Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Baba Reinstructed My Belief In God

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from UAE says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba, believe He always shows us the right way. I work with MNC in Dubai. I fast every Thursday and try to help poor and needy in some way or other. Sai Baba’s Miracles are not hidden to anyone. Writing anything on His divine powers or stories of fulfilment of devotee’s wishes isn’t anything new. But still I wanted to contribute my knowledge and share of experience of how I was showered by Lord’s blessings. I wasn’t a religious person despite being brought up in an orthodox religious family. I followed the daily rituals of a Hindu household but without putting much thought into the ideas of divinity/charity. Neither was I an atheist but blindly followed rituals taught to me by my Grandmother and Mother but all seemed without a purpose. Although I believed my Father’s saying that “There is a Supreme force behind, around and inside everything which is enabling the happenings around us, the force is prayed, worshipped in various ways and forms, sometimes without form. Unknowingly I was always in search of the form which I finally found in Sai Baba. It is my firm belief that whoever is struggling to find goal of his/her existence can find peace under Sai Baba’s blessings. I still have long way to go but I am sure Baba will show me correct path always as He has done in the past. I am and will always be indebted to the Lord. Not only I was saved numerous number of times from many mishaps but also Sai Baba has saved me from making bad decisions, have always guided me to make right goals and reach for it. Whenever I wanted to achieve anything (the right goals) in life, I took Sai Baba’s Name and Lord made it possible. There are quite a few instances which I would like to share with all.

Sai Baba showered His blessings and reinforced my belief in the supreme God. Being a fresh Masters graduate in Dubai during 2011 was a difficult situation to be in, especially because it had declared Bankruptcy. People were losing jobs, no one was ready to hire fresh graduates. Profiles offered were not up to the mark of the qualification. After finishing my summer training at a Bank, I was working part time in a CA firm. The work was not interesting and mostly repetitive in nature with no learning happening at the work place. Two of my colleagues were very supportive, they were newly married women of around 30. They regularly performed fast, worshiped and visited Sai Baba’s Temple every Thursday. Their talks one day intrigued me to join their discussion and I pursued them to say all about Sai Baba and rituals surrounding the Thursday fast.

I was quite frustrated with my current situation surrounding my work place. I lacked mental peace so I decided I will start fasting from the coming Thursday and visit Sai Baba’s Temple. It may be a Miracle or coincidence, I do not know but I received an interview call, the very same day I decided to keep fast, from a big company for the coming Thursday, The day I was supposed to start my fast for 9 weeks. The interview went okay, but my confidence was not very high to expect good returns at that point of time, all I had was deep faith for Sai Baba. Same day I went to Temple, followed all procedures for the fast. And finally I got the job, all thanks to Sai Baba. It’s been 3.5 years now and he has always showered numerous blessing every time.

There came a time when I and my family went through lot of pressure and dilemma related to my marriage. My parents and I were under lot of tension. That time also I and my father prayed to Sai Baba to show us the right way. By grace of Lord all worked out quite well, I met someone with my parent’s consent, we both seemed compatible with each other and our families liked each other. I cannot thank Sai Baba enough for all these positive events and showing me light during the hard times and providing me patience and help to reach the goal. My husband by Sai Baba’s Grace was very supportive for my career. He was ready to relocate to Dubai for me, despite being working in a leading MNC in India. I was also looking for better opportunities in Dubai. It so happened that by Sai Baba’s grace and blessing, I and my husband started getting interview calls. I was eventually selected my MNC. In my husband’s case, he had been trying since a year before our marriage but always something got close and did not materialize, due to which he was also getting frustrated. But recently my husband awaits the final round result, though the company had selected another candidate, but within 2-3 weeks my husband was selected for the final round again as the other candidate did not accept the offer. I have full faith on Sai Baba that He will fulfil all the wishes of His devotees. Jai Sai Ram Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Para Brahma, Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai, Sri Sai Nath Parnavastu Shubham Bhavatu, May Sai Baba Bless All.

Baba Blessed My Husband

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, These 3 are the magical words which bought a lot of happiness in my world. I would like to thank the entire team working on this website by helping us read and share the experiences. The fact that i am posting here are not just my experiences but my feelings, trust, love and belief I have in Sai Baba. I can’t express what actually i am feeling right now while posting this, it’s a kind of happiness I am feeling in sharing my relation with Baba from so many years. Sai is the first and only God I know from since I got the knowledge of God. By Baba’s Grace, my husband got job before completion of his M.Sc. in IT industry in a very big company. People who are working in IT industry going for onsite(s) is very common in their career But my husband having 12 years of experience, Till now he doesn’t get any onsite. It surprises to everyone in our relations and family members. I have seen so many people who are having experience of 2/3/5 going to onsite. Even in my relatives everybody are travelling abroad and they were asking to my husband ‘Why till now you didn’t get’. My hubby is totally different character. He has faith in God and pray to God but explicitly he will never ask anything. I also told him many times but he didn’t listen me and telling ‘God Knows Everything When To Give And Whom To Give And What To Give’, this philosophy he had and like this days are passing.

One day, I come to know about this blog. At that time I prayed Baba regarding this. Then it started showering Sai Blessings on him. Last year his H1B picked in the lottery but VISA got only for a year and didn’t get project till 6 months. BY Baba’s Grace, Finally he got project at the end of February 2015 and he travelled to USA. I request all the devotees to have complete faith and trust in Sai Baba and surrender to Him. My heart and Mind Feels about Baba Whenever I feel low. I am asking Baba Something, I know Baba You will give me, I left everything on You, Please Baba guide me and take me to the correct path, Please Baba Never ever Leave my hand. Baba I want to be with You always. Never separate me from Your Lotus Feet. I want to tell all devotees that have faith and patience, some time you will feel that Baba is not listening to you but you never know when He will surprise you and will give you more than you ask for. Just have faith in Him, whatever situation you are in, you don’t lose hope in Him. He is always with us in our good and bad days. He always cares for us but we people can’t see Him and always blame Him for our bad situation. But our mercy mother never leaves our hand and always cares for us and never leaves us. Forgive us Sai Baba for our mistakes. Always let our head lies at Your Louts Feet. Bless all the devotee and people in this world. Make Our Faith More & More Strong In Coming Days. Thank You Baba for accepting me as Your kid, Love You so much Baba for Your endless blessings. I will always try my best to pray You and serve You till the end of my life. Om Sai Ram. Bolo Shri Sachidanand Sat Guru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.

My Baba Gave My Settlement

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee for the past two years. My Baba did many Miracles in my life. This experience is about my past company settlement. I worked in a very big MNC company. Due to some problem, i resigned my job. I finished my notice period on 20 January 2015. My company told me that i will get the settlement in February but i didn’t get. When i called them they always used to say that by the end of this month or in the middle of next month. Many times, i cried in front of Baba. Then i kept 9 weeks fasting. I completed and after my completion also, i didn’t get. Then my ASM told me that you can’t get it. I cried and worried and i was fed up. After that, i kept everything in Baba’s Feet that i have worked but my settlement is not coming so you have to give me my settlement. After that my ASM called me and said that your settlement will be given in a month. I didn’t believe his words but i trusted and i believed in Baba.

My aim was to visit Shirdi with that settlement amount. But in June month, my friend told me that i am going to Shirdi this month, i asked her about the details and i thought that i should go to Shirdi. My settlement comes or not, it doesn’t matter but I will get money from someone and will go to Shiridi. To my surprise, Baba arranged everything for me and my mom somehow arranged money. I did not have cash in hand for spending expenses in Shirdi. I believed in Baba and we started on 27 June 2015. We reached Shirdi on 28 June 2015 evening. We went to room, refreshed and we were ready to go to Shri Sai Baba Mandir but i was hesitating that i don’t have cash to put in Mandir. I just went to nearby ATM to check if any amount has been left. In ATM, i got tears in my eyes, to my surprise my settlement has been credited in my account. No words to explain Baba’s Miracle. I was scared of the expenses but Baba gave me full amount to spend. I visited five times in Baba’s Mandir in Shirdi on the two days trip. Me and my mom were fully blessed by Baba. I will go every year hereafter. Thank You Baba, thank You so much for Your Miracles. Please guide me and my mom in our life. Be with us in every step of our life. Please bless everyone who surrenders and having faith in You and pray You. Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Baba Blessings Are Always With Me

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Sister Nipa from USA says: Sai Ram to all. My sister believes in Sai Baba and she have family issues. So she came to stay with us and I started praying Sai Baba too. There is a Sai Temple nearby where I live and i started going there to pray to Baba. First time Baba blessed me, when i had a license renewal problem. Then i started doing Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat. Baba helped us in my father’s and brother’s court case problem. I was so worried about my brother’s marriage then I did 51 Sai Baba Guru Pooja and my brother found good wife because of Sai Baba blessings. There are so many small problems in my life, but Baba will help me to come out of that. A very big blessing happened last week, Swami Narayan Bapa came to my house but that time I saw Sai Baba in Him and next day because of Baba’s blessing, me and my husband got a big good news from our lawyer about approval of our immigration letter. I am very thankful to my Sai Baba. Always be with us Baba. We are so happy in family right now with Baba’s blessing. I love You Sai Baba. Jai Sai Ram.

Om Sai Ram-Ray Of Hope

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from UAE says: Om Sai Ram, I am a devotee of Sai Baba from India, currently in Dubai. I was introduced to Baba through my friend in college. When i was going through a tough phase in my career in getting my location preference, she advised me to observe the Sai Vrat. I started performing the Vrat and to my surprise, day before the 9th Thursday, i got my project in my preferred location. I was so happy and thanked Baba very much. Then after marriage, i moved to Dubai and was in need of a job very badly due to family situations. I prayed Baba and started again doing my Vrat and soon I got a job. I am very grateful to Baba for showering His blessings on me. Again when my husband was not well, I prayed to Baba to cure him and Baba heard my prayers and made him alright soon. Thank You Baba so much. I just pray to Him every moment now to bless me with a baby soon. Om Sai Shri Sai Jay Jay Sai, Om Sai Ram!

Prayer Request

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, Sai Baba, our family loves You from past one year. I am in depression. I am feeling that i can’t come out of that, because of my colleague is not talking to me. Please let him come back to me Baba. Help me to attain peace of mind. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. I love u Baba..nothing is hidden from u..u know what is best. I love u so much Saima..please u know every single yearning in my heart. Om Sai Ram.

  2. Dear lasr devotee baba bless all… He will solve your problem also.. Read sai satcharitra n listen baba songs it will keep your mind calm… Om sai ram

  3. last devotee, sai is with you and will pull you out of your depression. have faith.
    god bless!
    ananthakoti brahmandanayak rajadhiraja yogiraja parabrahma shri satchitananda sathguru sainath maharaj ki jai!

  4. Om sairam. Baba please bless me to love you more baba. Please dont leave me and keep me always in your lotus feet sairam.

  5. om shri sai nathaya namaha,om shri sainathaya namaha ,om shri sainathaya namaha, om shri sainathaya namaha,om shri sainathaya namaha,om shri sainathaya namaha, om shri sai nathayanamaha,om shri sai nathaya namaha.


    I need genuine work from home job..Can anyone pls help me to find one pls.Or if anybody is into business like online sales of a product, jewellery making,onlines textiles sales,can you pls employ me and allow me to work from home pls.With best wishes & regards…Kindly reply me to &


  8. After reading all these beautiful miracles and then reading the last devotee's miracles, I am reminded of a saying that had appeared here – "Don't tell God your problems, tell your problems that you have God" – This is a good example of what Faith is. It is hard to keep faith, but we are just humans who can try and pray that our Dear Sai gives us the strength till the time our time comes for Him to bring back happiness 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  9. My dear Saipa, Nice to read all the experiences of the day. I came in with tears now after reading the blog my heart is a little light. Pa you what my current problem and situation, please be with me, guide me and help me choose the right thing at the right time. Im losing hope day by day because of my age and surroundings, you are understanding my pain please put medicine to that father. Make me strong and positive. Never ever leave me pa please. Bless me with a decent and life im yearning for…Love you pa…takecare…

  10. Its been long, baba… I fasted, I went Shirdi, I did everything you told me to. Still I'm depressed. Bring him back baba.. Please.. Its really hard to be without him. I cry every night baba. I'm tired now. It hurts so much. Help me baba.. I'm losing hope. Please help.

  11. Baba please help me. I'm losing hope. I need some signs baba. Please.. I cry myself to sleep every night. I'm tired of this I cant handle this anymore. I want to give up baba. I'm running out of strength. I did everything you said with all my heart and will continue to do so…but wont you help me? I look up to u baba. Please guide me…show me some light….. Restore the positivity in me..

  12. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be with us all

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