Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I’ve been a sincere devotee of Baba for many years now and feel very grateful and happy that Baba has accepted me. This is not a normal experience, but a life changing and attitude change process that Baba is showing me.
In this experience I mainly want to share my gratitude to Baba. I’m very thankful to Him for helping me bring a transformation in my life. I’m like everybody else and lack balance in life. If I get what I want, I feel very happy and if something doesn’t happen then get carried away with sad thoughts.
I believe in Baba a lot and He truly has shown His presence always, but recently this year He has started to bring a lot of change in my thought process.
I came across the law of attraction and how our thoughts can change everything in our life. I started to understand more on the power of the universe and the true role of Baba in my life. I always thought I believed in God, but after I started to learn more about the law of attraction concepts now I understand the true value of belief and surrendering to God.
I’m deeply grateful to Baba for showing me the spiritual path and letting me know that it is time for me to take my next step in that direction. I’m grateful to Him for always loving me and giving me all that I need to survive and live happily in this life. I have been struggling a lot for the past 15 months without a job and always kept my belief firm, but the strange thing is in spite of not having a job He never let me face any financial problems and arranged money from unexpected sources always.
So I just wanted to let other devotees know that whenever we get a thought that Baba is not listening to me, then just sit calm and think about your situations from your past life, you will realize that Sai has always been there with you in them and helped you cross the problems. You will automatically get the feeling of gratitude for Him.
Hope Baba showers His blessings on all the devotees reading this post. I’m waiting for my job and I know He is working on it to give me the best possible company. Thank You, thank You and thank You Sai. Love You always.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: I am from Malaysia and I would like to share my experiences with Baba from time to time. I would like to stay anonymous.
First of all, thank you to Hetalji and her team for this great platform. I have been a devotee of Baba since 2013. I have a whole lot of experiences with Baba on how He has been with me till today solving every bit of problems and sufferings that I have gone through. I would share them one by one but this experience is what I promised Baba that I will post.
Recently, my right leg which is below my knee until my ankle started to itch with some burning sensation. I used to scratch softly as I was scared that I might bruise the skin which was not advisable at my age now (50+). Not only that my eyes and some other parts of the body also started to itch. While praying to Baba, I applied Udi and some coconut oil every morning. Somehow or rather there was a little bit of relief but it came back. I was afraid that I would develop eczema as my mother had it on her leg too.
I am in the Mahaparayan group. Although I am in this group, I still read one particular chapter from Sai Satcharitra everyday and one morning when I wanted to open online Satcharitra, this website came in contact. So every morning I started to read one number. This is where I came across, the five days pooja for Baba. So I prayed to Baba that I will perform the pooja and asked Baba to help me to cure the itchiness. I also told Baba that I will post here. After the five days of pooja, the itchiness started to reduce and finally it was no more. If we wholeheartedly pray to Baba, and keep our promise, He in return will see that we do not suffer. Thank You Baba for being with us always. May everyone be blessed by our Baba. Anantha Koti Brahmandha Nayaga, Sri Satchithananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji, Thank you so much for maintaining this wonderful blog. I always feel immense joy after reading wonderful experiences of devotees. Please keep my name anonymous.
Baba has always blessed me and I want to thank Him for always being there for me. I’m a small devotee of Baba, although I’m not perfect but I always try to pray and remember Him. I’m a student and for many days I wasn’t able to study as I didn’t feel like studying and whenever I studied I felt distracted. I cried in front of Baba asking help a lot of times and He has showered me His grace always.
Today I asked Him in question and answer website and He replied saying that “Read Sri Sai Satcharitra and desires will be fulfilled.” And by His blessings I completed two Chapters today. I was waiting for something for a long time but wasn’t able to do it as I was confused. But today my friend talked to me a little rudely saying why I was confused. She asked me to either do it or to drop the idea of doing it. And I felt that it was Baba Who was saying it to me through my friend. And with the grace of Baba, the work was done today itself for which I had been waiting for a long time.
Thank You so much my dear Baba, I love You a lot. I know sometimes I have yelled at You and I’m really sorry for that Deva. Please forgive me Deva. I want to thank You from the bottom of my heart. Thank You once again Saimaa. Please protect my family always. Let there be peace and brotherhood everywhere. I’m sharing my post as promised. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous Sai devotee from India. Om Sairam to all Sai devotees.
I want to thank Hetalji and the team for this wonderful platform. Reading Sai experiences daily, provides me with hope and strength and practice ‘Shraddha and Saburi’. I too want to share here my experience with Sai.
My daughter aged 21, didn’t leave the house since the start of lockdown in March 2020 but somehow developed mild fever and cough and was tested positive for the corona infection in September 2020. We felt very worried and pained. We asked Baba for help and started reading Sai Satcharitra. It was with Baba’s grace that my son, husband and I were negative and so we could very well look after her and help her recover soon.
My brother generally avoided going out when the corona cases were very high in September 2020, but he had met my husband for some official work the previous day and so he too had to get the Covid test done with us. We were amazed to see how Baba pulled my brother to get the corona test done and so it could be detected that he was asymptotic. Baba helped my brother also to recover from the infection very soon. Thank You Baba. Do take care of us always and be with us. Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My son had started vomiting a lot and he was feeling very weak. He was to attend his online exam which was to start in a few minutes. He is just seven years old and seeing him like that I felt I should call his teacher and inform but then I prayed to Sai. I prayed for Him to help him appear for his exams. I also asked my son if he would be able to attend and he answered positively. The exams started and I was praying to Baba to help him and promised to post here. Needless to say Baba not only helped him to appear but also he scored full marks in both the papers (part 1 and part 2). I cannot thank Baba enough for His immense grace on my son. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a staunch devotee of Baba for more than 15 years.
Yesterday I had a bad dream of my mother. I was feeling very sad about it. Morning as soon as I woke up I called her to make sure that she was fine. Thank You for being with us and helping my family as always.
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Omsairam..i love you ..thanks for whatever you have blessed us with…
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram, please show us the correct path
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes Sai pa cure my mother and grandmother We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om sai ram baba, please show me the path and give me ways. It seems which ever way i turn it seems my path are blocked and cant make further. I am trying to do skill assessment but seems that i am getting nowhere. Baba i need peace of mind, help me baba. Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Please have mercy on us.
Om Sai Ram, please be with us.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.