Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 2804

Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Sai – The One And Only Guide And Saviour

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam! I am a simple devotee of Baba and remember Him often. Thanks to the members of this beautiful website doing all the work behind the scenes in getting devotees’ experiences published. It is my earnest wish that the experiences should also continue to take shape in the form of a book. I would love to be part of such an effort, Sai willing. Om Sairam.

Sai, I am sorry for delaying my post for so long but here it is. Couple of months back I got an ulcer kind of thing in my mouth. Initially though it was hurting it healed in a couple of days. Though I didn’t have any pain but the scar kind of a thing was left behind and my mind started thinking about all negative possibilities. I asked Sai in Q&A and His answer was “Don’t indulge in useless guesswork and analysis. Remember Shree Sai humbly and all things will happen right.” A few days prior to this only Sai said, “You will be free from fear. Recover from disease. Be humble and see what happens.” After I heard this from Sai I became calm at least for a couple of days. Again my vagrant mind started wandering a few days later and I asked Sai most pitifully and His answer was “Apply Vibhuti remembering Shree Sai. You will be free from worry in eight days. Sai knows everything” or something like this. This was so reassuring and I quit worrying about it. Every now and then I would check and it would be there but I just left it to Sai and after sometime I stopped checking on it too. After a long time when I noticed nothing was there and it disappeared completely. What did Sai teach me by this? Completely leave it to Sai, fully believing in what He said and live worry free and rest assured. Thank You Sai Appa.

My next experience is regarding our move for a new job. I got a new job and had to move to a different city in the US and this being Covid time naturally me and my family were worried about logistics and everything. The visa transfer stuff though it got started they said that it could take up to 4 months and all. We also had a personal constraint that we had to move before June mid as after that it was considered inauspicious for us. Just a couple days after the visa paperwork reached the government office I asked Sai for guidance whether to work from home or take the chance and travel and His response was “Don’t worry. Pray to Shree Sai. Everything will happen automatically.” And just like 2 days later again I checked the case status and it said approved. This was nearly impossible because such things usually takes weeks or months and fully knowing our religious dilemma Sai made it happen.

Now we safely travelled and moved to our new place. Not only that working with movers wasn’t an easy task. Before we arrived our truck arrived and hence they had to put it in storage and all. Again most pitifully I prayed to Sai and asked for guidance because after we arrived other people were charging so much money for local moves and His response was “Don’t doubt. With other people’s help your work will be done and free from calamity. Success will be gained.” Exactly that’s what happened. One of our connections here gave me a contact for a local mover who was kind enough to oblige and move our things from storage to an apartment that was much faster and earlier than what professional moving companies quoted. Really Sai knows each and every thing happening in your life. He knows before you ask or tell Him. Be rest assured.

In another instance I was fearful of some disease and Sai gave me severe signs “Worry will end in 3 days. You are ignorant. Don’t make wild guesses” or don’t interpret wrongly due to ignorance. Really He has saved me from known and unknown calamities and His feet are my only Saviour.

Reham Karo Sai Sabki Reham Karo. Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva. Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Parabramha Shri Sacchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai

Sai – The One And Only Guide And Saviour

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai…Sai…to all the beautiful children of our beloved Baba. Special thanks to the entire Saiyug team. Kudos for maintaining this site on an everyday basis in these trying times. As always where to start and where to end with Baba’s leela.

The first and foremost experience is about one of my dedicated staff who left me 2 years back because of some misunderstanding between both of us. I tried talking to him a lot of times and said sorry too for whatever had happened, as well as pleaded too in front of him to join back, but he was very adamant. I too left it on Baba and checked prashnavali and Baba replied, “Leave everything on me and all will be fine.” After the lock down eased, this person called me. I too was shocked to see his number flashing on my screen after 2 years and thought maybe in these testing times he will be in need of some money. But the first thing he said that he required some help and I replied go on. His answer was that he wanted to join again and I on that very second told him to join by the very next day. This way Baba through His own accord taught the lesson of faith and patience.

The second leela is that my wife was complaining of a severe headache since long and was postponing to meet the doctor. One day it was severe and she was crying. We decided whatever it may be we will meet the doctor the very next day. The doctor suspected migraine and prescribed some medicines. She is having it regularly and finding improvement. Thanks a ton to Baba for this help.

Again regarding my wife she has her menses on time every month. This month she panicked as her date had crossed. She was very much tense and conveyed this to me while I was doing pooja to Baba. She requested me to ask Baba for help. I too don’t like negotiating with Baba but I pleaded Him to please take care of the same and that I would post this leela of His. The same evening, she messaged me that she had got her menses. Thank You again Baba for Your intervention and all the kind help You grant upon us.

One more thing Baba as You know that this pandemic is still in full force, the entire business scenario is super bad. Still with Your abundant grace on me, I have received some good orders to keep the factory in motion. Would request You to kindly look into the same that all the work is done in a proper way and the client is happy with the output.

Please erase this Covid from the entire world Baba. We all are dependent upon You. Love You Deva. Samasta Lok Sukhi Bhavantu.

Baba Fulfils My Small Wish

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore. I have been a devotee of Baba since 2013. Many miracles happened in my life due to Baba.

My experience: I have a 2 year kid. I am planning to celebrate her 2nd birthday. Because her first birthday we were not able to celebrate well due to family issues. My in-laws and husband are very strict. If I make any small mistake they create a big problem. My husband always listens to his mother’s words only. So I prayed to Baba that I wanted to celebrate my kid’s birthday in a simple and peaceful way. Due to lock down I was not able to buy cake. I am very average in cooking. I was getting scared how I could make a nice cake for a kid’s birthday. If I made a mistake then it would create a problem. So I prayed to Baba that if I am able to celebrate well then I would post my experience on this website.

Early on the morning of my kid’s birthday, July 18, I went to a milk shop. In front of the shop an auto was there. In that auto Baba’s pictures were there. I was very happy. I felt that early morning I got blessings from Him so everything would be fine. Due to lockdown I was not able to go to the temple also. I was getting scared how to make the cake. Surprisingly my brother ordered a cake. I made a sweet and it also came good. I planned to do small decorations at home that also came well. With Baba’s blessings I did my kid’s birthday in a simple way but was very happy. Thank You so much Baba.

You know how I am suffering here due to my in-laws. I am doing Sai Baba vrat on Thursday and Mahaparayan to change my husband. He wants to take care of me. He wants to get transferred and only then will his mind change. Please Baba do some miracle in my life. I love You so much Baba. Om Sairam.

Baba Came To My House

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Kenya says: Hello everyone. I am a small devotee of Baba. Thank you Hetalji and everyone for this blog.

So today is Sunday and let me start from before. We were having some issues with money but with Baba’s grace we got a favourable amount and after that my mum had to go for surgery unexpectedly and many doctors’ visits. Is it not Baba’s leela that the money came in time before my mum’s surgery? Because honestly we would have struggled a lot to pay bills if it had not come on time.
So when we got the money I told mum that it was Baba’s leela and so we should give prasad in Baba’s temple to say thank You and she agreed.

Then this Covid came and temples got closed and we could not go. So today I just brought up to mum that we were supposed to give some prasad and she said that temples were closed so we cannot give. However I was insisting that it was okay and that we could just donate food in Baba’s name since we cannot go to temple. She said that we would go to the temple and so I just left it. Then a miracle happened, my grandmother came the next second and said that there was a small kitten outside! I believed it was Baba Who came to fulfil my wish.

Thank You Sai! Sorry for the long post. Please help the world to get rid of this virus and please protect everyone. I love You! Baba Om Sairam.

Baba Takes Care Of All Our Worries

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I am Sai Baba’s small devotee. He has helped me from difficult situations. Hereby I am sharing an experience. Few days back I had a sore throat and then also had temperature constantly about 99 not more than that but it kind of remained around that for 2-3 days. As you all know that in the current situation having fever or cold worries a lot. I was just praying to my dear Sai to clear all my worries and to make my temperature normal in a couple of days and He did that. So as promised, I am sharing this experience with Sai Baba. Thank You Baba and be with my kid, me, my family and friends. Please bring the harmony back in the world by removing the deadly virus. Love You Sai.

Baba Is Always There For His Kids

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: We had gone shopping and while shopping there were many differences of opinion regarding the product, rate and exchange of the product. I feared it may lead to major disputes between the seller and us. I prayed for Baba to handle it peacefully and may the shopkeeper agree to our terms. Really everything happened peacefully and as we desired. I had promised Him to share here and so sharing it. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam!

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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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