Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Baba Gave Me A Job On Time

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Hello everyone, Om Sai Ram. I am a girl currently working in USA as a software developer. I completed my Masters in December 2014 and the most important and difficult phase has started from then. Baba has been with me from my childhood. But only from the past 2 years, I have realized His presence in my life. In this post, I will narrate how Baba gave me a job and how He has been guiding me in every aspect of my life. During my Masters, Baba has taught me many important lessons. He has been with me in every second. He did not let me face any major difficulties and has given me everything on time. With His Grace, I have got almost full tuition waiver along with monthly stipend. I completed my Masters without any difficulties only with His Grace. I worked very hard in the last part of my MS and studied a lot so as to secure a full time job after MS. But circumstances were not as I thought after my MS.

In December and January, I was in lot of stress due to a personal problem and was not able to concentrate on studying for interviews and also did not apply for jobs. I was crying day and night. At the same time, my OPT status was not changing in USCIS website though it was more than 3 months since I applied for OPT. I was worried a lot. But during all this time, my inner voice told me that Baba will make everything alright and to believe Him no matter what situation I am in. I asked Baba in the Question and Answers website as to why my OPT status is not changing and to please do something. I got the answer as “Think that everything is happening for a reason and keep faith”. I believed Him and got my card after 2 weeks in the last week of January. If my card had arrived earlier, my OPT start date would have been in the first week of January. But now it is in the last week of January as my card got delayed. OPT students will have 3 months to get a job to stay in US. So I had to get a job by the last week of April in order to maintain my status. I did not want to join a consultancy to start my payroll because I wanted to get a full time job. I did not apply for jobs properly in January and also did not care so much about getting a job due to my personal problem with my family. It was due to the stress that I was not able to concentrate. I realized that getting a job will sort out some things in my life and so I concentrated on applying for jobs in February. At the same time, I joined a consultancy as safe side so that if I don’t get a full time job, I will at least get a job through consultancy.

My online training started and as my marketing has not yet started, I was also applying for many full time jobs simultaneously without much success. February has passed and though I got interviews from 2 big companies, I was rejected later on. Every company I applied to had sent me a rejection. I lost hope and my confidence was also decreasing day by day as the companies were not even ready to interview me. I stopped applying for full time jobs in March thinking that I will not get a direct job and so I should start my marketing through consultancy. In the second week of March, I got an interview from a big company which I applied to sometime in February and cleared my first round. My second round was scheduled in April and even then I did not have any hope of clearing 2nd round and started praying to Baba to give me some job as soon as possible. I spoke to Baba in my mind almost all day. I also read Sat Charitra in seven days. It is only then Baba made me realize that I have to be strong and to believe Him. I came across a line in Sat Charitra which has given me all the strength and confidence that I needed. “Have faith and confidence in your Guru”. This Saburi will ferry you across the sea of mundane existence.” This line has changed my way of thinking. I started believing that Baba will make everything alright very soon and that He is not giving me a job because He thinks that I should learn so much more before I get a job so that I will perform well once I get a job. I believed this and studied hard day and night and I trusted that everything is happening for a reason.

In April first week, I applied for direct jobs again and heard back from a company on Tuesday, a phone interview was scheduled the very next day. I thought I did not do so well in the phone interview, but that company liked me and called me for a face to face interview in the following week. I kept on asking Baba in my mind if everything will be alright. I used to get positive vibes. I went to the Face to Face interview on Wednesday and did very well. I got an offer on the very next day which was Thursday. I was so happy and thanked Baba so much from the bottom of my heart. It is only because of Baba that I survived 4 months of joblessness which was very difficult and important phase in my life, because I learnt many things in this phase. He has guided me each and every second and is guiding me now also. Finally, I secured a full time job and my joining date was exactly on the last day of the 3 month OPT unemployment period during which I have to secure a job to maintain my status. If my OPT card had arrived earlier in January, I would have had to start my payroll through consultancy which I did not like to. So, Baba delayed my OPT start date accordingly. He knows what we like and the perfect time to give us what we wished for. Only because of the training that I received through consultancy and my study during that period, my knowledge has increased to a great extent which is now helping me in my job. I also cleared the 2nd round of interview of the other job and received an offer. I realized that Baba only wants us to trust Him and to keep faith on Him continuously. Everything in life will happen according to our wish if we believe Him. Trust your Guru. He will hold your hand and will make you cross all the difficult phases. Believe in yourself and believe Him. Om Sai Ram

Give My Wife Back Sai Ram

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am from South India and married since September 2011. I have a wife with a golden heart who means this world to me. She was very loving and caring and took care of me like a king. I was not responsive to all of it and spent my time going behind earning money for our future and spending less time with her. I was also very possessive about her and showed my insecurity so many times. My wife stopped talking to me properly from December 2014 and left me and went in February 2015. I miss her a lot. I was not inclined towards spiritual activities and after she left, i started going towards Sai Ram. I listen to the Aarti almost every day. I went to Shirdi in April for 3 days and did lot of Darshan. I keep asking Sai Ram questions in and He gives me the correct answer always. My wife threatened me with divorce and now she is not talking about it. Though we are separated, i am sure Sai Ram will show His miracle and bring us together soon. I completely surrender to You Sai as a changed man and I promise to take best care of her. Please give her back in my life. I want to show love and give myself to her. Sai Ram never takes and only gives. I am waiting with Shradda and Saburi and have complete faith in You Sai Ram. Thanks for being there with me.

Baba Blessed My Son

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear Baba, please accept my apologies for the delay in writing this post. This is my first post. I feel blessed to share my experiences. I am Baba devotee from my childhood. I used to go to Temple and pray. But from last few years, I became a great devotee of Sai Baba and have experienced many Miracles. My son had completed his B.E from India and wanted to do his master degree from foreign. So he did all preparations very well like entrance exams, admission process. He got admission in one college. Now it was financial matter. As we are from middle class family, we had to depend on bank for loan. We faced many problems. I use to go to Baba’s Temple and plead Baba to help us. With Baba’s blessing, we overcame through all these problems. Then my son left for abroad. On reaching there, he wanted part time job to meet his expenses and he got one. I pray Baba to help my son always. I did Nav Guruvar Pooja, did Sai Satcharitra Parayan, go to Sai Baba Temple on every Thursday. Baba helped my son to get summer internship and he got one and now he has got permanent posting also. Om Sai Baba. Baba please keep Your blessing hand on us.

Save Me Sai Baba, Mercy On Me Please

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am not a devotee of Sai Baba but from past year 2014, i took refuge in His Lotus Feet due to several diseases. Due to all past bad karmas, i have not got any good job from past 5 years, now i am suffering from depression since February 2014 till now, my life has become like hell, everyday i struggle with my life either it is day or night and more than 1 year i have been visited many doctors but no relief neither any stability in my daily living life. Every day, i take medicine with Udi upon which i am living. Sometimes, i cry a lot from within or in Temple to beg mercy but He is still silent even though i asked Him to give me death or cure me in front of Sai Baba. Today, i have completed Sai Satcharitra but still seeking for His Mercy on me. Please give my life back Sai Baba, i want to live Sai Baba, have mercy on me. He is always with me in any situations and guiding from 2 years since i took refuge in His Lotus Feet. I am waiting for His mercy as He has saved many devotees with His Grace and cured many people from incurable disease.

Baba, The Greatest Doctor

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. I have been Baba’s devotee for many years now and my Baba has always helped me. He is my Everything, my Best Friend, Mother, Father and Life support. Baba has always helped me. This is my 3rd experience on this blog. I have a female problem from many years. I have been to so many doctors and had numerous tests done but the doctors could not find a reason for my problem. Here in USA going to doctors is very expensive. My insurance was cancelled because I am working now. I prayed to Baba to cure my disease the way He use to cure His devotees when He was in Shirdi. I also took Baba’s Udi every day morning and night. My Baba did a Miracle and past few days, I do not have any symptoms of the disease. What a Miracle for me, when no doctor could cure me, Please trust Baba fully, He is the greatest doctor and He loves all His children. No matter what the problem is Baba can change impossible to possible. I love You Baba, please never leave me.

Baba Accepted Our House Warming Ceremony Invitation

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Samarth. I would like to share one of my experiences with all the fellow Sai devotees. We bought a new home in December last year and the house warming ceremony was planned on 30 January. We invited all our friends and relatives to the ceremony. I humbly invited Sai Baba too for our house warming ceremony. Everyone came to the function and I forgot about the invitation to Sai on the ceremonial day. But in the afternoon, my father-in-law’s friend gave us a gift which is a big Photo wrapped in news paper. I didn’t know which photo was that and when they opened it, I was really amazed to see the Sai Baba in the Photo and I got tears in my eyes immediately and I really felt blessed to see Sai Baba accepting my invitation and visiting us in the form of a Photo. Thank You Baba! Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Samarth.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. This is for "Give My Wife Back Sai Ram" devotee.

    Dear Young couples, hope you & wife must be good couples. It is matter of maturity and balancing act in married life. Nothing is wrong from both of you.

    Consult with any good aged couples who lead a good family life. Sairam will show the way to overcome this situation. both(you & wife) need counselling confidentially. dont go to doctor or unknown person and disclose your personal.

    Sairam will solve these in fatherly way. Trust him.


  2. om sai rama…
    om sai rama…
    om sai rama…
    om sai rama…
    om sai rama…
    om sai rama…
    om sai rama…
    om sai rama…
    om sai rama…

  3. Wonderful experiences and some heartfelt appeals for mercy which, if not already, then very soon will turn to be wonderful experiences of love brought back by His Grace 🙂

    O Sai, Thank You for blessing us, Your children, with Your sweet sweet miracles 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  4. Dearest baba sai ,
    I bow my head on ur lotus feet … And apologise for my faults and mistakes .. I request you to cure me of the deceases from my body completely … Cure me heal me baba u r my last hope … You are seeing me suffering each day please dont let your child suffer baba…. Cure me baba … I will never ask u anything from my entire life just one wish and thats it … I believe you baba you are my last hope i place myself in your feet and its your time to take decision now .. Om shirdi vasaye vidhmaye schadanand aye dhe maahi ,tano sai prachodayat

    • Om sai ram… Baba will heal you pretty soon..keep the faith and drop the fear.May Sai Bless us all ….Om sai ram

  5. On Sai ram. Please give me concentration to study and bless me with good grade Baba. I don't want to postpone my exam. Devotees please pray for me and bless me. It's very important exam in my life. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram

  6. Baba thank you so so soo much!! I feel so blessed..u attended my convo on my behalf and today on a thursday i got to see my prize, a prize that i did not deserve to begin with but u made it possible. I will never understand why u chose to shower love in so much abundance on me…please just help me live up to being the devotee that u desire to bless. Sai Baba i love you so so much! U are everything to me, i know every single thing will fall into place as well..only shraddha and saburi and required. Om Sai Ram!

  7. Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
    BABAji! Please give me strength to face my life. Please let my focus always be on You and nothing else. Please bless me with Your divya darshan. Thank You so much for everything.
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

  8. Om Sai Ram…Please bless me and my husband with healthy and beautiful child BABA…Please be with me during delivery BABA…

  9. om sai raam

    Very nic experiences devotees..dear 4th devote..dont worry soon baba will bless you with good job..baba will take care have faith please

  10. Om sai ram sabka maliek ek jai sai ram baba g please be with me and show me right way baba g i want to be happy in full life with my husband

  11. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you so much for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all. Baba please bless me with a full time job. Love you so much Baba.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

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