Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Dubai says: I am basically from India, Currently I am in Dubai. Dear Hetalji ji, Thank you very much for this platform, through this site only I became Baba’s devotee. Hello everyone, today I am going to share my experiences for the second time. I am Baba’s devotee from 2014. Whenever I face any problem first thing which will come to my mind is that praying to my dear Sai and immediately my problem will get solved. Before I used to take tension if anything went wrong. But now after becoming Baba’s devotee I am not taking anything seriously because I know Baba is there to take care of everything and we should just remember Him each and every time.
2 days back we went to a Jewellery shop and I was taking pictures in my mobile and we came back. After coming back I thought to check my mobile but it was missing. I thought I left my mobile in Jewellery shop only and I called my number through landline 4 times. It was ringing but nobody was picking it up. I was just praying Baba, please help me to get my mobile back, otherwise I would lose all my contacts, which were saved only in my mobile. My husband was also trying to call my number but nobody was picking. Then he went to check in his car and by Baba’s grace he found my mobile in his car. I was very happy and thanked my Baba.
My sister is 7 months pregnant now. Her BP went up suddenly and doctor checked and told they would monitor her BP and if it didn’t come down they would have to do Caesarean immediately. After hearing this I was continuously praying to my Sai to please help my sister and by evening I came to know that her BP had become normal. Not only these experiences, I have so many miracles happening everyday by Baba’s blessings.
Last year I got job through Baba after doing Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat, but I couldn’t continue there for more time. Baba I know I don’t ask You anything now. Because I don’t know which is good and which is bad. You have to decide each and everything in my life. Your plans are always better than my plans. If You think working is good for me, then bless me with a good job. Recently I watched Sai Baba serial on You Tube. I was becoming very emotional whenever I see the way Baba was taking care of His devotees. I loved it very much. 2 days back it was my wedding anniversary. I was praying Baba to bless us on this special day and miraculously my husband agreed to go to the temple. We visited Baba temple and had great darshan for the first time on this special day in these 6 years. I am always grateful for You Baba. Love You so much. You are blood in my body. Without You I can’t survive. Please bless me, my family and all Your devotees. Thank You very much for reading my experiences.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from UAE says: I have come across Baba’s miracles through my mom’s sister and through my friend about back 2 years ago. Recently I started seeing this blog and read so many devotees’ experience about Baba’s miracles. While reading this blog it gives me a positive energy and more faith towards Sai Baba.
This is my first experience on this blog. Recently on 11th June 2017, my husband had to go to office, but while leaving from home he realised that he had misplaced his car keys. He checked everywhere in the pocket, his drawer, study table but it was nowhere to be found. As it was getting late, my husband was worried and he went by taxi. After sometime I was thinking maybe it would have been some place where we cannot find. I was praying to Baba in heart to please find my husband’s car keys and it should be here around and believing that Baba was there to help me.
I searched every nook and corner to my house, but result was it was nowhere to be found even then. I heard a voice telling me “Did you check the study table properly?” this voice was really making me cautious to go and check. Without any objection I went again to check the study table and searched, to my utter surprise I saw the car keys were being kept on the Pen stand. This was a shock to me, hereby I was thanking Baba Who had helped me in finding my keys. Thus helped me to listen my inner voice. Once again thank You Baba for everything.
Dear devotees, it is true that even for our small prayers Baba is there with us and He is watching us and our deeds. Baba, I have one humble request please bless me and my husband to give a good news to my family and husband’s family (both the parents) to keep their health fine. I know through patience and faith it would be as desired and I have complete faith in You Baba. Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore. Om Sri Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thanks to Hetalji for this amazing job.
Baba has helped me many times in need. Here I will tell two of my experiences with Baba. One day when I was leaving from office, no auto was ready to come then I prayed to Baba to please help me to reach home safely and soon. Then suddenly I felt in my mind Baba saying I am coming to pick up you and next minute I saw an auto coming towards me with Baba photo in front and that person agreed to come. I said thanks to Baba and tears rolled from eyes. Baba You are really so kind.
Another experience last Sunday we went out of station to attend a function. Morning when we were going our car Tyre got punctured. My husband changed it as we had an extra tyre. We attended the function. We were on our way back to home and suddenly another tyre also got punctured. Then we didn’t have an extra tyre. The one which we had we used in the morning. As it was already getting late and it was about to rain and we were on the highway, I prayed to Baba please help us. We went to a nearby town in my sister’s car. There everybody was ready to close shops, so no one was ready to come. Again I asked Baba to please help us and one man agreed to come and do the repair. Immediately I thanked Baba and safely we reached home. Baba never leaves His children. Hetalji am not that good in English, if any editing is needed please do. Thanks is a word not enough to You Baba, please keep blessing us and never leave my hand. Not only this many times Baba has helped me. Please always be with us Baba.

Sai Devotee Shikha from India says: Hi myself Shikha from Bangalore. I have experienced so many Sainath’s miracles. I have posted two experiences regarding how my Sai blessed me with an adorable baby boy after six long years of marriage.
Everything was going on well and then we took admission for my son in nursery. School started from 7th of June, we were quite sure that he will enjoy his school as he is very jolly and extrovert kid. But surprisingly he reacted oppositely; he got up in the morning and started crying like anything. And when we went to pick him up, we could see him crying like morning. We both got worried so much. Suddenly yesterday evening I prayed to my Sai that please bless him again and if will go happily tomorrow I will post my experience the same day. Today morning initially he was not willing to go to school, but to my surprise after brushing his teeth he told me that he wanted to go to school. Oh! we were so very happy to hear this. And he came back to home happily too. Baba, never disappoints His devotees. Om Shree Sai Rakshak Sharnam. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Namasthe All. I am working in s/w industry in Bangalore. I shifted my job in July 2016 from MNC ABC to XYZ and I lost payslips of ABC Company. I was worried so much since I wanted to apply for job on ABC company basis. Baba made me to call my friend who is working in ABC Company and my friend spoke with finance department and finance in charge asked me to send email regarding this. Actually those finance people are very busy and usually they take lot of time to respond and as financial year also had finished I had no hopes in getting my payslips. Truly it was my Baba Who made me to get the payslips immediately the next day. Thank You so much Baba. I said Baba I will definitely share this experience and today I’m very glad to share the experience.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Miracles of Lord Sai in my life. I was really surprised to feel the miracle of Sai.
I got married with the blessings of Sai Baba. I had followed fasting for Sai continuously for 9 weeks. On the 9th week we had a bride seeing ceremony and I liked my groom, my marriage had been fixed. As I believe in Sai, my man is too good as I had expected, Sai only gave me a peaceful and happy life. There were a lot issues in my marriage but with Sai’s grace my marriage happened successfully and happily. Thank You Sai. Om Sai Sree Sai Jai Jai Sai. Sri Sacchidhanandha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ke Jai.
Prayers for Today: Baba Save Me – Sai Devotee Janani

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sairam
O Sai, Thank You 🙂
Jai Sairam
Dear Deva. Thank you so much for the wonderful shirdi trip we had on monday and tuesday. Thanks, all my prayers regarding shirdi trip got fulfilled. Please make us visit shirdi very often. Thank you Deva.
Om Sai Ram.. thank you soo much baba for giving good life partner …. thank you soo much baba
Om Sai Ram
Devotes interested for weekly group parayan of SRI SAI SATCHARITA may email at with their name city & whatsapp no.
Sai when you come to help us
Thank you deva for making me worthy of your grace..for letting me know the power of surrender and the miracle that you performed today. Thank you deva, my father, my mother and my all in all for your constant support during my highs and lows. Love you infinity❤️
Sairam thank you so much.
SAI RAM.Thank you BABA for dispatching all required papers in time for our son's new post & also for uniting the couple as well.Also thanks for saving us from the accident another minute second it would have been a bad disaster. I very well admit the it baba's miracle only saved us, KOTI KOTI thanks our most loving deva,please be with us every second of our life.BABA please bless us with the other issue which I have been begging you about. Please BLESS US. SAI RAM.
Jai Sai Ram_/_
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Devotees it is really powerful pooja the pooja has to be performed for 5 days the pooja can be performed on any days it is preferable to Thursday but pooja has to be performed for same timing .2)offer one flower from your bottom of your heart.3 offer one fruit from ur heart.4 read 108 names of sai baba and say sai sai and u can recite any mantra.5 sing baba arathi from bottom of your heart and pray to God with faith 6 distribute fruit among ur family members or to anyone 7 say about this pooja for 5 persons om sai ram.
We have to do it for consecutive 5 days or on 5 Thursdays?
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession and also give me full time job baba so I can take care of my sai nilayam which was given by you baba, I don't have any one other than you to go.