Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Baba’s Grace In My Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am living in USA since 2010 since then I developed devotion towards Baba a lot, before I always prayed Baba but Since 2010 I experienced Baba many ways in many aspects. Om Sri Sai . Bow to the divine Sri Sai. Best wishes to all. Firstly I would like to thank Hetal ji for connecting Sai family together. It’s a very noble job to maintain this platform. First of all I would like to share my three experiences among many. During summer, my son was going to summer playground where he spent most of the time playing outside not bothering scotching heat. At the end of summer we observed brown spots on his legs and foot I got very scared and started searching Google while praying Baba, as I should not come across stuff which makes me sweat on the spot but the matter written in Google was so terrifying as I closed it immediately and started praying Baba that I am very scared to go to doctor and should be cured only by Your Udi. I prayed to Baba and moved on with my worldly activities but applied Udi five days on his legs daily. The spots slowly got vanished day after day. My joy knew no bounds each and every time I experience Baba’s miracles.

My second experience it’s about me. I am suffering from infection (Don’t want to mention details) since six years, had seen different doctors many times tried medicine for one and half year long, the medicine was prescribed for one year. As I was very scared to go to doctors because of tests, I took medicine for more than six months on my own. As it was high dose antibiotic it shouldn’t be taken for long period. I kept praying Baba and started reading Sai Satcharitra daily to cure my infection without seeing doctors. One day I asked Baba in question and answer about my infection and Baba replied “Do not decide on your own. People will discuss about you. Have faith in Sai Samarth”. I got similar kind of one more reply asking me to not to take decision on my own. Here Baba was asking me to stop medicine and trust Him. Suddenly I thought of switching to homeopathy and at the same time my parents had planned to travel to my place. I asked my father to speak to doctor and show my reports as well request him to speak to me over phone, the doctor had sent pills with my father and each time Baba delivered my pills somehow from India. I am feeling really well now. Baba has helped me a lot many many times, at Your Holy Feet Sai. Thanks a ton.

My third experience is about my parents coming to USA. My parents wanted to visit USA as my mom is very much attached to my kids and stay with us for some time, back in India she was not feeling well mentally due to some personal problems so she wanted to change the place for a while keeping this in mind she started reading Satcharitra and did Parayanam, soon after some days we got her passport visa done and now the deal was about flight as well insurance. This was a big deal for us. I prayed Baba somehow get my parents flight tickets booked at low prices. It was peak time the flight charges was too high I was trying with different dates and was also looking for short travel time as my parents cannot sit for long. I tried two weeks searching for flights suiting our needs. Finally one morning I sat with lot of hopes praying Baba please do get the tickets booked. And look I tried with Baba’s number i.e. 9, yes return ticket I booked on 9th I got the best deal with short and comfortable travel time. Regarding insurance it was another big deal for me. I asked Baba in chits should I take or not Baba’s reply was no. And really my parents were here for 5 months never they felt the need of doctor in between they had small problems but was managed by the medicine brought from India. (Note-Both my mom and dad are on daily medications) Thanks to Sri Sai who helps us at every moment. Want to share many but will share next time. Bow to Shree Sai, at His Lotus feet. Om Sai Ram.

My Son Got Cured From Sickness

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from Malaysia says: I got attached to Lord Sai Baba this year only. I attached to my Appa Sai, when once i read an article in newspaper. I read about one young boy, who met with an accident and was hopeless. His friend’s mother prayed for him and gave Him Udi. She asked her mother to apply on his forehead and to chant Sai Ram. That night, the boy’s mother was not sure whether she was awake or dreaming that Sai Appa came and touch his son’s body and blessed him. After that Sai Appa disappeared. The next day, doctor said that the boy is fine now. From that day, i started to pray Sai Appa. Now i will tell about myself. I live with my in-laws. They did not believe in Sai Appa. So i don’t have any Photo or Idol to pray. I just think Sai Appa in my mind and heart. Sometimes, i go to visit Sai centre on Thursday. I pray very quickly, even Pujari ji also asked sometimes that why in so much hurry. Baba knows my situation. I am scared if my In-laws don’t like it if i pray to my Appa.

My experience is, during September Holiday 2015, my son got fever. The fever was very high. We consulted doctor and took test, doctor said my son got TB. When i heard about it, i was very shocked, sad and crying. That time, i prayed to my God Mariamma and our Appa Sai. After that, i felt my life as empty and felt zero. My husband was also very very sad. My husband is working in different place and my son and i stay with my in- laws. They very good people too. My husband came back once a week. So i was very very sad and prayed to my Appa Sai and Mariamma that please cure my son. My son was in hospital for one week. Doctors gave him very high dose of antibiotic, he kept on coughing. My son’s age is 9 years old. Then i really pray to Sai Appa and Amma. After one week, they do few test on my son and we were waiting for the result. With anxiously, i prayed to God that please let the result to be negative Otherwise his future will be spoiled. I cannot imagine that if the school came to know about it, he will be isolated or his friends will scare to mingle with him. When thinking about it all, i was really very sad and hopeless.

Finally when the result came, i get good news that it not a TB. I was really relieved but he got lung infection. Still until now, he is coughing a bit and sensitive to air conditioner and fruits. Actually, he loves to eat fruits. I pray to Sai Appa that please cure him fully. As a thank to our Appa Sai, i donate food that day in Baba centre. I really wish Appa will be always with us and bless our family. I am really waiting and pray to Sai Appa and Amma Mariamma that please get my husband permanent job like office work so he does not need to transfer to many places. After marriage of 10 years, i only live together with him for 2 years. After that every two years, he is on transfer. I wish to Sai Appa and Amma that fulfil my wish. When i stay with my hubby only then i can feel my real life. My son is also missing him a lot. Please Sai Appa and Amma, bless us. Love You so much.

Sai Baba Saved Us

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I have always worshipped Baba like any other God but came suddenly close to Him in 2013. I had some problems in my life and Baba took care of them. I can really never thank Baba enough. He is a father to us all, looking upon us. There have been many miracles in my life by the Grace of Baba, which i always realized later. My brother was going through a divorce process. My whole family was tensed. I used to pray to Baba to help us in that hour of need. One day I dreamt that there is an old man dressed in white, sitting in our home. I then thought that probably that was my grandfather who had passed away long back. He seemed to be saying that everything would me alright. Few months later, my brother’s divorce process was completed peacefully. That dream with the old man is still very clear in my mind. But now that I think of it, I realize that the old man did not look like my grandfather, rather he looked like Sai Baba. Baba came in my dream and assured me that everything was going to be fine.

Another miracle, that happened today and because of which I am posting this experience, is something that saved our lives. Few days back, while praying to Baba, all of a sudden I had a vision. I saw there is fire everywhere. It was the dance of red, yellow flames and dark shadows. And then I saw Baba sitting calmly in front of the fire. I was worried since then. I knew Baba had pointed about something ominous to happen. I quietly prayed Baba to protect us from whatever would happen. Today, the Saptami of Sharadiya Navratri, I prayed as usual and went about my daily chores. Some three hours later, some people from the management office in our apartment complex, came barging in our house on their own. They ran upstairs, crying fire, with a fire hydrant. I was stunned!! Fire?? In my house?? I couldn’t believe it. I am always careful with Dias and candles and Agarbhatti and with almost everything. My Pooja was on fire. Lord Ram’s photo and Ma Durga’s photo were half burnt. The clothes and the plastic rack on which I had kept my Pooja, were burnt. Some other things had also caught fire. Fire could have spread and swallowed our whole house, had the management guy not seen the smoke coming out of our window. Baba saved us because He was overlooking us. He made sure the fire was put off before we were harmed. I just don’t have enough words to explain my feelings towards Baba. I sometimes used to wonder how come miracles like Baba wearing the same colour as I wish or Baba coming to bless me and my family on certain occasions (As many other devotees post) don’t happen with me. But now I realize, Baba is always with me. He lives in my house. He doesn’t need to come from outside and show me some miracle to convince me of His blessings on me. I love You Baba. Let me be Your devotee till the end of time. Bless us all. Thank You Baba.

Baba’s Birthday Gift To Me

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Jai Sai Ram to all devotees. I want to thank the people who are maintaining this blog. I wish to share experience of my last visit to Shirdi. My birthday falls on 1 May. One fine morning in March, 2015 soon after I got up, a thought flashed through my mind that this year I should celebrate my Birthday with our beloved Sai Baba at Shirdi. Few days passed and suddenly I developed an urge to book tickets. Since due to some constraints, the family could not travel with me, I decided to book tickets for myself. I got confirmed tickets from Dehradun to Delhi and back but the tickets from Delhi to Manmad (Shirdi) were either waitlisted or RAC (Reservation Against Cancellation). By Baba’s Grace, I boarded the train from Dehradun on 30 April at 5 pm, the tickets from New Delhi to Manmad still being in RAC status but by the time I reached Delhi it was confirmed. Although the train was going up to Shirdi, I deliberately booked up to Manmad so that I could save time and reach Samadhi Mandir before Shej Aarti on 1-5-2015 before the Mandir closes. (It is pertinent to mention here that the train takes about 3 hours from Manmad to Shirdi due to operational reasons like change of direction of Engine etc whereas Taxi takes one and a half hours).

The train reached Manmad at about 7 pm and By Baba’s grace, I was able to take His Darshan on my Birthday. What more could have I asked for. My co-passengers in train who travelled up to Shirdi met me in the restaurant. They could not take Baba’s Darshan on that day. Next Day on 2nd May, 2015, I again visited Samadhi Mandir. I was in the 2nd row from left from where you have to take Darshan and leave from the centre just opposite Baba’s Samadhi. Dear Sai devotees, I spent full 35 minutes in that area! Whenever some guard asked me to leave, I would change my position and move slightly backwards. I felt as if I had become invisible for the guards. When I spent 20 minutes there, I told myself that If I get to spend 10 more minutes, I will write/share my experience with devotees. To my surprise, I could spend 15 more minutes there and during my stay nobody asked me to leave emphatically. That was the best birthday gift of my life. I sought permission from Baba and left His Samadhi Mandir. My return ticket which was waitlisted also got confirmed and I got connecting trains to Dehradun/Manmad despite wafer thin margins on both sides. I pray to Baba that He keeps blessing us like this, time and again. Jai Sai Ram.

Grace Of Shirdi Sainath

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I have tried getting a job for 5 years. I use to get the opportunities but the final result will be a failure all the times. In this 5 years, I lost everything. Finally, I get to know about the Miracles of Sai Baba and started praying Him. Of course, He has tested me for few months. But I went to Shirdi and had Darshan of great Sai Baba and prayed for the job and I asked Baba to give me the job by the end of the month at any cost because that was my life and death time. I just believed Him and started preparation. Fortunately, I got an opportunity and I got the job with a good package and that too on the last day of the month. This proves how graceful He is and how responsible He is towards His devotees. I don’t know how can I explain this but really, I am very very glad. I will always be at feet of Sai Baba. Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Jai Sai Ram.

Blessed With Job

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Brother Manjunath from India says: Hi All, I am blessed with New Job by the Grace of Sai Baba. Thank you Lord Sai Baba. I have lot of health problems I believe Baba will heal me as well from all these problems. Please pray for me to get rid of health problems. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Prayer for Today: Baba Please Solve Our Problems – Anonymous Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Sai birthday also falls on same day.. please direct me baba.. I am really done baba.. please baba

  2. Thank you Baba. You showed me yet another miracle of your Udi prasad i received. My parents health was major concern. As per Your instruction i gave them the Udi and today it showed in the blood tests. Thank You Baba, for blessing me again. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai

    • "it showed in the blood test" … what do u mean can you please explain … did UDI showed in the blood test or were the reports normal ,….???

    • No dear devotee. Udi's miracle showed in the blood test. He is Diabetic and the sugar levels, till now have been fluctuating. He has heart problems too. But after a long time the tests showed the levels coming down, and my father himself says he feels calm and not stressed as before. My father doesnt believe in God / Guru in form. He believes in a Supreme power though never prays. So, with Babas, permission i had to give Udi without my father's knowledge. It worked!!

  3. Om Sai Ram, Babaji kindly help my client to get his passport and India Visa by today. Im very scared and tensed. By your grace if he gets passport and India visas today, i will start nav vrat sai puja by coming thursday… Om sai baba…Jai Sai Ram

  4. I love you Saima, life is very confusing at the moment and it feels as though everything is at stake and there is so much that has gone wrong but thank you for being my support system through all of this. I truly believe that u will never let anything bad happen in the long run even though right now life seems to be an amalgamation of errors and mistakes. Baba please it is our great good fortune that we came into ur fold, please never leave us. I love you Baba, aap ho toh hum hain. Om Sai Ram.

  5. OM SAI MEHMA MEHMA .. DEVA jaha umeed ki kiran dikhte hai hum sochte hai ab kaam ho jayega par Prabhu kuch nahi ho raha .. BABA pls help n bless her .. OM SAI RAM

  6. Baba,Thank you very much for being with us in all walks of our life,Thank you for everything Baba,Bless all your devotees Baba,Om Sai Ram…………………………

  7. Happy Baba's Day to all Devotees.

    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  8. BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please be wit me.SAI BABA please bless me.OM SAI RAM

  9. OM Sri SaiRam

    Please baba, good tenent should come for my front house by this week baba.

    OM Sri SaiRam

  10. Baba pls save us from this difficult is getting hard and hard.pls u always saves your childrens..pls come and save have to bless us baba…jai sai ram

  11. thank you for amazing quotes daily today i was asking baba you love me na baba and see soon i open this site and saw that it is written you are precious and i love you 🙂 i blushed (f)

  12. Baba today is my birthday baba please bless me .Show me your presence in my life I am very tensed help me baba.I really loose my confidence. Please answer for my prayer

    • Dear Baba pls give comfort to your child and calm their troubled mind. Have a peaceful belated birthday dear devotee. Om Sai Ram

  13. Jai sai ram….. Sai baba still alive wow what a blessed book… By baba's grace I got in my mother tongue version. Oh my god jaya sister u r so blessed by our sai ma… I literally cried reading his miracle wid joy n madness… Baba I love you so much please be with me always… All Sai devotees must read dis book at least once for a while

  14. Om Sai Ram. Please take care of my son Vihaan Sai baba…Thank you so much for blessing me with a son baba…

  15. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂

  16. Om Sri Sairam,
    Thank you Baba for always guiding us, guarding us, protecting us and helping us. I had back pain few days ago and I applied Baba's udi within next day the pain was gone. I had relief from the back pain. Baba's udi is really miraculous udi. Baba please bless us with health, happiness, and long life. Baba please take care of everything and always be with us. Thank you Baba for everything that you do for us. Baba Koti Koti Pranams at you Lotus feet. Pleae forgive us for all the sins and mistakes we may have done knowingly or unknowingly. Baba please bless us all and always be with us keeping us at your holy feet. We bow to you most humbly at your lotus feet.
    Jai Sairam
    Bolo Sri Satchitanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!!

  17. O Deva, as I undertake this vow, please be with me and let me assimilate Your teachings and help spread them, by Your Grace 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  18. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

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