Unbelievable Miracle Of Sai

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I started to pray Sai Ram since 2008 with my friends in Sai Baba Temple near my office. I go to Sai Ram temple every Thursday and pray to Him. I started to believe and go to His temple whenever I am depressed. I feel peaceful and free out of stress when I go and pray Him in Temple.

Once I changed my office. I did not have any Sai Ram Temple nearby. Hence i continued praying Him on daily basis in my heart and mind. I had to leave to another country officially for a month. Hence I wished to go to His temple to pray before I leave. I started at 6 pm and I had to start to airport at 9 pm. I took my vehicle when I was driving. I prayed Baba please bless me today with some Prasadam. I was praying this in mind until I reached the temple.

I went, reached and people were reciting Slokhas. I prayed and I was about to leave but still I did not get anything and was so depressed. I myself went and asked I am leaving today please can you give some flower from Baba. I got jasmine big one. But still I felt so depressed why Sai Ram did not bless me with Prasadam. With that worries in heart and mind I started to drive. On my way to home my grandma was coming from Pillaiyar Temple. I asked her where you are going. She said i prayed for you and did Pooja for your travel and going back home. I said ok sit and we both came home. My mind was full of sadness why Sai Ram did not give me Prasadam. I went into house. Grandma gave Kesari from banana leaf. I asked what special she said they had Baba Bhajans and prayer in Pillaiyar Temple. She said she has never seen praying Baba at that temple. I was so happy and had happy tears. I thanked Sai Ram. Unbelievable!

Father’s Health

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a working woman and a devotee of Baba since childhood. Sai Ram, In 2009 when i was studying in college all of a sudden my father had chest pain & within 2 days he was diagnosed with heart valve blockage & immediate bypass surgery was compulsory. It was a real shock for our family because my father was healthy till then & never in life he had any bad habits like smoking or drinking and he was a vegetarian since birth. We had to face the situation boldly & one of our aunt told us to tie 11 rupees in a yellow cloth & to take vow to Baba saying we would visit Shirdi at the earliest if my father’s operation went well. Within weeks time we were able to adjust the cash for operation & within ten days my dad’s operation got over & he started recovering. And as per the promise made we all travelled to Shirdi (within 6 months since operation) & had Baba’s Darshan without any hindrance. It was my first visit to Shirdi & i had tears in my eyes when i saw Baba & i was nearing to Baba’s Samadhi in Mandir, then Purohit there gave me a cover, but i denied saying it’s not mine. He told me to carry it. When i came out of Mandir & checked it there was a red cloth & sweets in it. I was really happy & felt blessed with it. I would have narrated the story in a plain way as i am not so good with words but the experience is beyond words. Baba please bless everyone & increase our faith in You. Sai Ram

Please Pray For Our Love

Sai Sister Bharathi from India says: Hi all, I am a software engineer by profession. I never knew Baba is God until few days back. Now I have started believing in Him. I have read few chapters of Sai Satcharitra. I am planning to start 9 Thursday Vrat also. Coming to my problem, I am in love with a guy. We both are settled well in our life. Only problem for our marriage is caste. We both are from different caste. His parents are dead against to our relationship. His mom has taken promise from him that he should not be in touch with me anymore. Presently he has asked me not to contact him for one year and show his mom that our love is true and it will not decrease with time. In the mean time I haven’t told any of these things for my parents. I am 100% sure they will not agree. Now they have started searching a guy for me. If I tell my parents about my love, they will hurry my marriage. I am drowning in tears every day. With all this depression, i can’t share my feelings with him since we are not in touch. He listens to his mom (I respect it). If his mom doesn’t agree even after a year, he has decided that we both shall commit suicide together like Ram-leela movie. I have no idea what is happening in my life. I know that I have no life without him. I have consulted few astrologers, many of them said this relationship will work out in future. Please pray for our marriage. I beg Baba to forgive any past karma and bless me with him.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Nice experiences. To the experience no3 dear sister let me tell you Baba never like those persons who run away from life , like committing suicide. Please be strong and face the reality of life. If you 'll read Shri Sad Charitra you 'll read how Baba saved his pupil to run away from suicide. He said that whatever you are doing but you have to bear all of your bad karmas here only. So no suicide at all. Please respect this life and Baba.

  2. Hello…I am planning on praying to BABA on all your behalf early morning.everyday…i have felt that lot of people have prayed for me and my family in the past and i want to take it forward.You can mail me @ gsashi39@gmail.com by just stating your name and I will pray for u and family.No need of stating your problems or reasons.Sorry BABA…for the delay in doing this.All Sai devotees please pray for my family too.We are in deep trouble.Holding on to our Deva..

    • om sai ram.
      i m facing so many problems in my life. past 2 year i m trying for job. i m giveing many bank exams. but bcz of 1 or 2 marks i m losing my good job. please pray for me. to get job.

  3. baba pls help to pass my exam,i will feel ashamed if i couldnot pass it.pls baba-i did well in the same time idid mistake also.pls i dont want to go for exam again .exam was conducted on thursday so i believe only u as my sole person to help me.i will try to reduce my mistake or will correct it in future.
    plsbaba dont leave me.pls baba……….my result will be next week all these days i have to suffer for my result.pls give me confidence to face these days …………….

  4. sairam dear 3rd devotee, life will not be ram-leela movie, i think the guy will go by his mother's words as his dialogs are too artificial, he is a movie buff and lives in virtual world i suppose, plz be practical, if a guy cant stand by you in this difficult time how can he stand on his words and even after marriage also? a guy or a gal must draw a line and must be able to maintain relations properly but should not get carried away by his /her parents /spouse words. You will surely get a good life partner, we think at that period that we cannot live with out them as the intensity of a pure love will be like that but baba knows what ,how when why to give. trust him fully, he will surely protect you and give you a good life. You will reliase my words when time comes, all the best, my dear sister.

  5. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram

  6. Dear fellow Sai devotees,

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.

    May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.

    Read SatCharitra online@


    Devotee – 3, sometimes when things don't work out our way, we feel pain; that doesn't mean you end your life. If you say you believe in Baba, such a thought should never come to your mind. Take a vow to Baba, do your 9 Thursday Vrat with all faith and patience; Baba will turn things around for the best for both of you……………..your thoughts should always be that I have left it to your hands Baba and now I am sure you will take care. …………………..faith and patience is the key …………..you have to do your bit first………………if you have faith, you will not be worried at any moment at all…………Baba takes care of everyone…..

    Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!

  7. First two experiences are wonderful, thanks for sharing with us. Dear third devotee, if you are Baba devotee then you will never talk about suicide because Baba is against to it. Baba knows who is best for you, so he will find a right person for you. You both love each other lot but who knows you will be happy with him in future or not, but Baba knows past present and future so just trust him and leave everything to time. Not all love marriages lead to happy life, every marriage has problems so please stop talking about suicide especially on this blog. God bless you.

  8. Wonderful experiences and prayers to the 3rd devotee, have faith in Him.

    O Sai, we surrender to Your lotus feet and Thank You from the bottom of our hearts for fulfilling our desires 🙂

    Jai Sairam

    (Contd. from May-June 2006)

    Sant Dnyaneshwar says -“One can light a second lamp with the help of the first lamp. The lamps may appear to be independent of each other, but the flames of both lamps are merged into one flame. One may look at sea and its tides as separate entities, but when looked at the water consisting them, they are one. Likewise, in Sakhya Bhakti God and His devotee are unified.”
    We experience the above saying of Sant Dnyaneshwar – on one hand – in Lord Krishna and Arjun and on the other hand in Sai Baba and Madhavrao.
    In his alliance with Lord Krishna, Arjun came so close to the Lord that he himself became the form of the Lord and they became Advait. Similarly, Baba gave the title ‘Shama’ to Madhavrao and thus, proved that the both were united.
    Every devotee wanted Baba to be with them; but Baba always told them, “Take my Shama with you”, “Let my Shama be near you and I am near you’’ or “Don’t worry when my Shama is with you’’. Baba said so to devotees, who came to Him with many requests – to accompany them on travels, visit their homes for meals, be with them in their times of difficulties….. so on.
    Bapusaheb Butti had heard Baba saying similar things about Shama and had also experienced this on several occasions. At the time, when Bapusaheb felt that his death was near him, Madhavrao was nearby. Butti saw Baba in Madhavrao and placed head on Madhavrao’s feet and asked for blessings.
    There were occasions, when Madhavrao and other devotees posed same question to Baba; but the answers that they received were different. To the confused devotee seeking clarification, Baba said, “The answer that I gave to Shama was proper”.
    Baba gave benefit of many meetings with saintly persons and visits to pilgrimages to Madhavrao. He also gave Shama the Vishva-roop Darshan and said that everything for Shama is unique.
    The God gives experience of Advait to His devotees and still appears in Dvait Roop. Because, only in Dvait Roop it is possible to enjoy the love of the God, and secondly, to whom can the Lord express his innermost feelings otherwise ?
    Day and night, whether in a sleeping or awake, Madhavrao was gripped by the devotion of Baba. His senses were pre-occupied with dedication to the Lord. We find proof of this in the Khaparde Diary.

    – Translated from original Marathi into English by Sudhir

  10. Om Sai Ram ..Dear Sai sister dont think anything like suicide…it doesnt end all your problems…please be with faith and patience…Baba is there with us so please dont worry…Good luck for your love…please be with patience…everything will be fine…

    Om Sai Ram

  11. Hi All,

    I'm from Hyderabad and I've been reading this blog for a couple of months now and have seen how miracles have happened in devotees' lives. I was wondering when I would witness one. It finally happened last week.

    I visited Shirdi on the 6th, which also happened to be the festival day of Karthika Pournami and a Thursday. The story of my visit on this auspicious day itself is a miracle since when I booked the train ticket, I was neither aware that the day of my visit would be Karthika Pournami, nor a Thursday. I just went ahead and booked it because I had a holiday that day.

    I took along with me my wife and son, father-in-law who is extremely weak due to diabetes and arthritis, and my mother-in-law, who too is quite aged, but somewhat healthier than my father-in-law. So burdened with women, a kid, and elderly, it was a daunting journey, but not for a moment I thought it would be tough.

    On the day of the darshan, we reached the gate at 1 PM as per the slot I booked online. Though it was extremely crowded on account of being a Thursday and Pournami, we finished darshan within 15 minutes by the grace and blessings of Baba; the darshan was so great that I didn't feel the need to have a second one. We spent two happy days at Shirdi and also visited Shani Shingnapur.

    While returning, we boarded the train on Friday night. One hour into the journey, the TTE came and asked for the tickets. I showed him my mobile. The TTE handed it back to me and asked me to check the date of journey. It came as a massive shock to me when I found that my journey was supposed to have been the following day (Saturday). I was completely blank and I didn't know what to do. My family had already occupied their seats and sleeping. I didn't want to wake them up and ask them to get down. But somehow, they did come to know that we weren't supposed to be on that train.

    I had only one option: to pray to Baba to show us a way out. I fervently prayed to him that we had come to see him so it was his responsibility to see us back home, even though it was an avoidable mistake had I been a little careful and alert.

    Around 30 minutes later, the TTE came and asked me to get off the train at the next station, stay there at a lodge that night, and board the train the next day. I requested him to somehow find some place for us. He then gave the berth meant for TTE to my father-in-law, and let my mother-in-law and wife occupy the berths that were already on. An hour or so later, he came back and allotted all of us berths in the next compartment.

    He also asked me to get down at the next station where the train had a long stop and get general tickets for all of us. He then wrote some minimum penalty so that if the next TTE came to check tickets again, there wouldn't be any problem. Finally, at around 1 am I went to bed, by which time all my family members had already made themselves comfortable.

    In conclusion, I want to say to everyone, have faith in Baba and pray sincerely. Faith can move mountains, and faith in Baba can move the planet. Sri Satchitanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!

  12. Hi Bharti,

    Deciding to committ suicide is not the solution, instead of it think to achieve your goal with full faith on SAIBABA and I am sure Baba will answer ur prayers .Raed Sai Satcharitra as many times as you can.

  13. First two experiences were faith boosters……
    Dear sai sister ( third devotee) pls dont think of dying when Baba is there, there is a solution to every problem time will answer pls hold on, Om Sai Ram !!!

  14. vistāraḥ sthāvaraḥsthāṇuḥ pramāṇaṁ bījamavyayam |
    arthōnarthō mahākōśō mahābhōgō mahādhanaḥ|| 46 ||

    426. Vistāraḥ: One in whom all the worlds have attained
    427. Sthāvaraḥ-sthāṇuḥ: One who is firmly established is Sthavara,
    and in whom long lasting entities like earth are established in
    Sthanu. The Lord is both these.
    428. Pramāṇaṁ: One who is of the nature of pure consciousness.
    429. Bījamavyayam: One who is the seed or cause of Samsara
    without Himself undergoing any change.
    430. Arthaḥ: One who is sought (Arthita) by all, as He is of the
    nature of bliss.
    431. Anarthaḥ: One who, being self-fulfilled, has no other Artha or
    end to seek.
    432. Mahākōśaḥ: One who has got as His covering the great Koshas
    like Annamaya, Pranamaya etc.
    433. Mahābhōgaḥ: One who has Bliss as the great source of
    434. Mahādhanaḥ: One who has got the whole universe as the
    wealth (Dhana) for His enjoyment.

  15. A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
    *****Malharrao Gaikwad*****
    Maharaj Malharrao Gaikwad of Baroda greatly desired for Sri Swami Samarth
    Maharaj to come and stay in Baroda. He believed that even if Sri Swamiji visited Baroda
    once, Baroda would be blessed and become a holy place with the touch of his lotus feet
    in that land. Therefore, he made announcement in front of the full house at his royal
    court, “Whoever brings Sri Swamiji to Baroda, that person would be allotted a big
    Jahagir and all expenses incurred in bringing Sri Swamiji would be borne by the state”.
    In his royal court there was one ambitious chieftain by the name of Tatyasaheb. He
    decided to accept the challenge. Maharaj Gaikwad became very happy and fulfilled all of
    Tatyasaheb’s requirements including servants, attendants, and money before sending
    him to Akkalkot.
    Once in Akkalkot, Tatyasaheb first took Sri Swamiji’s attendants into his
    confidence by giving them gifts and then brought up his subject with Sri Swamiji
    tactfully through these attendants. Sri Swamiji asked Tatyasaheb to offer meals to the
    Brahmins, sometimes distribute riches or clothing in charity. Tatyasaheb obeyed Sri
    Swamiji and spend sufficient money. He continued offering meals to the Brahmins.
    However, Sri Swamiji was himself very quiet and therefore, there was no progress in
    the matter.
    Tatyasaheb then decided to give it another chance. He found out that Sri
    Swamiji mostly listens to Cholappa. Therefore, he made an offer to Cholappa that if
    Cholappa were successful in making Sri Swamiji agree to come to Baroda, he would
    receive an award of a Jahagir193 worth ten thousand rupees. This surely tempted
    Cholappa and he waited for the right moment before finally speaking with Sri Swamiji.
    He said to Sri Swamiji, “Maharaj, if you agree to go to Baroda, I will be awarded a
    Jahagir, worth rupees ten thousand”. Sri Swamiji smiled and said, “I would have
    certainly gone to Baroda, but he does not have any devotional sentiments.”
    When Tatyasaheb learned about this, he started reading the Guru-Charitra
    thoroughly. When this did not give him much success, he plotted a plan with the help of
    attendants. He thought of a deceptive plan to take Sri Swamiji in a palanquin silently to
    Kadar station and then further take him in a train all of a sudden to Baroda. A special
    train was arranged for this journey of Sri Swamiji. Tatyasaheb was very happy for
    victory up to this point and he proceeded towards the station. With all the security
    arrangements, the palanquin reached the station. Tatyasaheb came forward to receive
    Sri Swamiji, but to his surprise the palanquin was empty and Sri Swamiji had
    disappeared. The entire plan had failed. Finally, Tatyasaheb realized that nobody could
    take advantage of Sri Swamiji using such petty tricks. He was totally disappointed and
    finally returned to Baroda.
    Later, Maharaj delegated this task to another chieftain, Yashwantrao. When
    Yashwantrao came to Akkalkot, Sri Swamiji spoke with full enthusiasm, “What is this?
    Put shackles”. Within two days, Yashwantrao received orders to return and a court case
    was started against him in Baroda. He was finally punished in a court case connected to
    feeding poison to someone. Sri Swamiji’s words about putting shackles on Yashwantrao
    eventually turned out to be true.

  16. Dear 3rd devotee, please don't commit suicide after 1 year. If you both love each other, wait until your parents agree. If they are not agreeing and if you both are in true love, there is nothing wrong in marrying to each other without their consent. But I am sure, if you wait with faith on Baba, Ultimately both parents will agree as anyone only want their children to be happy. You both are grown up, settled well..please take a wise decision. No one has the right to spoil anyone;s life even if they are parents. My suggestion is keep waiting until they agree to your marriage with each other. Baba will definitely help you, if its true love!

  17. This caste issuse is big problem everywhere.
    N I would say instead of commiting suicide you both get marry
    One day parents will accept.
    Parents cant bear the death of their childrens. So dont give them lifetime pain.
    Please speak to your lover about this. If he loves you truly he will get marry to you at any cost or else leave him and meditate on baba.

  18. Om sairam.thanks for whatever you have given me.I thank this blog very much which is very much responsible for increasing my faith on Saibaba.kindly guide me and my family.Presently give me peace of mind.My marriage is broken 4 months over but everyttime any guy. Comes to see me I remember him. keep on thinking about him.kindly show me a way Baba how to forget him.lts like mental trauma for me.I think he is engaged this hurts me even more as I couldn't marry him.he was a gem of a person.u have tied my knot with somebody else I dont know if I marry how my life is goin to be.As I dont have my mom, you should only save my family.3rd devotee kindly do not commit suicide.I know you are in love so you won't know what's right and what's wrong.so kindly leave the decision under the lotus feet of Baba. Have faith whatever he does is best for us.

    • Sairam devotee,
      Please do not worry. I prayed to Shirdi Nath requesting HIM to guide you properly so that you get married soon and have a wonderful life ahead.

  19. Do U even understand what suicide is ….if u can't love ur parents and live for them then how can u love someone who's new to u and live for him…..sorry m getting rude but just think before u do anything ….if u truly believe baba thn never think negative…please….Dnt do something wrong…baa bless u….

  20. Om Sai Ram… off-late i have seen many problems in my life and most of it related to my husband's health… i beg u baba plz cure all the health related issues of my husband… i believe no one and nothing expect you…… plz help me baba plzzzz

  21. Sai natha,

    Please be with us in all aspects of our life…Please protect us always..thanks baba for everything..

    love you baba

  22. Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
    Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
    Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
    Om Sai Namoha Namaha Shree Sai Namoha Namha Jai Jai Sai Namoha Namaha Sadguru Sai Namoha Namha.

  23. Sai Baba always helps devotees. Please do not be worried. I pray to Sai Baba for healthy and normal baby and pregnancy and delivery.

  24. Sai Baba I bowe down to your Lotus feet and pray with my heart and devotion. Please be with me and forgive me of my sins and please be with me and guide me.

  25. Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
    Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath MAharaj Ki Jai
    Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
    Sai Baba Thank you. Thank you for always being there and I thank you for be the guiding light in our lives. Sai Baba without your will not even a leaf can move and where there is your guidance and ashirwad even the lamps can light even without oil. Please be with us and provide light in our lives and remove the darkness. Sai Baba Please be with me.

  26. Shree Sachinanand Sadguru SainathMaharaj Ki Jai
    Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
    Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai

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