Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
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Shirdi Sai Devotee Priyanka Wagh says: Life was going on, with its usual pace, rather faster. We lost the Patriarch of the family, my father- in-law aged 84 years, summer of 2017. In between I was away for a short period to a small, quaint and beautiful country of Georgia with my son. More travel period. A change of home to Mumbai from the garden city of Bangalore was on cards too. A flurry of activities filled my life for days together and a series of experiences that I will share now bejewelled my life. Quite amusing.
As Hanuman, the messenger of Lord Rama, started a communiqué with me. Surprising Indeed! My last memories of Lord Hanuman are limited to reciting Hanuman Chalisa to my three year old daughter, many years before. She had mugged it so well very soon like a parrot she recited and we enjoyed. It ended there. I noticed or He made me notice that every cab in Bangalore that overtook my car had a picture of Lord Hanuman’s face with long hair, shining eyes, wide forehead looking at me from the rear glass of the cars. As if saying hello to me! I wondered why and how Sai had swiftly swapped places with Hanu bhaiya. Earlier I always used to notice Baba on these rear glasses. Well the story goes on and life too.
My father called one day informing that his good friend and spiritual teacher Swami Aishwaryanand of Indore would visit my place later in the month. Swami Aishvaryanandji has read and understood our religious scripture Vedanta in detail for years and enjoys an ever joyous spiritual consciousness. Swamiji works with tribal children and has devoted his life to their education and betterment. A modern Swami with fluent command over many languages and a practical approach to life all entwined together in one soul.
The evening was joyous and my home turned into a temple. The food I made tasted delectable. Swamiji expressed his joy, felt at home and shared an experience as I shared a few with him too. Of his 52 years of spiritual life, the experience that he shared with me was none other than Bhagwan Maruti, our Hanumanji gave him darshan. He began. He was seven years old and his mother urged him and his elder brother to visit Maruti temple every Saturday. Hearing Maruti temple, my ears became more attentive than ever. What a lovely relationship the Supreme power is in with all who think of Him, and those who don’t too. So Swamiji continued that one such Saturday, the trio of two brothers and a friend got late to reach the temple. After darshan, as the other two climbed to higher branches of the Audumbur tree, Swamiji remained seated on a branch that was closer to the ground. His memory was crystal clear. The episode was vivid in his eyes and words as he narrated it to me. For me it was darshan. An anubhuti indeed! In his words now, “A vanar about three feet in height, said to me in human voice, it’s getting late, go home now. As a seven year old I got scared and started crying that how a well built, adult monkey is instructing me in human voice. Though he appeared totally harmless, I was scared. Hearing me cry, my brother and his friend came down the branches. I told them what I saw and heard. They laughed and went down to the ground. The vanar had left by then“.
My dear readers, to me there could not be a better darshan of Lord Hanuman who now was a friend, who said hello from the cabs. Now my thoughts were actually pondering about Lord Hanuman on a daily basis and I started hearing Hanuman Chalisa on my music system in the mornings. To be more in my life, He introduced me to the bestseller book, just released, Sita, Warrior of Mithila, authored by very talented writer Amish, in which Sita calls him Hanu bhaiya and I am enjoying the fact that I am getting to know Him better through the book and Sitaji herself. This also reminds me of an episode where in Shirdi temple, my father saw Shri Ganesh in all His glory, in the statue of our very own Shri Sai Baba. There are many instances in the life of devotees, where Baba has appeared as Lord Ganesh, Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Shri Hanumana and other deities. Every darshan of Lord Sainath, be it any form, is purposeful. We devotees should simply enjoy the form and the bliss that it generates. Om Sai Ram

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a humble devotee of Sai Maharaj living in South of Tamil Nadu. I wish to share my experience. I prostrate at the holy feet of Sai Baba to guide me to share my experiences with you all.
On April 14th being Tamil New Year day I felt tired after doing pooja and I slept off. During midnight I woke up and had a sip of hot water. I felt dryness in my throat and had a fear it would choke my breath. I woke up completely, walked to and fro inside our hall having gulps of water and praying Baba continuously. My symptoms reduced a bit and I slept.
After walking up in the morning my ears blocked and had complete dryness in my throat. I never had such symptoms before and this being the corona viruses lock down, I panicked a lot. I managed my regular work but still my symptoms persisted. I couldn’t eat or drink because it increased the choking feeling.
In order to divert my mind I started browsing about Sai Deva and found your website. Though many times I browsed about Sainatha, I missed this website, but this time Baba guided me here. I started reading devotees’ experiences how much ever I could and it acted as a shield for my fears and guiding light for my knowledge and gave answers for my queries. Thank you Hetalji and team for your unanimous effort. This website acts as a treasure trove of stories which acts as guidelines for those in need.
I have joined the Mahaparayan and also started seven days parayanan at home. I have become a regular reader of Sai devotees’ experiences which strengthened my belief on Baba.
Two years back I had a multinodular goitre and the doctor advised me to remove it because it may grow and choke my throat. I managed without going for surgery. This being the coronavirus time I was frightened to go out for consultation also. I started praying to Baba to cure my disease and prayed to Him that I will share my experience on this website which will act as a one more miracle of our Sai Maharaj. Slowly my symptoms started reducing and my lifestyle started changing. I started doing regular pooja for Baba hearing aarati, doing Namajaba and reading His books.
Yesterday I completed my seven day parayanam and with that all my pain and symptoms vanished completely. For the past two years, because of my hectic work schedule, slowly I started deviating from my regular prayers and Baba gave me this pain to change me to put me on track for my goodness. Thank You Baba for pulling me towards You. Now I have complete confidence that Baba will look after all my needs and my work is to chant His name always. Om sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all the Sai devotees. I have posted a couple of experiences on this blog earlier and they have been published too. Thanks to all the people for providing this platform to share our experiences and also gain more faith by reading others’ experiences.
Coming to the experience which is related to my brother; my brother was having viral fever along with cough and mouth ulcers. The fever was not reducing even after taking medicines for 3 days. He again visited the doctor and this time the doctor changed the medicines. He took the medicines in the morning and then in the evening he all of a sudden developed rashes all over his body and he collapsed on the bed. He was unable to sit on his own and everything was dark in front of his eyes and he could not see anything and his eyes had turned red. Seeing his condition we all were scared to death.
My mother immediately ran to the pooja room and got our home God’s Vibhuti and applied it on his forehead. We shifted him to a hospital which was near to my home. Going there the doctors gave him first aid and asked us to shift him to another hospital. It was such a panic situation for all of us. All this while I was praying and chanting Sai’s name for the safety of my brother and to make him normal and had pledged that once he was fine and back to normal then I would share this experience on this blog. With the grace of Baba he was back to normal in a few hours and was discharged from hospital after 2 days. Thank You Baba for helping us in this difficult time and always being with me and my family.
I would like to share another experience which happened today. I had a presentation to be presented to client in the evening and during the day I ran into issues and one of my jobs was not working as expected. I prayed to Baba to help me resolve the issue and within a few minutes the issue was fixed. It is Sai Who helped me to resolve the issue. Baba please forgive me if I have done any wrong knowingly or unknowingly. Bless us all with good health and guide us all on the right path.
Shri Sachchidananda Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Baba helped me through my education. I got my degree with His blessings. Om Sairam. This is my first post on this blog. Thank you Hetalji for sharing all the miracle stories with us. I am long overdue for this. Please forgive me Baba for taking such a long time.
Over a year ago, I was struggling with my medical education. I had one school required exam to pass before I was eligible to sit for the board exams. That was the last exam before I could get my degree. I had finished all the required coursework and the exams were the only ones stopping me from graduating. I had tried many times but was unable to pass even though I was failing by just a few points. I was devastated and frustrated. I was ready to give up, but Baba showed me an alternate route. I transferred to a different school that didn’t have such requirements so I that could take the board exams and get my medical degree. With Baba’s blessings, I passed my board exams, and got my degree. I know that without Baba’s help, I wouldn’t have achieved it. Everything I have today is because of Him and His blessings. He shows the way. We have to just be patient and devoted. Now, I am praying to Baba that I get the job I asked Him for. I know He will guide me through this as well.
Another blessing Baba gave was when my family was getting a new house, the loan fell through at the last minute. The house was already built, and it was just the loan that was stopping us. The loan officer pre-approved it at first but decided to not approve it at last. I prayed to Baba to please help us and guide us through this because it was our dream house. One week later, I asked Baba why it was happening like this. He said that “3 people will come to our house; an auspicious function will be held, and everything will go well.” As per what Baba said, 3 people did come. During the same time, my in-laws and my husband were coming to our house for the puja we had. A few days later, we found out that the loan was approved. I was so happy and excited that good things were happening. Baba really guides us in the right direction. Om Sairam!

Shirdi Sai Devotee Lakshmi from India says: I am Baba’s sister Lakshmi. Sairam, Thank you Hetalji, we thanking your team is not a formality, we always are indebted to you for your service to increase hope and devotion in our lives.
Earlier, I had 2 defects in my work, so I took it as a tension, over the weekend, how to resolve it. By Monday EOD resolved those with teammates’ help. Praying You Baba that it shouldn’t give any issues and bad impact, as I joined this company 6 months ago. Baba I am feeling hard to survive in this project. Baba, please help me. I am ready to do some hard work, give me a chance to learn, You know my career is Your blessings after a long gap. I know it would be fruitful for me still I have a fear because of my financial dependency. Baba helped me to maintain a stress free career in the long run.
Few days ago my mother lost her gold ear stud. Mistakenly she had thrown it in dust. She searched over it a couple of times. She was able to find the back part of it. She was feeling very bad about it. She prayed to her favourite God Lord Venkateshwaara Swamy and she asked me to pray to Baba. But I said, “I don’t want to ask it You Baba, You know what is good for us, whatever You have given to my family is more than that, so I request You to remove that guilt/pain from her heart.”
My laptop had problems during the lockdown period. I was tensed, prayed Baba, and applied Udi like how devotees mention on this site. Finally after a week Baba made it work on Thursday with external devices (by Baba’s grace I bought during this time). Now I am using it to write these experiences. Please help those who are working from home, as we can’t find any services now, and bless everyone with health and happiness Sai. Swamy please eradicate the virus soon. Baba You are my only hope, I just want to marry him Baba. Please help me and do miracle Tandri. I hope my love is pure, please help me to live in a healthy relationship and don’t do any harm to anyone. Baba always makes me kind.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji and team I love to write my experiences here and read other experiences. Thank you all.
Dear Baba thank You so much as You helped to receive a message from the person I wanted to hear from. You also made him a message by the time I had wished him to message. You heard my wish and made him a message to answer my doubt. Thank You very much.
Also thank You that I did not have to go out yesterday all of a sudden and it got sorted for the day. You always save me and show me a way. Thank You very much. I am really nothing without Your help and guidance and love. Please be with us always.
Anantakoti Brahmananda Nayaka, Rajadhi Raja, Yogi Raja, Parabhrama, Sri Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaja Ki Jai.
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Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandma diabetes cure my fathers leg we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Omsairam…i love you..thanks for whatever you have blessed us with..
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Baba 🙏u were with me all the time…u r like my everything…u know everything about me..n u r the one whom I want to share..I need your blessings always..plz irradicate this disease..thnqq so much baba..words are not Enough to tell about your leela's…I trust you..m blessed to be ur devotee…🙏😇