Sai Baba’s Help
Anonymous Devotee from Middle East says: Jai Sai Ram, I would like to share my recent experience with all Sai devotees and also want you to read my miracle on how Baba helped me.
I am one among the millions of Baba devotee. Exactly 1-2 months ago, I was going through a Trauma and that is. I work as a freelance writer, for an International company and due to some internal issues; my salary was frozen for almost a month. Since I live in Overseas, it is very difficult to maintain a family without monthly income.
I am from a middle class family and don’t have much support. I did not want to talk to anyone about this as it was my own problem. One month had passed and no news of my pending salary and no one bothered to care for me.
I knew Baba is watching everything and I thought may be my prayers were not pure, so I decided to read and complete “Shri Sai Satcharitra” in a week. So I started from Thursday and ended on Thursday. During this time, I prayed Baba to support me and give me strength to complete the reading with pure heart. I always had faith in Baba, but I was not able to concentrate, but still everything went well during this one week. I only ate vegetarian for a week and strictly followed certain disciplines in order to show my respect and love towards Baba.
I used to wake up every day early morning at 5 AM and finish shower and attend morning Arati and then used to read “Sai Satcharitra”. After completing the last chapter on the last day, I checked my emails, and to my biggest surprise that I found that my salary, which was pending for a month, was already credited to my bank. Until now, the manager who with held my salary never even called me nor emailed me. I thanked Baba a lot and I know Baba showed mercy on me and blessed me.
This might be a small incident for many others, but for me this was a very big blessing from Baba as I almost ran out of money and just didn’t know what to do. Today, after a meeting it was concluded that my freelance job will continue and will be terminated only with a notice of two months. I expect to have this job for another three months at least.
All credit goes to the almighty Sai Baba. To be honest, even in one week of my prayers, I was not able to fully concentrate, but still Baba accepted and blessed me. I just don’t know what else I can say about Baba. Just one thing to remember, Baba is very merciful and always forgives and gives what we need and what we deserve. Please be patient and keep full faith in Baba. Please be kind to everyone and to all living beings and help if you can.
Jai Sai Ram…
Our Lovely Experiences With Sai Baba
Sai Brother Seshadri ji from USA says: Dear Sai Devotees, I live in USA and would like to share our awesome experiences with Sai Baba. A great faith in Baba has been planted in our hearts by reading others experiences. Hope our experiences also help somebody to become devotee of Baba.
- First I do not know much about Sai Baba and was thinking that He is just one of our Gods. Because even though I prayed other gods many times, I never experienced a visible positive result. But my wife was a devotee of Sai and suggested me to pray Him to get rid of hurdles. At that time, I was going through a crucial time and waiting hear about my green card. I started praying Sai Baba and thought that if He helps me in getting green card, my faith will be double in Him. Once I finished reading Sai Satcharitra, He gave His Darshan to me in a Dream. Immediately next day, I got an email saying that my application has been approved. Then onwards I became mentally a 100% Baba Devotee.
Our next experience is regarding our children. Read this well, you will come to know the power of Sai. We already have a daughter and next time we wanted a son. But based on our Jathak, our priest told that we are going to have a daughter again. We prayed Baba a lot to give us a son. Baba is very kind. He gave us twins, one boy and one girl. It proves that He can waive your ill fates. Since we knew that there are twins inside we had many sleepless nights thinking about what if both are girls. But Sai Baba knows everything about what we want. Just we have to have lot of commitment (Shradda) and patience (Saboori).
- The third experience is regarding my job. I came to know that my employer is facing shortage of funding to support my position. Since USA economy was so horrible there were no jobs outside. I knew that Baba will help me, but waiting for it anxiously. Even though there was little tension Baba had showed me a new job when the funds with my current employer were completely exhausted
So, friends don’t ever worry about anything. Just have strong faith in Baba and do not do any unethical activities. Try to help others and be good. Now Sri Sai is there to rescue you.
OM Sai Ram.
S. Reddy
Sai Baba Cured My Father From Cancer
Sai Sister Swati ji from India says: Om Sai Ram. May my sweet and kind hearted Baba bless His every child. Hetal ji you are a blessed child of Baba whom He has chosen for such a wonderful work. Experiences with Baba written in this Blog, give positive energy to outgrow our problems and strengthen our faith and patience towards Baba. So I also want to share my experience with Baba. Please do not disclose my email address. Please upload a beautiful picture of Baba for me.
Firstly I bow to Lotus Feet of Baba. Here starts my story though I know Baba from my childhood, but I was not His ardent devotee. But now I have totally changed. Now Baba is everything for me. I became devotee of Baba in year 2009. As we remember God only in our pains and sufferings. So as I did. In year 2009 Dec, my father diagnosed with Stomach Cancer. We all were shocked. My elder brother took decision of treating my father at Specialty Cancer Hospital in other city. So we moved to that city. Next day (Wednesday), we met Oncologist Surgeon. He examined my father and saw all his reports. He concluded that my father’s Endoscopy and CT scan reports are not matching, so he couldn’t say that Cancer is at what stage. Doctor said he would operate him on Friday and would see the Tumor. If it is operable, then only operate otherwise would not. And if it wouldn’t be operable then chances of survival will be a month. We were very depressed after hearing this. We didn’t say anything to my father and mother. In evening my mother told me to go home (in-laws place in same city) and bring some God’s picture and lamp to light while coming back to hospital. Next day morning (Thursday) my mom in law gave me Sai Baba Vrat book and told me to start it from today as it was Thursday. I did prayer and begged Baba for my father’s life. I cried in front of Baba for my Papa and promised him if my father will be cured we will come to Shirdi. In our temple, we had only a small photo of Baba. So I took that along with Shivlingam and gave to my mother. I gave vibhuti and prasad of Baba to my father and said everything will be all right. By Baba’s grace, I felt that now nothing bad will happen. Being a merciful father my dear sweet Baba cured my father. Doctor operated Papa for nine hours and after operation explained that he has removed tumor and along with checked all other organs disinfected. My father underwent three kimo therapies. After one year all reports came normal. I know next follow up will also be normal. I have full faith in Baba. As I promised Baba to come Shirdi, I went Shirdi in Feb 2011 with my father and mother on Thursday. It was all planned by Baba to give Darshan so peacefully without any queue specially on Thursday. I repeat no queue for general people. We thanked Baba for blessing us in a wonderful manner. This was the beginning of my devotion towards Baba. In between more miracles He has shown me to have full faith and patience. I will surely write my experiences soon. I love you Baba. Never leave me alone in this world, You are my spine, heart and breathe. I cannot survive without You. Be merciful with all Your devotees. Om Sai Ram.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
All experiences are wonderfull!!!
Sai Ram, please accept my sptaph prayan, you know my problem, baba your shows your blessing to me by giving your beautiful picture, baba please you know i dont have much time you know everything ….please help me SAI and show me your magic in my life please baba please help me….your daughter..
Hetalji, first of all millions of thanks to you to publish these experiences on a daily basis…since morning, i wait for your email as these are as important for me as air..may sai baba bless each and every devotee like these three people and we all keep on writing on this blog…so that every sai devotee will have nectar of sai leelas….
om sai raam!
I Love You Baba.
Wonderful Experiences.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Baba Please excuse me Baba.
Sarvam Shri Sainatharpanamasthu.
Wonderfull Experiences…
jai sai Ram,
all the miracles are wonderful. many mircles has happned in my life. But Iam wating for a miracle in my life. I am praying BABA to find a suitable groom for my daughter since 3 years.It has not yet settled.BABA please tell me when does it happen? Ihave sent prayer request also.
sai devotee ANDAL
The experience of the Anonymous person from UAE is really wonderful. It shows Baba mercy on his devotees and his help at the critical times. Jai Sai Ram.
I am going thru a similar phase in my life. But I know Baba is watching and He knows when to step in to remove my worries. Jai Sai Ram
Sai devotee: Krishna
Om Sai Ram! Wonderful Experiences! This shows Baba is always with his devotees and help them in difficult phrase of their life. Baba I also want to do Saptah Parayan. Please give pemission to start it.
While I was writing the above comment, I got a very good news. My nephew was in judicial custody I earlier requested to Baba to help my nephew and clear the issue whatever it is.Recently I got a news that he will got free in evening. It is because of sai's grace. Thanks Baba for helping me in every difficult phrase of our life.
Om Sai ram
Sorry to say, Baba but My faith got rattled even after patiently following you and only you for so many days. What should I do now? I can not live without you, but not getting enough faith to return to you.
i love u sai maa….u reach out to all your bhakts just in time….
oh wonderful experiences….i got tears in my eyes after reading yhis post…thanks hetalji and all three devotees who shared this with us….may saimaa always bless everyone with peace and love…om sairam
i have got an answer through this… baba is going to safeguard me from the stomach pain…
om sai ram
OM Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Please shower their lives with good health, wellness, laughter, joy, happiness, peace and prosperity. Baba thank you for everything in my life. Right now I fear for many things, help me overcome that. Help me contribute my best to my family and work. Help my husband and kids to take care of their body and do mild exercise for mobility and wellness. Help them get the desired wisdom to run and manage their work. Baba everything is decided by you, please help us Baba do good to everyone. Baba help me wake up very early and manage the daily activities in a avery organised manner. Help me Baba to deliver my best ability to work and home. Baba its your decision about the Mumbai office and the other one you know. Hope the RFE is cleared and everything is happening as per your timing and decision. Please take care of my dear family Baba. Help them in all ways. Baba I surrender to your holy feet. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏