Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Another Lost And Found Miracle By Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I’m a very small devotee under Baba’s feet. I have come to know about Baba in 2016. Pranam Hetalji and all other team members working on this wonderful platform to spread His stories and increase faith in one and all. We are blessed to have this modern Satcharitra in the world of so much instability and worries.

I have been Baba’s devotee for about 4 years now and have completely surrendered to Him ever since. Although I say “Completely Surrendered”, I’m still learning to practice His 2 mantras “Shraddha and Saburi.” Even though He has shown His miracle in so many ways so many times, when a trouble comes I still get flustered. I cry, I scold and get depressed and then again He shows in some form that He is in control of the situation and I need not worry.

One such incident is what I want to share here today. Although I never believed in promising Him to write on this portal to get something in return, Baba was testing me and made me do that promise. I am in a very tough situation in my personal life and in the middle of that I lost a small bag containing some valuables related to that situation. I remembered exactly where I kept that bag and searched that place at least 10 times inside out. But I couldn’t find it. So, I checked every other place I could think of but it couldn’t be found. Then I tried to forget about it for a few days and told Baba that I’ll look again on Thursday and if He is still going to fix all my other problems, then He should find my bag as a sign. I also promised Him that I will write my experience here if it was found.

On Thursday, I was even more depressed from morning due to various reasons and didn’t want to search for the bag fearing I wouldn’t find it and that’ll make my mind worse. But somehow, in the evening after lighting the lamp for Baba I decided to look right in front of Him. I started looking in the same place where I searched before and of course, you guessed what happened – The bag was right there in the front of everything else. It was a miracle how I missed it earlier! I cried for at least 10 minutes thanking Him with my tears and letting go of all my problems once again and surrendering to Him!

At this time, He is my mom, my Dad and everything else. No one could understand everything that is going on in my head other than Him. He knows what is right for me and when to give it to me! I will wait with Faith and Patience Baba! Thank You for protecting us in this uncertain time and I pray to You to bless everyone in this world to be safe and Happy! Om Sai, Sri Sai, Jai Jai Sai!

Trust Him And He Will Take Care Of Rest Of The Things

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sai Baba’s blessed child. I don’t know from where I start. I am married from last 4 years and currently I am 34 years old. We were trying for child since 2018. I conceived after trying for 1 full year. I went to Shirdi also in November 2018 and prayed for a baby. And Baba gave me the same. But unfortunately in January I had a miscarriage. I started crying but at the same time I was strong. I was thinking that it was ok as it was my first time and it was normal. I don’t know but this thought came into my mind. I am very practical in life. So I asked doctor to go ahead with procedure but let me know the things I need to take for next time. We didn’t let our parents know what we were going through. I was in very pain after procedure but I kept asking Baba for help and to let me overcome from all this. I cried for 3-4 days. People in my husband’s office asked him about my health and they kept on saying him to take care of me as it was very painful for me. He was very worried and kept asking me if I was ok and if I wanted to cry. Within 4-5 days I was normal. It felt like I got some stomach ache and now everything was ok. Because of Baba I was fine.

We started trying for baby after 6 months of my last miscarriage. But nothing was happening. Checked with all doctors and everything was normal. I was not able to understand what was wrong if every report was normal. I started preparing myself that we could adopt a baby if nothing worked for us as baby would be mine no matter if it’s coming out my body or not.

One day my sister asked me now lockdown is everywhere so you have lots of time, so start reading Sai Baba Satcharitra. I started reading continuously from that day only. Nobody will believe that within the same month I got pregnant. Before I got to know that I had conceived, I cried a lot. While reading Satcharitra I kept asking Baba why my bad karma is not getting over. And I just picked my phone one day after reading Satcharitra and asked Him to show me some positive sign that He would help me out. Nobody will believe but ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 2726’ was similar to my situation experience shared by someone else and that day I knew that I was going to conceive soon. Today we went for check-up and as mentioned in the experience 2726 we heard healthy heartbeat of my baby.

Sai Baba please keep this baby safe and I am making sure my baby knows You well before coming to this world by reading Satcharitra every day. Thanks Baba for Your blessings and be with me always.

Keep Faith, Your Prayers Will Always Be Answered

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Hongkong says: I am anonymous devotee from Hongkong and would like to share my experience. First of all I would like to thank all for giving such a wonderful platform to share our experiences. I have had many small, small experiences of Sai Baba, and I always keep faith in Him. I have done many, many mistakes in my teens, some of which were knowingly and some unknowingly. I really never knew the value for life and had taken everything for granted. For example, friends, family, money etc.

My parents are very broad minded and had a lot of trust on me which I didn’t keep upto the mark and it thus lead me to a miserable life. But because of Sai Baba after almost so many years around 35+ age of mine I got to know the value of life, sympathy, being honest, health, money etc. Because of His grace I have got a wonderful husband whose name is also Sairam and a handsome son whose name also we have kept as Saitanish. Now he has changed me in such a way that I just want to lead my remaining life by doing good deeds. I cannot change my past but I can build my future. I am trying to do whatever good things I can, and don’t want to do even single mistake in my life.

As each mother has some dreams for her son, even I had dreamt that my son should go to a big and nice school. I was very much worried about my son’s interview in the school for his secondary(he is very intelligent but don’t want to use his brains because of the gadgets now). Though it’s not an Howard university or some Bit Pilani colleges, but still which school I was dreaming also was difficult to get. We had applied there 2.5 years back and finally he got a call for the interview exactly when he was about to join the secondary and after 2 rounds of the interview he had successfully cleared it. All this happened usually on Thursday. This is some kind of satisfaction and belief I have. Even my husband has got a good job but Baba guided us to continue the old one only, so we feel it is his decision and have left him to take care of it. I am really, really thankful to Sai Baba for whatever He has given to me till now. He knows what is right for me so I just pray that let Him give strength for me to accept it, so I will just patiently wait for His blessings. I just want to bow to Him and be near His feet always. He has saved me from the fierce storms of wave. How much ever I praise its less only. Thanks all once again for allowing me to share my experience.

Baba My Saviour

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I had done lots of online shopping for my baby though my family members denied as they were not sure how the quality would be. I assured them that it would be good. So when the first parcel came to my surprise the clothes were of worst quality. I was shocked to see the difference between how they appeared online and how they were in reality. Out of 4 only 1 was ok. My family members started reminding me about the warning they had already given. Further they asked me not to buy more and I said more 25 to 30 were already ordered that too with pre payment. Then I prayed Baba to help. I prayed Him that the other clothes should be of good quality and if so then I promised Him to share the post here. Baba listened and except 3 to 4 all were of good quality. It was a great relief especially to me. Thank You Baba. Now I am praying Baba to help me with returning the bad ones and getting proper refund. Jai Sairam.

Sai Baba Fulfilled My Wish

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Shirdi Sai devotee from Bangalore.
This blog has always helped me whenever I had problems or doubts. Thanks to all who made this possible. I have an experience and I would like to share. Few days back my mother was not felling well (she is 57 years old and having BP) and the same day she went to doctor for check-up. Doctor told to do test and we were very scared regarding what would be the test report? So I prayed to my Lord Sai Baba that test should be normal. With the grace of Sai Baba the report was normal.
Thanks to Lord Sai Baba and request Him to always shower His blessings on us and worldwide.

Thank You Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji and team thank you for providing us with this divine platform. Dear Baba thank You so much for saving Mumbai from the cyclone. Thank You for saving people and the city from getting affected in a very bad way. Thank You Baba for making me receive a message by the time I was wanting to get the message. Thank You very much for always helping me and for being there for me. Without You I am nothing. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam.

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  1. Baba please help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at The verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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