cure my daughter and take care of all the devotees who believe in Your lotus feet. You are the best doctor and healer of all our pain and anxieties. My only prayer is to please take care of all Your children. Love You Baba. Bow to Sri Sai peace be to all.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Indonesia says: Dear Hetalji and team thank you for this platform. We devotees feel Baba is with us every moment.
Dear Baba, I apologize for posting this experience late. I was supposed to share it yesterday. On Saturday my friend was in a very big trouble and I immediately prayed to Baba and requested Baba to solve my friend’s problem. I also recited the Sai Kasht Nivaran mantra. In a few minutes the problem got solved.
Thank You very much for helping my friend. We are nothing without You. I love You Baba. My life depends on You. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I’m from Hyderabad, India.
I’m working in a software firm. There was one issue which was missed from my end and I later identified it and was worried a lot as it would escalate. I prayed to Baba that it should not be escalated and if the matter was sorted out in an easy manner then I would post it here. Everything happened in a similar way and there was no escalation and furthermore it was communicated that it was not an issue. All thanks to Baba. Om Sairam.
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Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa make us to study well baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Baba please stop this spreading corona virus
Thank You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.