Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an obstinate Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Bangalore. Baba is an integral part of my life and He always helps me whenever I am not at my highest points in my life. I have experienced many miracles in my life, and I am expressing a couple of them which Baba has showered upon me as blessings.
Firstly, during this COVID time my tenant was transferred from his current office to a new city hence, he needed to vacate the house. As I had purchased this house by the blessing of Baba but we were not able to stay in this house because being the school of my son’s study and my husband’s office are too far from it, and it is difficult to travel long distances in Bangalore traffic conditions. We are paying our EMI’s and paying the rent as well in the house we are living currently. Because of my tenant’s sudden notice and the current situation, I thought it would be very difficult for us to find a new tenant and that to a house far away from Bangalore city.
However, I posted the advertisement on online sites for rent. Days passed by and the status of our ad was not even viewed once. We were worried and at one moment thought of moving into the house till the situation improved. We thought of this because we wanted to reduce the financial burden we might face if we did not get a tenant soon. But I was sure I had Baba, my saviour. I prayed to Baba to solve this problem and thought of sharing the same as I was sure Baba is going to help us. And say what, Baba quickly arranged a tenant for us. Not only was he the only person who viewed our advertisement but also called us late at night around 11:20 pm and showed interest in visiting the house. He visited the house the very next day and gave me the advance then and there.
Secondly, recently my mother suddenly developed severe back pain. She was not able to move easily and on top of that her maid was not coming due to the Covid. So she had to do all the household chores. She was helpless and again I prayed to Baba, my Saviour, and as always, He showered His blessings at this unprecedented time and my mother’s back pain reduced significantly without any medication.
At last, I pray Baba gives me all the strength to follow Your path, have Shraddha and Saburi and bring mankind out of this difficult situation and things be like earlier. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I’m a small devotee of Baba who likes to go through this blog regularly. It helps me to know the various miracles of our dear Sai and thereby keeps increasing my faith in Him.
I’m interviewing for a permanent position in my current company and I was really nervous about how my interview would go and hence I sought our Baba’s help. By His grace the interviewer turned out to be someone I knew, which greatly reduced my tension and hence I was able to do the round very well. The next round was also ok but I wasn’t getting the results even after a week. This made me extremely nervous thinking whether I cleared the round or not.
Baba helped me to clear that round as well. In the beginning of the interview process, I had given the Versant round, but the HR told me that I may have to take it again if I didn’t get the required scores. By Baba’s grace I cleared the round and got way more than the threshold.
Our wifi was not working for more than four days, which was creating a huge problem due to work from home. I promised Baba to post the experience if the issue was resolved, and yes, it did get resolved.
I’m working as a contractor at present, and I’m required to submit my timesheet by the due date. However this time due to my negligence I delayed it, and hence my salary was delayed. I prayed to Baba to help me and I received it the very next day. Thank You so much Baba for all Your help.
Baba, please save this world from the pandemic. Please help me to get through the interview with a good package since You know what all is at stake. Please help me to get married to a nice guy of Your choice soon. Please help all Your devotees. Shri Sacchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaja Ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am a small devotee of Baba currently staying in the USA. Sharing our experience will not be complete without conveying our sincere thanks to the people who work for maintaining this site. Thank you is a very small word to express our gratitude.
Our parents stay in India and my dad is a doctor. From the time Covid has started, we have spent all our days with worries as my dad has to go to hospital for his work. We were more worried for my mom as she is diabetic.
We got more tense two weeks back when we got to know that my dad was tested positive. He home quarantined himself and was watching symptoms but later decided to admit himself as my mom was primary contact with him and it was more risky. When all these things were happening, we were not able to control our emotions and worry for our parents who stayed so far and we were feeling so helpless as we were not able to stay with them and take care.
Only person Who came to my mind was our Sai Baba. I immediately prayed to Baba that I will do Satcharitra parayana completely in a single day (Thursday) and He to please take care of my parents. He should come home back soon and my mom should test negative. Even though he had mild symptoms, he stayed for 10 days and he got the best care from the doctors and he has recovered completely now. He was discharged on Thursday which shows Baba’s presence in listening to our prayers.
Baba comes and listens to every prayer of His devotees and solves each and every problem of ours. We just need to wait and have patience to see His leelas. Please save this world from this deadly disease Baba. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sai Babaji’s devotee from many years from Delhi, India. Thank you Hetal mam and team for the divine work. Om Sairam. I want to share my experience and I have already shared my experiences here. Some months ago one day my brother and I were fighting but as sometimes I get very angry and due to my mistake or a big mistake one may say that I injured my brother around his eye area. But by Babaji’s grace his eye was saved at that time.
Actually I threw a comb towards him but by mistake it hit around his eye near the eyebrow area. I did not know that it would hit on his eye so hard. It was my big mistake. I shouldn’t do this. I try my best never to do this Deva. Please, please forgive me Babaji. When comb hit him he said that he saw some light. I was very scared that moment. Then I prayed to Babaji to please cure him as for sometime when he went in light he used to find it difficult to open his eyes in light. So I prayed to Babaji that if eye gets cured completely then I will share my experience here. So I am sharing my experience here.
I am very sorry for this very late post. I am really sorry Babaji from my bottom of the heart. I will not try to make this mistake. Please pardon me Babaji. I will try to control my anger also. Babaji Thank You infinite times for recovering my brother’s eye completely. Before some days I asked my brother, if his eye was perfectly fine then. He said that his eye was perfectly fine then. I am speechless Babaji. Really You are so merciful Sai Maa. Sai Babaji thank You so much Babaji. I love You Babaji. I am really sorry Babaji for my mistake. Babaji also completely recovered my Casper (pet dog) with Sai Babaji’s miraculous divine Udi. Thank You so, so very much Babaji for Your help. I love You Sai Babaji. Sorry Babaji infinite times. Sorry for the very late post Babaji. Please pray for me for all I lost. May Babaji fulfil everyone’s wishes. Om Sairam. Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: During Diwali cleaning in 2019 my maid while cleaning Baba’s frame broke it. I was shattered to see my favourite frame (mural work) gifted by my best friend had no Baba’s idol in it as it was broken into pieces. I felt very bad and even scolded my maid a little that she should have been careful. Then my mother-in-law reminded me with reference to the past experiences from this blog that I had shared with her that Baba took over Him some big calamity that was to befall on me.
I knew somewhere and was convinced also, but still felt bad and worried too. Then later I learnt from my mom that she had felt very badly at home as her leg slipped. She fell down with a big noise to even shake my dad with wonder and fear as he was busy reading his newspaper or food on the dining table. She also fell in a pose which was like shastang namaskar to Baba which is there in our drawing room. She is overweight and so it was even more painful. Her bones are so weak that already in the past two times I feel she has had her toe and leg fractured on its own without any fall or anything. So one can imagine with that loud sound and her weak bones, how Dad must have felt? Then when she got up anticipating multiple fractures she was surprised as there were none. She did take time to have all her pain gone but we are very sure that Baba saved her and took all the pain over Him. She too suffered for her past life karmas(may be) but the intensity was definitely taken care of by Baba. When I shared this with my mother-in-law and my maid both were shocked and amazed at Baba’s leela. Thank You Baba. We can never thank You enough Sai Maa even in infinite births. Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: We are from Bangalore. I am a small devotee of Baba and during any tough time, I go to His abode. During these times whenever we get fever or cold we get a lot of negative thoughts. My husband sometime back had a little fever and cough. We got scared due to the current situation. I prayed to my kind Baba to make him alright soon. Though as a precaution my husband was maintaining distance from family members he became alright in 2 days. Thank You so much Baba. Bless us all and keep my family in good health always and make this world be at peace and become normal again. Om Sairam.
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Sai Sai Sai Jai Sairam 🙂
Omsairam..i love you..thanks for whatever you have blessed our family with..
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Happy dussehra saima
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.