Prayer – Anonymous Devotee

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hello everybody, I would like to share my experiences with you people. To be frank I thought my experiences with Baba is not at all worth posting here (sorry not to offend), but I know Baba is driving me today to do so. I am extremely sorry in advance if the post is lengthy as it’s not me, but Baba, through me, is writing this experience. So I do not know to what length this post will extend.

Well, right from childhood I have been spiritual and God fearing. I believe that God is one. I always used to respect Baba and pray to Him just like any God. All of a sudden my faith has increased tremendously. I have a habit of writing Rama Koti (inherited this habit from Grand Ma), when I was in 12 standard. I had pimples problem and everybody in college used to comment on me. Fearing their comments, I was not attending college and was studying at home. I fought with God as to why He was doing that to me (sorry again to use the word “fought”. I feel God is supreme mother and how much liberty we have, to fight with our physical mother, who gave birth to us, the same amount of right we have to even fight with God).

Then without anybody’s knowledge in the house, I started devoting more time for writing Lord Rama’s name. This slowly developed and sometimes I use to write continuously for 10 hours. Suddenly one day, I met with an accident in front of a temple near to my house. I bruised my left side of face and right hand severely. My Mom, Dad, Brother and even my servant-maid wept bitterly to see my state. I was in terrible pain. As I got my right hand hurt. I was not able to write anything. Then I thought, maybe God is not happy with me and Lord doesn’t wish me to write His name.

I was devastated. I didn’t do to college for many days and was under bed rest. Nothing serious, but I did not have enough strength to bear the pain. So I had to take pain killers, which made me drowsy. Now the miracle is here. One of my uncles scolded my mom and dad for their negligence and took me to a dermatologist because I had scarred on my face and hand. After taking treatment for, I think in 6 months, my face had no pimples and no scars. But to all our amazement my scars in hand remained the same even after very good treatment. So, you see Baba cured my problem (pimples) through this accident.

One more miracle is that when I was in fourth class, I had a dream where Baba was coming to our house through lift and all of a sudden I woke up. I told this dream to my family members. Everybody thought that it was just a dream and didn’t take it seriously. Recently I had a dream where Baba was moving out of our house (I mean leaving our house). Then I suddenly entered from the door stopped Baba, who was smiling and said Him,”Baba look at my hair, why am I loosing so much hair? Please do something.” To this Baba just touched my hair. I didn’t understand this dream and scolded myself for being so stupid to speak with Baba like that. To my utter amazement my hair’s condition started to improve steadily from that day.

One more miracle is what happened to my maternal grandma that she was very weak and I do not know with what ailment she suffered. She’s actually no more. When we were all going to my uncle’s marriage, we were very worried about my grandmother as she was bed-ridden and we had to take her through train. She was also scared to the core. But under any cost she wanted to attend her youngest son’s marriage. Let me give a brief detailing about my grandma. She was the only child of her parents and her mom died, when she was a year old. Later even her dad expired. She had no one to look after her and she was very very small, when all these actually happened in her life. Later my maternal grandfather’s (her husband) sister took up the responsibility to bring her up and grandma did all the household work in my grandpa’s house (she learnt house hold work through my grand pa’s sis) and she was also given good education. She studied until 10th and later was married to my granddad. she knew nothing in life. She was very very innocent and she had seen utter poverty in her life. Being a mother if 6 kids with just my grandpa’s income, she use to take care of the house. I must say here that she was an epitome of patience and compassion. She use to jump with joy whenever it rains. When asked why she used tell that trees are rejoicing today, every tree is getting water to drink. See her purity.

So now coming to the point, she wanted to see my uncle’s wedding and doctors said a strict no to her travel. Even then with lot of courage all my uncles decided to take her. After the marriage, she told my mother with tears in her eyes that she saw Baba in railway station, where he was waving His hand at her. So she was confident that nothing would happen to her. The most important thing to be noted here is, my grand ma never used to sit hours together in the puja room and she hardly knew any sloka’s or mantra’s. All she knew was “Sainatha”,”Baba”,”Sai”..that’s it. Whenever she was in pain (physically or any mental agony), she used to chant His name wholeheartedly.

My humble request to all of you to pray for me if possible, my prayer requests are:

  • 1) I should not get angry
  • 2) I should be happy with my looks
  • 3) I should stop day-dreaming
  • 4) I should study well and help people who are in need.
  • 5) I should become more understanding
  • 6) Please pray to Baba to call me to Shirdi as I have never been to His home.

That’s all for now. Take care and keep smiling.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Anil Gupta
Anil Gupta
Articles: 376


  1. OM SAI RAM… SAI will fulfill all your wishes… it was very beautiful experience… Thanks you from bottom of my heart I was very touch with your grand ma thoughts…

    WHEN WE KNOW SAI nothing else is required…

  2. Jai Sairam – Such a sweet and innocent experience i have ever read in this blog. Your prayers will be fulfilled may sai bless you always..

    Jai Sai

  3. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram

  4. Hello,

    Lovely experience… and what a thought of your grandma "trees are rejoicing today, every tree is getting water to drink"…. a truely pure thought… and regarding your day-dreaming … whenever you start day-dreaming immediately start thinking of Sainath… make that a habit…it works for many, i have seen 🙂

  5. dear sai devotee very beautiful experiences.. specially saima standing in railway station and waving his hands to your grandma was amazing just by imagining that it gives immense happiness to me, surely saima will take care of all your wishes and will bless you with all happiness in life.. let saima bless all.. om sai ram..

  6. Such a beautifully depicted Experience It shows Baba Loves his children in every walk of life nd take care of every small things also.May Baba Fulfill all ur desires.

  7. I am going through a very bad phase of my life. Even after highly qualified I am doing a job of a simple graduate. My parents are also very sad and tensed about my career. They have consulted few astrologers for my career. All are saying I am suffering only because of KALASARPA YOGA and advising to go for Rudravhishek. But I have believe on BABA…he will help me.

    Please suggest me what to do.

    • Om Sai Ram.

      Dear Sai Devotee,

      Please do the Rudravhishek, it will please Lord SHIVA and BABA equally, since worshiping Lord Shiva is same as worshiping BABA, since BABA is Lord Shiva and all GOD's. So doing Puja to GOD's and BABA is the same. There is no difference.

      MAY Baba bless us all always. Love you BABA.


    • Baba advised sometimes to his devotees to read Vishnu sahasranamam and so on. So if you believe in BABA it does not mean you should not pray to other gods. See Baba in all gods. If it is something that can't be done then think that since I can't afford to do that let me just pray SAI and he will take care of everything. In this scenario I feel Baba itself wanted you to do that so you got that advise.
      I as a person who does not believe in rituals, but I am not against them. To make your parents (or their belief) happy do that but in every bit feel BABA's presence.

  8. Om Sai Ram

    Nice experience May baba fullfill your wishes. Baba surely calls you to holy place of shirdi. Mines was also same problem iam loosing my hair it is becoming thin day by day. I am a working women it is looking ugly with the thin hair. May our father clears my hair problem.

  9. om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram

  10. Beautiful experiences, am sure Baba is smiling down on all grand mothers 🙂

    O Deva, our parents and grand parents have been praying not for themselves but for us, their children; we pray for their well being, to You, bless them. They have been through a lot O Sadguru and they are the ones who first introduced You to us, show some mercy and grant them happiness and peace, please 🙂

    Thank You for all Your miracles and the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  11. Hi Sai devotees

    I can understand your pain about going through acne and hair loss as I have suffered and still suffering in my life. But let me tell you have faith in baba and go to doctor their is definately underlying causes for all these problems like mins is due to PCOS so only way to cure is to loose weight and eat healthy. I am preying baba to give me strength to loose my weight and eat healthy so thay I can cure these problems naturally. All women out there dont loose hope who suffer from acne or hair loss something can be done its is a long journey but if you eat healthy than it can cured. May baba cure all thier devotees afflicted with different diseases. Om sai ram.

    • Om Sai Ram.

      BABA is the best and UDI mixed with water is the best medicine for everything. I can see the results in my health improvements. We offer water to BABA during morning Puja and drink that water the next day after mixing UDI in it. Due to that my husband has quit bad habits like chewing tobacco and smoking. Also BABA has cured my constipation problem and also My Mother's constipation problem is cured. My pimples are also reducing.So UDI is the best medicine for everything.

      Om Sai Ram.

  12. dear baba byour grace and blessing my day today should go well
    my husband's residence permit book which is approved already with your grace that should be ready and my permit on job should be done soon baba
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram

  13. om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram

  14. om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
    om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram omsri sai ram
    omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisai ram

  15. om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram



  17. Baba my father who is 65 years old sat at my husbands feet and asked him to excuse me. My mother hold his hands n asked him to excuse me. What did I do baba. He said take your daughter with you I don't want her. Baba yesterday was my birthday I wanted your blessings but what had happened I never expected this in my life. Atlast he said ok let her stay in my house. Baba am I a servant. Baba what is going to happen now. I and my parents don't have a single penny with us now what to do baba. I can't live without my kids. I agree I did a mistake just in a minute. Please forgive me and show me a path. Please see that I,kids and my husband don't get separated. This is the only wish I hv been asking u and other gods from a long time. Please help me baba.please see that today when we comes back home he shud forget his anger and should ne normal like before loving n caring.

  18. om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram

    baba plz solve my problem soon.sothat i can lead a happy married life .whatever m getting is better than before but baba u know wht i want

  19. u r the most beautiful girl by heart.U r so lucky that baba loves u so much.u should be so proud of urself.m jealous(look how bad i m bcoz being jealous is not good trait) and sad y m not as beautiful,innocent,devoted and close to baba like will go away but baba is the supreme power which is with u.May god bless sai naathaye namah

  20. Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram

  21. thank you so much Hetal ji for leaving the comments section open…please continue this…not only the posts you publish…even the comments section helps so many devotees here…they get a solution or solice from the other devotees who give them valuable suggestions and the prayers they get from other devotees…it really helps them who are in pain…hope i have not hurt you by telling this…belive me it really helps everyone here..


  22. om sai raam
    such a beautiful and innocent experience..may baba bless you and fulfill your wishes..
    om sai raam

  23. Dear Hetal ji, I see that even after clicking for getting feedback comments to my e-mail address, I am not getting that in my "inbox". I have to search again for what I had sent my comments and see if there is any replies to my comment. Would you please let me know when it is corrected?
    Dear Sai Devotee, My prayers are there for all the points that you have asked. Actually it is very essential for every one of us. Thanks for sharing your loving experience. Family values are most valuable to BABA too! HE cares for those who care for their own family WITH LOVE ! HE really SEES our hearts, not material things we do for HIM.
    Take care.
    Jai SAI RAM.

    Love you Baba.
    Baba Please forgive me Baba.
    Please do not be angry on me Baba.

  25. Awe such a cute experience…I must say I felt like I was reading a letter from my little sister… I almost had tears while reading about your grandmother and railway station bit.

    May Baba fulfill all your sweet wishes and bless you with a Shirdi trip soon. I however would like to say one thing..the world will always judge you and say bad things…Never Care. Just believe that, You are what you are and Baba is always there with you then you will surely achieve great success in your life.

    Om Sai Ram

  26. i also want to share thaI also want to share my experience
    i was having pigmentation problem on my cheeks and nose.It really felt bad as everybody started pointing out me for the same.One day,i read one devotees experiences as how her skin problem gone by drinking water mixed with UDI.Then i started keeping water mixed with udi at night in mandir and after waking up,i take it up.After doing it, my pigmentation problem has cured 95%.i know, it will gone completely gone one day.Thanks DEVA,for listening my prayers.


  27. Dear All Sai Devotees, Please pray for me. Presently I am doing job at temporary basis and I have applied for the regular post(Clerk) The interview is scheduled to be held on 19/09/2013 Monday.
    As already discussed in this forum that Joint prayers work. so I request all the devotees please pray for me. I will definitely let all you know the progress and share my experience also, here.
    Om Sai Ram.

  28. Very nice experiences! Baba will call you soon to Shirdi soon, and although you had to experience that accident due to past bad karma, Baba helped you recover well and removed all scars. Baba also helped your grandmother have enough strength to attend her son's wedding, it was Baba who gave her the strength to make the journey even though she was very weak. When Baba is with us, we have the strength to do anything and nothing is beyond our reach with Baba by our side. Om Sai Ram!

  29. om sai natha namaha ! sai my mother in law is suffering from bone cancer .plz help her recover.i have full faith in you. om sai namah!

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