Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I a small devotee of Sai Deva residing in India. Om Sai Ram. This is my 4th post and none of them have been published yet but I am sure one day Baba would get them published. I am continuing my previous post where I asked the devotees to pray for me as Baba was not happy with me. He was not replying my prayers at all. My latest experience goes like this.
I and my love are staying away since last 4 months as she has travelled to US and I am still here in India waiting for her. We had decided that after few months when she would return, we would get married and we both would stay in US for couple of more months and return back to India. Things got worse after she went there and we stopped all our conversations due to many issues. I was desperately waiting her to contact me, talk to me, explain me her future plans but all in vain. She instead blamed me that I prayed to Sai Baba for her to go to US. I was heartbroken when she said these words but I still had faith in my Deva. I did everything right from reading Sai satcharitra daily, listening to aartis, visiting Baba temple every Thursday, doing Nav vrats continuously, doing sugar candy pooja, donating etc. etc. etc. Whatever Baba asks His devotees, I did each day without fail but still Baba didn’t show up. I became depressed and negative thought started over ruling my mind but somehow I still kept my faith and did not stop worshiping Him.
Yesterday (27th Apr’17) was my 8th Nav vrat and I asked my Deva to show His miracles. I have a lot of faith in You and You have to show that You are there for me. I cried and cried and asked Him that by today (Thursday) I should receive any call/email from her anyhow. And lo! at 2a.m Friday(India time) which is 4:30pm Thursday (US time) I got her mail! She said that “I love you and only God knows how pure and sincere my love is. Though there are many misunderstandings between us, you will realize my love one day!” God I was so happy to read this that at least she still remembers me and still loves me, no matter what has happened in past. I know things would take time to clear up and Baba will surely unite us very soon.
I would like to say to devotees who are having hardships in their relationships that please do keep your faith on Baba as He would surely give you the desired thing but for this He needs 2 things faith and patience. I know sometimes we cannot help it and loose all our faith and hopes but that’s the time when He jumps in and shows some positivity that makes us even stronger. Never loose hope and if Your wish is sincere and pure, you will get it no matter how tough the situation is. Baba can do anything. Believe me anything which you won’t even think of. I am still waiting for her but I know Baba would give me a miraculous surprise one day and I will post it for all you guys. Waiting does not means escaping time, it means to have full devotion and faith on Him till the time you get your desired thing. Baba always ends at positive note, so never be disheartened. Just think that He is working on your problem and the bigger the problem is, the longer would be the wait but catch is, you already know the outcome is ‘Positive’ with Baba’blessings. Now, if we know that everything is going to be soon right, then we should you just wait for His miracles patiently? That is it. Sorry I made this too long but hope it will give some strength and boost up faith in your heart. Om Sairam!!!

Sai Devotee Sumanth says: Jai Sai Ram Hetalji and all. I am devotee of Sai Baba, In my life everything is Sai Baba, right from my work, personal life and etc is Sai Baba. Whatever is happening in my life is only because of Sai Baba. Without Sai Baba nothing is in my life. He is always with me guiding me and blessing me. Jai Sai Ram, Please publish my experience written below.
I used to go to Baba’s temple every Thursday. With Baba’s blessings, initially my dad didn’t accompany me and I told him several times to come to Baba’s temple along with me. Initially he told yes and he started coming to the Baba’s temple. Actually he has cycle on the Thursday evening, he would take cycle and go to the Baba’s temple and come to home before I went to Baba’s temple. As days passed he started coming along with me. I used to pray daily to Sai Baba to take care of my mom and dad and my mother-in-law and father in law’s health.
Some days back my dad had got motion problem he was not able to go for motions properly in the morning. Because of this he would not take food properly. Even he went to many doctors. He took medicines as given but there was no improvement. He used to take Ayurvedhic medicine. Sometimes it worked and again he was facing the same problem. One day my dad requested me to take to a doctor and I did took him to doctor. The doctor told that he had to undergo 2 tests and the 2 tests would cost around Rs. 10, 000/- and in the meanwhile he was given some tablets. With that too the problem was not solved.
I was praying Baba to solve this problem and I had placed it at the holy feet of Baba. I told Baba that if You solve my dad’s problem and the tests result would be normal I will post it on Hetalji’s Sai Baba experience blog. My dad used to have loose motion tablets from local medical shop, and this was also was not a permanent solution. One day my dad called the doctor and asked him about the tests and when should he see him. Initially when my dad called the doctor for appointment on Monday he was told that until Wednesday there were no appointments available. But again my dad called him on Tuesday and to my surprise the doctor had given appointment for test on Thursday for my dad! So I requested Baba to take of my dad’ problem and be with him during the tests. On Thursday my dad along with my younger brother took my dad to the doctor for the tests. My dad was very tensed, with Baba’s Blessings doctor did 2 test and final result was normal for both the tests. And from next day onwards my dad’s motion problem was solved and my dad was relieved very much and he is happy now.
As I had left all my problems at my Baba’s holy feet and it was taken care of by Baba.
Jai Sai Ram Baba please be with us bless us and take care all of us. Dear Sai Baba devotees please have Faith and Patience on Baba, Baba will definitely answer all your prayers 100% .
Dear Hetal Patilji, please publish the above written my wonderful experience with Sai Baba.
Thanks for your wonderful services to lord Sai Baba.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous devotee of Sai Baba. First of all I would like to thank to Hetalji and team for maintaining this wonderful blog for all Sai devotees.
My first experience is, I loved someone from bottom of my heart. And I wanted to marry him only. He is my friend. One day I told him about my feelings for him and asked him about his answer for my proposal. And he said that I was just his friend. He had no such feelings for me. I was totally broken because I loved him a lot. Then I start praying Sai Baba. I was going to Sai Baba temple every day and prayed Him a lot. Meanwhile, my parents were searching a guy in our caste. Whenever I met a guy which my parents selected for me, I was getting very nervous and praying Sai Baba and told Him that please Baba save me. And Sai Baba helped me every time and however said no to every guy whom I was met for wedding purpose. I loved only one person to whom I wanted to marry.
Everyday I was asking that guy about me and he was saying no every time. I was so depressed. But I had trust in Sai Baba. All the time he gave me His support and made me feel His presence. One day I went to Shirdi Sai Baba for darshan and I told Sai Baba about my pain. And as we all know that whoever goes to Shirdi never comes back without Baba’s blessings. After 15 days that guy told me Yes for wedding. I couldn’t believe. I started crying and thanked Baba again and again. I got married to that guy and I am very happy. So Keep Shraddha & Saburi and Baba will answer Your prayer. Sai Ram Sai Sai Ram.
My second experience is, I was working with one of the company since 10 years. Suddenly I changed the company for better prospect and joined new company. In new company I couldn’t get settled. In new company there was too much sales pressure and culture was also not good. So I resigned. I didn’t have any job. I was worried about interview for next company because new company would ask me about the reason for leaving a job and what I would answer about it. And after certain gap it was difficult to find a good job. I started praying Sai Baba and read Sai Satcharitra book 3 times and also doing 9 Guruvar vrat. Within 10 days I got a new job in the same field in which I am having 10 years experience. I got this job without any interview because the interviewer was my husband and my old college. My husband and I were working in the same company. They have given me very, very good position. This happened only and only because of Sai Baba. Without Him it was not possible. Thank You Sai Baba for listening to my prayer. Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sairam to all the devotees and Hetalji. Thank you very much for creating this platform and bringing all Sai devotees together. We are getting to know more of Sai and His leelas through this website and it is giving us more strength, hope and faith towards Sai. I stay in US and is a married woman, blessed with a daughter. Many of my experiences were published here and today I want to share a new experience which showed me presence of Sai.
Usually when we go outside for any important thing I pray to Baba to make me see yellow car so that I feel He is there with me. We started searching for a house and by Baba’s grace we got a house within our budget but I was sceptical whether to go ahead or not and I was cutting vegetables in my living room and prayed Baba if I see a yellow car by the time I finish cutting these vegetables then I will consider this offer. It was evening around 6:30 and from our living room we could see the main road and cars. Within 5 minutes I would finish cutting them so I asked Him to make me see a yellow car. You won’t believe usually it is after working hours and traffic that the traffic be very low and we can hardly see yellow cars but to my surprise I saw a yellow car passing by and I felt Baba Himself said to go ahead with that house. It was nothing but Baba’s leela.
I usually ask Q & A from Baba website and once I got an answer to offer tobacco and oil to Baba for 3 Thursday’s. Here in US I found it very difficult to offer them to Baba but somehow with Baba’s blessings I offered Him tobacco and oil. I used to keep them near His idol in the temple and today is my last week and I wanted to go in the morning to the temple but my husband came late due to meeting in his office. We left at 12:00, temple closes at 12:30. There was so traffic and I was praying Baba to please let not the temple get closed. By the time we reached there, they were about to close the temple and we were the last ones but somehow we managed to offer prasadam to Baba and took His blessings. Baba saved us from mere closing and it was truly a miracle of Baba. Please have faith and patience and Baba will come to our rescue. Ananthakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Sairam everyone, Thank you Hetalji and her team for this blog. This really motivates me and makes me feel blessed. This is my third post.
Sairam devotees, I have gratefully completed Sai Baba’s Nav guruvar vrat with Baba’s grace. I feel very blessed and fortunate to be a devotee of Baba and complete Baba’s vrat. I have been always blessed my Baba. Baba has always showered His blessings upon me. Baba has always been there whenever needed. This Nav Guruvar vrat has brought me more close to Baba and I have always been conferred with happiness. I do not have a specific miracle to narrate, I just wanted to share there are miraculous effects of this Vrat and whoever observes this vrat with sincere devotion and faith, he/she is blessed by Baba. I could not visit a Sai mandir and peform the rituals, I just wanted to circulate about “Sai’s Nav Guruvar Vrat” through here. I hope this message gets published. Thank You all! Sairam!
Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: I am staying in US with my sweet family blessed by Baba. My day starts with Baba and ends with Him. Everything in life is blessed by Baba.
Om Sairam all. Baba bless you all and lots of thanks to Hetalji for maintaining this blessed site. This site is my second Satcharitra. Last week Thursday (20th April 2017) I started saptah Satcharitra reading and had full faith in Baba that I would complete it with no obstacles, as my periods were nearing. When you place strong unbounded faith in Baba, He definitely takes care of it. As I had wished to share my experience, so here I am Baba, sorry for one day late. Baba, bless all of us to revert to Your stories which gives peace and comfort of mind in this restless world. Om Sairam. Om Sairakshak Sharnam. Jai Sree Ram.
Prayers for Today: Delay In Marriage – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Thank You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Baba !!!
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om Sai Ram… I love you so much Baba… Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
SAI RAM. Please let me know why there was no night aarti on Thursday.Has the time changed? Usually I watch the aarti at 6 PM. Please someone clear this confusion, SAI RAM.
Om sai samarth
Please protect us Sainath
By your grace, first day of Sarah Persian ceremony completed successfully without any obstacles
Thank you very much Sainath deva for everything
Bolo sri satchidanand samarth sathguru Sainath maharaj ki jai
Baba!! Forgive me for all my mistakes. I am living without peace from past few months. I don't want any manager position until u bless. Please give my work back . Please help me to wipe off all misunderstandings with Ramki. Please save my job. Ohm sai ram.
Jai Sai Ram_/_
Thank you Sai Baba for your help and blessings day before yesterday.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Om Sai Ram. . . . . .
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them take care of them baba.