Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
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Shirdi Sai Devotee Priyanka Wagh says: Years pass by and we forget many of our thoughts. Baba reminds and fulfils our wishes and then smiles from above. There was no Sai temple in London or greater London which I knew of between 2006 and 2009 years when I was raising my two kids there. Being a typically religiously formatted human being that I was, I loved saakaar roop bhakti and always missed a Baba temple to go to regularly.
We lived in the suburban Wembley of London. A few miles from Wembley, was another famous suburb Harrow on the hill. One Gujrati friend Mr. Kiran who is also an ardent Sai devotee told us about a home in Harrow where every Thursday Sai bhajan and aarti were conducted and Baba’s Udi distributed. It was a kind of a home temple where other devotees could visit too. Obviously, I started frequenting that home. I remember visiting beautiful Sai temple in Birmingham, probably the second biggest city in the UK after London.
Years passed by. We moved back to India. I visited London again in 2015 for Mr. Kiran’s daughter’s wedding. It was a delight to meet old pals; Lata, Heeru, Piyush, Ragini, Naveen and Priyanka are awesome people indeed! Though there was no talk of a Sai temple Or maybe I think I asked Lata who lived in Harrow, about the home temple. She was quite unaware of the activities there. And I could not recollect the exact address. So though we visited her home in Harrow, I could not go to this home temple. Very next year, in 2016, Antara joined UK University and I happened to accompany her to see her off. I planned a day’s stay in London too. Before leaving for the UK, while on a lazy long talk with the elder sister whom I call Akka, I mentioned to her that last time I could not visit Baba’s Harrow home temple. And see this time I am probably going to stay with Lata and will surely visit the home temple. Akka heard intently as I uttered with deep concentration that Baba will not let me leave London without His darshan in the temple.
My plans were turned around as Lata called me that she was visiting India for an urgent cause and that her home would be locked. My dear Sai devotees, do not be disappointed. Neither was I. In fact, I was quite sure of Baba’s saakaar roop darshan in London. Husband booked my stay at 51, Buckingham Gate which is just next to Buckingham palace, the queen’s residence. This is Central London and suburbs like Harrow and Wembley are many miles from here. Baba is the greatest architect. As I reached London after seeing off Antara, I got a call from Mr Sasi Vekaria, a business associate that he would be reaching 51, Buckingham Gate to meet me and discuss a project. We met the same day early in the evening. Shashi Sir to my surprise said that he would fetch me next morning to show around his manufacturing unit located in the suburbs. Hold your breath readers; if you are thinking that’s how I reached the home temple in Harrow. No, I never reached there as I had anticipated. Instead Baba fulfilled my wish of a temple in the city of London. Let’s discover how!
On our flight to London, the lady passenger who sat next to Antara did not utter a word in the 9 hour long flight. But as the plane landed at Heathrow airport, She kind of befriended my daughter Antara and whispered in her ear that there was a new Sai temple in Ealing road near VB. VB is a famous grocery store, which came up in May that year.. And that we could find her there every Thursday between 5 and 6 in the evening. My mind registered this information as the only and the best information that the stranger lady could think of sharing with us. As if it was written on our forehead that we are Baba’s devotees looking for a Sai temple in London. Only Baba knows His ways of imparting knowledge, where and when it is needed. Next morning Mr Shasi, a very senior and successful business associate, was my punctual host. In his car, we went to the manufacturing unit and his office. After the meetings were over, Deepesh from their office was dropping me back to the hotel. Baba inspired me to ask Deepesh if he knew the Baba’s Ealing Road temple and if the temple was on our way back to the hotel? To my surprise and delight, he answered both the questions in affirmative. I smiled and thanked Baba in my heart. I thanked Deepesh too as he drove me smoothly to Baba’s beautiful temple. After darshan in the temple, I realized Baba had fulfilled not one but two of my wishes. One of Baba’s saakaar roop darshan in London and two that of Baba’s temple in London which I missed having years ago. Beloved readers, next time you will visit the temple too. Om Sai Ram ! Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Child from India says: I can introduce myself as a Sai child. He is my father, mother, guru, friend everything to me. Om Sairam! First of all thank you Hetalji for keeping this platform to share all devotees’ experiences. I’m one of the Sai children and Sai Deva is always with me. I request Hetalji to keep my name as anonymous and mention Sai child. With Baba’s blessings I had a lot of experiences.
Exp 1: Due to my ego, and arrogance one of my friends left me and didn’t talk to me for almost three months. We keep sharing our thoughts and sorrows if we had in our lives. I started praying Baba with full faith. I read “Sai Satcharitra” within seven days. The last day of parayan that is on Wednesday with Baba’s blessings, I received a message from her stating that she was on leave where we both work in the same office. I really felt happy, there was no need to tell about her leave but with the blessings of Baba it happened. Later, even she didn’t talk or share anything personal messages as well. I felt unhappy; however, again I started reading Satcharitra within seven days with full faith and trust along with Stavan Manjari stotram. Things didn’t change. But I kept trust on Baba and one day she texted me relating to the inquiry of the office. Later, I started speaking about the things that happened. She realized and spoke to me as normal. This all happened with Baba’s blessings only. However, unless and until I text her or ping her, she is not texting. I believe, with God’s grace, she will completely change again and behave as before.
Exp 2: Recently, my mother was troubled with arthritis and body pains. I prayed Sai Deva, chanted the mantra “Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai” and applied Udi on her neck and hands. She slept well that night and woke up in the morning as normal and with no body pains. If you have trust and faith our Sai will not leave you in any time. Because He is the saviour of our life. Chant Sai name and everything will be alright. Akhilanda Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sadguru Sanath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Manchester says: Hello all Sai devotees, I am a small devotee of Baba living in the UK with my husband and daughter. Thanks to Hetalji and team for maintaining this site and giving all of us faith and patience by reading devotees’ experience. Here I would like to share a very relief and very good experience of Baba.
As we all know during this Coronavirus pandemic many jobs are at risk and my husband lost the job. He worked as a contractor in IT (Developer), so it was a risky job as contractor, had to work in an office, clients hardly gave remote work and so he lost the job and we were in a completely shattered state. I was blaming myself . Maybe I have completely forgotten the vow and that’s why many things were happening. Also Baba asked not to work in the company where my husband was working previously but I hadn’t listened and it seems that so many things are coming to my mind. But then Baba’s miracle happened as I asked Baba to please guide me what to do and how to do. Then Baba first said don’t give up sugar which I did, he said have sugar in your tea, satisfy yourself first. Then Baba asked to complete Vishnu Sahasranamam also parallel I started completing my Vaibhav Lakshmi on Friday which I stopped because of excuses, also I started Sai Nav Guruvaar vrat on Thursday. Then also I was asking Baba’s question and answers when my husband will get a job. Sai said on Ram Navami day and yes on 2nd April which is Thursday, Baba confirmed my husband’s job and it was completely a miracle because it was hardly 10 days that my husband had lost the job and within 10 days my husband got the job but yes the client wanted to join him by 23rd April, because they wanted some background checks. Then they sent laptop and devotees. Everything happened on Thursday which is Baba’s day.
I can’t explain all His miracles. Even my husband started doing Aarathi with me on Thursday for Sai Nav Guruvaar vrat, Thanks Sai Baba and I will say to all devotees just surrender yourself and your problem to Baba and ask Sai Baba to guide and help you in this difficult time. Sai Baba please help to get a vaccine soon in this pandemic time. Om Sai Ram! Ananthkoti BrahmandaNayak RajadhiRaja YogiRaja Parabrahma Sri Sacchidananda Sadguru Shirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a son who always longs to see His father protecting him and guiding him in all the spheres of life. Sai. Sai… to all the beloved children of our merciful Baba. Humble pranams to the entire Saiyug team. The stupendous job you people are doing is equal to serving mankind. We share our sorrows as well our happy incidents with Baba and respectfully salute Him for the blessings He bestows on us.
Coming to my experience, as the entire world is facing the covid-19 disease we pray our merciful Deva to again grind the wheat with His hand mill and destroy the pandemic. My son, who is just three years old developed a fever a week ago and as everyone can understand, developing a fever at this time brings in a lot of negative thoughts in our mind. We consulted his doctor over the phone and as per suggestion we gave him the medicine. It took him two days to recover and my mind was filled with all sorts of thoughts.
After he recovered, the same day my daughter complained of uneasiness, the same thoughts started rolling all over. She was fine in sometime and I promised Baba that I would definitely post these blessings to Him if all turns out fine. I am happy to share that all is fine in the family and would pray to Baba to please end this situation and that the world moves again with the same speed.
I know bargaining with Baba is not right as He knows what is best for everyone but as human tendency overpowers us sometimes and we become slaves to our thoughts. Sorry Deva, and please end this situation as You very well know what other thoughts are rolling in my mind. A lot of people are dependent on their jobs, businesses, the stress automatically takes over. With Your blessings I have achieved a mark of myself but if the situation persists long You may understand in which state I would be. But along this I know You know what is perfect for everyone. Sai…Sai…Samasta Loka Sukhi Bhavantu.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Garima from India says: I came to know about Sai Baba from my mother and then I started to follow His guidelines. For around 35-40 years we were not celebrating Rakhi festival at my father’s side due to sudden deaths of two close relatives on the occasion. So consequently me and my brother also have never celebrated it. The festival could only be celebrated when there would be a childbirth in the family on the day of Rakhi which was just a matter of miracle. I watched my mother tying the thread to my maternal uncle and to Lord Krishna at our temple for so many years and always wished that I could do the same.
Then in 2018 we brought Sai Baba at our home because we wanted Him to be a part of our family and my mother tied the thread to Him also. And suddenly after some time on the same day my father got a call from his brother that there was a child born at their uncle’s home and now we all can tie the holy thread in our family also. This was truly a miracle and now I am happily celebrating the day with my brother.
All I want to say at the end is that He is always there with us and is listening to what we want even though we do not say it out loud in front of Him, He listens to our heart. May He shower His blessings on all His devotees. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: It was a Thursday and my daughter who is a newborn had slept at night properly but not me in making her comfortable. I was very tired. Then after her bath where usually she doesn’t sleep easily and for a long time I applied Udi on her forehead and prayed to Baba that please make Your both daughters sleep well. That day for the first time she slept at my convenient time and for quite a long enough time that I woke up fresh. Also on another occasion at night when she was not sleeping I prayed to Baba to make her sleep and only after invoking Baba’s aid did she sleep. These might sound small to few but they were a great relief for me. All new mothers in motherhood can understand me. Thanks a lot Deva. Love You Sai Maa. Jai Sairam
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Jai Sairam
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba please and cure my grandma diabetes Meeke us to study well cure my father leg Sai we Are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam… i love you….thanks for whatever you have givenus..
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
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