Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello everyone, I am a small devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. Om Sairam. I came into contact with Shree Sai Baba in 2018. I was struggling financially and going through depression for many years. When I was in depression, I was staying with my uncle and aunty in Rahata (a place near Shirdi). In the front hall of the house, there was a big photo of Shree Sai Baba. First I used to consider Sai Baba like any other God but one night around 1:30 have I felt a deep pain in my chest. I was as anxious as never before. I didn’t call my uncle- aunty because I thought I shouldn’t disturb their sound sleep. I was sleeping in the hall and I saw that big giant photo of Sai Baba and cried in front of Him a lot. I begged Him to cure me. After a few minutes I automatically went to sleep and the next day I woke up as nothing had happened the previous night. But the next day in the afternoon, again I felt a heart attack sensation so my aunt took me to the hospital. I was diagnosed with ECG and blood samples were taken. So they sent me to a big hospital in Aurangabad which is 120km away from Rahata town. I was constantly praying to Sai Baba. I was chanting “Om Sairam”, read Sai Satcharitra two times, and Vishnu Sahastranam in the meantime when I was home. I went to a heart specialist in Aurangabad. I was so worried because I didn’t want to have heart surgery by putting titanium stents in my pulmonary arteries. Also, the surgery costs are too high for me. I was praying in my mind to Sai Baba when the doctor was checking the blood samples. He told me that he will do a graphy of my chest to see if there were any blockages. As he was scanning my chest, I was constantly praying to Sai Baba and after a few minutes, a miracle happened! The doctor said that there were no blockages! I felt relieved from a lot of stress. I was so happy that I was continuously thanking Sai for His grace! This is how I came in contact with Sai Deva.
After that incident, Sai Baba used to give me signals through stickers, prints, photos on rickshaw/trucks/car/motorcycle. He is always with me! Once I asked a question on Question and Answer site. So He said “Serving elders will be helpful. People will meet you. You will be famous. You will travel towards the South. You will meet a friend. Old memories will revive.”
First I didn’t believe His words. I thought the website has 700 answers and that website runs on an algorithm. So it’s obvious that any answer which is positive will come to me as answers are generalized and not specific.
Dear devotees, Sai always tells the truth. He never lies. Exactly after a few weeks, I met an old friend named Vishal who I hadn’t met for 10 years. After a few days, I moved to South for Shree Balaji Darshan with my family! I am a writer on Quora website and my answers got fame and now it has reached more than 5 lakh views (1/2million views). Once I was sitting in Sai Mandir in the evening then a young lady came to meet me. She was an Architect who was doing her Ph.D. on Modern Temples of India. She took pictures with me to publish in her journal thesis.
One little experience I want to share. I was at my construction site with my father in Selu(Parbhani). At that time Prime Minister Modi announced complete lockdown in whole India. But we had to complete our work because we are into the safety of Indian Railways. The atmosphere was not good; our car was stuck in the mud due to heavy rains. I was praying to Sainath Maharaj to please rescue us from that site and safely take us to our home. Immediately miracles happened! A tractor came for our help! They took safely from the faulty road of mud to concrete road. The next day, by Sai’s miracle, the work was stopped and we needed to cross the boundary of two districts because it was next to impossible to travel due to the Coronavirus pandemic. My dad had two answers for Police officers to cross the boundary; the first one was the railway department work and the second one was court orders but Sai plays beautiful leelas. Sai sent a senior policeman to our help in the middle of our journey. He also wanted to go to Aurangabad. So we seated him in the front seat of the car. So when we reached the border of the district. Police people nodded their heads with the man who was seating on the front seat. Police barrier gates were opened instantly when they saw their department man. We were relieved from big stress. I thanked Sai for His miracle.
I still have problems in my life but I have faith in Him. I am completely devoted to His holy feet. Devotees, if you are suffering from any problem or pain then have full faith in Shirdi Sai Baba. He will take care of you. If you move one step towards Him then He will move ten steps towards you! So have Shraddha in Him. “Bolo Shree Sachidanand Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai…!”
Shirdi Sai Devotee Swati from India says: Hello All, I am a humble devotee of Baba since 2018 who has been seeking His guidance always.
26. 05.2020
Dear Hetalji and Team,
Heartfelt gratitude to you and your team for maintaining this site. It’s really a modern Satcharitra as has been repeatedly regarded by many devotees. I have been a regular reader of this blog since 2018 and contributing my experiences of miracles.
Baba has been acting as a protector for all of us during this lockdown period. I am lucky enough to witness and acknowledge a lot of miracles of His during this time.
By His grace, I got married to the best man just a few weeks before the first lockdown. All associate functions and rituals were performed peacefully. Soon after our marriage, I had to relocate with my husband as he had to join his work. It was by His will that we traveled by train in which a couple was diagnosed with Corona positive. I prayed for Him to save us. We reached safely to the new city where my husband’s workplace was.
He helped us to purchase all household items, grocery in a new city just two days before lockdown so that we didn’t get troubled for anything. I am using His Udi every day as a weapon of protection from Corona. He helped my husband to join his workplace safely after lockdown was a little bit eased down.
Oh!! Baba! Please save this planet from this deadly Coronavirus. It has been enough. Om Shree Sainathay Namah!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba who depends on Him for every small thing. Thank you Hetalji and team for giving me this opportunity to share my experience.
Experience 1:
During lockdown one night my mother started suffering from acute stomach pain. My father informed me through the phone. I was feeling helpless as I am staying away from my parents. It was scary to go to the hospital due to Covid virus. I prayed Sai Baba wrote Aarogya Khemadayana Namaha 108 times. My parents visited the doctor and her stomach pain reduced within 2 days. All the credit goes to my Sai.
Experience 2:
During the same time, my daughter started showing symptoms of cold and cough. I got scared and prayed to my Sai. Within a week my daughter is all fine.
Experience 3:
I was stuck with an issue at work. It got resolved after praying Sai. But Sai, I am seeing the same issue again today. I have already informed my team members that the issue is resolved. How can I ask for their help now? Please Sai Baba help me to resolve this issue on my own. Sorry for posting my experiences late. Sai please take care of all the people in the world. Please eradicate this virus as soon as possible. Om Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My baby after birth could not pass the hearing test for one of the ears. Although the doctor told us that many times it happens and not to worry as we would again try after a few days; I was still worried about the same. After a few days, some watery discharge started coming from one of the ears which multiplied my worry. I kept praying to Baba and applying Udi that everything should be normal. Then finally one day with much difficulty we managed to get an appointment for the same during the lockdown. We were supposed to reach before 4 pm but we reached at 4 pm. So the nurses were not ready to do the same. They also told me that the baby should be sleeping soundly. I said that I would make her sleep. After a lot of requests, they agreed to do the test. But my baby was not cooperating as it was irritating to her. So again I prayed to Baba and Swami Samarth that this time the baby should cooperate and pass the test for both ears. Although the baby was not sleeping and was very fussy we somehow managed with Baba’s grace. The baby also passed the tests for both the ears which were a very big relief. Thank You so much, Baba. Posted as per my promise and I am sorry for the delay. Thank You Baba once again. Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi. I’m from India. I want to share my recent experience or miracle which took place. I was pregnant and in the 9th month. My due date was given as June 11. I have entered the 9th month. I and my hubby were superb and excited about this journey. Everyone was talking about the delivery and the difference between normal delivery and C-Sec. My mom wanted me to have a normal delivery. I put chits in front of my Baba. He said normal and guess what it happened. It’s normal but I still have pain and my baby has jaundice on a little higher side and has got admitted to hospital. Please Baba relieve me from the pain which I’m having now through the stitches and make my baby also relieved from jaundice. She should be healthy and happy. I will definitely visit Your temple and post the experience. Please help me. I’m nothing without You. Please bless me with other wishes too. Your ever-loving and indebted devotee.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: Thank you Hetalji for the wonderful platform. My day starts with Sai Baba and ends with Sai. Coming to my experience, my daughter was having constipation problems and tummy pain for two days. We prayed to Baba that our daughter should come out of this problem and gave her Udi water. The next morning she woke up and her motion was normal and the pain had also gone. All this happened because of Baba. Thank You so much, Baba. Sorry, Baba for posting late. Servojana Sukhino Bhavanthu. Om Sairam.
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Om Sai Ram 🙏
baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa. You are the only one to help baba, Saitakshak saisaranam ayyappa
om sai ram your leelas are emiging i love to read this blog.i am reading this blog from 10 years.i read many sai ram om saimaa
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Omsairam.. i love you …thanks for whatever you have blessed us with..