Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Baba Helped Me In Operation

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My post is about how Baba travelled with me in my operation. Hi, please keep me anonymous. I just know Baba for the past one year but He has performed lots of miracles within one year. I am a part of Mahaparayan group as well.

After my daughter’s birth, I had some complications with my ovary and I was scheduled for an operation. I was not worried since I knew Baba would be with me. I did receive a letter from the hospital that they wanted me to do a blood test prior to the operation but somehow I missed reading the letter since I was too tired coming back from work and busy with kids.

A week before my surgery I was looking for the letter and couldn’t find it. I was not worried because I had left everything with Baba. My operation was on a Monday and I completely forgot about the hospital letter. It was definitely my Deva’s miracle that I found the letter on Friday night in the kitchen. I still couldn’t believe it. I was spending my whole time in the kitchen and standing at the same spot. No one knew about this letter before. How did Baba show it to me? Maybe He knew the importance of this letter.

I thanked Baba and opened the letter. The shock, I had to do an important blood test and it took at least three days for the results. I was devastated and started praying to Baba. He was the One Who showed me the letter and it was not my issue and it was Baba’s. He had to do something.

I checked with my doctor. He said he had to postpone the operation and couldn’t do it without the reports. I was praying the whole night the next day. I called a couple of labs who could do emergency results. I rang so many labs and couldn’t do anything. Atlast I did naam jaap and called a lab and the lady said that they were closing soon but they could send it mentioning it as an emergency. I was so happy.

My operation was successful, but I had so much pain which I was not supposed to have. I was screaming at Baba, “I don’t know anything other than You, how come I am facing so many problems when You are with me.” After two weeks of my operation I started to get lots of smelly discharge which scared me but still I knew Baba was with me and started praying to Baba.

It was a Thursday 27 Feb. I did Mahaparayan in the morning and went to the hospital. One of the doctors checked me and said that they may do the stitching again which was going to be more painful and wanted to confirm with the chief surgeon. I was praying to Baba if I didn’t have to do it again and if it was a simple issue then I would post my experience here. It was just a miracle as the Chief doctor came, he checked me and said that I had got an infection in my operated area and just having antibiotics was fine. I couldn’t believe it. It was a Thursday, 27th was the date and guess my hospital room number was also 27 which sums to 9. See how Baba showed His presence from the start of the operation till now.

Please believe Baba. Have Shraddha and Saburi but never lose hope. Baba, my husband hates me and loves his parents and brother so much. He never supported me even in this tough time. I am like an orphan. Please make him understand, wife is also important. Please pray for me. Thanks for reading this lengthy post.

Thank You Deva

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Bhaktvatshal. I am a tiny particle of Deva’s world. Thanks a ton Hetalji and the entire team. Deva I love You but You love me more.

These days I became more casual towards You but You never ignored me. As I already requested Deva to take care of my niece’s job and she got confirmation in January 2020 from the MNC of her choice. But even after 1 month, she did not receive the offer letter. We were losing our hope and she became very restless.

On 13.2.2020 she decided to go back to her hometown and informed me. That day was a Thursday and while reading Sai Satcharitra in the evening, I requested Deva to help. I always have full faith in Deva but less faith in my sincerity towards Deva. She decided to move on 15.2.2020, while on 14.2.2020, Deva sent the offer letter with a joining date of 24.2.2020. I love You Deva. You heard the prayer of an ignorant child like me so fast.

After many sufferings she joined on 24.2.2020 but again the MNC informed that she had to go for two months pre-appointment training without salary and after that they would do the assessment. If she would clear the assessment then they would give the final offer/joining. Deva please guide her to the right path and give her the best job as soon as possible.

15 days earlier, my boss told me to attend one conference overseas but I was not that much interested due my kid’s exams during that period and also I was not interested in going alone. My passport was expiring in April, so I applied for tatkal passport casually. Before receiving the passport, I received my tour approval. I was shocked and told my husband to check the passport status. As only three office days were left for my journey, I panicked and requested Deva for support. Finally today I received my passport and sent for visa with the blessings of Deva. Thanks a ton Deva for saving me from an awkward condition.

Deva please always hold my hand during this tour and during my whole life. Deva bless all human beings and keep them under Your lotus feet.

Om Anant Koti Brahmandnayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

My Sadhguru Sai

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India. Shri Satchidananda Sadhguru Sainath Maharajki Jai. Thanks to all the team members who are doing the wonderful and delightful service which is making us go on the spiritual path. No words to express and show gratitude for the service you are doing. Sai bless you all for this wonderful service.

“Sairam”, a wonderful and blissful word in this universe and the namasmaran of Sai makes us all grow spiritually and know what our life is for. Thank You Sai for taking me under Your blissful feet. Each and every second we experience Your leelas and blessings Nana. If we start writing down all the leelas may be we will continue to write throughout our life. Without You we are nothing Sai Nana.

Regarding recent experiences: To connect an office laptop at home we need to connect from VPN connection. I had downloaded the certificate in the office before leaving home as it was going to expire. When I tried to connect at home with the new certificate, it was not connecting. If it wouldn’t connect then I would have to go to the office the next day. Generally I work from home on Thursdays. I tried for half an hour with old and new certificates but it was of no use. I just prayed Sai to please to make it connect and within a second I was able to connect the laptop. It was a surprise as I had tried many times with the same certificates but it did not work. It was all Sai Leela.

Since many days I have been longing for Sai Darshan in dreams. I have been praying for that to Sai. Baba made it happen yesterday night. Baba along with Lord Shiva and Mahalsapathi came in my dreams. It was so blissful to have their darshan. Baba also took me to Shirdi in Darshan as I was not in a good mood. Baba came in dreams where Mahalsapati, Tathya and Sai were sleeping in Chavadi. No words to express how I felt. I had darshan of Lord Shiva too in Shirdi where I was trying to explain about Lord Shiva. That was so wonderful for me. I may not be able to go to Shirdi now but Baba made it possible in dreams. Thank You Sai Nana. Please show Your love to us all the time. Without You we can’t live Sai. Chant “Shri Sai Samarth” always which makes us go into divine path. Shree Sairam.

Sai Baba Helped Us

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a Sai Baba devotee for 11 years. Life had been good all these years with few ups and downs. These ups and downs were manageable. But unfortunately two years back my life turned topsy – turvy. So many things which I did not even imagine have happened. This changed me mentally and physically. I think it’s due to my karma that I am undergoing so much trouble and don’t know when things would be fine or if they would ever be fine?

Sai Baba has also been very silent in these times and I think He is testing my patience and faith. Life has been a roller coaster. He silently pulled me into Mahaparayan and Naam Japam. But as soon as I come out of one problem there is another one. Everyday passes just like that.

Coming to the current experience, I have a two year old baby. I got a tricycle for her. We ordered it online and once it arrived we had to assemble it. But I tried to do it myself and I was not able to. My Baby was super excited to drive. So we had to wait for my husband to be back from his official tour to fix it. He came after three days. While he was fixing it he felt a particular part was not functional and thought of returning it. But we had disposed of the cover and bill. Also my Baby was excitedly waiting to drive it. I didn’t want to disappoint her. I prayed to Sai Baba to help us fix this cycle without any problems. He helped us and my baby was happy about the cycle.

Baba Please resolve her health issues. Om Sairam.

Baba’s Blessings Are Always With His Devotees

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a small devotee of Baba from US. Thanks admin for this modern Satcharitra.

Coming to my experience, my cousin suddenly fell unconscious and we took him to the emergency room. Doctors said it could be stomach issues and my cousin has haemorrhoids. But later doctors denied the stomach issue but suggested a colonoscopy. We were very nervous about colonoscopy. I prayed Baba from the bottom of my heart for the reports to be negative after colonoscopy. Doctors said that all was normal and they had taken some tissue for biopsy and assured to be normal. With Baba’s grace the biopsy results were negative. Thanks a lot Baba for listening to my prayers. Baba I pray for a healthy and peaceful life for my family, friends and all Your devotees.

Baba Listens To Every Small Prayer

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a small devotee of Baba for the past two years. Yesterday night due to the change in weather, my husband was unable to sleep till 3 am. He had to go to the office the next day and when he was sleep deprived, he became cranky and unable to concentrate on his work. I immediately prayed to Baba to make him sleep. By the time I was taking Baba’s name he was snoring. I was surprised because he was drinking water and walking a few minutes ago. I didn’t want to post this “small” miracle but I think Baba knows what a “big” problem it would be for me. Now my every breath is in Baba’s name. He wanted me to post this miracle. Om Sairam.

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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Thank You for all the beautiful miracles You show us and continue to bless us all with Your Grace O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  3. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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