Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. By Baba’s grace we are blessed to be able to serve Baba in our own little ways through Mahaparayan. So we always have stock of Sai Satcharitra at our home. Different people also donate Sai Satcharitra to us and ask us to distribute on their behalf as many people keep coming to take from us. We never take money for it and when they insist a lot we tell them that whenever they go to Shirdi they can purchase a copy of Sai Satcharitra and gift it to someone and that we would think that we got the money. So many times they come and give us only to distribute it further as they feel that way to be easier. This goes on and from past long time we have hardly got any books from Shirdi with our money as most of the books were donated to us and hence that is another reason that how much ever anyone insists we cannot take money for the same.
A few days back it was Adhik Maas where I saw all my relatives donating 33 things to 33 people (each of 33 items to 33 people). So a desire arose in my mind that I should be able to donate 33 Sai Satcharitra. I accordingly prayed to Baba for the same. Past few months (around 5 to 6 months) hardly anybody must have come to our house and asked for the holy book. The number was also big (33) as not necessarily that so many would be taken in a month itself. Then I left it to Baba and did not think about its possibility but kept wishing silently to be able to give 33 Sai Satcharitra. I also knew that all the current stock mostly was a donated one so I cannot count it as our donation. Shirdi was also closed so I thought that I will take the amount worth 33 books and keep it aside and when we go to Shirdi then I would purchase 33 books.
You all would be surprised to know that as I prayed I started getting calls for Sai Satcharitra availability. Not only this I happened to talk to my relative where she informed me that she had formed another Mahaparayan classroom and when she needed the books she could get it couriered by the Shirdi Sansthan. She had googled and got the number. They asked her to do the online transfer and they sent it over to Delhi. So I thought I found my way through Sai’s another leela. Then Baba arranged such things that I was able to order 117 books and got them home through another Mahaparayan Sai devotee without paying any courier or transport charges as their car was coming to Pune for some work. He was not even ready to take any money for the books but as I said him that I could not take it free as I and few of my relatives wished to donate for Adhik Maas(As I had shared this thought with my mom and few others about donating Satcharitra for Adhik Maas, they too wanted to donate).
You all won’t believe as I mentioned earlier that hardly anyone had asked for Sai Satcharitra past few months and that I had left it to Sai; that total 66 books were taken from our house that month itself. Sai always encourages good thoughts and when I asked Him for 33, He helped me with almost double the figure. When I told this to everyone all were wonderstruck.
I would also like to add to it that when I heard my relatives donating various eatables and house hold things in count of 33 each, someone had told me that donating eatables/food (raw or cooked) is the best donation. Still I felt that we can donate Sai Satcharitra also. Nobody objected to that. Then towards the end of Adhik Maas my mom came across something which made her learn that “Granth Daan” (Holy books) is one of the biggest Daan too. I was happy to know that and felt the power and guidance of Baba behind it. We had also ordered 66 stavan Manjari for donation but as I had not prayed for it we were not able to donate 33 (hardly 10 we must have been able to give) as we have to take care that such holy books go in the right hands (who would care, respect and read). Thank You Baba. You are unbelievably simply amazing. Love You so much Deva.

Shirdi Sai’s Anonymous daughter from USA says: Hello to my Sai family, I want to be called Sai’s daughter. I want to be anonymous. Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful platform where we Sai devotees can share our wonderful Sai miracles with our Sai family. I have experienced lots and lots of Sai miracles. My Baba has always blessed me more than I have deserved and I pray that my Sai will always love me the same way forever.
Sai loves His kids and He will never allow any bad thing to happen to His kids. Here are some of my experiences that have happened these few days.
1. Just last couple of weeks back I had shared a miracle on this platform and I had mentioned in that experience how my Baba has always helped me and also requested my Sai to please help us with the green card processing. You will not believe that within a few days my Sai heard my request and like an angel he sent a friend who shared few information with us about how we can downgrade our process and get the green card soon and at the same time my husband’s office also supported us. The whole process started so soon and we have already submitted the papers and we are getting our Green card very, very soon. We had never imagined that we could get our Green card so soon because our priority date was not current but all the process got so easy without any problem and that was possible only by my Sai, my Deva – my Baba.
Thank You Sai, how can I even show my gratitude to Your such incomparable love that You shower on us Sai. I can only try to follow Your teaching and try to be a person You want me to be and show my gratitude. I will definitely try to follow Your teachings Sai, but if I make any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly then please, please forgive me my Sai. Please don’t get angry with me Deva, if You get angry with me where will I go my Sai? I can’t live even a second without You my Deva.
2. Thank You so much for giving me so much strength to attain that live secession last week Deva. I have never done that before and I was able to do it only by Your help my Sai. I had prayed that if the live secession goes well then I will post my experience here and here I am writing my experience that my Sai helped me to sail through that event without any problem. What will I do without my Sai? I can’t imagine my life without Deva.
Sai now please help with that job Sai, I think that’s a very nice job and I am really tired of waiting for one job Sai, how much Shraddha and Saburi will You test in me Sai? Now also You are not satisfied with Your daughter’s Shraddha and Saburi Deva. Sai each time You show me some positive thing and then You just take away without even thinking about me Sai. Why are You doing this to me Sai? Please help me Sai.
Please do some miracle in my career to Sai, I am waiting for that day Sai, please Deva. Thank You so much for giving me more than I deserve Sai, please never stop loving us because we love You more than anything in this world. Love You so much Sai! Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am a very small devotee of Baba whose day starts and ends with Baba’s name. Thank you Hetalji and team for providing a wonderful platform to share Sai’s miracles which has benefited many of our lives by reading it.
I am a software engineer and live in the USA. Recently when I was developing some code, I ignored one of the comments/suggestions made by my teammate to take care of that in my code. With my limited knowledge of how the module works I was over confident that it was not needed and I had removed that section of code.
During review he asked me to add it back and I added that part of code very reluctantly thinking that it was not needed as we didn’t hit that scenario for which code was needed. But during my demo, I noticed that what I thought was not needed actually ended up me facing the scenario. I was deadly tense as I never tested that scenario at all as I was too over confident. When I saw my code was entering the block which I never tested, I blindly left everything on Baba and called Him for help. Its needless to say that code worked fine and all scenarios were covered in the demo which would not have happened without Baba’s presence.
Sometimes we will be too confident in life and ignore everything. We should always listen when some advise and learn to accept it. Baba showed His miracle by listening to our small prayer. This shows that even if we ignore a few things, with Baba’s help anything and everything is possible. We just need to trust Him. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am a very, very small devotee of Baba who is currently residing in the USA. By Baba’s grace we are living a comfortable life. My day starts and ends with Baba. I read devotees’ experience on this site everyday and listen to Baba’s aarti and watch live Darshan from Shirdi. Thank You everyone who works behind these sites to maintain this because of which many devotees can read, share Baba’s miracles and watch live from Shirdi Mandir.
When I feel down or I find no ways out of my problems, I sit and pray Baba to come and help me in any form or show some signs which I can understand and help me take some decisions. Recently I was too worried for my parents as they stay alone in India. I was thinking of them day and night. I was very restless knowing the fact and having guilt that we can’t stay and take care of them when they really need their kids.
I prayed Baba and submitted my prayers to His lotus feet and asked Him to take care of everything and to show me some sign that all was well and that there was no problem. I was watching Shirdi live darshan and praying, a flower fell off from Baba which proved that Baba will listen and help everyone who calls Him with trust and leave everything on Him. He will make sure that our prayer is answered and shows His presence as well in any form. We just need to have patience to wait to see and experience His leelas. Please save this world from this disease and take care of everyone Baba. Om Sairam.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Gopinath Arunachalam from India says: Vanakam to all Sai Children around the world. Appa, You are always there to protect us like a mother rushes to her kid in danger. Thank You Baba.
Though we believe that we have completely surrendered our senses at Your lotus feet, our witless mind does give way of worry and fear at times of adverse situations. Forgive us Deva, please do take control of our mind and give us strength to challenge the struggles. Always make us chant Your name and be in our thoughts. I just cannot thank You for relieving me from the stress and anxiety by giving a favourable result, which You thought is good for me. Seeking refuge in You Brahma, bowing at Your holy divine feet. Om Sri Sai Rakshak Saranam.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Kanaka Durka from India says: Om Sairam to all Sai devotees. My name is Kanaka Durka. I am from Chennai. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba.
1. On 08/10/2020 I was informed about my driving test in the RTO office. I was so scared of driving but during the day of the driving test I took Baba’s name and kept chanting His name continuously and finally by His grace I passed the test. I don’t have enough words to thank Baba. Thank You very much Baba.
2. I am supposed to give 1000 rupees to my neighbour in my next house which I was supposed to give long back as I got it long back and by Baba’s grace I finally gave it on 8/10/2020 which was a Thursday. Thank You very much Baba.
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Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai