Today’s post is not an experience. It is a poem which gets poured from a true devotee’s heart. Each one reading this poem will realise at some point of reading that he/she is reading out their own heart.
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am an Indian consulting professional in mid 30s currently studying MBA from a prominent university in the US from a good prominent university. I have seen tons of miracles already of Shirdi Sai. Here is so much to write about Sai that I cannot say more.
Here is Poem about Sai and how he helped me and other devotees and he is still helping me and others and hopefully in future too. I hope I and others will at Shirdi Sai’s feet.

Please Help Shirdi Sai. Please don’t leave me!!! You Know All Shirdi Sai. You raise me up. Oh Shirdi Sai” The stormy seas and the dark clouds are on the Horizon, I am down and, oh my soul, so weary, I am scared O Shirdi Sai as when troubles come my heart will be so lonely, And my hope is so fading, that I can no longer be me. But then ,You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains, You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas, You raise me up still more, to Sail me through the streams, And I am so strong, when I am on your shoulders, You raise me up. To more than I can be. My heart is so restless and my mind so melted, that I am so lonely, I am so tired of this world O Sao, that sometimes I just want you to call me up to thee. But Then You Raise me up, and I am filled with confidence, You Raise me up, so that I walk tall amongst all that created by thee, You Raise me up so High, that sometimes I think I glimpse Eternity. But then I know O Shirdi Sai that You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains, You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas, I am strong, when I am on your shoulders O Shirdi Sai, You raise me up: To more than I can be. I am afraid of the darkness O my Shirdi Sai, the darkness so bleak, I am waiting for You O Sai with my mind so restless, so that You can sit a while with me.
But You Raise me up, to destroy the darkness O Shirdi Sai, You Raise me up, to show me the way where there is none, You Blast through the storms and the restless sea O Shirdi Sai, that tsunami looks so meek, But then I know O Shirdi Sai that You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas, I am strong, when I am on your shoulders O Shirdi Sai, You raise me up: To more than I can be. Sometimes difficulties and loneliness surround me O Shirdi Sai, that I lose faith and patience momentarily in thee. But Then You Raise me up, so that I pass through the difficulties and trouble that you make me see, You raise me up, to guide my flotilla towards the light that you make me see in thee, You raise me up O Sai, that I am eternally joined at your feet. But then I know You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains, You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas, I am strong, when I am on your shoulders O Shirdi Sai, You raise me up: To more than I can be. Sometimes I am so petty, O Shirdi Sai, that I hate the whole humanity, Sometimes I feel so sad and lonely when I see my surroundings, as if you left me, My mind is so small O Shirdi Sai, that sometimes it feels so melancholy. But then You Raise me up, O Shirdi Sai, to help others in my passage towards light, You raise me up, to light several more lights.
And I am no longer lonely, Because I know There is no life without You. O Shirdi Sai, with each heartbeat beating for thee. But then I know You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains, You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas, I am strong, when I am on your shoulders O Shirdi Sai, You raise me up: To more than I can be. There is no life – no life without its hunger, Each restless heart beats so imperfectly. But when you come and I am filled with wonder, Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity. You raise me up, so that I can stand on my feet, But I am so strong, when I am on your shoulders. Because You Raise me up so high O Sai, that on your shoulders, Every mountain is so small as it can be, And I now know, You raise me up: To more than I can be. I do not know what I want from thee, I do not make my efforts still I ask things from thee O Shirdi Sai, I do not deserve the things you give me, and still I love to receive it from thee.
But Then You raise me up the next level, so that I can see your kindness, And understand your love for me. Then I realize that You raise me up on your shoulders, So that the world can see your Aura in me. And I am strong, when I am on your shoulders, And I now know You raise me up: To more than I can be. Now I know my Shirdi Sai, O Lord So Greatest As God Can Be, That You Raise me up O Shirdi Sai, over the muddy waters and the fiery volcanoes of thee, You raise me up, from poverty and You raise me up over the gold you give to me. You raise me up over the thoughts that are so petty, and You raise me up when I am so not me, You give me love when I feel so lonely, and You help me always in time of my need, Still I fight with You O my Shirdi Sai, and you forgive me. Now I have realized O my Sai, that You raise me up to make me your image, And You raise me up to walk with thee, And I now know You raise me up: To more than I can be. I Beg thy forgiveness, O Shirdi Sai so that I can be what You want me to be, Please always Raise me up O my Shirdi Sai, so that I can always be at your feet. You raise me up, to receive Your Amazing Grace, And You Raise me up to bless me so goodly, I wonder there is no universe without your love for me.
I am happy again my Lord Shirdi Sai, Because You Raise me up for Eternity, I know You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains, You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas, I am strong, when I am on your shoulders O Shirdi Sai, And You made me realize You raise me up: To more than I can be. (This written by Anonymous and inspired by Shirdi Sai from the Song “You raise Me Up” by Celtic Women. Thank You) 9 Para’s of 9 Sentences Each Like · Promote ·Share.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Jai Sai Ram.. Thanks for sharing this wonderful Poem.. Jai Sai Ram..
Dear Devotees
please please pray for my mother, she is really sick. Please Please Please.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL,
Sure will pray, Om Sai Ram !!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Devotee.. Your mom will be alright soon.. Our Sai Ram will take good care of her. Keep praying to him. We will also pray from our end. Jai Sai Ram.
Beautiful Poem. I could personally relate to the poem as I have been going through very rough time, but Sai Babaji has been with me all through this and continuously keep on giving me strength to walk my stormy sea. Thank you Babaji.
Om Sai Ram
Jai sai ram. Nice poem. 🙂 inspiring
Love you sai.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Please add the audio file to this link so we may know how you sing this poem. I will play it in my iphone once I receive it. I like your poem.
beautiful sai ram
Bhagat Mahalsapathy and Sai Baba – Part II
We have seen a post on 26th July wherein we saw that Bhagat Mhalsapathy lived a life of Holy poverty and Baba favored His favoured Bhagat with lots of spirituality. But Sai Baba took care of Mahlsapathy in every possible way. Here we will see two rare stories as to how Sai Baba loved Mahlsapathy and listened to his favourite devotee and how he took care of Mahlsapathy’s family.
First Leela
Mahlsapathy, Kashiram Shimpi and Appa Jagle were friends and used to look after ascetics who came to Shirdi. Thus they came to Baba and took care of his meager needs to the best of their ability. Baba did not favor Mahlsapathy with materialistic wealth but he gave him abundant spiritual wealth. Mahlsapathy did favor us devotees in the following way. One day Mahlsapathy had gone on his ‘Madhukari’ rounds. (Madhukari is taking alms from 5 houses). At that time Baba suddenly got up and resolutely left the Masjid and walked out of the village. As soon as Mahlsapathy returned home his mother informed him that Baba had left Shirdi. Immediately he kept his bhiksha jholi (bag used for collecting alms) down and said, “If Baba returns I too will return. If not I don’t know where I will go or what will happen to me” and then he left. He searched for Baba and finally found him at Rui. Baba was sitting on the ground and taking a thorn out of his foot. Mahlsapathy entreated Baba to return to Shirdi. Baba said, “Arre Bhagat you have come to fetch me, hence I will have to return”. Thus Mahlsapathy again averted a tragedy for Shirdi.
Second Leela
Suddenly Baba said “Aare ! My devotee has developed an abscess, and is in great pain and distress. I too have developed an abscess on my buttock. But I will recover soon.” Mhalsapathy saw that Baba had developed an abscess on His buttock, and was having a great deal of pain and discomfort. Mhalsapathy was very concerned. But Baba said, “Bhagat don’t worry, after two or three days it will heal, and I will feel better” Mhalsapathy did not know at that time whose abscess Baba had taken upon himself. Two days latter the abscess, burst and Baba was relieved of the pain. Three days after this incident Mhalsapathy received a letter from his wife, who was visiting her brother in Nandur Singota. She wrote that she had developed an abscess on her buttock. As the pain was unbearable she prayed to Baba for relief, and immediately got relief. Two days latter the abscess burst and she was all right. It was then that he realized that Baba had taken her abscess upon himself, when his wife prayed to him for relief. Overwhelmed by Baba’s love, and compassion Mhalsapathy said, “Look Marthand, to give your mother relief Baba took the abscess upon himself. Hence your mother became all right and our God suffered so much”
Source : Shri Sainath Maharajache Ek Mahan Eknist Sevak. Mahlsapathy Bhagat Hanche Charitra.
Jai Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai
nice leela's…OM SAI RAM…
Baba is great !!!!!!1 Om Sai Ram !!!!!!!!!!
It is our experience that we do not get bad odour from a genuine saint's body because of His food habits, purit of soul and heart and constant contact with Paramatma. We read in books that Baba used to take bath at will and not regularly. Ofcourse, there is no evidence that He had taken 'rose water' bath. If anybody reminded Him regarding bath, He used to say that He had just then taken bath in river Ganges. We sing in Harathi "KASI SNANA JAPA, PRATI DIVASI"
Baba used to clean intestines and dry them on a tree before putting back into His body. He even used to separate limbs. Everyday He used to wash His face, mouth, hands, egs with plenty of water.
On a Sivarathri day, Megha a close devotee, wanted to do Abhishek to Saieswar with Gangajal and brought water from river Godavari. Though Baba was asking him to put water on His head, in his over enthusiasm he poured water on Baba's head and body. To the surprise of all, Baba's kufni was dry. Then Baba told "Hey! you know ganga flows out of Lord Siva's head without touching His body" (What a marvellous truth Sai is Siva is revealed)
Once Sai Baba asked Master Tarkhad to accompany Him to Lendi Baugh to wash His kufni and dry without touching the ground. Baba entered the bathroom covered with tins and the boy was waiting for the kufni. Having waited for sufficiently reasonable time outside the bathroom, the boy peeped into the room and found Sai Baba's body was emanating rays of light from each and every pore of His body. Then Baba gave His kufni for washing. The boy washed and was holding in his hands for drying(let us note the condition that the kufni should not touch the ground).Instead of loosing wait with the passage of time the kufni became heavier and the boy had to pray to Lord Hanuman for strength so that he would pass Baba's test.Baba asked "Oh Boy! why are you seeking Hanuman's strength?" with this words of Baba, the kufni lost it's weight.
Dear brethren, Is it necessary for Sai who is Eswara to have regular bath as we do? Are we not aware that Baba had Sun and Moon bath and also Rain bath under the Neem tree. Let us pray and Have bath of His Grace.
Such a wonderful poem, that shows the pure love and devotion towards our beloved Baba, and true that Baba's mercy on all of us remain, raise us up all the times passing us through different experiences. Om SaiRam.
Very nice!! Every word one is truthful. I think we all act like a child when it comes to our Sai Ma and he keep showering our blessings.
Thanks devotee…I really needed this encouragement today as I was very low and I think Baba came in the form of your poem and told me not to worry as things will all settle down as he is always with me.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Well done …Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram…Very Nice Poem…I Have Tears Of Joy and Happiness….Our Baba is Great…He is Our Father….We Love You Baba….Always Be With Us….Om Sai Ram
What a beautiful poem, I have heard the song from Celtic woman and I want to sing this song as a Sai bhajan. Tears rolled down my eyes when I read your poem, cant see the keyboard as I'm typing this. Thanks for posting!!
Om Sai Ram!!
nice poem…got warmth SAI'S blessings…BABA is always with us…OM SAI RAM…
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
baba pls be with us and guide us .
pls take care of everything baba
Sai Ramji..Nice Poem…:-)
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and inspiring poem. Each words reflect the sincerity and divine of Sai Baba.
Sai Baba bless all of us with his grace.
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful poem. Each words of poems reflects the sincerity and divine of SAI BABA.
Baba bless all of us with his grace.
very nice poem.
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Govind Pant*****
Near Akkalkot, there is a village called Mamadabad. There stayed a gentleman
named Govindpant Kulkarni. After taking meals he would suffer from severe stomach
pain. He tried all types of remedial treatment but there was no result. At last he went to
the holy place Ganagapur in Gulbarga Dist. Karnataka to render devotional service to
Sriguru134 . At Ganagapur he got a visionary insight directing him to go to Sri Swami
Samarth at Akkalkot. Accordingly, he came to Akkalkot. When he took ‘Darshan’ of Sri
Swami, Sri Swami said, “Take ‘Gomutra’ (cow’s urine) and ‘Gomay’ (cowdung), for
seven days. In the past life, you had troubled an old cow, hence you are getting this
stomach pain”. Govindpant remained in Akkalkot and took cow’s urine and cowdung.
His illness was completely cured. Then Gopalpant returned home singing devotional
songs in the praise of Sri Swami Samarth.
*****Moraba Kulkarni*****
In Akkalkot, there was a devotee named Moraba Kulkarni. One night his wife
started getting such an acute unbearable stomachache that in the middle of the night
she went to jump in the well and die. Sri Swami Samarth sent his disciple and called
her to his place. Sri Swami by his kind grace instantly cured her illness. Kulkarni couple
were already devotees of Sri Swami. This incident made strengthened their devotion.
Jai Sai ram ,very inspirational poem.thankyou so much for sharing with us.
I beg u Sai G do some Miracle,,Pls Sai Baba g..pls do some miracle
Wonderfully expressed and right captures all devotees prayers to our dear Baba 🙂
O Deva, the mind is restless, I surrender to Your Lotus Feet so please grant me calm. The heart yearns for what isn't mine, please donate it to me O Sadguru.
Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai maa Please please please please please please please please
Do some miracle .I am your daughter sai maa
Please do some miracle
Luv u
Falling at your lotus feet
Sai maa
I was so worried that you are angry with me
Please please please please don't be
What will I do if you n vp murugan are angry with me
I apologise for the mistakes my maa
Luv u
Falling at your lotus feet my maa
Heartfelt and Beautiful Poem…OM SAI RAM…Please bless me and my husband with child BABA…
Oh sai deva my maa
Mind is restless n fearful
Please grant me peace n happiness luv u a lot my deva my maa
Falling at your lotus feet
Oh sai deva my maa
Mind is restless n fearful
Please grant me peace n happiness luv u a lot my deva my maa
Falling at your lotus feet
love u baba…pls never leave my hand
om sri sai ram
please raise avik on your shoulders.please show him his path .
please be with him
give him happiness baba
please baba
thank you.
please do not leave me and avik.
please tc of avik baba . he is suffering a lot
he should forget past n move on in his life. please send him an angel baba.
om sri sai ram
Beautiful poem. It is nicely inspired by the song/poem "You Raise Me Up" and a very beautiful song and beautiful how you have personalized it with our Sai Baba. Om Sai Ram!