Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Delivering A Baby Girl

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Hi! I am a Sai Devotee from USA. My husband and I have had a very difficult time being pregnant. We have 2 beautiful children who are truly God’s blessing. After our last IVF, my husband and I decided we were done and having another child was never in our plans.

I was diagnosed with late onset Type 1 Diabetes after my second child and have been struggling to get my health in control. During this time, I unexpectedly found that we were pregnant and 16 weeks along. The doctors were very worried because I was on various treatments, medications etc. that I shouldn’t be on while pregnant. So they first wanted to check to see the baby was normal and not affected by these treatments.

It was truly a miracle, and Baba’s gift as we were never able to get pregnant naturally in the past and that too reached the second trimester. Here was this baby girl who decided to fight through everything and still be present. We instantly knew after the ultrasound that she was a gift from Sai and we were excited to have this new miracle and surprise in our life.

Now I’m 36 weeks pregnant and am constantly contracting. However each time I go to the hospital, I’m sent home simply because it is pre-term.

Baba Helped My Son Clear His Exam

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Thank you admin and team for maintaining this wonderful blog. Baba bless you.

My son had his college midterm exam. He was nervous as he was not confident if he would do well. I prayed to Baba to be with Him and help Him. It was an online exam and he started giving it but the examiner’s site crashed and he could not complete his exams and with Baba’s grace he was doing well. The examiner said that they will have to take the exam again and my son said that this time it would be tougher. The exam was after a few more days. My son prepared more and he gave his exam and with Baba’s grace he passed with very good marks. My son really doubted that he might not do his paper well but Baba helped him clear his exam with very good marks. Thanks a lot Baba for being with my son.

Baba please bless my family, friends, relatives and Your devotees with good health, wealth, long and a peaceful life. Jai Jai Sai Om Sai.

Baba Never Fails

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai!Baba the great always helps me. Om Sairam. Thanks for this wonderful service. My recent experiences with Baba are what I am going to share.

First one is about the meetings which went well with my seniors without any problems as prayed to Baba. Seniors were happy with my deliverables.

Second one is about my performance at work. Seniors are happy with me. Baba helped me and things are going smooth.

Third one the service that I support has to be stable and there should not be any outage. As usual Baba supported and still helped me. Baba, please help to clear all backlogs at work please.

Om Sairam. Please Baba I need Your calling to visit Shirdi like last year. Thanks for all Baba.

Baba’s Ways Are Unimaginable

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I had prayed to Baba for a sequence of events to go well and by Baba’s grace they all went well.
I had many commitments to be fulfilled in less time. There were many challenges but still with Baba’s grace Baba helped me with everything.

I was not getting my diamond earrings or some gold jewellery. I prayed to Baba to help me find and that I would post here. Baba as usual helped me.

We had a small get together at my mother’s side. We all relatives (around 30)were together going to meet after a long time. I was very excited about it. But as my daughter was not well the doctor did not allow it because of a pandemic. Then I prayed to Baba that if He would help me attend it then I would post here. I did not go there physically but Baba gave me an idea to do video calling. I did and lived some beautiful moments. So I thought I must post this also as Baba did help me attend it through video call. Baba’s ways are unimaginable. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam.

Baba’s Miracle

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all the children of Baba. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I want to share an experience which may sound small but it is such a miracle for me. Today morning my mother’s phone crashed. It was not charging or getting switched on. We tried everything but nothing helped. We got so worried that we will have to go out in the crowded area to get the phone repaired. So I started praying to Baba wholeheartedly and as soon as I picked the phone it asked for reboot. It was showing that android had crashed so I lost all hopes.

Then I closed my eyes and prayed to Baba to repair the phone as nothing was impossible for Him. Then within seconds the phone got switched on and is working all fine. Thank You so much Baba for helping us every time. Whether it is a small or big problem He always takes care of His children just like a mother does.

Baba, keep us all safe and healthy. Love You Saima. Om Sairam.

Sai Rakshak

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: Please keep me anonymous. This blog is my go to place every day. Thank you contributors and admins.

I feel very tense or panicked at times, in fact most of the time. And during this pandemic, it has heightened. My closest confidante and friend is Baba. I am sharing with Him all the time, but at times we do get busy and forget. However He is kind hearted and He is around. I was feeling very tense last night about something I ate. I read on the internet that it could have some side effects, and was very scared. I prayed Baba, chanted Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam and left it at that. I could sleep well and next morning I was better. Sounds very simple, but when you go through tough times, He is the savior. Please stay with me Baba always. Om Sairam!

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  1. Thank you Baba for listening to my prayers. With your grace, my husband and I are going to have our first baby after a long time of trying so please Baba keep this baby safe throughout the pregnancy and bless me to have a normal delivery. Baba, keep showering your blessing our baby, my husband and me. Thank you Baba!! Om Sai Ram.

  2. OM SAI RAM, Baba please help us, remove all the obstacles, help us in brother marriage settlement, please remove quarrelling issue between them. You are my hope, I am leaving everything at your lotus feet.

  3. Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  4. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  5. Sai ram Maha raja ki jai
    om sir sai ram please forgive my sins.
    i am really sorry. i owe you my life.
    please appa end this pandemic. everyone should have realized their mistakes and they ll be humble .
    please appa. please take care of everyone
    om sri sai ram
    allah malik

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