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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Sai Baba Is Making Life Meaningful

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Meghna Sai from India says: Hi, Myself Meghna Sai From India. Om Sairam! Hi, Sai family members. Thanks to Hetalji and the wonderful team. I like to call you Sai members. You people are so blessed serving Sai. I would like to be part of it.

Coming to my experience I had promised Baba that if my wish was fulfilled then I will post my experience on this site. So I am doing that. On 23.03.2021 Baba did two miracles for me; one making me join the divine Mahaparayan group and getting business to my husband. Both miracles happened on the same day.

Joining to Mahaparayan Group

On 22.03.21 I saw some posts on FB and I filled the Mahaparayan register form. Immediately I got a reply and I joined that group. I was so happy. At night I had a dream of doing Mahaparayan. I was so excited. Morning I opened my whatsapp. I saw that they removed me from that group and hence I got upset. I thought that today was not my day. Maybe Baba has His time to make me join into the three groups. Even one who joined me in that group was feeling very guilty about what had happened and she prayed for me with Baba. Again on 23.03.21 by night she joined me in another group. Thank You Moumani mam for the wonderful opportunity. Such kind hearted people are the Sai devotees. I successfully joined the MP-10360N1 Saburi Sai Group with Roll no 41, Yellow house. Excited for Tomorrow as this Thursday is my first Mahaparayan.

My Husband Got Job

As he does Earth work business we didn’t have proper work for several months, but managed to survive by Baba’s grace and blessings. As I daily read Sai devotees’ experiences, everyone used to tell about how they got a job and they promised to post their experience. So with full faith I did the same and within fiveurs he got a job and as promised I am posting it here. Thank You Baba.

Here I would like to tell you few common things about how Sai Devotees can get connected with Baba:

1. Asking Baba to wear their desired color dress.

2. Talking mentally with Baba.

3. Asking prashnavali for every step of life.

4. Finding Baba’s picture everywhere and feeling Baba with us all the time.

5. Playing chit like writing multiple chits and asking Baba to select the right solution.

6. Always urge to read devotees’ experiences and connect with them.

7. Donating food, cloth according to their strength as per Baba’s guidance.

8. Randomly open an experience page which reads the message that we exactly needed to hear at that time.

9. Faith, self confidence and patience.

Sorry for the long post and for my English. Please edit wherever needed. Thank You Hetalji and team (Baba’s Team).

Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva. I am starting Sai Divya Pooja. My next post will be about how Sai’s name is the solution for every problem.

Sai’s Love And Blessing Has No Limit

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sairam to everyone. I am Sai’s daughter living in the US. Whatever I am or I have today is only because of Sai. Thank you Hetalji and team for doing this wonderful deed of maintaining this modern Sai Satcharitra. Reading everyone’s experience here gives me immense peace and strength. I would like to share a few experiences that happened recently.

1. I started having a red/itchy rash on both my hands. I applied ointments/cream/oil on it, but nothing was really helping and it felt like it was spreading. One day while in shower it got so worse that I could not bear the pain and asked Sai for help and promised to post my experience. I put Udi on the rash a few times and needless to say, that the rash was completely gone.

2. I got into a very bad situation at work because of a customer. It was not my fault but seemed like the blame would be put on me since in retail the customers are always right. I prayed to Sai to get me out of the situation. Within a day, it was found that the customer was wrong and my boss came to me and told me that I did not do anything wrong. I felt so relieved, thank You Sai.

3. I have a tooth with a cavity. My dentist told me that he can’t do anything to save it and it had to be extracted. I really didn’t want to lose it and went to another dentist for a second opinion. While I was waiting in the room for the dentist to come, I kept on praying to Sai, and promised to post here if he said that he could do root canal. Dentist checked everything and said that he could definitely save it for now. He doesn’t know for how long the root canal will save my tooth, but he definitely gave me hope. Thank You Sai.

4. My friend sent some money to his friend online. The money should have reached in a day or so but it was more than a week and still there was no update. He even put in a complaint online but there was no response. He was scared that maybe some online scam happened and he would lose his money. But I was fully confident that the money would not be lost. I prayed to Sai and promised to post my experience. Then the next morning itself the money was received.

Thank You Sai for everything. All I have is You. Please don’t ever leave me alone Sai, please always be with me. I am sorry for all the mistakes that I intentionally or unintentionally make. Please help me to be a better person. Sai please bless everyone and end this pandemic and keep everyone safe. Thank You everyone for reading, may Sai bless you all. Om Sairam!

Baba Miracles

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: HI all Namasakaram. Please keep my details anonymous. Thanks to the team behind this divine blog. I have so many experiences with Baba and so sharing them as promised to Baba. Experience 1: I was not getting my periods although a week had passed and I got tense and requested Baba to help me. I prayed to Him sincerely and I got my periods the next day.

Experience 2: One of our relatives was in ICU due to Covid the doctors had given 50% of survival chances due to low oxygen levels. Me and my husband did Satcharitra parayan and due to Baba’s blessing she is doing fine and is back to normal.

Experience 3: I was thinking of doing Sai Divya pooja and was asking Baba do You like me doing pooja and if yes then give me an indication. I also told Baba if You like then the flower from Your photo should fall and I will take it as a blessing. Yes, the flower did fall in the evening and my joy knew no bounds. I was so overwhelmed. Baba surely responds if prayed to Him sincerely.

Experience 4: From the past few months I am having stomach pain. I am requesting Baba to cure me. I am also applying Udi and drinking Udi water. Pain has subsided to a great extent but sometimes pain reoccurs and I get scared. It’s not that I don’t have faith in Baba but as a human I get all negative thoughts. I don’t want to visit the hospital. I keep talking to Baba mentally and I tell Him that He is my doctor and Udi is my medicine and I don’t need any doctor. I am hoping and praying that He will completely cure my pain. I had also told Baba that I would start doing the Nav Guruwar Vrat.

Please bless everyone with good health and please bless me to do Your seva and help people in need. Om Sairam! Om Sairam! Om Sairam!

Baba Heard Prayers

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Kakali from India says: Baba is our Life force. He is most Merciful. I bow my head down at Your Feet, Baba. This experience is a very recent one. I have shared many experiences on this website before.

My husband had a throat infection for almost a month and was coughing a lot. So we went to the doctor, who told us to get some tests done. I got really scared and prayed to Baba fervently. And thanks to Baba, the results were all normal. I can’t thank Baba enough for His Kindness. Then after almost 15 days, my husband’s infection was gone but the cough still persists.

I pray to You, my Sai Maa to please cure my husband completely. You know all the problems that he has. Please Baba show Your Mercy on us.

Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraja Yogiraj ParaBrahma Sri Sadchidananda Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Baba’s Grace

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam. Thank you once again for this platform to share our experiences. Sorry to post these late Baba. Hope You are not angry with me for the delay.

I had many commitments to be fulfilled and was doubtful if I would be able to do so. I prayed to Baba for help and promised Him to post here. Although the time was less still only and only because of Baba’s grace I was able to manage everything smoothly. Thank You God. Om Sairam.

Baba Answers

Sai Baba Answers | Shirdi Sai Baba Grace Blessings | Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela | Sai Baba's Help | Real Experiences of Shirdi Sai Baba | Sai Baba Quotes | Sai Baba Pictures |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba. My building owner’s son had got Corona. We were tense due to it and quarantined ourselves. I prayed to Baba that our building shouldn’t be sealed down and no one should be affected. I also vowed to post the experience. By Baba’s grace, till now our building has not been sealed down. Thank You Baba. Om Sairam.

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  1. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  2. OM SAIRAM. BABA Please help our son & his wife sell their present house quickly & buy a better house & move in please SAI. OM SAIRAM.THANKS

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