A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences – Part 105

Few brief experiences are shared in today’s post which shows how surprisingly we earn grace of Lord Sai Baba.

Sai Baba Is Always There To Help Me

Anonymous Devotee says: Dear Hetal Ji, I would like to congratulate you on this wonderful work of sharing devotee experiences through your blog. In fact I visit this blog almost every day and read the experiences. I have been thinking of sharing my experience since long time. Finally by Baba’s grace, today, I am able to share my experience with all Sai Devotees. Please do not disclose my name and email id.

I started praying Baba from 2003. Since then I was being protected by our beloved Sadguru Sai in all the ways. I was waiting to visit Shirdi from many years. I faced many difficult situations in my life. In the year 2010, I was very much disturbed with a personal issue in my love life. I was crying so much and asked Baba why all this is happening to me. Baba knows our thoughts very well. In June 2010, Baba called me to Shirdi. My friend family thought of visiting Shirdi. First I didn’t get permission from my dad to go with them because of many reasons. Later I requested Baba if I am your devotee, please do something. I want to come to you. And it was like a miracle. Immediately, I got a call from my dad accepting my journey. I could fulfill my wish by grace of Baba.

There I got a chance to stay in front of Baba Samadhi for long time, which generally won’t happen as we all know security people will not allow us for that. I even got a flower which was placed on samadhi. There was no limit for my happiness. I visited Dwarakamai and asked Baba to excuse me for all my faults and please give me peace of mind. Whenever we are in need, Baba listens to us. Sai Maa makes us happy always. Immediately, after coming back from Shirdi, my personal issue was solved completely. Now I am so happy. Everything is going on well. Now I am praying Baba about my lover’s job. He is very badly in need of a job to support his family and my God will definitely help him so soon. I know it. I did Shri Sai Satcharitra and Sai Leelamrutham Parayan.

Baba came in my dream smiling and blessed my lover. Baba told good days will come soon and he will be happy. I am now waiting for that good day to come to hear that most happy news. Soon, I will post that experience also. Baba fulfilled even small wish of mine. We just need to have Patience, Heartful Love and Faith towards Him. Baba is always there for everyone in need. He is very kind to all. Bow to Shri Sai and Peace to all.

Anantha Koti Bramhanda Nayaka Rajadiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Shri Sachidanada Samartha Sadguru Shirdi Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Baba Experiences

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hello Hetal ji, Please post my experience on your blog and do not post my name. I don’t know where I should begin to thank Sai Baba. For the longest time, I was craving for baby in my life. But due to some health issues, I was not able to get pregnant. It was like a dream for me to be a Mom. And I love kids very much. Maybe that’s why Baba was testing my patience. Last year, I was reading Sai Satcharitra book everyday and somehow after reading that I use to feel I want to go to Shirdi which was impossible for me to go. Because I started a new job and it would be hard for me to get 2 weeks off. But somehow things work out and I and my husband visited India/Shirdi. And after that I came back to USA. I knew I will be sharing my good news soon. Finally I got pregnant in April and I am due in December of this year. Still some times, when I feel down, I drink Sai UDI in water. I am confident that nothing will go wrong with me or my baby. In April, when I thought I am pregnant, I had decided that till 40 weeks of my pregnancy, I will visit Sai Temple once a week and offer different thing to Sai Baba like sweets, agarbati, Cooking oil for making Prasad. I am in my 18th week and so far I have kept my promise to Sai.

Keep faith in Sai and all your problems will be solved.

Om Sai Ram

Devotee Experience

Sai Sister Meera Bakhshi ji from USA says: Hello Hetal ji, Sai Ram. I truly feel blessed witnessing small incidences showing me that BABA is with me. I wish to explain my recent experience. My younger son and his family are going on vacation and they will meet my daughter in law’s family members too. I thought of making a Chaniya-choli (traditional gujarati dress for girls) dress for my granddaughter. I have just a couple of days to make the dress. Till yesterday 5 PM, I have not even decided what cloth I would be using. I started searching in my collection of raw material that I have and selected one. I did not have any measurement of my granddaughter that I can use. Well I used my imagination. I started with the chaniyaa, first and within no time I could finish that part in a couple of hours. Now what about the Choli? Making a Choli for 3 year old is anyway very tricky thing. I got stuck at that point. what do I do now? Thought of several ways and yet I could not come to any conclusion. Still I kept on working on it and finished the front and back side of Choli. But whether I should add sleeves or not or make some pattern on the shoulder or what? I could not decide any further. So at last gave up on the sewing project and left it to BABA to give me some insight next day.

Today, after completing all daily chores, I again went to my sewing machine and somehow I finished the choli and I am totally surprised how that became possible? And the dress has come out so well that when I showed it to my daughter in law today, when they came for lunch with us, she had no words. She said, I was thinking what would I dress Pria, when we all meet and decide to celebrate Rakshabandhan over there. And here you have this wonderful surprise for me. I am very happy and proud of your creativity. In such a short period of time, you prepared a complete dress for my sweet little loved one.

I am attaching the photo of the dress that I made. Baba takes care of smallest matter that bothers me and gives solution. And this is the proof.

Jai Sai Ram.

Meera Bakshi, Sierra Vista AZ Meera

More Experiences of Sai Sister Meera ji:

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Dear Meera aunty,

    The chaniya choli is very beautiful…..it's BABA'S BLESSING….your grand daughter must be looking gorgeous…. BABA bless you n your family n everyone….

  2. Dear Hetal Ji, Meera Ji and all Sai Devotees,

    The chaniya choli is very nice Meera Ji. You will not believe that I read your last experience and a devotee asked you about a painful situation and you said that you went through the same thing and that You held on to BABA. I am in a problem and I had posted this as a comment for another post, although I did think of asking You also to guide me. Today first thing I see is your experience and decided to re post it here again.

    Please if You, Hetal Ji and all Sai bhakts help me, I would be really grateful. I dont know what mistakes I'm doing to suffer like this.

    When I read all the experiences of devotees, I'm so mentally at peace and always keep hoping that Baba will give me an opportunity to post. But right now nothing seems to go right in my life.
    I had asked Baba for guidance for my problem through chit method and he told me not to go ahead with it and that it will not happen. I was happy as I was wishing for the same and told Baba that it is all in His hands as I cannot back out of the situation and hurt everyone. So I kept waiting and nothing happened. I asked Baba so many times on the question answer website suggested above and He always hinted me that everything will be alright and desires will be fulfilled, I solely waited for Baba to get me out of the problem and surrendered to Him. Now things have gone so far that the problem is getting bigger and I had to finally step in and tell my frank opinion about it and I and my family are facing problems because of this.
    We are all worried to the core and have no hope for anything. Everyone is talking and asking us so many things. I feel I'm solely responsible for bringing the issue this far,hurting my parents and causing disrespect for the family. I feel awful and guilty why I did not step in earlier.
    I trusted that Baba would get me out and He did not and I had to finally say and my family and I have to face all the people and their comments.
    Hetal Ji and Sai devotees please tell me what crime have I done to deserve this treatment and pain from Baba when I held onto him? What did I do wrong?

    I have no sleep, hunger and tears have dried up thinking of this issue and sincerely feel I should die as I'm enough burden for my parents.

    Please guide me!
    Om Sai Ram

  3. @Anonymous
    Dear Sai Devotee,

    I could not understand much from your description but would still say something that will if not erase all your doubts but will set you on right path

    1. Please think how & why you are in this situation? Feel you heart, you should get all the answers. Your heart never lies, It is the voice of Sai talking to you.

    Next Please ask Sai Baba, what he wants you to do under this circumstances, Ask him to walk with you, guide you & he will as he has done always with many of us.

    Thirdly keep faith & patience, Sai Baba never disappoints any one, His words and promises are true to core.

    Sometimes we are surrounded by clouds of doubts, we have too many choices but don't know which one to make. As they rightly say It is very difficult to choose between 2 good options. For all the good things that happened in our life, it started with doubt & fear and at the end we realized it was the best decision we made.
    For other things we never even cared.

    May Baba bless you always!


    Sai Das

  4. Dear Sister.Dont panic.From ur story I can only say have saburi…rest all baba will take care.once ur past bad karma will be over ur good time will start okay.keep ur faith stronger in our beloved baba.may god bless u.
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram

  5. Dear troubled sai devotee,
    Thanks for your comments about Chaniya choli.
    About your suffering and problem, the thought comes to my mind is your suffering is sort of paying off your due past karmas. As BABA has mentioned in Sai Satcharitra, one has to bear the results of past karmas. But when you are surrendered to BABA , HE of course reduces the intensity . You need to have Shradhdhaa and Saburi till that phase is over.
    You have shown Shradhdhaa and Saburi so far. DO NOT GIVE UP ON BABA. You can see for yourself that at certain point of situation you stood for yourself. That is BABA working for you. HE gave you that inspiration to say so.
    Even bad criticism and unfavorable remarks are also a part of paying karmas. When you endure such unwelcoming things in life, you are paying off your debts and with Shradhdhaa -Saburi , keeping your mind set on BABA and not incurring new bad karmas with wrong reactions to those situation, you are on the right path.
    I will pray for your better days in this situation and request BABA to grant you bright peaceful days.
    Jai Sai RAm.

  6. Hi there…. You have asked for advise from Sai devotees regarding your current problem that you are facing, though I didn't understand what the problem is exactly through your narration but I can tell you one thing for sure everyone has to go through tough times some time and that is the testing period and you should rely on Sadguru totally. I have tried chit and that hasn't really worked out for me because I don't do it right so I stopped doing that…..
    Why don't you try reading Sai Satcharita , gives you immense peace of mind and also Baba loves his devotees to read his book and also sing his leelas so you will be benefitted from it. See even I had some family issue too when I was In India and read Satcharita for a week everyday and completed my parayana in One week and I couldn't believe within one month we were ready to come to US and that was really needed for our family as lot of misunderstanding was going on during that time. it was because of Baba my husband suddenly got a short term project in US and we are in US from then. it's absolutely Baba's blessings for us at the right time and this happened with Sai Satcharita.

  7. I am continuing my comment from before…. Somehow it froze when I was still not done about advise to the Sai devotee in need of help from Baba….
    So please read Sai Satcharita and also keep chanting Sai all day long so that u can keep him near you I did that too during my family crisis and Baba gave me a very good solution by sending me nd my hubby to US since it made the situation better now that I think the family crisis has faded and by Gods grace all fine. So trust your Guru and have patience.
    Baba will help you.

    May baba bless us all!!!!!!

    On Sai Ram.

    Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
    I Love You So Much Baba.
    Please excuse me Baba for my mistakes.
    Sarvam Shri Sainatharpanamasthu.

  9. Dear Sai Devotees,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Thanks so much all the support and guidance. I know I did not disclose my problem clearly, but I am unable to do so due to various reasons, I hope that all of you understand that.
    Nevertheless your answers are giving me hope to hold on to BABA.
    @ Anonymous Ji: I have always been reading Satcharitra, did parayans so many times but I hardly see any change in the events happening in my life.

    I'm suffering from past 5 years and nothing seems to go right in my life, any major event has to end in sadness, be it personal or professional, and I'm unsettled in both. I have known BABA and praying since almost a year. He pulled me to Shirdi within a month since I prayed to HIM, from across seven seas and that miracle made me closer to BABA. I've done SAI Nav Guruwar Vrat also. My faith waivers as I dont see any light in my life.

    @VNC ji: I have sat in my puja room and tried to get answers from Baba, but it all seems so confused. Maybe I'm not doing it right I guess. Please tell me the right way to sit and talk to BABA.
    @Meera Ji: I hope that what I'm doing is all inspiration from BABA and hope HE leads me onto right path in life.

    I'm solely living on hope and that BABA will definitely bring the best in future for me. My heart says so, but when is the question. I'm tired of all the troubles because of me for my family. I've become a burden to all and it hurts. There is guilt one side that I'm unable to settle down to make parents happy and sadness on the other side that I'm not finding the right path or choice.

    Sai Samarth

    Om Sai Ram

  10. @Anonymous There is only one way that you are already doing …..You call it right or wrong as per your understanding.. He is already Talking to you…Listen to him……His Voice will stand very clear & apart..Focus more…..Soon you will realize the truth…All the best!

    May Baba Bless you

    Sai Das

  11. I Completed my btech in 2010.but i didnt get any job till now.i went to so many interviews.i read sai sacharithra 3 times.first time i read it because of my friends wish.but another 3 times i read the book with my own wish
    i belived baba so much….but why saibaba testing me from 2 years.







    OM Yoga raajaaya vidmahe Mahaa yogaaya dheemahi
    Thanno kriyaa yogaa prachodayat.

    Heavenly Father, Divine Mother Gayathri, Param Guru Premavatar Mahavatar Babaji and Sadgurus of all religions we bow to you all. Babaji, bless me, love me, protect me, guide me forever and forever. Babaji, be with us, bless us, guide us and make us as perfect kriyabans by sowing the seeds of divine love, joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness and success in our hearts forever and forever and wake up us from maha maya. Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhihi.

    Wishing well and good to all with a smile on your face! That is living well. Living well is making the world a better place. It is gift for you and everyone! That is wisdom. .. Babaji

    This method is called as WHITE LIGHT KRIYA YOGA, directly revealed by Sri Mahavatar Babaji to a Kriyaban on the eve of His Smriti Divas to make your homes as places of peace. Billions can practice, print and share on your own. No restrictions. No need of Sannyas. No need of conditioning the mind. Fix your timings on your own to practice NOW.

    BASIS : Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi .. of Gayathri mantra .. We should meditate on God as LIGHT. i.e. in pure, bright white light form.

    METHOD : (1) Sit in Padmasan or any comfortable posture, recite the prayers, close your eyes, gaze between eye brows, open your heart, invite Babaji into your heart by saying, Babaji come and stay in my heart, and imagine as your heart is filling with divine love. Maintain stillness. Then, reveal all of your problems. Pray for His guidance.

    (2) Invite prana or pure, bright white light .. say, my prana is purifying all chakras and all parts of my body, mind and soul by removing all blocks and all past, present bad karmas within me. You can feel the flow of energy within . ..2..

  13. (3) Feel within as my prana or white light is healing all of my diseases within my physical, mental, subtle bodies and energizing all of my chakras forever and forever. Maintain stillness. Then feel as ..

    (4) Pure, bright white light is purifying apus, pridhvi, vayu, tejas, akash, my home and all of my past, present, future bad karmas and around me upto 10000 k.ms. Maintain stillness. Then say within as I am succeeding in all of my efforts, I am very happy, prosperous and peaceful now.

    (5) Then imagine, my prana in the form of pure, bright white light is filling my body, mind and soul with divine love, joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness and success forever and forever. Maintain stillness.

    (6) Then, you feel within as …. NOW I am experiencing as the divine nature of God is childlike, always celebratory, always joyful and unconditionally loving the moment. These moments are unconditionally loving moments. I am in touch with God. My human will is transforming into divine will, my human love is transforming into divine love, my sexual energy is transforming into divine energy. I am recognizing the unity with God now and forever and forever, I am transforming day by day from human being into a divine light being. [Fill your heart with such divine feelings]

    (7) Imagine as abundant cosmic energy is flowing through my body, mind and soul and storing below my navel forever and forever.

    (8) Continue to meditate for 20 to 45 minutes. If you want to recite Babaji’s prayer as many times as you can, recite. Experience the inner joy in silence. Practice stillness daily. Learn to meditate for long time upto 3 to 5 hours.

    (9) PRAY FOR OTHERS : At the end of the meditation pray for 5 minutes as …

    “Heavenly Father, bless me and all of us, our family members, all friends, relatives, all soulmates, ATMAS, soldiers, our country and all children of Babaji provide us the most peaceful life with all comforts and enough resources and wipe out all negative forces and vulgar culture forever and forever” …

    from the depth of your heart. At the end recite above prayers and say Sarveshaam Santhir Bhavatu, Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu, Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu. Language is not a barrier. Purity of heart is required.. Understand the true nature of Divine Will, Free Will and acquire at Will and selection of soulmates by God. To follow the footsteps of God follow “Will of God” only.

    Pregnants, children and any seeker without any discrimination of age, gender, religion, spiritual path can follow the above method. No need to deviate from your regular worshipping methods. This system is purely personal and so natural to maintain eternal contact with God directly. You can spread, print, and share this method with any seeker of God. No need of secrecy. Become a Deva Warriors and Light Workers. This pure knowledge is free. (To practice this method use white light or prana)

    PRANA is the link between You and the God.

    Be practical, live realistically and naturally in tune with modern times.

    The real transformation has to be made within your Heart only but not outside.

    Practice to awaken the “TRUE MASTER” resides within your heart.

    Set a goal to meditate for a minimum of 10,000 hours in a decade or two.

    Unmarried ( everybody ) has to maintain physical and mental brahmacharya for purity within.

    Understand reality, never become a blindlamb, never follow the teachings of any Master blindly, perfect conceptual clarity is required.


    Kriyaban J

  14. Kriyaban J …

    Dear Ones

    These prayers will be very useful read and practice them.



    OM Yoga raajaaya vidmahe Mahaa yogaaya dheemahi
    Thanno kriyaa yogaa prachodayat.

    Heavenly Father, Divine Mother Gayathri, Param Guru Premavatar Mahavatar Babaji and Sadgurus of all religions we bow to you all. Babaji, bless me, love me, protect me, guide me forever and forever. Babaji, be with us, bless us, guide us and make us as perfect kriyabans by sowing the seeds of divine love, joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness and success in our hearts forever and forever and wake up us from maha maya. Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhihi.

    This method is called as WHITE LIGHT KRIYA YOGA, directly revealed by Sri Mahavatar Babaji to a Kriyaban on the eve of His Smriti Divas to make your homes as places of peace. Billions can practice, print and share on your own. No restrictions. No need of Sannyas. No need of conditioning the mind. Fix your timings on your own to practice NOW.

    Pure, bright white light is purifying apus, pridhvi, vayu, tejas, akash, my home and all of my past, present, future bad karmas and around me upto 10000 k.ms. Maintain stillness. Then say within as I am succeeding in all of my efforts, I am very happy, prosperous and peaceful now.

    (9) PRAY FOR OTHERS : At the end of the meditation pray for 5 minutes as …

    “Heavenly Father, bless me and all of us, our family members, all friends, relatives, all soulmates, ATMAS, soldiers, our country and all children of Babaji provide us the most peaceful life with all comforts and enough resources and wipe out all negative forces and vulgar culture forever and forever” …

    from the depth of your heart. At the end recite above prayers and say Sarveshaam Santhir Bhavatu, Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu, Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu. Language is not a barrier. Purity of heart is required.. Understand the true nature of Divine Will, Free Will and acquire at Will and selection of soulmates by God. To follow the footsteps of God follow “Will of God” only.

    Pregnants, children and any seeker without any discrimination of age, gender, religion, spiritual path can follow the above method. No need to deviate from your regular worshipping methods. This system is purely personal and so natural to maintain eternal contact with God directly. You can spread, print, and share this method with any seeker of God. No need of secrecy. Become a Deva Warriors and Light Workers. This pure knowledge is free. (To practice this method use white light or prana)
    Kriyaban J

  15. Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower your choicest blessings of wellness, fitness, good health, wisdom, knowledge, ability, strength, courage, support, happiness, joy, laughter, peace and prosperity. Baba, I get worried about the health of the family, please remove this fear from me. Why fear when you are there is what occurs to me but then the fear is not totally gone. Please help me gain strength and fearless. Baba help hubby take care of his health, I worry a lot over small things. Please make him conscious of his health condition and keep his mind and body with wellness. Baba help elder one take care of himself but he refuses to wear helmet – please help him realise the importance of helmet or please take responsibility for his cycle ride Baba. I worry Baba. Help younger take care of himself and be in good company. Baba I feel disconnected with family members as I feel I dont find any topic of their interest. Help me stay connected and adjust to their needs. Help me balance work and home. Help me execute all my responsibilities to the best extent. Baba with your grace yesterday I did the first round of exercise. Please help me keep up to it. I have been rising late lately and need your support to rise early and do my daily activities. Baba help me take a decision about the Friday Vrath. Its only with your grace I can do it. Need your blessings Baba 🙏 Baba please protect my husband and kids from all evil, danger and calamity. Baba be our mentor, guide, parent and Guru. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏

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