Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My son had swallowed a pebble which was big enough. He was not able to eat properly as he would vomit out. Doctor after seeing the X-ray and sonography report said that it would come out as it had passed the two out of three bottleneck areas in our body. But he asked us to monitor the potty which was the most difficult part as he is seven years old. All the while I had been praying Baba to help him and that I should be able to see the pebble.
Also, I forgot to mention when he swallowed the pebble he drank water and came and told me that, “Mumma it’s not stuck anywhere as I can feel that its not there along the food pipe. But still, I am scared. Would anything happen to me?” When I heard this at first I scolded him and when he started crying I consoled him. Then while I was talking to my husband over the phone he came and told, “Mumma I asked Baba through chits that whether He would make me alright? To this Baba said yes.” I didn’t know how to react (smile or scold him)? Then I consoled him and gave him bananas to eat but after some time he vomited.
Then after the doctor’s visit, I told my husband that I think stone would come out on Thursday and that I cannot monitor the potty. To this, my husband said that he would do it. Then next day it so happened that when my son wanted to go for a washroom my husband was not at home. With great difficulty, I did it as the doctor had strictly told us to do that saying there is no other option. I even said that after 15 days we will do another x-ray and not monitor potty. But this was declined as X-rays are harmful. So coming back to monitoring point as I said that I did it with great difficulty but it was not found. Then the next day which was a Sunday again the same situation as that time too my husband was not there. Then when I had finished monitoring on Sunday I did not find it. I was about to flush it and I said, “Baba Thursday is too ahead. I can’t bear it. Please do something.” Then I felt a voice guiding me to check it again. I checked again and to my joy and pleasant surprise, I felt the pebble to the stick and then even clearly saw it as per my prayer to Baba the very moment he had swallowed. I thanked Baba and so my son as Baba had fulfilled His promise to my son. Baba is really great as He made sure that I see the pebble myself as per my prayers to Him initially and so made my husband go somewhere at that very time when my son wanted to go to the washroom. He could not see my discomfort and made it possible so soon as my nephew when he had swallowed coins it had taken 14 days to come out. But in my case, Baba did it very soon. Thank You, Baba. Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am anonymous Sai Baba Bhagwan believer from the USA. Om Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram to all devotees. I am a very small person to call myself a devotee. Sorry, Bhagwan for posting it late. I had thought to post my experience after getting a job. Sai Baba was (and is) there at every step of my job hunt journey. I was never alone since I had Baba with me always. It was not an easy journey, but Sai Baba made me walk through it thankfully. I couldn’t have done it without His blessings and love. I saw some serious personal issues and had lost hope that I will ever get a job but my Sai Baba blessed me and I don’t have enough words to thank Him. All I can say is sorry Sai Baba for all my sins and mistakes. Please forgive and always bless us all in abundance. Om Sai Ram. Sai Baba Ki Jay.
I pray to Sai Baba Bhagwan that I get my visa approval soon with happiness so that I can start my job at the starting date. I am sure Sai Baba will get my visa approved soon.
One time, I happened to go to a very unsafe area for my job interview. As soon as I landed at the train station, a bus came and the driver guard came out from the bus and started pacing around the bus stop. There were such people around that I felt very unsafe and scared as it was already dark. Deep inside I kept chanting the name of God and thankfully my taxi came in 10-12 minutes and until that time thankfully the driver security guard of the bus was still there standing. I don’t know I realized that time or not, but afterward in retrospect when I thought about that time I realized it was no one but Sai Baba Who protected me. I am sorry my Sai for my sins and mistakes. Please, please never leave my hand. I am nothing without You. Please bless us and forgive us all. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says Om Sairam. Baba, please bless all the creatures of Your creation from the pandemic Coronavirus. Thank you Hetal mam for maintaining this beautiful site. May Baba give you more and more strength to maintain the platform which creates a spiritual relation between Baba and us.
Now coming to my experience, in my previous experience I prayed Baba for my brother’s health. He was suffering from piles. He has done treatment for piles and now he is ok. May Baba bless him with good health.
I had also posted my experience regarding my husband’s health. I had promised Baba to post my experience after his endoscopy. But due to COVID-19 endoscopy was not done. May Baba bless him with good health. Baba, now I am in tension in my relationship with my husband. Nowadays frequent misunderstanding occurs in between us, even in small things. I love him and he also loves me. But I don’t know why it is happening. My husband is also in tension which is bad for his health. Baba, I pray to You to solve our family problem. Baba, please keep peace in our family. After solving our family problem I will again submit my experience. Baba, free the world from the pandemic Coronavirus and bless all the creatures of Your creation. Please keep me under Your lotus feet. Om Sri Sai Nathaya Namah.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Namaste to all, please keep my details anonymous. I am blessed to be a Sai devotee along with all of you. Saima called me to Him 8 months ago when I was completely shattered due to a huge problem in my marriage. He came in my dreams and looked intently into my eyes and gave me the sweetest smile I have ever seen. I will never forget that smile. That smile gave me the courage to have faith in Him in this toughest phase of my life.
I am still going through the problem and have been separated from my husband for the last 8 months for an extremely silly reason. My only hope is Saima and He always gives me some sign or other that things will be ok. He has always given me positive answers in the Q&A site. The Q&A site and this miracles site have been my lifelines in these past months. They give me the hope to get by each day. When I read about how Baba helped the girls who have been in similar situations as mine I get hope on the days I feel completely lost. Whenever I feel completely dejected and lose hope I turn to this site. Thanks, Baba for giving us devotees platforms like this to share our pain.
I’m sure Baba will solve my problem and bless me but being human I get scared and start doubting as days go by. Please Saima please bless me soon. I request all devotees to please pray for me as I cannot bear the talk of a divorce. Om Sai Ram. I will again post my experience once my problem gets sorted out. May Baba bless you all! Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the UK says: Me a small devotee of Sai Baba from the UK. I have been told by Baba in a dream to read something. I got confused and after searching came to know about Global Mahaparayan. I recently joined the global Mahaparayan UK team. I am in the green team, Roll no-26.
I want to share a recent Leela of Baba Aai. I considered Him as my Aai (mother) My husband is nastik (atheist) so I requested Baba to show His presence to my husband. On 22nd April my husband saw the dream of Baba in old man form in Dwarakamaai. He was in white kafani, standing on steps with lots of devotees surrounding Him as in the olden era. My husband was trying to speak to Him and Baba was silently watching Him. This dream was Brahma-Muhurta timing of 3. 45 a.m. We were shocked and happy about this leela. Next time I will share the leela of Baba regarding my daughter. Om Sai Ram!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello I am a child of Guru Baba Sai and Krishna. My pussy cat was ill. His potty was not coming out and he was suffering. On seeing his condition not improving I prayed to Sai and applied Udi. Then my brother brought medicine for him. My mother gave my cat the medicine and after having it he is fine now by Baba’s grace. Thank You Baba I used to pray to Baba when he was not well and used to chant on Shri Sai Arogyakshemdaay Namaha. I mentally told Baba if my cat becomes healthy then I will share the experience on this site. So here I am sharing.
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Love YOU O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Omsairam… i love you…thanks for whatever you have blessed us with.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.