Following are few interesting experiences of devotees with Lord Sai Baba of Shirdi.

Shirdi Sai Baba Will Always Help Us

Anonymous Devotee says: Om Sai Ram Namaste every body. Thank You Hetal Ji for your work and for giving us such an excellent platform to share our experience with other devotees.

I want to share my experience with you. Shirdi Sai Baba is really like a Father, Mother and Everything for Us. We only have to trust HIM whole hearthedly. He will show us the Right Path. My sister was pregnant and prayed a lot to Shirdi Sai Baba for the good health of My Sister and Her Baby.My sister delivered a healthy Baby on the 8 month of her pregnancy. When she was on her 6 month, doctor advised her to take maximum rest. I was praying Our Shirdi Sai Baba all the time. I said “Shirdi Sai Baba, You have to care of my sister and the child. You Are Their Protector, Take Care of Them, Baba”. She was at my Mother’s House.

She started to have contractions and we called ambulance. When the ambulance came, the lift didn't work and we lived at the 5th floor. I prayed Shirdi Sai Baba, and asked Him to make all arrangements to help My sister to reach safe the hospital. Ambulance man came with a chair and take my sister in the chair and go down by steps. My sister deliver with no pain in one hour by Baba's blessings. The Child is in Neanathology as she has to take weight. By Shirdi Sai Baba's Grace, She is Healthy and we are waiting Her to come Home soon. Shirdi Sai Baba is really Our Mother, Father God Protector Guide. I asked Him to protect, guide, and save my family. Before, I used to pray All Gods, but now I see only Sai Baba. I only think about Him. Shirdi Sai Baba, please take care of my sister's family, guide them, protect them and Be always with them. They are Your child, forgive their sins and show them the right path. To all Sai Devotees, I pray to Shirdi Sai Baba to take care of you all, to protect you, to save you , to bless you and your family. Ask Him what you want, speak to Him as if He is Your Friend, tell Him your problem. Don’t forget to remember Him, when you are Happy. Shirdi Sai Baba, please bless all of us, show us the right path, forgive our sins, protect us. I request all devotee, when you have a doubt to take a decision, please make 2 chits and ask Baba's decision. He will surely give you the right answer. Even if at that moment, we do not accept His decision 100%, you will understand few time later that Baba is right, He is always right. Believe Me, Believe HIM. You make me write this experience as I have promised to You. Thank You Shirdi Sai Baba.We All Love You. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om SAi Ram Om Sai Ram Om SAi Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai RAm

Baba Please Bless Me

Sai Sister Tina Ji from India says: Om Sai Ram Hetal Ji. Baba has blessed you with this wonderful job. May baba bless you always. I am tina from india. You can disclose my id. I don’t know where to start from. I dont remember that how I came close to Baba. Now I realize that my life is incomplete without Baba. There are so many experiences in my life. I want to share two major experience. First Baba helped me getting a job in a company, which was my dream company. I never thought that I will be getting that job. When I applied, the vacancies got closed. How it got opened only Baba knows. Secondly I am in love with a guy. He left me two years back as his family didn’t want me to be with him. I just became mad at that point of time and used to continuously pray to Baba. Baba showed a miracle and my love came back to me and said that he will try to convince my mother as she is a single parent. I dont want him to go against to his mother, but at the same time I don’t want to lose him. Now at present, the same old thing is happening to me. Baba, please solve this never ending problem. I don’t see any other solution other then praying to you. I can’t live without him. I dont know he is right for me or not just know that I want to spend my entire life with him. Baba, You and only You can solve this. Please show me some miracle and bless me with a happy married life with him. Please shower your bessings on me. Om Sai Ram.

Baba Takes Care Of Even Smallest Things

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: HetalJi, please keep my name and email anonymous. I have written several experiences in the past and all of them have got published. Thanks to Hetal Ji for the noble service she is doing. Today I want to write about a small experience I went through in the past couple of weeks. It indicates that Baba knows what to give to whom and we should just surrender and wait. We have been longing to move to a bigger house (townhouse) on rent for the last year or so. We used to see many houses and either the location was not good or it was over budget or we lost interest and eventually we continued to stay in our current apartment. Recently, 3 weeks ago, I came across a townhome just 5 minutes from our current apartment and we had liked this area and my son's school was also near by. Everything was ideal for us. We needed a bigger place also, since we have 2 kids now and kids need some room for playing around etc. We all liked the house and we had asked for a certain move in date in our application. Our application got accepted, but the landlord wanted us to move in early. But this was not possible for us since we had to pay rent in both places. But our broker kept telling us that the landlord will eventually agree and we kept waiting for a week's time. Then when I started calling our agent, he was not picking up our calls and not responding to our messages. I somehow got the contact of the main realtor and learnt that they had already rented out that house to someone else. We got so depressed, but still I kept calm since I thought may be Baba knows there is something ahead for us. In the meanwhile, we also learnt that our current apartment was also allocated to someone else since we had given a move out notice. We were in a dilemma. We lost the new bigger house and the current apartment as well. Then I requested the apartment office to see if they can re-allocate the same apartment to us for another 6 months. Luckily the new future tenant agreed to take another apartment and we got to continue in ours. It may be a small experience, but Baba took care of us not to put into further difficulty. Sometimes we feel bad that we couldn’t move to a bigger house this year also, but somehow I feel that whatever happened is for our good and Baba will take care of us. We will continue to live with Shradda and Saburi. © Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. All are nice experiences thanks for sharing it, @Tinaji trust Baba completely surrender to him he will surely bless you with the best.Om Sai Ram

  2. sorry to hear your grand father's demise hetalji..may his soul rest in peace..i pray to saima to give strength to you family to overcome this sairam…

  3. Very sorry to hear the news of ur grandfather Hetal ji.His demise was on Baba's day …. i m sure he is with Baba now.May his soul rest in peace.

  4. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy dear Hetalji……Your grandfather passed on Baba's day so Im shure he is with Baba only now… May his soul rest in peace.

    Jai Sai Ram

  5. Hetalji,
    My condolences to your family on your Grandpa's demise.May his soul rest in peace.


  6. Hetalji

    Sorry to hear. Cherish those moments that you spend with him. And important thing would be to carry on values that he taught you. That would make him happy.

  7. Hetal ji, so sorry to read about your grandfather. May His soul rest in peace.

    Nice experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sai Ram.

  8. Very nice experiences! Tina Ji, don't worry, if that boy is the one for you, it will happen with Baba's blessings. Baba controls everything in the Universe and will arrange for your marriage with only the best boy for you. 1st Devotee, Baba helped ensure your sister's delivery went well and will also look after the new baby to make sure it is healthy and well. 2nd devotee, Baba made sure that you had some place to stay, so that's why He made sure you could at least stay in your current apt for now and don't worry, Baba will find the best house for you and your family. Om Sai Ram!

  9. Pranam Hetal Ji,
    Take no stress, following your good deeds, Saibaba has already granted your grandfather the most comfortable place at his “charan”. Sai will always bless people like you who alleviate every people’s daily suffering by providing a medium to express himself or herself and to receive good advice/moral support in return, from other very good “sai devotees”.

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