Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Young Physiatrist and a published author working in Trivandrum, KeeaKe. I was subjected to Organized and Electronic harassment scheme by a highly influential Entrance coaching Guru. Sai has been protecting me all these years.
When this happened, I was only 17 years old. I was put on unnecessary Psychiatric medications. It caused a lot of trauma to me, because I was completely isolated. But Sai kept guiding me through those tough times. When I was subjected to this kind of harassment, my academics suffered a lot. From the best student in the whole school, I started failing in subjects. But eventually I picked up in my studies and by the grace of Sai, I qualified for my Medical entrance exam. But my mother tried to stop me from studying, as my family was earning money for supporting the harassment scheme.
My mother and aunty withdrew the medications I was on, to induce a withdrawal reaction. I was suffering from enormous trauma at that point in time. I was forced to re-join for Medical school after a whole year. By that time everyone had spread rumours that I was insane. I continued in spite of the taunts and harassment. Sai was there to help me. In my second year by Sai’s grace I got a gold medal in Pathology. This led to more harassment. I persisted and completed my MBBS course. During my internship I had more frustration than others because I was on unnecessary Psychiatric medications.
My batch mates did everything possible to make internment difficult for me. I was able to see through their plan by Sai’s grace. After I became a doctor the organised harassment was escalated. I was harassed more intensely. I realized my life was in danger. I called the police for help, which made my family to panic and assault me. They bribed off the police officer. They asked the Psychiatrist to increase my medications. I didn’t allow him to do so. All my attempts to get a PG seat were sabotaged by the doctors. But by Sai’s grace I got a PG seat in 2013. To destroy my life, a girl was sent by the perpetrators, to make sure that I don’t study during my PG course.
I visited Sai’s temple in the town, and prayed with all my heart. I graduated from the PG course, though there was obvious foul play in the University exams. I visited Shirdi and Sai exposed details about how I was harassed. I got a job in Mangalore, as an Assistant Professor in a Medical College. As more details about the harassment scheme came out, the harassment was escalated. I didn’t get enough patients, so I walked out of that job.
I had a job offer to consider, but when the truth about how big the whole harassment scheme is came out, the offer was declined. I was kept jobless and harassed for 6 months. But Sai, slowly exposed more truth and kept guiding me. Finally I was given a job in Trivandrum. As expected, in no time, the harassment was escalated. The nursing staff and doctors are doing everything possible to sabotage my future and career. They’re working meticulously to amass false evidence, so that they can meet their evil ends. But Sai is slowly exposing their plans. I still receive indirect death and assault threats every day. Though I am a good doctor, every day thousands of false eye witness accounts are accumulated against me. My only support system is Sai’s grace. He is helping me survive and exposing the harassment scheme and all my enemies’ plans. I have complained to human rights authorities, and they’re helping me out. But without Sai’s grace, none of this would have been possible (I would never have become a specialist doctor, or have been able to expose the truth so perfectly). Sai please keep me at Your lotus feet. Aum Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: Dear devotees and Hetalji, thank you for reading my experience and providing me the opportunity to share the miracles of Baba with this amazing group. I must say that I have been a bit slack in posting my experiences and I feel really bad about the delay, but guess that is also My Sai’s wish that I am able to post today.
Coming to my experiences -they are numerous and I experience day to day miracles from the time I have come in contact with Sai.
1. I had the good fortune of visiting the holy place of Baba’s residence twice in a year on the grand occasion of Baba’s 100 years. He has made both my trips so memorable and divine. I carried the Sai Satcharitra with me on the second trip and amazingly all my travels went smoothly. I had a couple of flights to take during my travels to different places and Baba made me travel in immense comfort all the time.
2. I had my mobile showing SOS and I was worried as I wanted to do an immediate search for a place while I was outside. I prayed to my Sai and He made it happen by giving me the idea to turn off and then turn on the mobile. Thanks a lot to my kind Baba.
3. My husband has been very sick for the past few days with stomach pains and chicken pox which my beloved Sainath was able to cure without any major complications showing in the reports.
3. Last night I prayed to Baba to calm my husband’s anger down and bring him back home safely. I must say that the situation got very heated and he was very upset but he did come home. Hope my Deva Sai will come to my rescue and save me from my current miseries and misunderstandings that I am facing in my relationship.
Dear devotees please pray for me that all calms down and life gets back to normal as I and my husband are struggling health wise and would not want our relationship to deteriorate as that would have a huge impact on our health. Sorry Baba for posting so late and also forgetting to post other experiences. I promise that in future I will post it timely so that I don’t forget and also keep my promise. Please forgive me Baba as I am Your little devotee who has nowhere to turn to. Help me please Baba. Jai Sai, Jai Jai Sai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am a devotee of Shirdi Sai for a long time and staying in the USA. I am a single woman struggling all alone with little help from anyone.
I am a single woman and do everything in my life all alone with very little guidance. I recently got a project in New York and had to relocate from Chicago. I had no experience relocating and absolutely no idea of transporting my car. I asked around and researched the internet for help but was sceptical about using unknown car transport agencies. My manager in the new project wanted me to join as soon as possible.
I cried for help from our beloved Sai and asked for His blessings. He said (via Q/A site) that I will travel and it will end in happiness. Immediately I contacted an agency from the internet and talked to that person. He was very helpful and super friendly. I decided to go with him for car transport even though I received quotes from many other agencies. He charged me nominally and within 2 days scheduled a driver for me. This was a miracle because it usually takes 1 week to find drivers at normal rate. If you get a driver within 2 days that means it will be an emergency rate. But Baba found a driver at a normal rate!
I found an accommodation in New York while in Chicago. Then I reached New York and found that the folks were super friendly and very, very helpful beyond imagination. They were treating me like family and accompanied me to Shirdi Sai temple in flushing for me to visit. All these things were happening only due to our Baba’s blessings.
Miracle 2: When my contract ended in my previous project in Chicago, I got scared but Baba said (via Q/A site), ‘Why Do You Worry?’ Then on the last day of work I was wishing for a Bank project when I found a truck named ‘SAIA’. No wonder my next project in New York is a bank. Trust our Baba He knows what’s best for us and He won’t forsake us.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Raagul S N from India says: Jai Guru Sairam. I am Raagul from Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India. I have been a staunch devotee of Shri Sai post the experience I am about to narrate to you all. I thank my friend Aparna for introducing this forum to me. It’s heart-warming to see so many benefit from Shri Sai’s grace. I too wish to share the experience that convinces everyone in my household of the omnipotence of Shri Sai.
The experience that I am about to narrate happened in 2007. This was the time when my sister was pregnant and was abroad. My mom was working in judiciary department of Tamil Nadu State government. My sister wanted my mom to travel abroad to take care of her during pre and post-natal stages. Mom was mentally prepared to make the travel. It was her first time. Everyone in the family took the travel for granted and were focused on just ensuring proper packing and planning for post-delivery needs, etc.
For any government employee to travel outside the country, they need something called No-Objection-Certificate (NOC). Given mom was working in District Court, as long as District Magistrate (DM) signed it, it should have been sufficient. What we didn’t know was a GO was passed in the past that NOCs have to be signed by High Court justice too. If anyone has any run with the state judiciary machine, then they would know that the legal system is super slow. Post signing off from DM, the NOC left from high court. After two weeks, we hadn’t received any news of the document. Only after we received the document we could even apply for Visa. There was hardly a month and a half left. We didn’t know what to do? My dad, who also was in judiciary, through this network figured out that the document had reached high court justice office but was informed that it might take another 3 months before it was signed. This basically meant that mom would not be reaching US until after 4th month post-delivery. My sister was very scared and here we were all super worried.
My mom was contemplating resigning the job, but she only had 5 more years of service post which she would get retirement with pension benefits. We were all in a dilemma. This was when the seed for the miracle was sown. My family deity was Tirumala Venkatachalapathy. We used to read Vishnu Sahasranamam everyday. On one Wednesday (auspicious day for Lakshmi and the Lord), post our recital, my sister’s friend, who also happens to be a good family friend, came to our house. She was and is an ardent devotee of Shri Sai. When she came, my mom told her about the situation. She recommended reading Satcharitra in Saptaha (7 days). As Providence would have it, the very next day was Thursday and given the anxiety we were in; Mom started the Saptaha the next day. We borrowed the book from a Sai Mandir in our town with the help of our family friend. My mom did an ardent study.
Though I and my dad believed in God, we didn’t usually believe in miracles. We let mom do what she wants, though we didn’t believe in this 7-day reading. My dad was trying to get the document signed through his channel, while I was checking up to see if I could get my aunt to travel before mom and thus help my sister. The 7 days passed. My mom completed her Saptaha on Wednesday and on Thursday she wept like crazy in front of Shri Sai. She said, “Baba, I studied Your life history as I had promised. You did so many miracles for all Your devotees. Please shine Your grace upon me”. She did Aarti (our version, not the usual Sai Aarti), distributed Prasad and she left for office. At about 12 noon, my Dad got a call through his channel, that on that particular day, the high court justice walked into his cabin, sifted through many files and in the process, opened my mom’s file and signed that file and dispatched it. The very shocking part was that my mom’s was the only file he dispatched before leaving his cabin. When this news reached us, my mom returned back from office, I left my college (in Chennai) and came to my home (in Hosur) and all three of us knelt in front of Shri Sai fully accepting His omnipotence and fully ready for His service. From that day forth, we realized, our family has not the three of us but four (now it’s six, with wife and daughter) including Shri Sai.
I request everyone of Sai devotees to have full trust in our Sai and not be worried about anything in the least. He is omnipotent. If anything is happening in our life, He wants it to happen. So, everything is working towards making us stronger. Let’s practice the two coins (qualities) that our Guru wants in us – Shraddha and Saburi. Jai Guru Sairam. Raagul S N
Shirdi Sai Devotee Harish from USA says: I am a simple devotee of Baba and feel really blessed to have known His name.
Om Sairam my humble pranams to our dear Baba and all the people involved in making and maintaining this divine website and modern Sai Satcharitra.
Coming to my experience, yesterday I bit something in my last tooth and it was almost shaky. I was really worried and immediately prayed to Sai and had full faith that I will not have to go to the dentist. I really wanted to avoid visiting a dentist. I simply dropped a pinch of Vibuthi in that tooth and wholeheartedly prayed to Sai. The fact was that I was completely fine yesterday morning and had no trouble at all. So I really felt Sai to please not to give me anything major. Prior to going to bed I noticed a small thing stuck on that tooth. I did a complete mouth rinse and left it to Sai.
This morning after waking up I didn’t have that uneasiness. While having breakfast, I was able to have dosa and even fine biting wasn’t a problem at all. Even at lunchtime I was able to have rice properly and then I tried eating almonds and didn’t have any problem while biting. If this is not Sai’s mercy and blessings then what is this? Really He is the one Who really listens to innermost desires and even the smallest of problems and solves them in ways not comprehensible by us. May His mercy and grace protect the entire world and all His children from all the calamities. May his blessings remove the miseries of His innumerable children who are praying to Him earnestly or even otherwise. Akilandakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadiraja Yogiraja Parabramha Sri Sacchidananda Sadguru Sainath Ki Jai Jai Jai Sainath.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Nepal says: I am small devotee of Baba. Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful work.
Om Sairam to all devotees. Whenever I have a problem I just pray Baba and all my problems go away. Through this platform my faith in my Baba has increased. I have so many experiences with my Baba. Even if a very small problem is there I immediately prayed to Baba and then within a few seconds my small problems are solved.
Coming to my experience, I and my daughter had fever; a week ago and had to attend the marriage function of our first cousin. I immediately prayed to Baba if everything goes well we will post our experience. By Baba’s grace everything went well and we were able to attend all the function during the marriage ceremony. Thank You Baba for everything. Om Sairam. Ananta Koti Brahmanda Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Shri Satchitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay.
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Baba please help bless and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother and grandparents baba make us to study well baba and make us visit shree dwaraka balaji swami soon ayyappa sairakshak saisaranam .we are in dire need of you please come na baba
Om sai ram
Omsairam….bless everyone in this world..forgive our sins…love you Baba bless my father and btother with good health andtake my you
Ease our restless and worried minds O Deva.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
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Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.