Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I had to pay my son’s fees for the second installment. My husband had delayed it purposely thinking that we may get some discount as he feels due to pandemic and online school the school authorities should not charge full fees owing to various reasons like infrastructure usage etc.
On Sunday evening I saw that due to this the school app had closed for us. So at night after a little argument my husband agreed to pay the fees. We tried paying it but were unable to pay it due to some issue from the bank page that was linked to the school website for fees payment. Then he thought to do NEFT as from the app it was working but we did not have the account details. So we were unable to pay the fees that night. We decided to pay it the next day. In the morning to our surprise we found that our son was not able to attend his online classes. Then my husband spoke to the coordinator and accounts people. They gave the account details. Now the next challenge was that if we added the beneficiary then we could transfer only 25000 Rs and after 24 hours we could transfer as much as we want. The second challenge was that ours is a joint family and so one more kid is there and so we needed to pay fees for her also. So we needed to make one transaction for her also but that was also not possible as only one transaction of 25000 was allowed for a new beneficiary in 24 hours. The next challenge was that the very next day exams were starting. So I was worried as the accounts person was a little daisy to agree for two days time that it would be taken to pay fees for both the children and the amount was over 1 lakh.
I was worried and later I had a big fight with my husband over this as he had done it purposely. If funds were not there then it was understandable but in spite of enough funds he had delayed it and was making me angry (as exams were also there the next day). So I put chits in front of Baba and asked Him whether it would get resolved the same day. Baba answered Yes.
Then I asked my husband to speak to bank people regarding net banking issues. If that was solved then the whole amount could be transferred the same day for both the kids. He spoke to the manager and he said nothing was wrong from their side and all was okay. The school was not ready to accept cash also. They were ready to accept cheque or DD. But we all were at my mom’s place and my husband also had his off. So all the cheque books etc. were at his working place. My mom’s place was also the other pole of the school (very far).
I was helpless and found all ways closed as my husband was taking things lightly and asking me to calm down as he feels I worry too much for small issues. Then I prayed to Baba to get it solved and that I would post here. My husband again spoke to the concerned person and explained the whole scenario. This time surprisingly they agreed and provided their second account details. So now the challenge with two kids was solved as they provided us with two accounts to add beneficiaries and transfer 25000 to each of them. At first they were not ready to unblock the app till full payment and were saying that they would do it only for one kid. But when Baba stepped in they provided two accounts and the problem was solved for two kids and they agreed for the next day to transfer the remaining amount. The app was unblocked after an hour and as assured by Baba through chits everything was resolved the same day.
Thank You Baba as always You saved us. Hopefully there will be no problem when my son will log in the next day for his exam. Jai Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am a small devotee of Baba from Kerala. I would request you to keep my details anonymous. Many thanks to the creators of this site which is serving as a modern day Satcharitra. I am posting an experience, which occurred to me recently.
My wife has developed rashes all over her body and it itches a lot. She consulted a dermatologist who gave medicines and prescribed a blood test. The test report came normal but there was no improvement in the health condition even though she took all the medicines. Then we came to Kerala and consulted another dermatologist. She checked her test report and said everything looks fine and that it should be some infection and gave a few medicines and ointments to apply.
The itching stopped completely on the second day of medication and we went for the second check-up. Doctor said to continue the medicine reducing the dosage as itching may start if we stopped it completely. In addition, the doctor asked her to check creatinine level as she is having diabetes. We got tense as it was related to kidney function and diabetes is also interrelated.
Today we gave a blood test and I was continuously praying to Baba to give the report normal. The report came normal. I am posting this experience after I received the report. I have promised Baba to post it in the evening itself.
Thanks Baba for being with us all the time. We are nothing in this world without You. My karma troubles me a lot. All this time, my faith in You is only keeping me moving. Thank You Baba for everything You have done to me. Ananthakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Sachitanantha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sairam. Om Sairam Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Thanks a lot for helping us share our experiences and motivating everyone.
My sister and I have AirPods. I connected with both the AirPods. One day my sister took my AirPods and she kept that for a charge in a different place and she completely forgot. Then I started using her AirPods without our knowledge. So when she checked it was her and I was missing mine. I searched the entire house but I couldn’t find it and I thought that I lost it.
I prayed to Baba that I should get my AirPods back and then my sister suddenly remembered the place where she thought it was her AirPods and had put it in charge. I finally got my AirPods.
I am sorry Baba for the delay in posting it. Thank You for everything Baba. You are my only hope. Please bless us all with health and happiness. AnantKoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Sacchinanda Saduguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba from Kerala. Om Sairam. Many thanks to the creator of this site which serves as the modern day Satcharitra. Please keep my details anonymous.
Reading devotees’ experiences is giving peace to me. I come here almost every day. I have been a small devotee for seven years.
I have been going through a very difficult time in my life. The person called me and I talked with them. With Baba’s blessing things are going fine now. Due to my karma, I suffered a lot and I am keeping my faith in Baba’s feet. When I feel very low I always chant Sairam. I thank You Baba for everything You have done to me. Please correct all these issues and give happiness to everyone. Thank You Baba. Ananthakoti Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Paranhahma Sri Sachitanantha Sadguru Sai Nath Maha Raj Ki Jai. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Hello everyone, I have been a Sai devotee since 2007 and got introduced to Sai through my in-laws. I am from the USA.
Sometimes at night I feel like my back or chest hurts and I am at worry. I worry always about the health and safety of everyone and myself. But when it hurt at night one time, I spoke to Sai looking at His eyes and prayed to Him to heal me and make me sleep. Likewise the pain stopped and I could sleep. So I am posting this experience to let devotees know that talking to Sai looking at His eyes is a powerful way to ask for help. Thank You Sai. Hope You continue to bless me and my family and all the Sai devotees who are totally dependent on You in this life.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Maheswara from India says: I am Maheswara from Hyderabad working in IT field. Today I had a very good experience with Baba. I was searching for my post office pass book which I had been searching for 10 days. If I don’t get my pass book then I can’t withdraw money. So I prayed to Baba to please help me to get my post office pass book. By Baba’s blessings I got it from my cupboard. Thanks a lot Baba. Ananthakoti Brahmada Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.
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Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes Sai pa cure my mother and grandma's diabetes make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.baba please let the money to sanction for everyone baba
Om Sai Ram 🙏
om sri sai ram
saima thank you for everything. saima please help me to lose weight and get back to my original form. give me peace of mind. i am really sorry. please forgive my sins.
thank you.
om sri sai ram
allah malik
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.