Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Bhar Do Jholi Meri, Oh Sai Tere Dar Se Na Jaun Main Khaali

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India: Dear Hetalji and team, what an amazing service you are rendering unto all the Sai devotees far and wide! This is my second posting on this forum and I had chanced upon this blog 2 years back right before my MBBS final year final exams, I still remember it so distinctly, I was crying and had lost all my hopes when Baba Himself introduced me to this blog and since that day, I have been reading this blog religiously since it’s my connect to my Saima. Thank you so much for allowing me to post here again. Needless to say, everyday is filled with Baba’s miracles because without His permission, not a leaf moves. Yet today I am posting regarding my visit to Shirdi and how Baba accompanied me even though outwardly I was travelling alone.

I have been to Shirdi 4 times and in my experience, each time I have discovered something new there. It’s almost as if with each visit to Baba’s holy land, I uncover a new dimension to the relationship I share with my Saima. I have never been to Shirdi alone, always with family or friends but this time, I had no option but to travel alone since nobody was free to go and I had 2 very important things to pray for, so I decided to go anyway, against repeated requests not to travel alone since I’m a girl. In my heart I knew, I wasn’t alone because when Baba calls, He plans everything so beautifully that one need not worry.

I had some work in college prior to this and I decided to visit Shirdi on my way back home although it required a lot of extra travelling – flights, volvos – you name it! I wanted to attend the Madhyana Aarti so booked my pass online before hand, buses and hotel, everything was booked. I was a little hesitant when it came to the hotel since I was alone but not once did Baba let me feel alone so I wasn’t scared. Due to my prior stay in college and all the eating out etc I had contracted a very bad stomach infection and I was so uncomfortable on the bus, I couldn’t eat a thing and was scared to even consume water since I felt like puking. I reached Shirdi early in the morning, well it was not time to check-in but I was just praying to Baba to please allow me to check-in as soon as I reach since I wasn’t feeling so weak and sick. The hotel was gracious enough to allow me to check-in 4 hours in advance for no extra charge! As soon as I reached my room suddenly I felt so excited- being in Shirdi- the one place I had been pining to go to- I was finally here!

There was no room for sickness and lethargy; I was just too excited to even take a nap! I took a shower and put on a new bright yellow coloured suit and off I went to see my Mother Sai and reunite with her. I bought prasad, bought Satcharitra and bowed down to Ganeshji, Shivji and Shani Dev Maharaj before proceeding to the waiting area before the Aarti commenced. I was sitting right in front of Baba’s tiny idol in the waiting area and already I was choked – I was finally in my mother’s lap- I felt so relieved, so blessed, so much at peace! I just kept looking at the idol and before I knew it, it was time to enter the Samadhi Mandir but oh! The scorching heat and the long, long queue – I tried to divert my mind by constantly chanting Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram – around me I could see couples, families with little kids and I felt bad that I was all alone sans family, loved ones, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Everyone around me was chit-chatting amongst themselves and I was standing around feeling bad but as soon as we stepped foot into the waiting hall of the main building and my eyes fell on the screen where they were showing Baba’s dress being changed to yellow – tears rolled down my eyes- flood gates had opened! What a warm welcome from my Mother Sai, who else do I need in this world but Him? Being a Punjabi, it’s extremely hard to comprehend what the Aarti really says but I had memorised the entire Aarti because I wanted to sing for my Mother but through the entire Aarti I just kept crying, not a word escaped my lips – I was just so full of gratitude for Baba, internally I was saying Baba please stop making me cry I really want to sing for You but I would sing one line and then again burst into tears and then I was shocked to see what I saw – Baba’s statue was grinning from ear to ear – I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating but He just kept smiling – His miracles are unfathomable! After my amazing darshan and after lapping up packets and packets of Udi, I decided to get a bite to eat although I was sceptical of the food and given my illness I was feeling queasy- I went to a Punjabi dhaba and ordered chole bhature – the dhaba had a huge portrait of Baba cooking something in an earthen pot and while eating I just kept looking at it – I couldn’t eat much since I did still felt sick but I forced myself to eat some of it. I returned to my hotel and decided to take a nap, I was feeling a little sad since I wanted to get leaves from Baba’s neem tree and despite making repeated attempts and standing there for a good half an hour I still couldn’t. I chastised myself for being greedy and slept.

I had a bus to catch at night and I had decided to lounge around in the room, watch TV etc and kill time but ‘something’ woke me up from my deep slumber, I checked the time and it was 5:45, a thought crossed my mind – have I come Shirdi to sleep or to soak in as much of Baba’s affection as I possibly can? I quickly changed and went running to the temple, the evening Aarti was going on- a pleasant breeze was blowing and I stood near Dwarkamayi, singing the Aarti- thank You for finally allowing me to sing Your Aarti Saima, I felt like offering a bunch of flowers to Baba in the Samadhi Mandir but I was in a dilemma – I did not have a VIP pass for darshan that time and I had a bus to catch at 9:45, I enquired from a security guard how much time it would take to do regular darshan and he said it would take an hour. So I decided to go in and wait in the line. There was a very, very long queue and at 8:00 PM we were nowhere near even entering the main mandir and I had started to panic – I couldn’t miss the bus since I had a flight to catch next morning – I couldn’t leave because we were right in the middle – I wanted to see Baba again and take His leave – 8:30 PM and I had started scolding Baba internally for making me come for darshan again! Part of me said ‘why do You worry will Baba ever let You miss Your bus’ and part of me said I shouldn’t have taken the risk. 8:50 we were inside the temple – Baba was dressed in a gorgeous peach attire, I just ran to Him, offered the flowers, bowed down repeatedly and asked for His leave till next time and made a run for the exit. Something inside me made me stop near the Neem tree and lo! A gush of wind blew at that very moment and down came the precious leaves. I quickly pocketed some and ran as fast as I could – reached the hotel – packed- checked out and was on the bus at 9:45.

As soon as I boarded the bus I realised 2 things – my stomach which had been giving me so much trouble had not once done so ever since I ate those chole bhature – please tell me how chole bhature of all things can cure gastroenteritis?! It was Baba’s love and only His love that acted as medicine. And secondly, the one reason He made me go for darshan a second time was because He didn’t want me to leave with an unfulfilled wish- my leaves. I am most touched and humbled that the strongest power in the universe is pulling every string possible just to fulfil every wish of mine. I don’t know what I have done to deserve this love from Him – the honour of calling Him my everything is the biggest one in this world. May Baba call all His babies to Shirdi one by one and keep refilling our hearts with love and our bodies with energy so that we keep going regardless of whatever test He throws our way- just keep holding on to Faith and Patience – they will help us sail through every storm. Thank You so much Baba Sai to make me a medium to spread Your love. Om Sai Ram.

Salary Credited On Time

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Ashima from India says: Om Sai Ram, Firstly I would like to thank Hetalji for this wonderful blog where we all devotees can share their experience and can read other devotees’ experiences as well. Firstly I would like to introduce myself, I am working in a bank since 6 years and living with my family. I became a devotee of Sai 3 months back only with the help of my boyfriend. He took me too Shirdi on 6th July and from there I became a devotee of Sai. This is my 2nd experience that I am sharing. I just wanted to say if you are a true devotee and will keep trust and Saburi(patience) in Sai, He will definitely help you. All He needs is Saburi and devotion. Now I will be sharing my experience. This would be very small thing but for me it was very important.

Now the experience I have felt by the grace of Sai Baba. Actually my father has taken loan on my account and every month my account is debited by Rs. 12000. So one day because of my mistake money got spent by me and I was left with zero amounts in my bank. I was very worried, as my salary comes at starting date of month and my EMI cuts on 10th of every month. I was thinking and thinking asking Sai Baba what should I do? I spoke to our HR and our boss also regarding our salary but they told salary will be credited in 2nd week of the month. So I prayed Baba that please don’t make any EMI bounced. So somewhere I prayed Baba but I was not sure that salary would be credited or not before my EMI cuts. But I took help of one of my friend to credit some money in my account. As he did that but side by side I prayed to Baba that if my salary came before 10 I will post my experience and as our Sai doesn’t let His children down. He helped me and my salary was credited on time. As I had promised my Sai I have posted this experience.

The thing is we all have to trust in Baba He will fulfil your prayers and desires. Sai Baba I have one more wish and You know that. All the time I am requesting You for help to put my lover in my life and I want to marry him as this is very impossible wish but for you nothing is impossible. Sai Maa please create some situation that my lover comes to me and asks me. Still I want to get married to him, I am desperately waiting for this time from past 3 years. As he is very emotional and attached to his family and he also loves me more than his family. But because of family responsibilities and also as he is afraid of his mother whether she would accept his choice which is me, he is not preparing guts to speak to her. So my Sai please do something, as I want to get married with him. This is my life and death wish. Please help me Sai. Please wish for me Sai devotees. Sai Baba if my this wish will be fulfilled in 2017,I will post my experience on this blog and I will put on Your lotus feet 1000/-Rs as this is my way of thanking to my Dear Sai Baba. I know Sai Baba that You have planned something good for me. But as You said that whatever you have in your destiny no one can take it from you and if your Sai is with you, He will give you that also which is not in your destiny. So Baba You are the only one with whom I can share anything. I have no one with me, not even my parents and my lover. We have stopped talking to each other. I know if his love for me is real and not fake he will definitely come to me and ask for marriage. Please Sai Baba help me and please don’t separate me and my lover. I am waiting for Your blessings. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram…

Miracle In Getting A Job

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Vedamba from India says: I am an ardent devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba for more than 15 years. I am working in Central Govt. office and residing in New Delhi. He has always blessed me and solved all my problems whenever I was in great distress and blessed me with all happiness. Now I want to share something which is miraculous.

My daughter had applied for a nationalised bank and she got through all the exams but when the time came for verification of documents, the bank authorities raised some issues regarding educational qualifications of my daughter in spite of her having the required qualification. Both me and my daughter were very much worried thinking about that the Sai has helped her all through till getting qualified all the rounds but at last when the time came for verification of documents, the issues raised by the bank authorities was very much worrying. I and my daughter kept on praying Sai Baba for clearing all the hurdles. Though it took some time to get over all this, but at last Sai did a miracle and we got information that all the documents were complete and she got selected. I had total faith in Sai Baba that He will never leave us in trouble and fulfil our desire. I prayed Sai that I will visit Shirdi after my daughter got a good news for her employment and before a family function which was going to take place in January, 2017. We had booked for Shirdi for 12th of October, 2016 and I had complete faith that Sai Baba will listen to my prayer before we leave for Shirdi on 12th October. However, till 6th of October, nothing was heard from the bank people but I had complete faith on Sai Baba that some miracle will happen and the miracle happened. On 7th October, my daughter called me up on phone that she got selected to the bank. It came like a pleasant surprise and I thanked Sai Baba endlessly and visited nearby Sai Baba temple the very moment. I prayed Sai Baba that He should always hold my hands throughout and keep blessing me always.

Sai Always Takes Care Of Our Problems

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Vani from Spore says: I am an ardent devotee of Sai Appa since Feb 2015. Thank you admin for such a wonderful platform. May Sai bless each and every Sai devotee. My day ends with reading the devotees’ experience. I never miss a day. I feel very happy and always look forward to read the experiences every day. Every day or even several times a day, I chant Om Sai Ram. It gives me relief from my stressful life. Whenever I face any problem Sai Appa is always there guarding me.

Coming to my experience few weeks ago during a routine mammogram a lump was detected and I had to go through biopsy. With the grace of Baba it turned out to be benign. I was really relieved to know the results were negative as Sai is always there to take care of His children. My second experience was my mum had to go to emergency twice due to chest discomfort. My mum has got many chronic health problems and I was really worried for her. Again with Sai’s blessings my mum’s blood test results, all turned out to be normal. My third experience is about my son who was suddenly infected with stomach flu which caused him to become so weak due to continuous diarrhoea and vomiting. I placed Sai Sarithiram book under his pillow and applied Udi on his forehead. My son got better the next day. Sai is a miracle God. Sai Appa is always there for us. Sai Appa always takes care of our problems. Thank you devotees for reading all my experiences. Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Warned About My Husband’s Health

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am a home maker living in Surat. Sai Baba blessed me to be His devotee for the past five years. I surrendered at His holy feet at a critical time in my life. With Sai Baba’s blessings, I came out of the problems and Baba blessed me with a solution which was appropriate.

We recently moved to Surat. At the time of shifting, I was packing Sai Baba’s Murthi in Pooja room. Accidentally, the Murthi slipped from my hand and Baba’s Head got detached from the body. I was worried a lot at that time and somehow got consoled that Baba will take care of everything. After one month shifting to Surat, My husband became sick and was diagnosed with brain hemorrhage. I and my family were traumatized. We didn’t know what to do? And that time, it struck me that Baba gave me a warning by His broken statue. I surrendered to Baba to save my husband. I was begging to Baba to shower His mercy and bless me. With Baba’s blessings, my husband is out of danger. But, doctors say that still my husband is not recovered completely and anytime it may repeat. I believe that if Baba’s blessings are with me, my husband will have long life and miracles are possible with Baba’s mercy. Om Sai Ram

Baba My Guardian Angel

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from England says: I am a Sai devotee from the age of 17 years of age and am from England. Dear Hetalji, you are our present day’s Hemapant, giving hope to many. Not sure where to start, as there has been so many miracles in my life. I have always asked for things from Baba and sooner or later He has granted my wishes.

Twice He has spoken to me. First time it was to reassure me that ‘all would be well’ regarding an operation that I had because I was really scared. Second time it was to inform me of the fact that someone would have cancer but that ‘all would be well’ and it was. My nephew had cancer and it had spread but I was able to reassure my sister, his mum that he would be cured of this and medicinally, he was. The reassurance got them through this harrowing time. Baba does indeed work in mysterious ways. My mum had an operation and things were still not great but as soon as I gave her Baba’s blessed Udi, she started feeling better.

How lucky are we, not only to have a Guardian angel like Baba but to also know that we have Him. Love You my Baba. Please keep building our faith in You, that is our only salvation. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Om Sai ram to all!
    To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
    1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
    2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
    3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
    4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
    5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
    6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
    7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
    8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
    Thank you!
    Om Jai Sai ram blessings!

  2. Dear devotee 2, I am also in the same phase of love problem as yours. I will pray that Sai Maa bless you with your love. From one year I am waiting for my love but till now nothing happened. Till now I didn't even get positive sign. Frankly speaking day by day I am loosing hopes and faith. In my case the caste problem arrived. Because of intercaste my boyfriend's family did not agree. My parents agreed with this proposal. Nw from One year my boy and me are not in contact. Every morning I wake up with a hope that today he will come back but go to sleep with disappointment. Hope Sai Maa understand the pain what I am going through and bless me also with my love.
    Om Sai Ram

    • Dear devotee we can only think i lov him..and i want to mary him..but saima can think much beyond this…just pray like that if u want saima then only we mary…and do some pooja…what will happen after pooja is..may u get or dont get ur parner u now want but u ll not be sad anymore..saima ll make u realize the truth..if he is right choice for u then ma ll surely give u..what if not?ma doesnt want her child to suffer..dont be sad please..u know saima..u r vvv leave on happy…om sai ram


  4. Om Sai Ram. Dear devotee no.5. I also faced similar situation. Once I visited shirdi & I purchased a good marble statue & getting priest wishes safely brought and installed in pooja room. After few days my wife, while cleaning pooja room, the left hand & left foot broken. I did not know what to do. I kept it in showcase. In the next visit to shirdi I brought a Photo and we are doing pooja. But, till this day I don’t know what to do with the statue. Please, the readers can guide. Till this day I am facing shaky writing and skin problem both in hand and foot.

    • Om Sai Ram devotee .. nearly 10-11 yrs before our beautiful Ganpati statue had broken by mistake and an old lady said k in temples we don't do pooja of broken idols because unki sthapana hoti hai but at home temple we clean the temple by removing the idols and after cleaning them we place them back, so we can fix them. so we used d quick fix and fixed d statue and now daily we burn agarbatti n do pooja so i think you should use quick fix and fix d statue .. may BABA bless us all n forgive our mistakes .. OM SAI RAM

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