Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a small devotee of Baba for a few years. I am a working professional in India. Please keep my identity anonymous. And many thanks to the people involved in maintaining this blog. It is a huge effort and a big support for people like me.
Baba came into my life just when many people whom I trusted a lot, left me. So I really thank all those bad experiences which lead me to Baba.
I have had many experiences with Baba, but I would love to share the ones most close to my heart. Until some years back, my dad was addicted to alcohol and I always thought that it was impossible for him to get rid of it. Sometimes when he even tried himself to quit, it would always be that someone amongst his friends would come and make him get started on alcohol again.
When I got to know Baba, I started praying to Baba to make him stop drinking. Meanwhile I sent many prayer requests to people and friends who travelled to Shirdi. I know they have prayed sincerely to Baba about my dad and so there came a day when he quit drinking completely. For what I had seen these many years, it was an unbelievable miracle. Baba, bless them immensely and my sincere thanks to all those people who took my prayer request and prayed for my Dad.
However this continued for many months and I was happy about this. But there came a phase in my life when I was frustrated with many other things and I slowly started blaming Baba for not making things happen the way I wanted.
Even my family was upset with many things happening around them and somehow my dad started to drink again. This was the only good thing in my life and when that also stopped I was devastated. I felt that everything was going wrong again.
I again started praying to Baba, reading Sthavan Manjari on Ekadashi (although I was not very disciplined and have missed sometimes too) and started to keep faith in Baba. I was part of many parayan groups, did Kakad Arathi for a few days and constantly prayed to Baba to make him sober again.
Worst was when he started facing some health issues and the doctor advised that he should not drink or eat non-veg for him to cure. One thing led to another and it was in March 2020 when lockdown happened and he was forced to not drink as liquor shops were closed and somehow once lockdown was lifted, he continued to stay sober and that was a very big thing for me.
Thankfully due to covid situation no friends visited (who would insist on drinking) and so that was a blessing in disguise for me. His health also improved and he even stopped eating non-veg for his health.
Recently in 2021 there were times when his friends visited home and made him drink and I was again shattered thinking Dad will start this again. I was very anxious and upset. I prayed and prayed and was angry at Baba too. But my dad didn’t continue drinking after his friends left and then I realised it was only because of Baba that my dad is able to be this sober in spite of people forcing him or provoking him to drink at multiple instances. Thanks is a very small word to say to Baba for what He has done and how He made me free from my biggest worry.
I pray that Baba blesses my parents with good health, long life and peace of mind. My request to everyone who feels that things are not going your way or prayers are not getting answered, is to have strong faith and patience and not let the day to day small worries disturb our bigger faith in Baba. I pray Baba to bless the entire world that is suffering in some or the other way due to covid situation and bless everyone with good health, long life and peace.
My sincere prayers for all the front line warriors and medical staff’s wellbeing who are putting their lives before us. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: I am Baba’s daughter and blessed to be accepted by Him in this life and beyond.
Thanks to all working to maintain this website, where we are able to say thanks to Baba, and enjoy His blessings.
I wanted to share with all that I never felt alone. When you feel you have no one; Baba is there and then why do we need anyone else? Me and my sister had to sort out a lot of legal formalities as my parents passed away. My brother-in-law and my husband were not willing to help us much due to many reasons. Me and my sister were completely unaware of paperwork needed, and were very stressed. I prayed to Baba to be with me and my sis, and Baba promised to be there for me always.
Every office or bank we went to, Baba was there in the form of His pic, or bank officials turned out to be His devotee and helped us.
On one occasion, we were submitting some penalty of five lakhs. Me and my sister were completely unaware of how to get this penalty reduced or even were not sure if it was the right amount or that the official was making a fool of us. Still we went to the bank to get DD of five lakhs. Suddenly some close relative called us while we were in the bank, and asked where we were. We informed them, and they guided us correctly, which we followed and the penalty got reduced to three lakhs. While my sister was talking to that relative in the bank, I saw Baba’s small picture on the corner of the bank wall. There was no temple or any other god picture, and I was surprised to see Baba’s picture in the big bank. Baba came to help us in the form of that relative. Every occasion Baba was there, and helped us to complete all the work smoothly.
Another incident: I was trying to do an online log in to make some payment, but failed every time. I prayed to Baba and suddenly remembered how everyone promises to submit their experience here. So even I said to Baba, that I would share how Baba runs for His devotees when called and suddenly my work got done- just like that!
Another incident: I was looking to work under a senior colleague for a new project. Baba Himself sorted out everything, and I found a very respected senior, who had Baba’s picture everywhere in his office room. I felt so blessed.
Baba is always there for His devotees. Baba, bless everyone with Your love, blessings and give the right path to reach You.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Murali Krishnan Madurai from India says: I am resident of Hyderabad and disciple of Sai Baba for the last 15 years.
Om Sairam. During this Covid 19 second wave pandemic, thrice I registered for the first dose of vaccination and all the time a day before the scheduled date for vaccination, I used to get the message “vaccination cancelled.” I was frustrated and was losing my patience and getting fear that I may contact the virus. That time, I prayed to our Sai that if I got my vaccination done then I would post my experience. Like a loving mother, He immediately responded to my prayer and within two days, my vaccination was done. I am sure He will be there for my 2nd dose of vaccination too.
Another experience is my wife suddenly developed cataracts in both the eyes and she was not able to see the contents in the computer and was suffering a lot for online classes and responding to the mails being sent by her school. She went for a check up and they told the laser operation to be carried out immediately. Now, she got one eye operated on through laser treatment and it went off well. She is able to clearly see with one eye. After four weeks, the operation in the other eye will be done. I pray Sai Baba will be with her and make the operation successful.
Baba, I am thankful to You for whatever You are doing for me and my prayers to You till my death. I chant everyday Your name everyday while going to the office. Please bless me in writing my insolvency exam and guide me.
Baba, we are planning to be together as at present we are living in two establishments. We plan to move at the end of May and please be with us during our shift and seek Your blessings in the new home. Baba, please make everything go well in the new house.
Anantha Koti Brahmananda Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Namo Namah, Sri Sai Namo Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah, Sadguru Sai Namo Namah.
Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe
Satchidananda Demahe
Thano Sai Prachyodhyathu
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I always feel blessed to know about this site and for being able to read these experiences.
I try to start my day by reading one page of experiences on this site. Miraculously I get the guidance and answers for the questions going in my mind or the things troubling me. That moment I immediately feel how blessed we are to be under the Divine Sai Baba’s blessings.
I had a fight with my husband over purchasing a TV. Later I realized that mistake was on my end. But my husband was very angry and was not behaving properly with me. I prayed to Sai Baba that if the issue got resolved then I would post it here. I need not mention that from the next morning he behaved normally. This is my first experience submitting here.
We are searching for houses to buy. He showed us wonderful houses and gave several hints and warnings to proceed further. But I, being ignorant, did not realize or give importance to His guidance. We eventually missed those houses and after that the house prices skyrocketed and the bank loan prices too increased. We both are unable to digest the situation we are in now and its just my mistake alone. Because of me, my husband is suffering a lot. Sai Baba, I have trust that You will land us in a great house.
I registered for Mahaparayan and eagerly awaiting His call to start it. Believe in that He constantly listens to our prayers and guides us all the time. The inner voice we hear and guides us is Him. Try not to do anything bad to other humans and creatures knowingly or unknowingly.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam Hetalji and team. I am from India. Hetalji I want to be anonymous. Hetalji my English is not good. Please make corrections wherever needed.
Some days back my mobile was switching off within one to two minutes. If it was 100% charged then also the condition was the same. Because of the lock down the mobile shops were closed. I was worried so much because I had to report daily parayan and chantings.
Then I prayed and surrendered my problem to Sai and started reading 11 assurances of Baba daily for a month. I forgot about my mobile problem. After a month I was thinking when I was praying, “I lost all hope and stopped reading the 11 assurances of Baba.”
After 8-10 days when I was using my mobile I remembered my mobile condition and started observing. That whole day my mobile was on. There was no problem. That day onwards my mobile condition was good. My mobile is absolutely ok. Now I told sorry to Baba and started reading 11 assurances daily, if there is a problem or not. Baba, thank You so much for the wonderful blessings. Devotees if possible please read 11 assurances of Baba with faith daily and see the magic. Shraddha Saburi. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you Hetalji and team for maintaining such a wonderful site.
My sister is working with one of the MNC’s. Due to Covid the company decided to lay off some of the employees in two rounds. My sister got so worried that she may lose her job. So I prayed Baba that if she is out of the list, I will share my experience here. By Baba’s grace she is not laid off. So sharing my experience as promised. Sorry for the delay Baba.
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OmSaiRam, OmSaiRakshaksharanam. Thank you Sai for decreasing mom's headache she is not getting headache since 2 days ,cure it completely Baba. Tomorrow going to in-laws home please be with us. Protect all from corona. You are my saviour give me strength. OMAROGYAKSHEMADAYA NAMA.
Omsairam.thanks for whatever you have blessed us with ..i love you Baba ..forgive our sins ..kindly increase our faith, patience and strength..
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes protect my father baba cire him we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Sai Baba ♥️
Omsairam 🙏. Baba please bless my parents with good health. My dad should recover completely in home itself. Bless my son husband parents myself grandma in-laws and those two souls. Those two souls are facing unnecessary hatred Baba. Please they should tide over this difficult time and overcome it successfully. The boys career is at stake and I am praying daily that he should get good opportunities and he use them well and shine brightly. The girl should also similarly shine. They both have become a part of my family. And please take care of the bullies Baba. They should never cause any harm to them or us and my happy space. Omsairam 🙏.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai ram! Saima please help me. I know I pray to you, read your holy book and chat your names and mantra but I feel that it is not going well. How should I go about MA? I feel that my prayers are not heard or reached you. Please help me fulfilling my dreams ma. Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om Sai Ram my husband always tensed about his work, please Sairam give him a good set of people to support his work and keep him healthy and happy always.
Om Shree Sai Nathaya Namaha🙏Om Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva🙏Om Sai Arogya Kshema Daya Namaha🙏Thanks for your blessings thandri🙏Forgive our sins thandri🙏Thanks baba, my son likes his new glasses by your grace. Please cure my husband nerve and muscle pain in his back neck and shoulder . Please bless us thandri🙏Sorry for our mistakes thandri🙏Sarvejanasukhinobhavanthu🙏