Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Ireland says: This is my third Experience on this blog. May Baba bless each and everyone of you.
Baba’s Blessings In Moving Job: By the blessings of our merciful Sainath, I came to Ireland onsite to work for Company A and after four years got a job with Company B. Getting a job within Ireland for an Indian passport holder itself is a miracle since obtaining work permit is a tedious process, but if Baba has blessed us then who can stand against it?
I got the offer from Company B but the position was less than what I had applied for. I asked Baba to guide me through chits if I should take up the offer or not and Baba answered ‘No.’ Little did this human mind know about the future. I went against Baba’s guidance and took up the offer. I suffered a lot in the company, not just the position was less, the salary was also low and there was no support from the superiors or colleagues. I felt miserable for going against Baba’s wish. I surrendered myself at His holy feet and asked Him to help me by giving me another job since I was the sole breadwinner for my little family.
I spoke to the Director at Company A and expressed my desire to rejoin the firm. The response from the boss was encouraging and linked me to the correct point of contact. In October 2020, I applied for a position and was shortlisted for an interview. My interview was scheduled; though the interview was intense, by Baba’s grace I cleared it. However, the entire process was so slow and I was dying inside. My flickering mind did not let me live in peace and I was broken so badly that there was no peace at home. I always thought this was Baba’s punishment. But, how can our Motherly Sai ever punish His own child? I clinged myself to Baba, spoke to Him daily by looking at His photo after my Pooja, apologized to Him and asked for His forgiveness. By the gracious Sai, HR gave me a positive response and they filed for a work permit with the authorities.
Dear devotees, believe it or not, my work permit was approved within a day. Things started moving positively and my official start date was also confirmed. Pranam Baba, this wouldn’t be possible without Your grace.
Udi Miracle:
While I was in India to see my parents, I went to a gynaecologist for the check-up. After the ultrasound, she said that the entire right side of the uterus was blocked and advised me to get admitted immediately for a surgery. She also said that if the surgery wasn’t done, I could never conceive. This was so devastating since I and my husband were planning for a baby. I broke down in the hospital itself. I took Baba’s name and spoke to my husband. He advised me to get a second opinion. So the next day I went for an MRI Scan. Before leaving the house, I drank water mixed with Udi and requested Baba to give positive results. The MRI scan showed no complications of uterus blockage. I was on cloud nine after the results and was thanking Baba in my heart.
Baba if it’s not for You then I would have literally messed up my whole life. Luckily, Baba has helped me cross many difficulties in Life. Thank You for being the guiding force, please shower Your blessings on my parents, brother and husband. Never leave our side and be with each of us. I have surrendered all the difficulties and victories at the lotus feet of Sainath. Kindly be by our side and shower Your blessings on every innocent and true child of Yours.
Dear Devotees, Sai Baba has always helped me during the dark phases of my life. Though it might look that our sorrows are never ending, hold your Shraddha and Saburi and Baba will definitely make a way.
Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva…!
Hail Sri Sainath…!
Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavanthu…!
Shirdi Sai Devotee Raja Shekar from India says: Hi, I am Raja Shekar from India residing in Gujarat. I have worshipped Baba for more than 15 years. Om Sairam to all Sai Devotees. Me and my wife have great faith and trust in Shirdi Sai Baba and always worship Him a lot. We have witnessed and experienced Baba’s Miracle’s multiple times. Today we want to share one such miracle which happened a couple of months ago (June, 2020). We are sorry as we are a little late in sharing this post but we cannot ignore sharing this because it further increases faith in all Sai devotees after reading this.
I am a private employee and worked with one good organization for almost 11 years. It was my first job but ultimately had been asked to quit due to the process automation. I got a good job later on by Baba’s grace and I had received my full and final settlement from my first organization but around 1.5 lakhs were cut/deducted in the form of income tax. I was a bit disappointed as I was jobless at that moment. Later, one of my neighbours who is a tax consultant shared some positive news that I was eligible to receive all the 1.5 lakhs by filing income tax returns. At first I could not believe it but since he was a tax consultant, I filed an income tax return with his help. To my surprise the income tax department has acknowledged my request and agreed to pay. But 7-8 months passed and a lot of follow ups were made with my neighbours and also with the IT Department but could not get any positive news. Later one of my wife’s friend suggested that she start doing five Thursday’s pooja and gave her one book with instructions on how to perform that pooja.
The book name is Sai Divya Pooja Katha – and we performed weekly Pooja for 5 Thursdays as mentioned in the book and (after 9 months) to our surprise we received confirmation of payment in the fourth week of pooja and money got credited with interest of Rs. 10000 (in total RS 1. 60Laksh) on exactly the fifth Thursday. The joy and satisfaction that we felt cannot be described in words. We were extremely happy not just for receiving money but for receiving it on a Thursday. We thanked Baba and will remember this experience forever. May Baba bless one and all like this ever. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I am a small devotee of Sai and would like to share my experience here. I have been a regular follower of this site and have submitted a couple of experiences which have been published. Thanks to the entire team for maintaining this space, it is indeed a blessing to be able to read the innumerable Sai Baba miracles experienced by the devotees.
At work, we need to take up regular certifications and need to take up tests to complete the same. We have two chances to pass in these tests. One fine Thursday, I decided to take up the test. I was nervous as I think I did not take the exam preparation as much seriously as much I should have taken. I spent a lot of time on some questions and hence left about 15 questions unanswered. Needless to say, I failed the exam and was low in confidence.
I was really worried now and really cursing myself for not preparing well. I had a week’s time before I could take the next attempt. I took Sai’s name and prepared really hard for the exam. There is a saying “God helps those who help themselves.” In retrospect, I think it was good that I failed in the first attempt and I felt it was Sai’s way to make me work hard and prepare in detail.
After a week’s preparation, I was confident of doing well. I took Sai’s name and again attempted the exam. This time I was sure that I would pass. Usually the results would be out in a day or two, but that week being a holiday week, I did not get the results for the next four days, but I was somehow confident that Sai would help. Then on the fourth day, the results were published and thanks to Sai that I had passed.
Dear devotees, when we put in our efforts, Sai is sure to help! Many a time we keep wondering why things happen a certain way, but when we put the pieces together, we understand Sai’s plan and know that it’s for our best! Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I got selected in a private firm. I had promised Baba that if I get selected I will share my experience.
On 18th of January I went for an interview and I was not confident enough to attend the interview. I was really tense and upset. Then after my shower I went to the prayer room and chanted Sai namavali and I took Vibhuti orally and told Sai if I get selected then I will share my experience. I also told my Sai to help me to answer well in the interview. Later I reached there and I gave my CV. I was really scared of entering the cabin. I was continuously chanting Sai Sai Sai. I finally entered the cabin and I don’t know how I answered so confidently. I answered well and the manager asked me to join the next day itself.
Sai hears our prayers. I thanked Sai for helping me. Wherever I go I tell Sai before stepping out, Sai is with me always. I need Him always till my last breath. Without Sai life is nothing.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My baby’s earring got lost. I searched a lot but all in vain. Then I prayed to Baba that if I get it then I would post here. My son was also searching with me. Then I remembered that some time back I got Baba’s dream and I could not understand the meaning. Seeing Baba in human form in my dream was itself a feast for me. I still don’t understand that dream but I told Baba that if it really holds some meaning then it should be found. I would think it to be just a dream and be happy with the feast itself. As I was thinking so I saw it on the bed sparkling. I was very happy but did not get the back screw of the earring which was also of gold. Still I felt happy as I had at least found the earring and secondly Baba had shown that His appearance in dream was significant. It is never hollow and always holds some meaning. Baba please help me understand the dream. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a female working as a software engineer. I wanted to share this incident that happened with me. This month my monthly periods were not coming on time and it was getting delayed by 15 days which had never happened before. I was tense and scared as I felt that I had some problem. I prayed to Baba continuously and drank Udi water. Finally my periods came after a 15 day’s delay. Please Baba make my periods come on time and keep me healthy. Om Sairam!
Baba, please fix my marriage as it’s been four years that I have been praying. Please Baba show your grace on me, I can’t take this marriage tension anymore.
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Omsairam….i love you…thanks for whatever you have blessed us with…
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes Sai pa cure my mother and grandma .we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai