Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Why Fear When Sai Is Here

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a member of Mahaparayan for the last 3 months and a Sai devotee for a long time.

As 2020 brought hard times for everyone and me and my family was no exception to it. Since March we all were living in fear of Covid as my father is diabetic and has other health issues, so we all preferred to keep proper precautions. But sometimes God has other plans for you. In July, we lost our only cousin, just in a moment of flash. He died of sudden cardiac arrest at a very young age.

Death in times of Covid, be it not from Covid even was not only heartbreaking but also scary as so many people will come and meet you and try to console you and you are not in your state of mind to follow precautions. I was very much worried for my parents as they had to stay in my uncle’s house for 12 days and apart from handling their pain, they had to take care of Covid precautions. I would admit, till this time my only prayers to Baba had been around my office work, sometimes monetary and health in general. But this sudden death in my family made me realise that all these things are not important in life, the only thing which matters is the well being of people around you. So from that day all my prayers are diverted to Baba only for the well being of my family. I promised Him now I will fight smaller battles alone and will make sure to thank Him every night for a good day even if it includes a bit of hardships. I don’t even need to mention, Baba’s blessings helped us to pass that tough time. No one in huge gatherings got any infection.

My faith in Baba increased many folds but the sudden death brought a low phase in life. I kept on listening to Baba’s devotees’ experiences and just used to read random Sai Baba experiences. This made me happen to read about MahaParayan (MP) and I joined it immediately, I remember I sent a request for it around 1 pm in night. I read Sai Satcharitra every day for one chapter but somehow tough times need some motivations and so I joined MP and in the next two days, became part of it.

As life was going on, I somehow had belief now Baba is always there with me and nothing could go wrong. Somehow I got overconfident, I would say. Then just close to Diwali, my mother suddenly had fever and we were like, its flu but out of precaution we got her tested though none of us go out, only for random work and we were like 99% sure that it won’t be Covid. There was also a reason behind getting her tested, as some random astrologer in start of the year had told my sister to take extra care of my mother this year and since then we all were like living in some unknown fear. I was still confident that Baba would not let this happen, as though my parents don’t believe much in Baba, but I somewhere read Baba’s quotes ‘No matter if your family is not my devotee, I will still take care of you and your family.’ But with report coming as positive at 2 pm in night shook me. It somehow broke me for a while and all those thoughts of astrologer were running in my mind. But being a firm believer of Sai Satcharitra, I personally believe too much in 29th chapter, one in which the Devotee asked, “even if I have committed some sins in previous birth how Baba in your presence they could harm me?” And another one in which Baba asked Dammu Anna to leave all astrologers aside and gave him blessings in form of mangoes to get blessed with kids. I took some hours may be, to gain my faith back and just started praying to Baba, if I have done any mistake please punish me in any other way but not my parent’s health. I though believe that Baba never punishes anyone, these all are our sins which make us go through tough times. I somehow again got confident that Baba won’t let anything happen. But then my father’s report also came positive. Thus with this started my testing time.

I did parayan, Siddha Mangla Strotra, Sai Ashotratam, writing Baba’s name and what not to mention. During all these times my only prayer to Baba was, don’t let me become baur, let me become a fruit (When Dammu Anna asked Baba, “Do all devotees get what they asked?” Baba replied not all become mangoes). With full faith, our family passed time. I gave my parents Udi water (though they don’t believe much in it but drank for me), I kept applying Udi on their photo as they were in hospitals, chanting Om Shri Sai Aarogyakshemdaya Namah. And with His grace and blessings, they had mild/moderate symptoms and were discharged in one week. Though they are still recovering, yesterday their report finally came negative, so as promised to Baba I am sharing it here, as I had been an ardent reader of these experiences especially in tough times and these helped me not lose faith and patience.

I would hereby request anyone who is reading this and facing tough times, please don’t let that string get loose, keep Shraddha and Saburi and all will be good. Trust His timings. Sometimes we take Baba also for granted, but this made me realise Baba’s bhakti will test you with your worst fears, but you have to just trust Him and keep patience. Faith can move mountains. Om Sairam…!!!

Om Sai Ram – The Potent Mantra

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: I have contributed to this blog and taken strength from this blog since years.

I was feeling unwell after a nice lunch at a 5 star hotel out here. Actually my husband and I had not ventured out to have outside food all through the lockdown and this weekend we felt let’s just go out. And I really enjoyed the food.

After coming back it was okay, but come night, my indigestion began. I was burping, I was feeling stuffy, I was just miserable. I was lamenting my decision, why did I have out, why? Then I tried some home remedies, it gave me a little bit of solace. After much effort, my mother from India just told me to go and sleep and not to think too much and that it would be okay.

I realised when I went to bed, that I hadn’t read my daily Sai Satcharitra chapter and my Sathya Sai literature. I lay down, and read them online and I did not even realise how by chanting Om Sairam, I dozed off.

Devotees, I am not exaggerating. I slept soundly, without waking up even once due to discomfort. I was continuously doing the jaap and yet I was in a comfortable sleep. That’s the Maya and love of Baba.

I woke up the next morning and felt so refreshed! My husband was concerned and asked if I was okay. I told him that I had just had the best sleep ever and told him the potency of this mantra. Please continue calling and remembering Baba, He will never ever forsake you. Om Sairam Om Sairam!

Baba’s Help For Lost Earring And In Buying Car

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Sree Sruthi from India says: I’ve been Baba’s devotee since childhood. Miracles He made in my life are countless. This is one of them.

Baba is my life. I can say everything in my life is controlled by Baba. I never plan anything by myself. My marriage, job are few such instances. Similarly, my husband was having lots of travel to his office. So he was not able to concentrate on his work. For that reason we wanted to purchase a car. But mine is a temporary job and my husband is having other loans to clear. So he has been struggling like that for two years. Baba gave me a permanent job now and made us apply for a loan. The loan process was so smooth that it didn’t even affect at least one of my office hours. My permanent job also was really similar. A thank you is not just enough to say for Baba. He is my life.

Recently we went to a gold shop and selected some earrings. Due to the marriage season there were lots of people there. I was keeping some earrings set (whichever I liked) in the tray and finally when I was about to pick one from them they didn’t find the paired earring for one of it. It was a really tense situation because I couldn’t afford that. Finally I got back the earring when I prayed to my Baba. This was so miraculous. Baba is the One Who always takes care of us.

Baba You know what we’re going through. You know when to give us things. I just trust Your timing and have complete faith in You. Please don’t let us down. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.

Sai Takes Care Of Me As His Kid

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! Thank You Hetalji for your seva to mankind and Samasta Loka. This blog has changed my life and motive. Thank you once again for everything Di.

My daughter was not eating as much as we could. I had given up almost and felt that even if she ate half of it still I would be happy. I am a person who will be greedy to feed my child to the last morsel and would be unhappy even if one morsel left or ate less. That day I was fed up and when she was not eating a single morsel also, I was ready to compromise for half her dinner. I prayed Baba and went in to bring a tissue and where I felt guided as an inner voice to take the different bunches of keys to her for playing. So while coming back from the kitchen I took the bunch of keys and kept in front of her. To my wonder when none of the tricks, toys or trash (she loves waste paper to play with) was working these keys worked wonders and within ten minutes maximum she finished her whole dinner. I could not believe it but immediately realised that it was my Baba’s voice and guidance (keys’ bunch). I was very happy and it would be ever memorable. Thank You Baba. Really You take care of us as a mother does of her young ones! Jai Sairam!

Baba Helped To Get The Deposit

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: I am Baba devotee from many years. Recently we shifted to a new apartment. After we handed over the key to the old landlord, she messaged after two days and started complaining that we left the apartment very dirty, bathroom was dirty, sofa and tables were damaged blah blah… We had cleaned the apartment as much as we could and it was not that dirty as she claimed.

After seeing the message, we felt very bad, though we justified it from our side, we felt she wouldn’t give our deposit back. I prayed in front of Baba, told Him sorry that we couldn’t clean the apartment well but we didn’t damage anything. So I told him that we should get at least most of our deposit. After a few weeks, my husband received the money from her. She had refunded most of our deposit back. I am really thankful to Baba to make this happen. Om Sairam.

Baba Is My Saviour

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: I’m Baba devotee from many years. Last month my husband suddenly started feeling lethargic. He had gone shopping two days before. So I was so scared and started getting all bad thoughts due to the current pandemic. I started praying to Baba that he should be fine. Next day he got a runny nose too. He took tablets, took steam also. I kept praying to Baba to make him feel fine.

By Baba’s grace he was ok in 2-3 days. Thank You so much Baba. Baba, please bless my family with all good health and happiness. Om Sairam.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetee saipa cure my mother and grandmother baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. baba why not helping me on many things..helped me in 1 or 2 things but that too not completely.praying for long

  3. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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